Object::Simple - a simple class builder


Version 2.1301


1. You can define accessors in a very simple way.
2. The "new()" method is already defined.
3. You can define various accessor option (default, type, chained, weak).
4. you can use a mixin system like Ruby's.

By using Object::Simple, you will be exempt from the bitter work of repeatedly writing the new() constructor and the accessors.

But now I recommend Object::Simple::Base than Object::Simple.

It is more Object Oriented, more simple and easier, and Mojo::Base compatible.

See Object::Simple::Base


# Class definition( )
package Book;
use Object::Simple;

sub title  : Attr {}
sub author : Attr {}
sub price  : Attr {}

# End of module. Don't forget to call 'build_class' method

# Using class
use Book;
my $book = Book->new(title => 'a', author => 'b', price => 1000);

# Default
sub author  : Attr { default => 'Good new' }
sub persons : Attr { default => sub {['Ken', 'Taro']} }

# Build
sub title   : Attr { build => 'Good news' }
sub authors : Attr { build => sub{['Ken', 'Taro']} }

# Weak reference
sub parent : Attr { weak => 1 }

# Variable type
sub authors : Attr { type => 'array' }
sub country : Attr { type => 'hash' }

# Convert to object
sub url : Attr { convert => 'URI' }
sub url : Attr { convert => sub{ ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : URI->new($_[0]) } }

# Dereference return value
sub authors    : Attr { type => 'array', deref => 1 }
sub country_id : Attr { type => 'hash',  deref => 1 }

# Trigger when value is set
sub error : Attr { trigger => sub{
    my $self = shift;
sub state : Attr {}

# Inheritance
package Magazine;
use Object::Simple(base => 'Book');

# Mixin
package Book;
use Object::Simple( 
    mixins => [ 



Object::Simple defines a 'new' method for the subclass, so you do not need to define 'new'. 'new' accepts a hash or a hash reference.

$book = Book->new(title => 'Good life', author => 'Ken', price => 200);
$book = Book->new({title => 'Good life', author => 'Ken', price => 200});


You must call build_class at the end of the package. The class will be completely constructed by this invocation.


The following processes is excuted.

1. Inherit base class
2. Include mixin classes
3. Create accessors
4. Create constructor

You can specify class name if you need.



Call method of super class.


You can call method of super class. but the method is not one of real super class. Method is searched by using the follwoing order.

3 | BaseClass   | # real super class
2 | MixinClass1 |
1 | MixinClass2 |
  | ThisClass   |

If 'Mixin class2' has 'initialize' method, the method is called.


Call a method of mixined class

$self->call_mixin('MixinClass1', 'initialize');

You can call any method of mixin class, even if method is not imported to your class


Get all same name methods of mixin classes

my $methods = $self->mixin_methods('initialize');

You can call all methods of mixined classes as the following way.

foreach my $method (@$methods) {


You can resist accessor informations.

Object::Simple->resist_accessor_info($class, $accessor_name, 
                                     $accessor_options, $accessor_type);

The following is arguments sample

Object::Simple->resist_accessor_info('Book', 'title', {default => 1}, 'Attr');

This is equal to

package Book;
sub title : Attr {default => 1}

This method only resist accessor infomation. If you want to build class, you must call 'build_class'


Accessor options

See Object::Simple::Base


   # Inheritance
   package Magazine;
   use Object::Simple(base => 'Book');

Object::Simple do not support multiple inheritance because it is so complex.


Object::Simple support mixin syntax

   # Mixin
   package Book;
   use Object::Simple( 
       mixins => [ 

Object::Simple mixin merge mixin class attribute.

# mixin class
package Some::Mixin;
use Object::Simple;

sub m2 : Attr {}


# using mixin class
package Some::Class;
use Object::Simple(mixins => ['Some::Mixin']);

sub m1 : Attr {}


Because Some::Mixin is mixined, Some::Class has two attribute m1 and m2.


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


I develop this module at .

Please tell me bug if you find.

Copyright & license

Copyright 2008 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.