Object::Simple - Provide new() and accessor creating methods
This module is now stable. I will not change APIs and implemetations. I will only fix bug if it is found. Version 3.0601 implementation is keeped for ever.
Version 3.0604
package Point;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Object::Simple';
__PACKAGE__->attr(x => 0);
__PACKAGE__->attr(y => 0);
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
package Point3D;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Point';
__PACKAGE__->attr(z => 0);
sub clear {
my $self = shift;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $point = Point3D->new(x => 4, y => 6, z => 5);
my $x = $point->x;
my $y = $point->y;
my $z = $point->z;
This module has the folloing features.
- 1. new() and accessor creating methods is prepared.
- 2. Default value is available.
- 3. Object Oriented interface and pure perl implemetation.
- 4. Memory saving implementation and fast Compiling.
- 5. Debugging is easy.
You can think Object::Simple is Class::Accessor::Fast + "default value definition" + "useful new()"
This module's API is compatible of Mojo::Base. If you like Mojo::Base, this module is good choice.
A subclass of Object::Simple can call "new", and create a instance. "new" receive hash or hash reference.
package Point;
use base 'Object::Simple';
package main;
my $book = Point->new;
my $book = Point->new(x => 1, y => 2);
my $book = Point->new({x => 1, y => 2});
"new" can be overrided to initialize the instance or arrange arguments.
Instance initialization
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Initialization
return $self;
Arguments arranging
sub new {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::new(x => $_[0], y => $_[1]);
return $self;
Create accessor.
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/name1 name2 name3/]);
A default value can be specified. If dfault value is reference or object, You must wrap the value with sub { }.
__PACKAGE__->attr(name => 'foo');
__PACKAGE__->attr(name => sub { ... });
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/name1 name2/] => 'foo');
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/name1 name2/] => sub { ... });
Accessor is chained.
The folloing is a sample.
package Car;
use base 'Object::Simple';
__PACKAGE__->attr(maintainer => sub { ['Ken', 'Beck'] });
__PACKAGE__->attr(handle => sub { Car::Handle->new });
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/speed passenger/] => 0);
Create accessor for class attribute.
__PACKAGE__->class_attr([qw/name1 name2 name3/]);
__PACKAGE__->class_attr(name => 'foo');
__PACKAGE__->class_attr(name => sub { ... });
This accessor is called from class.
Class attribute is saved to $CLASS_ATTRS. This is class variable. If you want to delete or check existence of a class attribute, "delete" or "exists" function is available.
delete $SomeClass::CLASS_ATTRS->{name};
exists $SomeCLass::CLASS_ATTRS->{name};
If the class is a subclass, the class attribute is saved to $CLASS_ATTRS of subclass . See the following sample.
package Book;
use base 'Object::Simple';
package Magazine;
use base 'Book';
package main;
Book->title('Beautiful days');
Magazine->title('Good days');
If Book->title('Beautiful days') is called, the value is saved to $Book::CLASS_ATTRS->{title}. If Magazine->title('Good days') is called, the value is saved to $Magazine::CLASS_ATTRS->{title}.
Create accessor for a attribute and class attribute.
__PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/name1 name2 name3/]);
__PACKAGE__->dual_attr(name => 'foo');
__PACKAGE__->dual_attr(name => sub { ... });
If the accessor is called from a package, the value is saved to $CLASS_ATTRS. If the accessor is called from a instance, the value is saved to the instance.
Book->title('Beautiful days');
my $book = Book->new;
$book->title('Good days');
Define a default value.
__PACKAGE__->attr('title', default => 'Good news');
If a default value is a reference or object, You must wrap the value with sub { }.
__PACKAGE__->attr('authors', default => sub{ ['Ken', 'Taro'] });
__PACKAGE__->attr('ua', default => sub { LWP::UserAgent->new });
Default value can be written by more simple way.
__PACKAGE__->attr(title => 'Good news');
__PACKAGE__->attr(authors => sub { ['Ken', 'Taro'] });
__PACKAGE__->attr(ua => sub { LWP::UserAgent->new });
Inherit a attribute from a base class's one.
You can inherit a class attribute from base class's one.
package BaseClass;
use base 'Object::Simple';
__PACKAGE__->class_attr('cache', default => 30, inherit => 'scalar_copy');
package SomeClass;
use base 'BaseClass';
package main;
my $obj = SomeClass->new;
$obj->cache; # This is 30, which is inherited from BaseClass's cache.
inherit option must be 'scalar_copy', 'array_copy', 'hash_copy', or sub reference. This is used to decide the way to copy the base class attribute.
The following is the implemetations to copy the value.
'scalar copy' : Normal copy : sub { return $_[0] }
'array_copy' : Array shallow copy : sub { return [@{$_[0]}] }
'hash_copy' : Hash shallow copy : sub { return {%{$_[0]}} }
sub reference : Your original copy : sub { ... }
If inherit option is specified at dual_attr(), a instance attribute inherit the class attribute.
package SomeClass;
use base 'Object::Simple';
default => sub {
trim => sub { ... },
chomp => sub { ... }
inherit => 'hash_copy'
package main;
my $obj = SomeClass->new;
$obj->filters; # This is { trim => sub { ... }, chomp => sub { ... } }
# , which is inherit from SomeClass's filters
Good example of inherit options is Validator::Custom::HTMLForm. See also this module.
If you want to provide only accessor creating methods, do the following way.
package YourClass;
use base 'LWP::UserAgent';
use Object::Simple 'attr';
Mojo::Base, Class::Accessor::Fast
Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>
I develope this module at
Copyright 2008 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.