package SPVM;
use 5.008007;
use strict;
use Config;
use File::Basename 'basename';
use File::Temp ();
use Encode 'encode';
use Carp 'confess';
our $VERSION = '0.0312';
our $API;
our $HOME_DIR;
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('SPVM', $VERSION);
sub create_jit_sub_name {
my $sub_name = shift;
my $jit_sub_name = $sub_name;
$jit_sub_name =~ s/:/_/g;
$jit_sub_name = "SPVM_JITCODE_$jit_sub_name";
return $jit_sub_name;
my $count = 0;
sub compile_jit_sub {
my ($sub_id, $sub_jitcode_source) = @_;
my $sub_abs_name = SPVM::get_sub_name($sub_id);
my $jit_sub_name = SPVM::create_jit_sub_name($sub_abs_name);
# Build JIT code
my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir;
my $jit_source_dir = $SPVM::HOME_DIR || $tmp_dir->dirname;
my $jit_source_file = "$jit_source_dir/$jit_sub_name.c";
my $jit_shared_lib_file = "$jit_source_dir/$jit_sub_name.$Config{dlext}";
# Get old jit source
my $old_sub_jitcode_source;
if (-f $jit_source_file) {
open my $fh, '<', $jit_source_file
or die "Can't open $jit_source_file";
$old_sub_jitcode_source = do { local $/; <$fh> };
else {
$old_sub_jitcode_source = '';
# Only compile when source is different
if (!-f $jit_shared_lib_file || ($sub_jitcode_source ne $old_sub_jitcode_source)) {
open my $fh, '>', $jit_source_file
or die "Can't create $jit_source_file";
print $fh $sub_jitcode_source;
close $fh;
my $sub_jit_address = search_shared_lib_func_address($jit_shared_lib_file, $jit_sub_name);
unless ($sub_jit_address) {
confess "Can't get $sub_abs_name jitcode address";
bind_jitcode_sub($sub_abs_name, $sub_jit_address);
my $success = 1;
return $success;
sub import {
my ($class, $package_name) = @_;
# Add package informations
if (defined $package_name) {
unless ($SPVM::PACKAGE_INFO_SYMTABLE{$package_name}) {
my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1, 2];
my $package_info = {
name => $package_name,
file => $file,
line => $line
push @SPVM::PACKAGE_INFOS, $package_info;
$SPVM::PACKAGE_INFO_SYMTABLE{$package_name} = 1;
return $package_info;
sub _get_dll_file {
my $package_name = shift;
my $package_name2 = $package_name;
$package_name2 =~ s/SPVM:://;
my @package_name_parts = split(/::/, $package_name2);
my $package_load_path = get_package_load_path($package_name2);
my $dll_file = $package_load_path;
$dll_file =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
$dll_file .= ".native/$package_name_parts[-1].$Config{dlext}";
return $dll_file;
sub search_shared_lib_func_address {
my ($shared_lib_file, $shared_lib_func_name) = @_;
my $native_address;
if ($shared_lib_file) {
my $dll_libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($shared_lib_file);
if ($dll_libref) {
$native_address = DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($dll_libref, $shared_lib_func_name);
else {
else {
return $native_address;
sub get_sub_native_address {
my $sub_abs_name = shift;
my $package_name;
my $sub_name;
if ($sub_abs_name =~ /^(?:(.+)::)(.+)$/) {
$package_name = $1;
$sub_name = $2;
my $dll_package_name = $package_name;
my $shared_lib_file = _get_dll_file($dll_package_name);
my $shared_lib_func_name = $sub_abs_name;
$shared_lib_func_name =~ s/:/_/g;
my $native_address = search_shared_lib_func_address($shared_lib_file, $shared_lib_func_name);
# Try runtime compile
unless ($native_address) {
my $module_name = $package_name;
$module_name =~ s/^SPVM:://;
my $module_dir = get_package_load_path($module_name);
$module_dir =~ s/\.spvm$//;
my $module_name_slash = $package_name;
$module_name_slash =~ s/::/\//g;
$module_dir =~ s/$module_name_slash$//;
$module_dir =~ s/\/$//;
my $shared_lib_file;
my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir;
eval {
$shared_lib_file = SPVM::Build::build_shared_lib(
module_dir => $module_dir,
module_name => "SPVM::$module_name",
object_dir => $tmp_dir->dirname
if ($@) {
else {
$native_address = search_shared_lib_func_address($shared_lib_file, $shared_lib_func_name);
return $native_address;
sub bind_native_subs {
my $native_func_names = get_native_sub_names();
for my $native_func_name (@$native_func_names) {
my $native_func_name_spvm = "SPVM::$native_func_name";
my $native_address = get_sub_native_address($native_func_name_spvm);
unless ($native_address) {
my $native_func_name_c = $native_func_name_spvm;
$native_func_name_c =~ s/:/_/g;
confess "Can't find native address of $native_func_name_spvm(). Native function name must be $native_func_name_c";
bind_native_sub($native_func_name, $native_address);
# Compile SPVM source code just after compile-time of Perl
unless ($ENV{SPVM_NO_COMPILE}) {
my $compile_success = compile_spvm();
unless ($compile_success) {
croak("SPVM compile error");
sub compile_spvm {
# Compile SPVM source code
my $compile_success = compile();
if ($compile_success) {
# Build bytecode
# Build opcode
# Build run-time
# Bind native subroutines
# Build SPVM subroutines
return $compile_success;
sub new_byte_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Byte->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_byte_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Byte->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_short_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Short->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_byte_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $length = length $data;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Byte->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_short_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Short->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_byte_array_string {
my $string = shift;
# Encode internal string to UTF-8 string
my $data = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $string);
my $array = SPVM::new_byte_array_data($data);
return $array;
sub new_short_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $byte_length = length $data;
unless ($byte_length % 2 == 0) {
confess("data byte length must be divide by 2(SPVM::new_short_array_data())");
my $length = int($byte_length / 2);
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Short->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_int_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Int->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_int_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Int->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_int_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $byte_length = length $data;
unless ($byte_length % 4 == 0) {
confess("data byte length must be divide by 4(SPVM::new_int_array_data())");
my $length = int($byte_length / 4);
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Int->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_long_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Long->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_long_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Long->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_long_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $byte_length = length $data;
unless ($byte_length % 8 == 0) {
confess("data byte length must be divide by 8(SPVM::new_long_array_data())");
my $length = $byte_length / 8;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Long->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_float_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Float->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_float_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Float->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_float_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $byte_length = length $data;
unless ($byte_length % 4 == 0) {
confess("data byte length must be divide by 4(SPVM::new_float_array_data())");
my $length = $byte_length / 4;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Float->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_double_array_len {
my $length = shift;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Double->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_double_array {
my $elements = shift;
return undef unless defined $elements;
if (ref $elements ne 'ARRAY') {
confess "Argument must be array reference";
my $length = @$elements;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Double->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_double_array_data {
my $data = shift;
my $byte_length = length $data;
unless ($byte_length % 8 == 0) {
confess("data byte length must be divide by 8(SPVM::new_double_array_data())");
my $length = $byte_length / 8;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Double->new_len($length);
return $array;
sub new_object_array_len {
my ($type_name, $length) = @_;
my $array = SPVM::Core::Object::Array::Object->new_len($type_name, $length);
return $array;
sub new_object {
my $package_name = shift;
my $object = SPVM::Core::Object::Package->new($package_name);
return $object;
my $package_name_h = {};
sub build_spvm_subs {
my $sub_names = get_sub_names();
for my $abs_name (@$sub_names) {
# Define SPVM subroutine
no strict 'refs';
# Declare package
my ($package_name) = $abs_name =~ /^(?:(.+)::)/;
$package_name = "SPVM::$package_name";
unless ($package_name_h->{$package_name}) {
my $code = "package $package_name; our \@ISA = ('SPVM::Core::Object::Package');";
eval $code;
if (my $error = $@) {
confess $error;
$package_name_h->{$package_name} = 1;
# Declare subroutine
*{"SPVM::$abs_name"} = sub {
my $return_value;
eval { $return_value = SPVM::call_sub("$abs_name", @_) };
my $error = $@;
if ($error) {
confess $error;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
SPVM - Fast Calculation and Easy C/C++ Binding with perlish syntax and static typing
B<SPVM is before 1.0 under development! I will change implementation and specification without warnings.>
=head2 Fast Array Operation using SPVM.
SPVM Module:
# lib/SPVM/MyMath.spvm
package MyMath {
# Sub Declaration
sub sum : int ($nums : int[]) {
# Culcurate total
my $total = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$nums; $i++) {
$total += $nums->[$i];
return $total;
Use SPVM Module from Perl
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# Use SPVM module
use SPVM 'MyMath';
# New SPVM int array
my $sp_nums = SPVM::new_int_array([3, 6, 8, 9]);
# Call SPVM subroutine
my $total = SPVM::MyMath::sum($sp_nums);
print $total . "\n";
If you know more SPVM syntax, see L<SPVM::Document::Specification>.
If you know more Functions to convert Perl Data to SPVM Data, see L<SPVM::Document::DataConversionAPI>.
=head2 C Extension using SPVM
SPVM Module:
# lib/SPVM/MyMathNative.spvm
package MyMathNative {
# Sub Declaration
sub sum : native int ($nums : int[]);
C Source File;
// lib/SPVM/MyMathNative.native/MyMathNative.c
#include <spvm_api.h>
int32_t SPVM__MyMathNative__sum(SPVM_API* api, SPVM_API_VALUE* args) {
// First argument
SPVM_API_OBJECT* sp_nums = args[0].object_value;
// Array length
int32_t length = api->get_array_length(api, sp_nums);
// Elements pointer
int32_t* nums = api->get_int_array_elements(api, sp_nums);
// Culcurate total
int32_t total = 0;
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
total += nums[i];
return total;
Use Extension Module from Perl:
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
# Use SPVM module
use SPVM 'MyMathNative';
# New SPVM int array
my $sp_nums = SPVM::new_int_array([3, 6, 8, 9]);
# Call SPVM subroutine
my $total = SPVM::MyMathNative::sum($sp_nums);
print $total . "\n";
If you know more SPVM Extension, see L<SPVM::Document::Extension>.
If you know the APIs to manipulate SPVM data, see L<SPVM::Document::NativeAPI>.
SPVM provide Fast Culcuration and Easy way to Bind C/C++ Language to Perl.
=over 4
=item *
B<Fast calculation> - The Perl's biggest weak point is the calculation performance. SPVM provides fast calculations.
=item *
B<GC> - You don't need to care about freeing memory
=item *
B<Static typing> - Static typing for performance
=item *
B<VM> - Byte codes are generated so that you can run them on SPVM language
=item *
B<Perlish syntax> - SPVM syntax is very similar to Perl
=item *
B<Perl module> - SPVM function can be called from Perl itself.
=head1 SPVM Tutorial
L<SPVM> is a language which is similar with Perl. SPVM is very similar to Perl, and you can write same syntax of Perl in most part.
L<SPVM> communicate with Perl. You can call SPVM function directory from Perl.
L<SPVM> is very fast and provide array data structure. Now SPVM array operation is about 6x faster.
=head2 SPVM module
At first, you can write SPVM module.
# lib/SPVM/MyModule1.spvm
package MyModule1 {
has x : int;
has y : int;
sub sum : int ($x : int, $y : int) {
my $total = $x + $y;
return $total;
This is same as Perl except SPVM have static type and C<has> keyword.
You can define field by C<has> keyword, and specify static type by C<: type>.
has x : int;
You can specify argument types and return type to subroutine by C<: type>.
sub sum : int ($x : int, $y : int) {
my $total = $x + $y;
return $total;
Let's save this file by the following name
If package name is C<MyModule1>, file name must be C<SPVM/MyModule1.spvm>.
Extension is C<spvm>. And you create C<SPVM> directory.
C<lib> is normal directory.
=head2 Call SPVM subroutine
Next you can use SPVM subroutine from Perl.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use SPVM 'MyModule1';
my $total = SPVM::MyModule1::sum(3, 5);
print $total . "\n";
At first, you add library path by L<FindBin> and L<lib> module.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
Next, use SPVM module. C<MyModule1> is loaded.
use SPVM 'MyModule1';
And call SPVM subroutine. If SPVM subroutine absolute name is C<MyModule1::sum>, you can call this subroutine by C<SPVM::MyModule1::sum>.
my $total = SPVM::MyModule1::sum(3, 5);
print $total . "\n";
=head1 Document
=head2 SPVM Functions
L<SPVM::Document::DataConversionAPI> - SPVM data convertion functions.
List of SPVM functions:
=over 2
=item * new_byte_array
=item * new_byte_array_data
=item * new_byte_array_string
=item * new_short_array
=item * new_int_array
=item * new_long_array
=item * new_float_array
=item * new_double_array
=item * new_object_array_len
=item * new_object
If you know Detail of SPVM Function, see L<SPVM::Document::DataConversionAPI>.
=head2 SPVM Language Specification
L<SPVM::Document::LanguageSpecification> - SPVM Language Specification
=head2 SPVM Native Interface
L<SPVM::Document::NativeInterface> - SPVM Native Interface.
Native API is C level API. You can write programing logic using C language and SPVM Native API.
=head2 SPVM Standard Function
L<SPVM::Document::StandardFunction> - SPVM Standard Function
=head2 SPVM Standard Module
L<SPVM::Document::StandardModule> - SPVM Standard Module
=head2 SPVM Cookbook
L<SPVM::Document::Cookbook> - SPVM Cookbook, advanced technique and many examples.
=head2 SPVM FAQ
L<SPVM::Document::FAQ> - Oftten asked question.
=head2 SUPPORT
If you have problems or find bugs, comment to GitHub Issue.
=head1 AUTHOR
Yuki Kimoto E<lt><gt>
=over 4
=item *
L<akinomyoga|> (Koichi Murase)
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
L<Kazutake Hiramatsu|>
Copyright (C) 2017 by Yuki Kimoto
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.16.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.