0.0339 2018-05-26
rename Std::Math to Math
renmae Std::Time to Time
renmae Std::TypeUtil to TypeUtil
rename Std::IO to IO
rename Std to CORE
merged CORE::Time to CORE
merged CORE::IO to CORE
CORE module is loaded by default
CORE functions become static functions
0.0338 2018-05-25
add examples
add const byte[] type
String type become string type to express it is core type.
Otring type become object type to express it is core type.
string type become syntax sugar of const byte[].
string next of end character become '\0'
0.0337 2018-05-24
remove jit descriptor
add SPVM::JIT moudle
JIT compile unit become package
implement JIT compile cache system
improve test peformance very much
0.0336 2018-05-19
fix hash insert and search bug
name string is shared intenally
only support NetBSD 7+, not support NetBSD 6
0.0335 2018-05-18
support multi dimension array initialization
my $nums = [
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
0.0334 2018-05-07
add new array init syntax.
my $nums = [3, 4, 5];
my $nums = [0.1, 0.4, 0.8];
remove Std::Number::Util many subtoutines
rename Std::Number::Util to Std::TypeUtil
and Std::TypeUtil become C language inttype.h and float.h wrapper
remove Std::Array::Util
0.0333 2018-05-05
fix array init type bug
fix 32bit environment not work bug
0.0332 2018-05-04
Cleanup internal ast
0.0331 2018-05-01
fix many assign reference count bug.
Object type become generic purpose type
Object can be assigned any array object
0.0329 2018-04-24
use sprintf "%g" format for string conversion
0.0328 2018-04-24
Numeric class become not private, and set_value method.
add Bool package
fix nan test bug
0.0327 2018-04-21
fix jit link subroutine name bug
only print warning message when SPVM_TEST_ENABLE_WARNINGS is defined
double, float string convertion more portable
fix windows long constant bug
fix windows jit dll file overwritten bug
0.0326 2018-04-20
forbidden function call from Perl. All subroutine become method or class method
rename Std::Arrays to Std::Array::Util
rename Std::Array::Util copy_of_xxx to copy_xxxs
rename Std::Array::Util equals_xxx to eq_xxxs
fix windows source file reading bug
inline source code must be in .inline instead of .native
fix temporary directory bug
add build directory cleanup logic
0.0325 2018-04-13
remove template feature
rename Math to Std::Math
rename Arrays to Std::Arrays
rename Number::Util to Std::Number::Util
add some Std::Math functions
remove absolute call subroutine syntax
method is only instance method or class method
rename CORE to Std
need use Std to use print, warn and time
use must be in package block
0.0324 2018-04-07
implement string convertion
implement isa
implement string comparison operator
fix (term) is not allowed bug
0.0323 2018-04-06
fix file empty bug
0.0322 2018-04-04
allow numeric type to String convertion
remove string concat operator automatical type convertion
licence become MIT licence
0.0321 2018-04-02
rename Integer package to Int package
add Number::Util and move many number util funtions of Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double to Number::Util
SPVM all C source file is compiled by -std=c99 option by default
0.0320 2018-03-29
add private and public descriptor
add private field
add private package
fix check cast bug
0.0319 2018-03-29
add interface descriptor to package declaration
fix bug that empty package parsing fail
add Object interface
add subroutine argument convertion
implement interface method call
implement check cast
0.0318 2018-03-20
field become public by default
remove set, get keyword
new become public by default
add self keyword to represent invocant
many module methods become class method
Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Math
0.0317 2018-03-15
support escape character \0
cleanup leave scope logic
numeric variable become local variable in jitcode
0.0316 2018-03-10
remove runtime constant_pool
0.0315 2018-03-08
add JIT descripter
fix manifest not to contain SPVM-* files
0.0314 2018-03-01
remove build_shared_lib.pl script
fix jit subroutine not called bug
0.0313 2018-02-26
fix shared lib dependency bug
sub descripter position is changed
before: sub sin : native double ($x : double);
after : native sub sin : double ($x : double);
fix windows dll not loading bug
0.0312 2018-02-23
fix bug that last statement can't do leave scope logic
0.0311 2018-02-21
shared library building temporaly directory is cleaned up in the scope
cleanup shared library loading
fix exception stack trace subroutine name
fix all warnings
0.0310 2018-02-16
enum value must be int type
remove byte literal b
remove short literal s
add automatically type convertion to + operator
add automatically type convertion to - operator
add automatically type convertion to * operator
add automatically type convertion to / operator
add automatically type convertion to % operator
add automatically type convertion to unary -
fix unary + bug
add automatically type convertion to unary +
add automatically type convertion to == operator
add automatically type convertion to != operator
add automatically type convertion to > operator
add automatically type convertion to >= operator
add automatically type convertion to < operator
add automatically type convertion to <= operator
add automatically type convertion to array index
add automatically type convertion to lengh of new array
add automatically type convertion to ~ operator
add automatically type convertion to & operator
add automatically type convertion to | operator
add automatically type convertion to ^ operator
add automatically type convertion to << operator
add automatically type convertion to >> operator
add automatically type convertion to >>> operator
limit <<, >>, >>> right value
fix increment, decrelement assignment bug
implement float, double increment
add automatically type convertion to == operator
0.0309 2018-02-10
jit code is called from virtual machine
separate tests to succeed tests at less memory environment
0.0308 2018-02-05
implement Perl compatible GC system correctory
fix eval block stack bug
0.0307 2018-02-01
fix print function bug that print line break.
remove say relative functions. say, say_xxx, say_xxx_err
remove print relative functions. print_xxx, print_xxx_err
rename print_err to warn
sub definition is changed. sub NAME : RETURN_TYPE ($arg1 : ARG_TYPE1, ...) { }
0.0306 2018-01-23
remove SPVM::Debug
croak stack trace is on by default
0.0305 2018-01-20
improve exception logic
0.0304 2018-01-18
add jit code in test(jit-spvm.t)
0.0303 2018-01-03
fix reference count bug in loop
support array initialization in any place.
new int[] { 1, 2, 3} is used in any place.
add temporary JIT code for preparation for JIT compile
fix assign excecution order
fix type inference bug
0.0302 2017-12-07
add eval block stack max length
fix next statement bug
operation code become flexible 1 byte to fixed 64 byte for preparation of JIT compile
0.0301 2017-11-20
support relative name subroutine call
sum(0, 1);
At first, current package is searched, next core function
rename std package to CORE package
package variable must be start upper case
lexical variable must be start lower case
support relative name package variable
0.03 2017-11-17
SPVM VM change Stack Based VM to Register Based VM
This change slow down performance temporary
fix bug that my variable type can't be detected.
fix my var scope bug
fix negate operator bug
add complement operator ~
but, this is prepared for JIT compile
0.0284 2017-10-30
simplify SPVM internal to implement JIT compile
0.0283 2017-10-23
cleanup SPVM modules
implement get_type_id correctory
change array init syntax
before: my $values : int[] = [1, 2, 3];
after : my $values = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
0.0282 2017-10-23
support package variable
0.0281 2017-10-19
remove SPVM::new_object
remove SPVM::Object::Package::set
remove SPVM::Object::Package::get
can call method directory from SPVM object
my $object = SPVM::TestCase::new();
remove Package->name syntax because Perl subroutine call correspoing to SPVM subroutine call completely
remove relative name subroutine call because future keyword adding don't break backward compatible
fix method call bug
add getter and setter syntax
set x, y;
get x, y;
field become private
new keyword become private
0.0280 2017-10-13
add String type again
add Native API new_string
add Native API get_string_length
add Native API get_string_chars
0.0279 2017-10-12
fix catch exception bug that runtime exception can't be cached
0.0278 2017-10-11
throw exception when get array length of undef value
SPVM::new_xxx_array return undef if argument is undef
allow SPVM::call_sub undef argument
add std::say_err ($value : byte[]) : native void;
add std::say_err_byte ($value : byte) : native void;
add std::say_err_short ($value : short) : native void;
add std::say_err_int ($value : int) : native void;
add std::say_err_long ($value : long) : native void;
add std::say_err_float ($value : float) : native void;
add std::say_err_double ($value : double) : native void;
add std::print_err ($value : byte[]) : native void;
add std::print_err_byte ($value : byte) : native void;
add std::print_err_short ($value : short) : native void;
add std::print_err_int ($value : int) : native void;
add std::print_err_long ($value : long) : native void;
add std::print_err_float ($value : float) : native void;
add std::print_err_double ($value : double) : native void;
add std::time()
add Array::equals_byte()
add Array::equals_short()
add Array::equals_int()
add Array::equals_long()
add Array::equals_float()
add Array::equals_double()
0.0277 2017-10-10
allow resorved word for subroutine name
add Arrays package
add Arrays::copy_of_byte
add Arrays::copy_of_short
add Arrays::copy_of_int
add Arrays::copy_of_long
add Arrays::copy_of_float
add Arrays::copy_of_double
fix native subroutine exception bugs
array initialization allow all terms, and need type declaration
0.0276 2017-10-05
rename back to_array to get_elements
0.0275 2017-10-04
fix Math.spvm loading bug
0.0274 2017-10-04
add package name check
fix enum call bug
0.0273 2017-10-03
support octal literal
support binary literal
0.0272 2017-09-27
add Math::tan function
add Math::asin function
add Math::acos function
add Math::atan function
add Math::to_radians function
add Byte package
add Short package
add Integer package
add Long package
add Float package
add Double package
fix call native long function bug
change byte constatant specifier b to y
124b -> 124y
a, b, c, d, e, f become hex character.
0.0271 2017-09-23
add Math::cos function
add Math::sin function
0.0270 2017-09-22
fix 0 length string bug
0.0269 2017-09-21
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::set_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::set_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::set_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::set_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::set_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::to_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::to_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::to_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::to_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::to_data()
add SPVM::new_short_array_data()
add SPVM::new_int_array_data()
add SPVM::new_long_array_data()
add SPVM::new_float_array_data()
add SPVM::new_double_array_data()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Byte::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::set_elements_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Byte::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::set_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Byte::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::to_array_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Byte::to_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Short::to_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Int::to_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Long::to_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Float::to_data_range()
add SPVM::Object::Array::Double::to_data_range()
0.0268 2017-09-19
remove string type. SPVM string become byte[].
SPVM::new_string_bytes renamed to SPVM::new_byte_array_data and return SPVM::Array::Byte object
SPVM::new_string renamed to SPVM::new_byte_array_string and return SPVM::Array::Byte object
rename get_elements to to_array
rename get_string to to_string
rename get_data to to_data
0.0267 2017-09-18
add .= operator
0.0266 2017-09-16
fix bug that empty string is not used
rename SPVM::new_string_raw to SPVM::new_string_bytes
implement . operator to concat string
renmae println to say
0.0265 2017-09-13
fix clang duplicate symbol bug
0.0264 2017-09-12
rename Inline to Extension
0.0263 2017-09-12
add native INC config
add native LIBS config
add special assign syntax
fix CBuilder config bug
0.0262 2017-09-12
fix make dependency
0.0261 2017-09-11
remove inline syntax
add new runtime compile syntax
0.0260 2017-09-08
fix windows dll bugs
0.0259 2017-09-06
add Math module
add Math::sin function
add Math->PI constant
add Math->E constant
0.0258 2017-09-06
fix temporary inline file name.
support inline native config
support inline config following options
0.0257 2017-09-05
improve inline native source error message
inline source is separated each
0.0256 2017-09-04
CBuilder output become quite.
Fix some Windows compile error
0.0255 2017-09-04
detect automatically inline native function
remove SPVM::Inline
0.0254 2017-09-02
Support inline native function. implement SPVM::Inline
0.0253 2017-09-01
fix exception bugs
0.0252 2017-08-30
allow enum last camma
allow term last camma
allow args last camma
allow descripter last camma
forbidden double comma
0.0251 2017-08-30
fix bug that if package is not exists, compile is ok.
implement destructor
sub DESTROY ($self : Foo) : void {
0.0250 2017-08-29
cleanup runtime
cleanup api
fix exception some bug
0.0249 2017-08-25
string can't convert to byte[]
byte[] can't convert to string
allow $string->[0] to get byte value
improve get_sub_id, get_type_id, get_field_id performance
0.0248 2017-08-19
support xs.dll dynamiclin library
fix __END__ not used bug
0.0247 2017-08-19
Sorry, rename back stdout to std
SPVM only have std package by default and automatically loaded without use std;
support dynamic link library
0.0246 2017-08-17
array element is initialized by zero.
0.0245 2017-08-16
fix get object byte field bug
fix set object byte field bug
fix bug that compiler can't load source file over 0xFF bytes
0.0244 2017-08-15
implement weak reference to resolve recursive reference
weaken $obj->{foo};
Field become have any object
0.0243 2017-08-12
add SPVM::new_object_array_len function
add SPVM::Array::Object::set function
add SPVM::Array::Object::get function
0.0242 2017-08-11
array malloc length + 1. and last value is 0. This is for C level string API.
add debug mode.
use SPVM::Debug;
0.0241 2017-08-08
fix void subroutine bug that if return value is not exists, runtime error occur.
0.0240 2017-08-07
fix number literal bug that hex number e and E is floating point specifier
add byte and short number literal syntax
hex number only allow A, B, C, D, E, F because f is used to specify the number is floating point
and b is used to specify the number is byte
fix array float store and load bug
support underline in number literal
0.0239 2017-08-05
cleanup enum internal logic
fix clang compiler error
fix all warnings
0.0238 2017-08-04
Support nested switch statement
0.0237 2017-08-03
improve SPVM call_sub performance
0.0236 2017-08-01
add __END__
SPVM exception can be cached from Perl's eval { ... }
fix one character string bug.
0.0235 2017-07-31
fix default return value
imporve exception message
0.0234 2017-07-29
rename malloc to new. you can also define new function for object initialization.
my $obj = new Foo;
my $obj = Foo::new(3);
package Foo {
sub new($var1 : int) {
# ...
return new Foo;
object's fields are initialized by zero.
0.0233 2017-07-28
support package template.
support over 4G memory allocation
0.0232 2017-07-26
add len keyword to get array length
reason is that
foo(@$nums) looks like passing array itself, not array length.
you can use len keyword for readability.
foo(len $nums);
Fix bug that error occur when near small base_object_max_byte_size_use_memory_pool is malloced
0.0231 2017-07-25
Fix clang compile error
0.0230 2017-07-25
Fix POSIX function import bug
Package name must be start with upper case. Lowercase is reserved for core package.
Add SPVM/stdout.pm as Perl module
0.0229 2017-07-25
support array initialization
my $nums = [1, 2, 3];
fix memory breaking bug when object is assigned from freelist
0.0228 2017-07-22
fix enum constant bug
support float enum
support double enum
0.0227 2017-07-21
fix tests bug
0.0226 2017-07-20
fix float convertion bugs
fix convert double to short bug
fix floating number which don't have point(for example, 346638529e+38) parsing bug.
rename std package to stdout
fix enum default type. Correct type is int.
fix enum { FOO = 1 } syntax.
0.0225 2017-07-19
add SPVM::Array::Byte::get_elements method
add SPVM::Array::Short::get_elements method
add SPVM::Array::Int::get_elements method
add SPVM::Array::Long::get_elements method
add SPVM::Array::Float::get_elements method
add SPVM::Array::Double::get_elements method
0.0224 2017-07-19
fix memory leak bugs. fix reference count.
0.0223 2017-07-18
fix hash segmentation fault bug when many hash is created.
0.0222 2017-07-18
add SPVM::Object::set
add SPVM::Object::get
rename SPVM::byte_array to SPVM::new_byte_array
rename SPVM::short_array to SPVM::new_short_array
rename SPVM::int_array to SPVM::new_int_array
rename SPVM::long_array to SPVM::new_long_array
rename SPVM::float_array to SPVM::new_float_array
rename SPVM::double_array to SPVM::new_double_array
rename SPVM::string_raw to SPVM::new_string_raw
rename SPVM::string to SPVM::new_string
rename SPVM::object to SPVM::new_object
0.0221 2017-07-15
fix && not working bug
fix || not working bug
fix ! not working bug
0.0220 2017-07-14
Support array return type in SPVM::call_sub
0.0219 2017-07-13
Support constant floating point E expression
add SPVM::string function
add SPVM::string_raw function
0.0218 2017-07-13
Fix float culcuration bugs
add SPVM::byte_array, SPVM::short_array, SPVM::long_array, SPVM::float_array, SPVM::double_array function
to create SPVM array object.
0.0217 2017-07-12
Support SPVM::int_array([1, 2, 3]) function
This values can be passed to SPVM function.
0.0216 2017-07-12
Fix constant sign is not initialized bug
0.0215 2017-07-11
Support while (my $var = 3) { ... }
Support long min constant -9223372036854775808
Fix array malloc bug
0.0214 2017-07-11
Fix for statement segmentaion fault bug
VAR = TERM return VAR. For example, allow the syntax "if (my $error = $@) { ... }
Fix if condition (byte, short, long, float) bugs.
0.0213 2017-07-10
0.0212 2017-07-10
Fix hex literal bug. 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL is OK.
Fix bit shift bugs. <<, >>, >>> work well now.
0.0211 2017-07-08
Fix if statement condition not working bugs
try { } catch () { } syntax is replaced with eval { }; if ($@) { ... } syntax.
0.0210 2017-07-08
Fix reference count bugs
0.0209 2017-07-07
len $nums is replaced with @$nums
$nums[0] is replaced with $nums->[0]
$obj{x} is replaced with $obj->{x}
0.0208 2017-07-06
add die logic when 32 bit Perl
add several SPVM internal functions
0.0207 2017-06-30
Fix amd64 segfault bug.
0.0206 2017-06-20
Argument and return value become normal SV which have IV or NV.
# Example
my $total = SPVM::MyModule2::foo(3, 5);
print $total . "\n";
0.0205 2017-06-29
Only support 64 bit Perl.
In 32 bit Perl, 64 bit integer is not supported. This means that Perl can not express 64 bit integers on source code.
0.0204 2017-06-28
add env interface. This is similar as JAVA JNI
0.0203 2017-06-26
build SPVM using same CCFLAG as Perl itself
0.0202 2017-06-25
use same CCFLAG in Makefile.PL
0.0201 2017-06-20
fix memset 0 bug
0.02 2017-06-20
improve XS type convertion logic
Fisrt development release