Changes for version 0.0357 - 2018-07-11

  • value_t package must be end with [Prefix][FieldLength] package TestCase::Complex_b2 : value_t { has re : byte; has im : byte; } package TestCase::Complex_s2 : value_t { has re : short; has im : short; } package TestCase::Complex_i2 : value_t { has re : int; has im : int; } package TestCase::Complex_l2 : value_t { has re : long; has im : long; } package TestCase::Complex_f2 : value_t { has re : float; has im : float; } package TestCase::Complex_d2 : value_t { has re : double; has im : double; }
  • support value_t array my $nums1 = new TestCase::Complex_d2[10]; $nums1->[9]{re} = 5; $nums1->[9]{im} = 9;
    • my $nums1_9_re = $nums1->[9]{re}; my $nums1_9_im = $nums1->[9]{im};
    • my $nums2 = $nums1->[9];
    • $nums1->[5] = $nums2;
  • add SPVM::Complex_i2, SPVM::Complex_l2, SPVM::Complex_f2, SPVM::Complex_d2


C/C++ Binding using SPVM Extension(BETA before 1.0)
SPVM Standard Functions
SPVM Language
SPVM Native Interface


Fast array and numeric operation, and provide easy way to C/C++ Binding
Bool Utility
Byte object
SPVM data structure
Array object
Double object
Float object
Int object
Long object
SPVM data structure
Short object


in lib/SPVM/
in lib/SPVM/Build/
in lib/SPVM/Build/CBuilder/
in lib/SPVM/Build/CBuilder/
in lib/SPVM/Build/
in lib/SPVM/Build/
in lib/SPVM/Build/
in lib/SPVM/