Changes for version 0.0917 - 2020-10-06

  • fix bug that when a module contains multi packages, Perl Package is not created for after seconds packages


Static Perl Virtual Machine. Fast Calculation, Fast Array Operation, and Easy C/C++ Binding.
Blessed object base class
Array based blessed object
Package based blessed object
Compile SPVM program, bind native and precompile subroutines, generate Perl subrotuines correspoing to SPVM subroutines.
Native code Compiler and linker. Wrapper of ExtUtils::CBuilder for SPVM
build config
Build Utilities
Byte object
Continuous dynamic byte array
a callback type to clone a object
a callback type for comparation
Complex double multi numeric type
Complex float multi numeric type
Double object
Continuous dynamic double array
a callback type to check the equality
a equality checker to check the equality of adresses of two object.
SPVM Exchange API
Float object
Continuous dynamic float array
Hash entry
Standard out
Standard out
Int object
Continuous dynamic int array
Long object
Continuous dynamic long array
Mathmatical functions
Continuous dynamic object array
Regular expression
Regular expression pattern
a callback type for the regex replacement
Short object
Continuous dynamic short array
Sort functions
String buffer
Continuous dynamic string array
a callback type for stringification
Time manipulation
Time information
Unicode utilities.
Variouse utilities
