SPVM::Util - Variouse utilities


use SPVM::Util (chomp_lf, chomp_crlf);

# Cut a newline LF
  my $ret = chomp_lf("abc\n");

# Cut a newline CR LF
  my $ret = chomp_crlf("abc\r\n");

# Create a new float complex array
  my $re_values = [1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f];
  my $im_values = [5.5f, 6.5f, 7.5f];
  my $farray = complex_farray($re_values, $im_values);

# Create a new double complex array
  my $re_values = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5];
  my $im_values = [5.5, 6.5, 7.5];
  my $farray = complex_darray($re_values, $im_values);

# Create a new float complex value
  my $z = complexf(1.5f, 2.5f);

# Create a new double complex value
  my $z = complexd(1.5f, 2.5f);

# Copy a byte array
  my $nums = [(byte)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = copy_barray($nums);

# Copy a string
  my $str = "abc";
  my $str_copy = copy_str($str);

# Copy a short array
  my $nums = [(short)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = copy_sarray($nums);

# Copy a int array
  my $nums = [1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = copy_iarray($nums);

# Copy a long array
  my $nums = [(long)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = copy_larray($nums);

# Copy a float array
  my $nums = [1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f];
  my $nums_copy = copy_farray($nums);

# Copy a double array
  my $nums = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5];
  my $nums_copy = copy_darray($nums);

# Copy a string array
  my $strs = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
  my $strs_copy = copy_strarray($strs);

# Check if the two byte arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(byte)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(byte)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_barray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two short arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(short)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(short)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_sarray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two int arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(int)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(int)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_iarray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two long arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(long)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(long)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_larray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two float arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(float)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(float)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_farray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two double arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(double)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(double)1, 2];
  my $ret = equals_darray($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two string arrays equal
  my $strs1 = ["abc", "def"];
  my $strs2 = ["abc", "def"];
  my $ret = equals_strarray($strs1, $strs2);

# Search substr
  my $found_offset = index("pppabcde", "bcd", 2);

# Copy object array
my $objects = [(object)SPVM::Int->new(1), SPVM::Int->new(2), SPVM::Int->new(3)];
my $objects_copy = copy_oarray($objects, sub : object ($self : self, $obj : object) {
  my $int_obj = (SPVM::Int)$obj;
  my $new_int_obj = SPVM::Int->new($int_obj->val);
  return $new_int_obj;

# Stringify all object and join them by the specific separator
my $objects = new Foo[3];
my $str = SPVM::Util->joino(",", $objects, sub : string ($self : self, $obj : object) {
  my $point = (SPVM::Point)$obj;
  my $x = $point->x;
  my $y = $point->y;
  my $str = "($x, $y)";
  return $str;

# split a string by the specific separator
my $str = "foo,bar,baz";
my $splited_strs = split(",", $str);


Unix standard library.



sub copy_oarray : object[] ($objects : object[], $cloner : SPVM::Cloner)

Copy object array. You must specify a SPVM::Cloner object to copy each element.


sub sub equals_oarray : int ($objs1 : oarray, $objs2 : oarray, $equality_checker : SPVM::EqualityChecker)

Check equality of two objects. You must sepecify a SPVM::EqualityChecker object to check the equality of each element.

$objs1 and $objs2 and $equality_checker must be defined, otherwise a exception occur.

Return 1 if the length of $objs1 and $objs2 is same and all element is same, otherwise return 0.


sub joino : string ($sep : string, $objects : oarray, $stringer : SPVM::Stringer)

Stringify all objects and join them by specific separator. You must specify a SPVM::Stringer object to stringify each element.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If object array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub split : string[] ($sep : string, $string : string)

Split a string by the specific separator.


sub chomp_lf : string ($string : string)

Copy the string and remove the newline "\n" from the end of string and return it.


sub chomp_crlf : string ($string : string)

Copy the string and remove the newline "\r\n" from the end of string and return it.


sub complex_farray : SPVM::Complex_2f[] ($re_values : float[], $im_values : float[])

Create a new array of SPVM::Complex_2f with real values and imaginary values.


sub complex_darray : SPVM::Complex_2d[] ($re_values : double[], $im_values : double[])

Create a new array of SPVM::Complex_2d with real values and imaginary values.


sub complexf : SPVM::Complex_2f ($re : float, $im : float)

Return a new value of SPVM::Complex_2f.


sub complexd : SPVM::Complex_2d ($re : double, $im : double)

Return a new value of SPVM::Complex_2d.


sub copy_barray : byte[] ($nums : byte[])

Copy a byte array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_str : string ($string : string)

Copy a string.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_sarray : short[] ($nums : short[])

Copy a short array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_iarray : int[] ($nums : int[])

Copy a int array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_larray : long[] ($nums : long[])

Copy a long array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_farray : float[] ($nums : float[])

Copy a float array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_darray : double[] ($nums : double[])

Copy a double array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub copy_strarray : string[] ($strings : string[])

Copy a string array.

If the array is undefined, a exception occurs.


sub equals_barray : int ($nums1 : byte[], $nums2 : byte[])

Check if two byte arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_sarray : int ($nums1 : short[], $nums2 : short[])

Check if two short arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_iarray : int ($nums1 : int[], $nums2 : int[])

Check if two int arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_larray : int ($nums1 : long[], $nums2 : long[])

Check if two long arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_farray : int ($nums1 : float[], $nums2 : float[])

Check if two float arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_darray : int ($nums1 : double[], $nums2 : double[])

Check if two double arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub equals_strarray : int ($strs1 : double[], $strs2 : double[])

Check if two string arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undefined, a excetpion occurs.


sub E : double ()

Get a napier number.


sub get_type_name : string ($obj : object)

Get the type name of the object.


sub index : int ($str : string, $substr : string, $posision : int)

index function searches for one string within another. It returns the position of the first occurrence of $substr in $str at or after $position. If $position is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. $position before the beginning of the string or after its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. $position and the return value are based at zero. If the substring is not found, "index" returns -1.


sub INT8_MIN : byte ()

Wapper of INT8_MIN of C99 cstdint library.


INT8_MAX : byte ()

Wapper of INT8_MAX of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT16_MIN : short ()

Wapper of INT16_MIN of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT16_MAX : short ()

Wapper of INT16_MAX of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT32_MIN : int ()

Wapper of INT32_MIN of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT32_MAX : int ()

Wapper of INT32_MAX of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT64_MIN : long ()

Wapper of INT64_MIN of C99 cstdint library.


sub INT64_MAX : long ()

Wapper of INT64_MAX of C99 cstdint library.


sub FLT_MIN : float ()

Wapper of FLT_MIN of C99 float library.


sub FLT_MAX : float ()

Wapper of FLT_MAX of C99 float library.


sub DBL_MIN : double ()

Wapper of DBL_MIN of C99 float library.


sub DBL_MAX : double ()

Wapper of DBL_MAX of C99 float library.


sub isalnum : int ($char : int)

If character is alphanumeric('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isalpha : int ($char : int)

If character is alphabetic('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isblank : int ($char : int)

If character is blank(' ', '\t'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub iscntrl : int ($char : int)

If character is a control character(0x00-0x1F, 0x7F), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isdigit : int ($char : int)

If character is decimal digit ('0'~'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isgraph : int ($char : int)

If character has graphical representation(0x21-0x7E), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub islower : int ($char : int)

If character is lowercase letter('a'-'z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isprint : int ($char : int)

If character is printable(0x20-0x7E), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub ispunct : int ($char : int)

If character is a punctuation character(0x21-0x2f, 0x3a-0x40, 0x5b-0x60, 0x7b-0x7e), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isspace : int ($char : int)

If character is a white-space(' ', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isupper : int ($char : int)

If character is uppercase letter('A'-'Z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub isxdigit : int ($char : int)

If character is hexadecimal digit('0'-'9', 'A'-'F', 'a'-'f'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub tolower : int ($char : int)

Convert uppercase letter('A'-'Z') to lowercase. If the character is not uppercase letter, return the character.


sub toupper : int ($char : int)

Convert lowercase letter('a'-'z') to lowercase. If the character is not uppercase letter, return the character.


sub is_perl_space : int ($char : int)

If character is Perl space character(' ', '\r', '\n', '\t', '\f'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub is_perl_word : int ($char : int)

If character is Perl word character('a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '_', '0'-'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


sub joinb : string ($sep : string, $nums : byte[])

Join a byte array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If byte array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub joins : string ($sep : string, $nums : short[])

Join a short array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If short array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub joini : string ($sep : string, $nums : int[])

Join a int array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If int array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub joinl : string ($sep : string, $nums : long[])

Join a long array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If long array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub joinf : string ($sep : string, $nums : float[])

Join a float array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If float array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub joind : string ($sep : string, $nums : double[])

Join a double array as string with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If double array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub join : string ($sep : string, $strings : string[])

Join a string array with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, a exception occurs.

If string array is undef, a exception occurs.


sub lc : string($str : string)

Convert uppercase string to lowercase string.


sub lcfirst : string($str : string)

Convert first chracter of string from uppercase to lowercase.


sub memcpyb : void ($dest_data : byte[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : byte[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source byte array to destination byte array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source byte array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source byte array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memcpys : void ($dest_data : short[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : short[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source short array to destination short array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source short array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source short array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memcpyi : void ($dest_data : int[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : int[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source int array to destination int array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source int array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source int array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memcpyl : void ($dest_data : long[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : long[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source long array to destination long array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source long array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source long array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memcpyf : void ($dest_data : float[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : float[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source float array to destination float array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source float array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source float array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memcpyd : void ($dest_data : double[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : double[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source double array to destination double array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

If source double array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source double array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmoveb : void ($dest_data : byte[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : byte[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source byte array to destination byte array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source byte array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source byte array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmoves : void ($dest_data : short[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : short[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source short array to destination short array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source short array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source short array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmovei : void ($dest_data : int[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : int[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source int array to destination int array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source int array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source int array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmovel : void ($dest_data : long[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : long[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source long array to destination long array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source long array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source long array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmovef : void ($dest_data : float[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : float[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source float array to destination float array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source float array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source float array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub memmoved : void ($dest_data : double[], $dest_offset : int, $src_data : double[], $src_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source double array to destination double array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

If source double array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If source double array or destination array is undef, a exception occurs.

If length is nagative, a exception occurs.

If copy is not in the valid rainge, a exception occurs.


sub new_object_array_proto : oarray ($proto_array : oarray, $length : int)

Create a new generic object array as the same type as the given array.


sub crand : int ();

Get random number(0 to SPVM::Util->RAND_MAX). This is same as rand function of C language.

The first seed is epoch time usually. Second seed is the return value.

use SPVM::Time;
my $rand1 = crand(SPVM::Time->time);
my $rand2 = crand($rand1);


sub srand : void ($seed : long);

Sets random number seed for the "crand" static method.


sub replace : string ($str : string, $substr : string, $replace : string, $start_offset : int, $found_offset_ref : int&)

Replace the sub string in the string with a replace string and return the result string.

You can specify a byte offset of the string.

You can get the found byte offset by int reference.

my $str = "abcde";
my $substr = "bcd";
my $replace = "AB";
my $found_offset = 0;
my $result_str = replace($str, $substr, $replace, 0, \$found_offset);


sub replace_all : string ($str : string, $substr : string, $replace : string)

Replace all the sub string in the string with a replace string and return the result string.

my $str = "foo bar foo bar foo";
my $substr = "bar";
my $replace = "AB";
my $result_str = replace_all($str, $substr, $replace);


sub strtoi : int ($string : string, $digit : int);

Convert the string to a int value with a digit(2, 8, 10, 16).

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][0][x][one more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If convertion fails, a exception occuer.

my $string = "-2147483648";
my $num = strtoi($string, 10);


sub strtol : long ($string : string, $digit : int);

Convert the string to long value with digit(2, 8, 10, 16).

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][0][x][zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, a exception occuer.

my $string = "-9223372036854775808";
my $num = strtol($string, 10);


sub strtof : float ($string : string);

Convert the string to float value.

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][zero more than 0-9][.][zero more than 0-9][e or E[+ or -]zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, a exception occuer.

my $string = "1.25";
my $num = strtof($string);


sub strtod : double ($string : string);

Convert the string to float value.

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][zero more than 0-9][.][zero more than 0-9][e or E[+ or -]zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, a exception occuer.

my $string = "1.25";
my $num = strtod($string);


sub uc : string($str : string)

Convert a lowercase string to a uppercase string.

If the string is undef, a exception occur.


sub ucfirst : string($str : string)

Convert the first character of a string to a uppercase character.

If the string is undef, a exception occur.


sub rindex : int ($str : string, $substr : string, $offset : int)

Same as "index" function except that the search is the last of the string.


sub contains : int ($str : string, $substr : string)

If the string contains the sub string, return 1. If not, return 0.


sub abs : int ($x : int);

Get the abusolute value of a int value.


sub labs : long ($x : long);

Get the abusolute value for a long value.


native sub reverseb : void ($nums : byte[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the byte array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reverses : void ($nums : short[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the short array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reversei : void ($nums : int[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the int array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reversel : void ($nums : long[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the long array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reversef : void ($nums : float[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the float array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reversed : void ($nums : double[]);

Reverse the order of the elements of the double array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


native sub reverseo : void ($objs : oarray);

Reverse the order of the elements of the object array.

If the argument is undef, a exception occurs.


sub warn : void ($string : string);

Print string with file name and line number to stderr. line break is added to end of string.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 492:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '('0'~'9'),'. Assuming UTF-8