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package SPVM::Builder;
use strict;
use Carp 'confess';
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
# This SPVM load is needed for SPVM::Builder XS method binding to Perl
# because SPVM::Builder XS method is loaded when SPVM is loaded
use SPVM();
# Accessors
sub build_dir { shift->{build_dir} }
sub module_dirs { shift->{module_dirs} }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
module_dirs => [@INC],
bless $self, ref $class || $class;
return $self;
sub create_build_src_path {
my ($self, $rel_file) = @_;
my $build_dir = $self->build_dir;
my $build_src_path = "$build_dir/work/src";
if (defined $rel_file) {
$build_src_path .= "/$rel_file";
return $build_src_path;
sub create_build_include_path {
my ($self, $rel_file) = @_;
my $build_dir = $self->build_dir;
my $build_include_path = "$build_dir/work/include";
if (defined $rel_file) {
$build_include_path .= "/$rel_file";
return $build_include_path;
sub create_build_object_path {
my ($self, $rel_file) = @_;
my $build_dir = $self->build_dir;
my $build_object_path = "$build_dir/work/object";
if (defined $rel_file) {
$build_object_path .= "/$rel_file";
return $build_object_path;
sub create_build_lib_path {
my ($self, $rel_file) = @_;
my $build_dir = $self->build_dir;
my $build_lib_path = "$build_dir/work/lib";
if (defined $rel_file) {
$build_lib_path .= "/$rel_file";
return $build_lib_path;
sub get_shared_lib_file_dist {
my ($self, $package_name, $category) = @_;
my @package_name_parts = split(/::/, $package_name);
my $module_module_file = $self->get_module_file($package_name);
my $shared_lib_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_module_file_to_shared_lib_file($module_module_file, $category);
return $shared_lib_file;
sub build_shared_lib_dist {
my ($self, $package_name, $category) = @_;
my $compile_success = $self->compile_spvm($package_name, '(build_shared_lib_dist)', 0);
unless ($compile_success) {
my $cc_native = SPVM::Builder::CC->new(
build_dir => $self->{build_dir},
category => $category,
builder => $self,
quiet => 0,
my $sub_names = $self->get_sub_names($package_name, $category);
sub build_and_bind_shared_lib {
my ($self, $package_name, $category) = @_;
my $cc = SPVM::Builder::CC->new(
build_dir => $self->{build_dir},
category => $category,
builder => $self,
quiet => 1,
my $sub_names = $self->get_sub_names($package_name, $category);
if (@$sub_names) {
# Shared library which is already installed in distribution directory
my $shared_lib_file = $self->get_shared_lib_file_dist($package_name, $category);
# Try runtime compile if shared library is not found
unless (-f $shared_lib_file) {
$shared_lib_file = $cc->build_shared_lib_runtime($package_name);
$self->bind_subs($cc, $shared_lib_file, $package_name, $category);
sub bind_subs {
my ($self, $cc, $shared_lib_file, $package_name, $category) = @_;
# m library is maybe not dynamic link library
my %must_not_load_libs = map { $_ => 1 } ('m');
# Load pre-required dynamic library
my $bconf = $self->get_config($package_name, $category);
my $lib_dirs = $bconf->get_lib_dirs;
local @DynaLoader::dl_library_path = (@$lib_dirs, @DynaLoader::dl_library_path);
my $libs = $bconf->get_libs;
for my $lib (@$libs) {
unless ($must_not_load_libs{$lib}) {
my ($lib_file) = DynaLoader::dl_findfile("-l$lib");
my $shared_lib_libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($lib_file);
unless ($shared_lib_libref) {
my $dl_error = DynaLoader::dl_error();
confess "Can't load shared_lib file \"$shared_lib_file\": $dl_error";
my $sub_names = $self->get_sub_names($package_name, $category);
my $sub_infos = [];
for my $sub_name (@$sub_names) {
my $sub_info = {};
$sub_info->{package_name} = $package_name;
$sub_info->{sub_name} = $sub_name;
push @$sub_infos, $sub_info;
# Add anon package sub names if precompile
if ($category eq 'precompile') {
my $anon_package_names = $self->get_anon_package_names_by_parent_package_name($package_name);
for my $anon_package_name (@$anon_package_names) {
my $sub_info = {};
$sub_info->{package_name} = $anon_package_name;
$sub_info->{sub_name} = "";
push @$sub_infos, $sub_info;
for my $sub_info (@$sub_infos) {
my $package_name = $sub_info->{package_name};
my $sub_name = $sub_info->{sub_name};
my $sub_abs_name = "${package_name}::$sub_name";
my $cfunc_name = SPVM::Builder::Util::create_cfunc_name($package_name, $sub_name, $category);
my $cfunc_address;
if ($shared_lib_file) {
my $shared_lib_libref = DynaLoader::dl_load_file($shared_lib_file);
if ($shared_lib_libref) {
$cfunc_address = DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($shared_lib_libref, $cfunc_name);
unless ($cfunc_address) {
my $dl_error = DynaLoader::dl_error();
my $error = <<"EOS";
Can't find native function \"$cfunc_name\" corresponding to ${package_name}->$sub_name in \"$shared_lib_file\"
You must write the following definition.
#include <spvm_native.h>
int32_t $cfunc_name(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
confess $error;
else {
my $dl_error = DynaLoader::dl_error();
confess "Can't load shared_lib file \"$shared_lib_file\": $dl_error";
else {
confess "DLL file is not specified";
$self->bind_sub($package_name, $sub_name, $cfunc_address, $category);
sub get_config {
my ($self, $package_name, $category) = @_;
my $module_file = $self->get_module_file($package_name);
my $src_dir = SPVM::Builder::Util::remove_package_part_from_file($module_file, $package_name);
# Config file
my $config_rel_file = SPVM::Builder::Util::convert_package_name_to_category_rel_file($package_name, $category, 'config');
my $config_file = "$src_dir/$config_rel_file";
# Config
my $bconf;
if (-f $config_file) {
$bconf = SPVM::Builder::Util::load_config($config_file);
else {
if ($category eq 'native') {
my $error = <<"EOS";
Can't find $config_file.
Config file must contains at least the following code
use strict;
use warnings;
use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my \$bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99;
confess $error;
else {
$bconf = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99;
return $bconf;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
SPVM::Builder - Build SPVM program
Build SPVM program. Compile SPVM source codes. Bind native and precompile subroutines. Generate Perl subrotuines correspoing to SPVM subroutines. After that, run SPVM program.