Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

=head1 NAME
SPVM::ByteList - Continuous dynamic byte array
# Create a byte list with array length
my $byte_list = SPVM::ByteList->new_len(10);
# Create a byte list with array
my $byte_list = SPVM::ByteList->new([(byte)1, 2, 3]);
# Get list length
my $length = $byte_list->length;
# Push byte value
# Pop byte value.
my $byte_value = $byte_list->pop;
# Unshift byte value.
# Shift byte value.
my $byte_value = $byte_list->shift;
# Set byte value.
$byte_list->set(2, (byte)3);
# Get byte value.
my $byte_value = $byte_list->get(2);
# Insert byte value
$byte_list->insert(1, 3);
# Remove byte value
my $byte_value = $byte_list->remove(1);
# Convert SPVM::ByteList to byte array.
my $byte_array = $byte_list->to_array;
L<SPVM::ByteList> is continuous dynamic byte array.
=head2 new
sub new : SPVM::ByteList ($array : byte[])
Create a new L<SPVM::ByteList> object with specific C<byte> array.
=head2 new_len
sub new_len : SPVM::ByteList ($length : int)
Create a new L<SPVM::ByteList> object with array length.
=head2 length
sub length : int ()
Get list length.
=head2 push
sub push : void ($self : self, $value : byte)
Appending the value to the end of list.
=head2 pop
sub pop : byte ($self : self)
Pops and returns the last value of the list, shortening the array by one element
If there are no elements in the list, exception occur.
=head2 unshift
sub unshift : void ($self : self, $value : byte)
Appending the value to the top of list.
=head2 shift
sub shift : byte ($self : self)
Shifts the first value of the list off and returns it, shortening
the array by 1 and moving everything down.
If there are no elements in the list, exception occur.
=head2 set
sub set : void ($self : self, $index : int, $value : byte)
Set the value with index.
=head2 get
sub get : byte ($self : self, $index : int)
Get the value with index.
=head2 insert
sub insert : void ($self : self, $index : int, $value : byte)
Insert a element to the specific index.
=head2 remove
sub remove : byte ($self : self, $index : int)
Remove and return the element which is specified by the index.
=head2 to_array
sub to_array : byte[] ($self : self)
Convert L<SPVM::ByteList> to byte array.
=head2 resize
sub resize : void ($self : self, $new_length : int)
Resize list.
New length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise a exception occur.