SPVM::Fn - SPVM Starndard Functions



use Fn;

my $int8_max = Fn->INT8_MAX();
my $int16_max = Fn->INT16_MAX();
my $int32_max = Fn->INT32_MAX();
my $int64_max = Fn->INT64_MAX();

my $rand = Fn->rand();

# Cut a newline LF
  my $ret = Fn->chompr("abc\n");

# Copy a string
  my $string = "abc";
  my $string_copy = Fn->copy_string ($string);

# Search substr
  my $found_offset = Fn->index("pppabcde", "bcd", 2);

# split a string by the specific separator
my $string = "foo,bar,baz";
my $splited_strs = Fn->split(",", $string);

# Copy a byte array
  my $nums = [(byte)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_byte($nums);

# Copy a short array
  my $nums = [(short)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_short($nums);

# Copy a int array
  my $nums = [1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_int($nums);

# Copy a long array
  my $nums = [(long)1, 2, 3];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_long($nums);

# Copy a float array
  my $nums = [1.5f, 2.5f, 3.5f];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_float($nums);

# Copy a double array
  my $nums = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5];
  my $nums_copy = Fn->copy_array_double($nums);

# Copy a string array
  my $strs = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
  my $strs_copy = Fn->copy_array_string($strs);

# Check if the two byte arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(byte)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(byte)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_byte($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two short arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(short)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(short)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_short($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two int arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(int)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(int)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_int($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two long arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(long)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(long)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_long($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two float arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(float)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(float)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_float($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two double arrays equal
  my $nums1 = [(double)1, 2];
  my $nums2 = [(double)1, 2];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_double($nums1, $nums2);

# Check if the two string arrays equal
  my $strs1 = ["abc", "def"];
  my $strs2 = ["abc", "def"];
  my $ret = Fn->equals_array_string($strs1, $strs2);

# Copy object array
my $objects = [(object)Int->new(1), Int->new(2), Int->new(3)];
my $objects_copy = Fn->copy_array_object($objects, method : object ($obj : object) {
  my $int_obj = (Int)$obj;
  my $new_int_obj = Int->new($int_obj->value);
  return $new_int_obj;

# Sort byte array itself by asc order
my $nums = [(byte)2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_byte($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : byte, $b : byte) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort short array itself by asc order
my $nums = [(short)2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_short($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : short, $b : short) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort int array itself by asc order
my $nums = [2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_int($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : int, $b : int) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort long array itself by asc order
my $nums = [(long)2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_long($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : long, $b : long) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort float array itself by asc order
my $nums = [(float)2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_float($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : float, $b : float) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort double array itself by asc order
my $nums = [(double)2, 3, 1];
Fn->sort_double($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : double, $b : double) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort string array itself by asc order
my $nums = ["11", "1", "2", undef, ""];
Fn->sort_double($nums, 0, scalar @$nums, method : int ($a : double, $b : double) {
  return $a <=> $b;

# Sort object array itself by asc order
my $minimals = new TestCase::Minimal[3];
$minimals->[0] = TestCase::Minimal->new;
$minimals->[0]{x} = 3;
$minimals->[0]{y} = 5;
$minimals->[1] = TestCase::Minimal->new;
$minimals->[1]{x} = 3;
$minimals->[1]{y} = 7;
$minimals->[2] = TestCase::Minimal->new;
$minimals->[2]{x} = 2;
$minimals->[2]{y} = 9;
Fn->sort_object$minimals, 0, scalar @$minimals, method : int ($object1 : object, $object2 : object) {
  my $minimal1 = (TestCase::Minimal)$object1;
  my $minimal2 = (TestCase::Minimal)$object2;
  return $minimal1->{x} <=> $minimal2->{x} || $minimal1->{y} <=> $minimal2->{y};


use SPVM 'Fn';

my $int8_max = SPVM::Fn->INT8_MAX();
my $int16_max = SPVM::Fn->INT16_MAX();
my $int32_max = SPVM::Fn->INT32_MAX();
my $int64_max = SPVM::Fn->INT64_MAX();


Fn module provides SPVM Starndard Functions. Fn contains number, string and array utilities.


Class method of Fn module.


static method DBL_MAX : double ()

Return the value of DBL_MAX macro defined in float.h header of C language.


static method DBL_MIN : double ()

Return the value of DBL_MIN macro defined in float.h header of C language.


static method FLT_MAX : float ()

Return the value of FLT_MAX macro defined in float.h header of C language.


static method FLT_MIN : float ()

Return the value of FLT_MIN macro defined in float.h header of C language.


static method INT16_MAX : short ()

Return 32767. The maximum value of the signed 16bit integer.


static method INT16_MIN : short ()

Return -32768. The minimal value of the signed 16bit integer.


static method INT32_MAX : int ()

Return 2147483647. The maximum value of the signed 32bit integer.


static method INT32_MIN : int ()

Return -2147483648. The minimal value of the signed 32bit integer.


static method INT64_MAX : long ()

Return 9223372036854775807. The maximum value of the signed 64bit integer.


static method INT64_MIN : long ()

Return -9223372036854775808. The minimal value of signed 64bit integer.


INT8_MAX : byte ()

Return 127. The maximum value of the signed 8bit integer.


static method INT8_MIN : byte ()

Return -128. The minimal value of the signed 8bit integer.


static method UINT16_MAX : short ()

Return -1. The same bit expression of 0xFFFF in the unsigned 16bit integer in 2's complement.


static method UINT32_MAX : int ()

Return -1. The same bit expression of 0xFFFFFFFF in the unsigned 32bit integer in 2's complement.


static method UINT64_MAX : long ()

Return -1. The same bit expression of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF in the unsigned 64bit integer in 2's complement.


static method UINT8_MAX : byte ()

Return -1. The same bit expression of 0xFF in the unsigned 8bit integer in 2's complement.


static method abs : int ($x : int)

Return the absolute value.


static method chomp : void ($string : mutable string)

Remove \n of the end of the string. This method changes the given string itself.

If the string is undef or the length is zero, does nothing.


static method chompr : string ($string : string)

Copy the string and remove "\n" of the end of the string and return it.


static method copy_array_byte : byte[] ($nums : byte[])

Copy a byte array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_double : double[] ($nums : double[])

Copy a double array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_float : float[] ($nums : float[])

Copy a float array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_int : int[] ($nums : int[])

Copy a int array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_long : long[] ($nums : long[])

Copy a long array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_object : object[] ($objects : object[], $cloner : Cloner)

Copy a object array with a Cloner callback implemetation.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_range_byte : byte[] ($nums : byte[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the byte array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_double : double[] ($nums : double[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the double array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_float : float[] ($nums : float[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the float array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_int : int[] ($nums : int[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the int array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_long : long[] ($nums : long[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the long array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_object : oarray ($elems : oarray, $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the object array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_short : short[] ($nums : short[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the short array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_range_string : string[] ($strings : string[], $offset : int, $length : int)

Slice elements in the string array with the start offset and the length.

Array must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be in the array range, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, othrewise an exception occurs.

Offset + length must not be in the array range, othrewise an exception occurs.


static method copy_array_short : short[] ($nums : short[])

Copy a short array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_array_string : string[] ($strings : string[])

Copy a string array.

If the array is undef, return undef.


static method copy_string : string ($string : string)

Copy the value of the string, and return a new string.

If the argument string is undef, return undef.


static method crand : int ();

Get random number(0 <= rundom_number <= Fn->RAND_MAX). This is same as rand function of C language.

The first seed is initialized by epoch time automatically. If you set a seed manually, you can use <srand> class method.

This method is not thread safe because internaly this method use rand function of C language.


static method dump_array_byte : string ($nums : byte[])

Convert the elements in the byte array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_double : string ($nums : double[])

Convert the elements in the double array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_float : string ($nums : float[])

Convert the elements in the float array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_int : string ($nums : int[])

Convert the elements in the int array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_long : string ($nums : long[])

Convert the elements in the long array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_object : string ($objects : oarray, $stringer : Stringer)

Convert the elements in the object array to string by a SPVM::Stringer callback implementation and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If string array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_short : string ($nums : short[])

Convert the elements in the short array to string and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]".

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_string : string ($strings : string[])

Join the strings in the array with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If string array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_unsigned_byte : string ($nums : byte[])

Convert the elements in the byte array to string interpreting as an unsigned 8bit integer and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_unsigned_int : string ($nums : int[])

Convert the elements in the int array to string interpreting as an unsigned 32bit integer and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_unsigned_long : string ($nums : long[])

Convert the elements in the long array to string interpreting as an unsigned 64bit integer and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]", and return it.

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method dump_array_unsigned_short : string ($nums : short[])

Convert the elements in the short array to string interpreting as an unsigned 16bit integer and join them with "," and surround it with "[" and "]".

For readability spaces and line breaks are inserted.

If byte array is undef, return undef.


static method equals_array_byte : int ($nums1 : byte[], $nums2 : byte[])

Check if two byte arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method equals_array_double : int ($nums1 : double[], $nums2 : double[])

Check if two double arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method equals_array_float : int ($nums1 : float[], $nums2 : float[])

Check if two float arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method equals_array_int : int ($nums1 : int[], $nums2 : int[])

Check if two int arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method equals_array_long : int ($nums1 : long[], $nums2 : long[])

Check if two long arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method static method equals_array_object : int ($objs1 : oarray, $objs2 : oarray, $equality_checker : EqualityChecker)

Check equality of two objects. You must sepecify a EqualityChecker object to check the equality of each element.

$objs1 and $objs2 and $equality_checker must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Return 1 if the length of $objs1 and $objs2 is same and all element is same, otherwise return 0.


static method equals_array_short : int ($nums1 : short[], $nums2 : short[])

Check if two short arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method equals_array_string : int ($strs1 : double[], $strs2 : double[])

Check if two string arrays equal.

If at least one of the arrays is undef, a excetpion occurs.


static method hex : int ($hex_string : string)

Convert hex string to int value.

the hex string must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

the hex string must be a valid expression which is represented by a regex "^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,8})$", otherwise an exception occurs.


static method index : int ($string : string, $sub_string : string, $start_pos : int)

Search for the substring in the string from the starting position and return the found position. If the substring is not found, return -1.


static method index_len : int ($string : string, $sub_string : string, $start_pos : int, $max_string_length : int)

Same as the "index" method except that the max length of the string can be specified.

If the max string length of the argument is greater than the lenght of the string, the max string length become the length of string.


static method is_alnum : int ($code_point : int)

If character is alphanumeric('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z', '0'-'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_alpha : int ($code_point : int)

If character is alphabetic('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_blank : int ($code_point : int)

If character is blank(' ', '\t'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_cntrl : int ($code_point : int)

If character is a control character(0x00-0x1F, 0x7F), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_digit : int ($code_point : int)

If character is decimal digit ('0'-'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_graph : int ($code_point : int)

If character has graphical representation(0x21-0x7E), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_lower : int ($code_point : int)

If character is lowercase letter('a'-'z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_perl_space : int ($code_point : int)

If character is Perl space character(' ', '\r', '\n', '\t', '\f'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_perl_word : int ($code_point : int)

If character is Perl word character('a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '_', '0'-'9'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_print : int ($code_point : int)

If character is printable(0x20-0x7E), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_punct : int ($code_point : int)

If character is a punctuation character(0x21-0x2f, 0x3a-0x40, 0x5b-0x60, 0x7b-0x7e), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_space : int ($code_point : int)

If character is a white-space(' ', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_upper : int ($code_point : int)

If character is uppercase letter('A'-'Z'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method is_xdigit : int ($code_point : int)

If character is hexadecimal digit('0'-'9', 'A'-'F', 'a'-'f'), return 1. If not, return 0.


static method join : string ($sep : string, $strings : string[])

Join a string array with separater and return it.

If separater is undef, an exception occurs.

If string array is undef, an exception occurs.


static method labs : long ($x : long)

Return the absolute value.


static method lc : string ($string : string)

Convert uppercase string to lowercase string.


static method lcfirst : string ($string : string)

Convert first chracter of string from uppercase to lowercase.


static method memcpy : void ($dest : object, $dest_byte_offset : int, $source : object, $source_byte_offset : int, $byte_length : int);

The destination must be a string type, a numeric type, or a multi numeric type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

If the destination is a read-only string, an exception is thrown.

The source must be a string type, a numeric type, or a multi numeric type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Copy the source to the destination with the given each offset and the given length by byte unit.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

The destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

The source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

The length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

The destnation byte offset + byte length must be within the byte range of the destnation, otherwise an exception occurs.

The source byte offset + byte length must be within the byte range of the source, otherwise an exception occurs.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.


static method memcpy_byte : void ($dest : byte[], $dest_offset : int, $source : byte[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source byte array to destination byte array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memcpy_double : void ($dest : double[], $dest_offset : int, $source : double[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source double array to destination double array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memcpy_float : void ($dest : float[], $dest_offset : int, $source : float[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source float array to destination float array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memcpy_int : void ($dest : int[], $dest_offset : int, $source : int[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source int array to destination int array with the each offset and a length.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memcpy_long : void ($dest : long[], $dest_offset : int, $source : long[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source long array to destination long array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memcpy_short : void ($dest : short[], $dest_offset : int, $source : short[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source short array to destination short array with the each offset and a length.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memmove : void ($dest : object, $dest_byte_offset : int, $source : object, $source_byte_offset : int, $byte_length : int);

The destination must be a string type, a numeric type, or a multi numeric type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

If the destination is a read-only string, an exception is thrown.

The source must be a string type, a numeric type, or a multi numeric type, otherwise an exception is thrown.

Copy the source to the destination with the given each offset and the given length by byte unit.

If source data range and destination data overlap, the result is not guaranteed.

The destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

The source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

The length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

The destnation byte offset + byte length must be within the byte range of the destnation, otherwise an exception occurs.

The source byte offset + byte length must be within the byte range of the source, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memmove_byte : void ($dest : byte[], $dest_offset : int, $source : byte[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source byte array to destination byte array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


memmove_double : void ($dest : double[], $dest_offset : int, $source : double[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source double array to destination double array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method memmove_float : void ($dest : float[], $dest_offset : int, $source : float[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source float array to destination float array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


memmove_int : void ($dest : int[], $dest_offset : int, $source : int[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source int array to destination int array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


memmove_long : void ($dest : long[], $dest_offset : int, $source : long[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source long array to destination long array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


memmove_short : void ($dest : short[], $dest_offset : int, $source : short[], $source_offset : int, $length : int)

Copy source short array to destination short array with the each offset and a length.

Even if source data range and destination data overlap, the result is guaranteed.

Destnation must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source must be defined, otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0, otherwise an exception occurs.

Destnation offset + length must be within the range of the destnation array, otherwise an exception occurs.

Source offset + length must be within the range of the source array, otherwise an exception occurs.


static method new_array_proto : oarray ($proto_array : oarray, $length : int)

Create a new generic object array as the same type as the given array.


static method powi : int ($x : int, $y : int)

Calculate the exponentiation.


static method powl : long ($x : long, $y : long)

Calculate the exponentiation.


static method rand : double ();

Get random number(0 <= random_number < 1). This is same as rand function of Perl language.

The first seed is initialized by epoch time automatically. If you set a seed manually, you can use <srand> class method.

This method is not thread safe because internaly this method use rand function of C language.


static method rindex : int ($string : string, $sub_string : string, $start_pos : int)

Search for the substring in the string from the starting position to the start of the string. and return the found position. If the substring is not found, return -1.


static method rindex_len : int ($string : string, $sub_string : string, $start_pos : int, $max_string_length : int)

Same as the "rindex" method except that the max length of the string can be specified.

If the max string length of the argument is greater than the lenght of the string, the max string length become the length of string.


static method shorten : void ($string : mutable string, $length : int32_t)

Shorten the string to the given length.

If the string is null, does nothing.

If the given length is greater than the length of the string, does nothing.

If the given length is lower than 0, the given length become 0.

In the level of native APIs, the charaters of the after the given length are filled with \0.


static method sort_byte : void ($nums : byte[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Byte)

Sort byte array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Byte comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_double : void ($nums : double[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Double)

Sort double array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Double comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method static method sort_float : void ($nums : float[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Float)

Sort float array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Float comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_int : void ($nums : int[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Int)

Sort int array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Int comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_long : void ($nums : long[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Long)

Sort long array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Long comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_object : void ($objs : oarray, $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Object)

Sort object array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Object comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_short : void ($nums : short[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Short)

Sort short array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::Short comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method sort_string : void ($nums : string[], $offset : int, $length : int, $comparator : Comparator::Double)

Sort string array itself with a offset, a length, and a Comparator::String comparator.

Array must be not undef. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Length must be more than or equals to 0. Otherwise an exception occurs.

Offset + Length must be in the array range. Otherwise an exception occurs.


static method split : string[] ($sep : string, $string : string)

Split a string by the specific separator.


static method sprintf : string ($format : string, $args : object[]...)

Create a formatted string with the format and the embdded values.

CharacterStringUnicode Code Point to UTF-8
Format Specifier
32bit Integer
Unsigned 32bit Integer
64bit Integer
Unsigned 64bit Integer
64bit Floating Point

Format Options

Zero Padding

# Format

# Value

# Output


# Format

# Value

# Output

Left Justified

# Format

# Value

# Output
"123  "

Number of Decimal Places Displayed

# Format

# Value

# Output


static method srand : void ($seed : long);

Sets random number seed for the crand or rand class method.


static method substr : string ($string : string, $offset : int, $length : int)

Get the substring of the string with the start offset and the length.


static method to_double : double ($string : string);

Convert the string to float value.

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][zero more than 0-9][.][zero more than 0-9][e or E[+ or -]zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, an exception occuer.

my $string = "1.25";
my $num = to_double($string);


static method to_float : float ($string : string);

Convert the string to float value.

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][zero more than 0-9][.][zero more than 0-9][e or E[+ or -]zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, an exception occuer.

my $string = "1.25";
my $num = to_float($string);


static method to_int : int ($string : string, $digit : int);

Convert the string to a int value. This method is same as to_int_with_base($string, 10).

my $string = "-2147483648";
my $num = to_int($string);


static method to_int_with_base : int ($string : string, $digit : int);

Convert the string to a int value with a digit(2, 8, 10, 16).

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][0][x][one more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If convertion fails, an exception occuer.

my $string = "-2147483648";
my $num = to_int_with_base($string, 10);


static method to_long : long ($string : string);

Convert the string to long value. This method is same as to_long($string, 10).

my $string = "-9223372036854775808";
my $num = to_long($string);


static method to_long_with_base : long ($string : string, $digit : int);

Convert the string to long value with digit(2, 8, 10, 16).

Format is [' ' or '\t' or '\n' or '\v' or '\f' or '\r'][+ or -][0][x][zero more than 0-9]. Internal of [] is optional.

If the convertion fails, an exception occuer.

my $string = "-9223372036854775808";
my $num = to_long_with_base($string, 10);


static method to_lower : int ($code_point : int)

Convert uppercase letter('A'-'Z') to lowercase. If the character is not uppercase letter, return the character.


static method to_upper : int ($code_point : int)

Convert lowercase letter('a'-'z') to lowercase. If the character is not uppercase letter, return the character.


static method trim_ascii_space : string ($string : string)

Remove right and left spaces of the string. These spaces is ascii standard spaces which can be checked by is_space method.

If the argument string is undef, return undef.


static method uc : string ($string : string)

Convert a lowercase string to a uppercase string.

If the string is undef, an exception occurs.


static method ucfirst : string ($string : string)

Convert the first character of a string to a uppercase character.

If the string is undef, an exception occurs.