SPVM::Document::NativeAPI - SPVM Native APIs


SPVM Native APIs are public APIs that are used in native modules. SPVM Native APIs are writen in C language.

This document describes the usage of SPVM Native APIs, and also the way to write native methods and native modules.

Native methods can be written by C language or C++. If the rule of the function call is same as C, you can use any language, for example, CUDA/nvcc.

Native Methods

Native Method Declarations

A native method declaration are written using the method descriptor "native" in a SPVM module file. The method can't have the block. it ends with a semicolon.

# SPVM/Foo/Bar.spvm
class Foo::Bar {
  native static method sum : int ($num1 : int, $num2 : int);

Native Config Files

A native config file is needed for the native module. The extension is config. Put the config file in the same directory as the SPVM module.

# Native configuration file for Foo::Bar module

If the native config file does not exist, an exception occurs.

Native config files are writen by Perl. It must return Builder::Config object, otherwise an exception occurs.

I show some examples of native config files.

GNU99 Config Files

# GNU99 Config File
use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_gnu99;


C99 Config Files

# C99 Config File
use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c99;


C11 Config Files

# C11 Config File
use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_c;



C++ Config Files

# C++ Config File
use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_cpp;


C++11 Config Files

# C++11 Config File
use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_cpp;



CUDA/nvcc Config Files

use strict;
use warnings;

my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new;

# Compiler and Linker common
my @ccldflags = qw(--compiler-options '-fPIC');

# Compiler

# Linker
$config->add_ldflags('-shared', @ccldflags);


The Options of Config Files

Output the commands of the compililation and the link:

use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_gnu99;

# Output the commands of the compililation and link


Force the compilation and the link:

use strict;
use warnings;

use SPVM::Builder::Config;
my $config = SPVM::Builder::Config->new_gnu99;

# Force the compilation and the link


Native Method Definitions

A native method definition is written in the native module file. Native module files are writen C, C++, or the language that the rule of function call is same as C.

The extension is defined ext method in the config file.


Generally the extension of C is c, C++ is cpp, CUDA/nvcc is cu.

Put the config file in the same directory as the SPVM module.

# Native module file for Foo::Bar module

This is an example of SPVM natvie module. The config file is GNU99.

#include "spvm_native.h"

int32_t SPVM__Foo__Bar__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {

  int32_t num1 = stack[0].ival;
  int32_t num2 = stakc[1].ival;

  int32_t total = num1 + num2;

  stack[0].ival = total;

  return 0;

The header of Native APIs

Include spvm_native.h at the beginning of the natvie module. spvm_native.h is the header of Native APIs. It defines the native APIs and the data structures, such as SPVM_ENV, SPVM_VALUE.

Native Function Names

A SPVM native method have a native function.

Native funtions have the rule of the names. For example, the name is SPVM__Foo__Bar__sum.


This name is write by the following rules.

The function name starts with "SPVM__".

Followed by the class name "Foo__Bar", that is replaced "::" with "__".

Followed by "__".

Followed by the method name "sum".

If the name is invalid, a compilation error occurs.

Native Function Arguments

A native function has two arguments.

The first argument is env that type is SPVM_ENV*. This has the information of the runtime environment.

The second argument is stack that type is SPVM_VALUE*. This is used for getting the values of the arguments and setting the return value.

int32_t SPVM__Foo__Bar__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {


In the above example, SPVM native method takes two arguments that type is int. It calculates the sum of the tow values, and returns the total value.

#include "spvm_native.h"

int32_t SPVM__Foo__Bar__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {

  int32_t num1 = stack[0].ival;
  int32_t num2 = stakc[1].ival;

  int32_t total = num1 + num2;

  stack[0].ival = total;

  return 0;

Native Function Return Value

The type of return value of native function is int32_t. If the method succeeds, the method must return 1. If the method fails, the method must return 0.

Note that this is not the return value of the SPVM native method, such as the total value in the above example.

Compile Native Method

Native methods are compiled into a shared libraries. teay are shared libraries (.so) on Unix/Linux, dynamic link libraries (.dll) on Windows or etc corresponding to your os.

The compilation is done when SPVM is compiled. The build directory must exist, otherwise an exception occures.

The default build directory is the "~/.spvm_build" directory in the directory containing the executed Perl script, and can be changed with the environment variable "SPVM_BUILD_DIR".

If you want to use SPVM Native Method from Perl, create a "~/.spvm_build" directory in the directory where the executed Perl script exists.


The generated object files exists under "work/object" under the build directory. The object file name is the name which the extension of the SPVM module name is changed to ".o".


The generated shared libraries exists under "work/lib" under the build directory. The name of shared library is the name which the extension of the SPVM module name is changed to ".so", or etc corresponding to your os.

# Unix/Linux

# Windows


The stack is the second argument of the definition of the Native Method. This is called stack. Stack is used getting arguments and return the value.

int32_t SPVM__Foo__Bar__sum(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {


SPVM_VALUE is a union type of C language to store SPVM values. You can save integral value, floating point value, object value, and reference value to it.

For example, to get the value of the first argument(0th) of int type, write as follows.

int32_t args0 = stack[0].ival;

For example, to get the value of the second argument(1th) of long type, write as follows.

int64_t args1 = stack[1].lval;

For example, to return a value of double type, write as follows.

stack[0].dval = 0.5;

Getting Arguments

Get byte type argument

To get the SPVM byte argument, access the bval field. Assign to the C language int8_t type.

int8_t args0 = stack[0].bval;

Get short type argument

To get the short argument of SPVM, access the sval field. Assign it to the C language int16_t type.

int16_t args0 = stack[0].sval;

Get int type argument

To get the SPVM int type argument, access the ival field. Assign to the C language int32_t type.

int32_t args0 = stack[0].ival;

Get long type argument

To get the long argument of SPVM, access the lval field. Assign to the C language int64_t type.

int64_t args0 = stack[0].lval;

Get float type argument

To get the SPVM float type argument, access the fval field. Assign to float type of C language.

float args0 = stack[0].fval;

Get double type argument

To get the SPVM double argument, access the dval field. Assign to the C language double type.

double args0 = stack[0].dval;

Get object type argument

To get the SPVM object type argument, access the oval field. Assign it to void* type in C language.

void* args0 = stack[0].oval;

Get byte Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM byte Reference Type argument, use "bref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language int8_t* type.

int8_t* args0 = stack[0].bref;

Get short Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM short Reference Type argument, use "sref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language int16_t* type.

int16_t* args0 = stack[0].sref;

Get int Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM int Reference Type argument, use "iref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language int32_t* type.

int32_t* args0 = stack[0].iref;

Get long Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM long Reference Type argument, use "lref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language int64_t* type.

int64_t* args0 = stack[0].lref;

Get float Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM float Reference Type argument, use "fref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language float* type.

float* args0 = stack[0].fref;

Get double Reference Type Argument

If you get SPVM double Reference Type Argument, use "dref" field. it can be assinged to the value of C language double* type.

double* args0 = stack[0].dref;

Get multiple numeric type arguments

In a Native Method, multiple numeric type arguments are assigned to the coresponding multiple arguments.

For example, In the case of the argument values of Complex_2d type, you can get them by the following way.

double args_re = stack[0].dval;
double args_im = stack[1].dval;

Note that you cannot access the values by the field name of Complex_2d.

Return Value

Set return value of byte type

Use bval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is byte. This is corresponding to int8_t type of C language.

int8_t retval;
stack[0].bval = retval;

Set return value of short type

Use sval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is short. This is corresponding to int16_t type of C language.

int16_t retval;
stack[0].sval = retval;

Set return value of int type

Use ival field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is int. This is corresponding to int32_t type of C language.

int32_t retval;
stack[0].ival = retval;

Set long type return value

Use lval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is long. This is corresponding to int64_t type of C language.

int64_t retval;
stack[0].lval = retval;

Set return value of float type

Use fval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is float. This is corresponding to float type of C language.

float retval;
stack[0].fval = retval;

Set return value of double type

Use dval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is double. This is corresponding to double type of C language.

double retval;
stack[0].dval = retval;

Set return value of object type

Use oval field of SPVM_VALUE to set a return value which type of SPVM is object. This is corresponding to void* type of C language.

void* retval;
stack[0].oval = retval;

Set multiple numeric return value

If you set multiple numeric return value in native method, set multiple return values.

For example, in the case of Complex_2d, do the following.

double retval_x;
double retval_y;
stack[0].dval = retval_x;
stack[1].dval = retval_y;

Call SPVM Method

If you want to call a method, you get a method id using get_class_method_id or get_instance_method_id.

get_class_method_id get a method id of a class method.

get_instance_method_id get a method id of a instance method.

// Get method id of class method
int32_t method_id = env->get_class_method_id(env, "Foo", "sum", "int(int,int)");

// Get method id of instance method
int32_t method_id = env->get_instance_method_id(env, object, "sum", "int(int,int)");

If method_id is less than 0, it means that the method was not found. It is safe to handle exceptions as follows.

if (method_id < 0) { return env->die(env, "Can't find method id", "Foo/Bar.c", __LINE__); }

Set the SPVM method argument to stack before calling the method.

stack[0].ival = 1;
stack[0].ival = 2;

To call a SPVM method, use the <a href="#native-api-native-sub-api-call_spvm_method">call_spvm_method</a> function.

int32_t exception_flag = env->call_spvm_method(env, method_id, stack);

Nonzero if the method raised an exception, 0 if no exception occurred.

The return value of the method is stored in the first element of the stack.

int32_t total = stack[0].ival;

Native Method Scope

Native method are entirely enclosed in scope.

Objects added to the mortal stack will automatically have their reference count decremented by 1 when the Native Method ends. When the reference count reaches 0, it is released.

Use push_mortal to add objects to the mortal stack.

env->push_mortal(env, object);

Native APIs that normally create an object such as "new_object" will add the automatically created object to the mortal stack so you don't need to use this.

Use "enter_scope" to create a scope. The return value is the ID of that scope.

int32_t scope_id = env->enter_scope (env);

Use "leave_scope" to leave the scope. For the argument, it is necessary to specify the scope ID obtained in "enter_scope".

env->leave_scope(env, scope_id);

Use "remove_mortal" to remove the object from the mortal stack. For the argument, specify the scope ID obtained by "enter_scope" and the object you want to remove. The object is removed from the mortal stack and the reference count is automatically decremented by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, it is released.

env->remove_mortal(env, scope_id, object);

Information about the mortal stack is stored in env.

Exception in Native Method

In the Native Method, it is the return value that indicates whether an exception has occurred.

return 0;

return 1;

If no exception occurs, "0" is returned. This is defined as "0".

If an exception occurs, "1" is returned. It is defined as a value other than "0".

If you want to set the exception message yourself, you can create an exception message with "new_string_nolen" and set it with "set_exception".

env->set_exception(env, env->new_string_nolen(env, "Exception occur");
return 1;

If no exception message is set, a default exception message will be set.

Usually, die is defined to make it easier to use, so it is better to use this.

return env->die("Error. Values must be %d and %d", 3, 5, "Foo/Bar.c", __LINE__);

die can be used in the same way as the C language sprintf function. Be sure to include this file name in the second from the end, and the line number in the last argument. If the message exceeds 255 bytes, the excess is truncated.

The exception is stored in env.

Pointer Type

There is a type called pointer type in SPVM, but I will explain how to use it.

The pointer type definition specifies the pointer_t descriptor in the SPVM class definition. Pointer types cannot have field definitions. This example describes how to use the C standard "struct tm" as a pointer type.

# SPVM/MyTimeInfo.spvm
class MyTimeInfo : pointer_t {

  # Constructor
  native static method new : MyTimeInfo ();

  # Get second
  native method sec : int ();

  # Destructor
  native method DESTROY : ();

It defines a new constructor, a method that takes seconds information called sec, and a destructor called DESTROY. These are Native Method.

Next is the definition on the C language side.

# SPVM/MyTimeInfo.c

int32_t SPVM__MyTimeInfo__new(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {

  // Alloc strcut tm
  void* tm_ptr = env->alloc_memory_block_zero (sizeof (struct tm));

  // Create strcut tm instance
  void* tm_obj = env->new_pointer(env, "MyTimeInfo", tm_ptr);

  stack[0].oval = tm_obj;

  return 0;

int32_t SPVM__MyTimeInfo__sec(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
  void* tm_obj = stack[0].oval;

  strcut tm* tm_ptr = (struct tm*) env->get_pointer(env, tm_obj);

  stack[0].ival = tm_ptr-> tm_sec;

  return 0;

int32_t SPVM__MyTimeInfo__DESTROY(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {

  void* tm_obj = stack[0].oval;
  strcut tm* tm_ptr = (struct tm*) env->get_pointer(env, tm_obj);

  env->free_memory_block (tm_ptr);

  return 0;

In the constructor new, the memory of "struct tm" is first allocated by the alloc_memory_block_zero function. This is a function that reserves one memory block in SPVM. Similar to malloc, this function increments the memory block count by one, making it easier to spot memory leaks.

// Alloc strcut tm
void* tm_ptr = env->alloc_memory_block_zero (sizeof (struct tm));

Next, use the new_pointer function to create a new pointer type object with MyTimeInfo associated with it in the allocated memory.

// Create strcut tm instance
void* tm_obj = env->new_pointer(env, "MyTimeInfo", tm_ptr);

If you return this as a return value, the constructor is complete.

stack[0].ival = tm_ptr-> tm_sec;

return 0;

Next, let's get the value of tm_sec. sec method. The get_pointer function can be used to get a pointer to the memory allocated as a "struct tm" from a pointer type object.

void* tm_obj = stack[0].oval;

strcut tm* tm_ptr = (struct tm*) env->get_pointer(env, tm_obj);

stack[0].ival = tm_ptr-> tm_sec;

The last is the destructor. Be sure to define a destructor, as the allocated memory will not be released automatically.

int32_t SPVM__MyTimeInfo__DESTROY(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {

  void* tm_obj = stack[0].oval;

  strcut tm* tm_ptr = (struct tm*) env->get_pointer(env, tm_obj);

  env->free_memory_block (tm_ptr);

  return 0;

Execute the free_memory_block function to free the memory. Be sure to free the memory allocated by alloc_memory_block_zero with the free_memory_block function. Releases the memory and decrements the memory block count by one.

Call Native API

Native API can be called from "SPVM_ENV* env" passed as an argument. Note that you have to pass env as the first argument.

int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");

IDs of Native API

Native APIs of SPVM have the IDs that is corresponding to the names. These IDs are permanently same for the binary compatibility in the future release. When a new Native API is added, it will be added after the end of IDs.

0 class_vars_heap
1 object_header_byte_size
2 object_weaken_backref_head_offset
3 object_ref_count_offset
4 object_basic_type_id_offset
5 object_type_dimension_offset
6 object_type_category_offset
7 object_flag_offset
8 object_length_offset
9 byte_object_basic_type_id
10 short_object_basic_type_id
11 int_object_basic_type_id
12 long_object_basic_type_id
13 float_object_basic_type_id
14 double_object_basic_type_id
15 runtime_info
16 exception_object
17 native_mortal_stack
18 native_mortal_stack_top
19 native_mortal_stack_capacity
20 get_basic_type_id
21 get_field_id
22 get_field_offset
23 get_class_var_id
24 get_class_method_id
25 get_instance_method_id
26 new_object_raw
27 new_object
28 new_byte_array_raw
29 new_byte_array
30 new_short_array_raw
31 new_short_array
32 new_int_array_raw
33 new_int_array
34 new_long_array_raw
35 new_long_array
36 new_float_array_raw
37 new_float_array
38 new_double_array_raw
39 new_double_array
40 new_object_array_raw
41 new_object_array
42 new_muldim_array_raw
43 new_muldim_array
44 new_mulnum_array_raw
45 new_mulnum_array
46 new_string_nolen_raw
47 new_string_nolen
48 new_string_raw
49 new_string
50 new_pointer_raw
51 new_pointer
52 concat_raw
53 concat
54 new_stack_trace_raw
55 new_stack_trace
56 length
57 get_elems_byte
58 get_elems_short
59 get_elems_int
60 get_elems_long
61 get_elems_float
62 get_elems_double
63 get_elem_object
64 set_elem_object
65 get_field_byte
66 get_field_short
67 get_field_int
68 get_field_long
69 get_field_float
70 get_field_double
71 get_field_object
72 set_field_byte
73 set_field_short
74 set_field_int
75 set_field_long
76 set_field_float
77 set_field_double
78 set_field_object
79 get_class_var_byte
80 get_class_var_short
81 get_class_var_int
82 get_class_var_long
83 get_class_var_float
84 get_class_var_double
85 get_class_var_object
86 set_class_var_byte
87 set_class_var_short
88 set_class_var_int
89 set_class_var_long
90 set_class_var_float
91 set_class_var_double
92 set_class_var_object
93 get_pointer
94 set_pointer
95 call_spvm_method
96 get_exception
97 set_exception
98 get_ref_count
99 inc_ref_count
100 dec_ref_count
101 enter_scope
102 push_mortal
103 leave_scope
104 remove_mortal
105 is_type
106 has_callback
107 get_object_basic_type_id
108 get_object_type_dimension
109 weaken
110 isweak
111 unweaken
112 alloc_memory_block_zero
113 free_memory_block
114 get_memory_blocks_count
115 get_type_name_raw
116 get_type_name
117 new_env
118 free_env
119 memory_blocks_count
120 get_chars
121 die
122 new_object_by_name
123 new_pointer_by_name
124 set_field_byte_by_name
125 set_field_short_by_name
126 set_field_int_by_name
127 set_field_long_by_name
128 set_field_float_by_name
129 set_field_double_by_name
130 set_field_object_by_name
131 get_field_byte_by_name
132 get_field_short_by_name
133 get_field_int_by_name
134 get_field_long_by_name
135 get_field_float_by_name
136 get_field_double_by_name
137 get_field_object_by_name
138 set_class_var_byte_by_name
139 set_class_var_short_by_name
140 set_class_var_int_by_name
141 set_class_var_long_by_name
142 set_class_var_float_by_name
143 set_class_var_double_by_name
144 set_class_var_object_by_name
145 get_class_var_byte_by_name
146 get_class_var_short_by_name
147 get_class_var_int_by_name
148 get_class_var_long_by_name
149 get_class_var_float_by_name
150 get_class_var_double_by_name
151 get_class_var_object_by_name
152 call_class_method_by_name
153 call_instance_method_by_name
154 get_field_string_chars_by_name
155 any_object_basic_type_id
156 dump_raw
157 dump
158 call_class_method
159 call_instance_method
160 get_instance_method_id_static
161 get_bool_object_value
162 string_basic_type_id
163 make_read_only
164 is_read_only
165 is_array
166 is_string
167 is_numeric_array
168 is_mulnum_array
169 get_elem_byte_size
170 new_array_proto_raw
171 new_array_proto
172 copy_raw
173 copy
174 shorten
175 has_interface
176 no_symbol_cache_flag
177 set_no_symbol_cache_flag
178 get_no_symbol_cache_flag
179 print
180 print_stderr
181 new_env_raw,
182 free_env_raw,
183 init_env,
184 call_init_blocks
185 cleanup_global_vars
186 new_compiler
187 compiler_free
188 compiler_set_start_line
189 compiler_get_start_line
190 compiler_set_start_file
191 compiler_get_start_file
192 compiler_add_module_dir
193 compiler_get_module_dirs_length
194 compiler_get_module_dir
195 compiler_compile_spvm
196 compiler_get_error_messages_length
197 compiler_get_error_message
198 compiler_get_class_id
199 compiler_get_classes_length
200 compiler_get_class_name
201 compiler_is_anon_class
202 compiler_get_methods_length
203 compiler_get_method_id
204 compiler_get_method_id_by_name
205 compiler_get_method_name
206 compiler_get_method_signature
207 compiler_is_anon_method
208 compiler_is_init_block_method
209 compiler_is_native_method
210 compiler_is_precompile_method
211 compiler_get_native_method_address
212 compiler_get_precompile_method_address
213 compiler_set_native_method_address
214 compiler_set_precompile_method_address
215 is_object_array

List of Native APIs

List of Native APIs of SPVM.


void* class_vars_heap;

the pointer to the storage area of the class variables. This is used internally.


void* object_header_byte_size;

The byte size of the object's header. This is used internally.


void* object_weaken_backref_head_offset;

Offset to a pointer to the back reference of the weak reference in the object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_ref_count_offset;

Reference count offset in the object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_basic_type_id_offset;

Offset of basic type ID in object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_type_dimension_offset;

Offset of type dimension in object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_type_category_offset;

Offset of runtime type category in object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_flag_offset;

Offset of flag in object structure. This is used internally.


void* object_length_offset;

The length offset in the object structure. This is used internally.


void* byte_object_basic_type_id;

Basic type ID of Byte type. This is used internally.


void* short_object_basic_type_id;

ID of the base type of Short type. This is used internally.


void* int_object_basic_type_id;

ID of the base type of Int type. This is used internally.


void* long_object_basic_type_id;

ID of the base type of Long type. This is used internally.


void* float_object_basic_type_id;

ID of the base type of Float type. This is used internally.


void* double_object_basic_type_id;

ID of the base type of Double type. This is used internally.


void* runtime_info;

A pointer to the runtime information. This is used internally.


void* exception_object;

Exception object. This is used internally.


void* native_mortal_stack;

Mortal stack used for native calls. This is used internally.


void* native_mortal_stack_top;

The top position of the mortal stack used for native calls. This is used internally.


void* native_mortal_stack_capacity;

The amount of mortal stack used for native calls. This is used internally.


int32_t (*get_basic_type_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* basic_type_name);

Get the ID of the base type given the name of the base type. If it does not exist, a value less than 0 is returned.


int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");


int32_t (*get_field_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, const char* field_name, const char* signature);

Get the ID of the field given the class name, field name, and signature. If the field does not exist, a value less than 0 is returned.

The signature is the same as the field type name.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "int");


int32_t (*get_field_offset)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t field_id);

Gets the offset of the field given the field ID. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t (*get_class_var_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, const char* signature);

Get the class variable ID given the class name, class variable name and signature. If the class variable does not exist, a value less than 0 is returned.

The signature is the same as the class variable type name.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "int");


int32_t (*get_class_method_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* signature);

Get a class method ID by the class name, the method name, and the method signature. If the class method does not exists, a negative value is returned.

This ID is used by "call_class_method".

The method signature has the following format.



int32_t method_id = env->get_class_method_id(env, "Foo", "get", "int(long,string)");


int32_t (*get_instance_method_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, const char* method_name, const char* signature);

Get a instance method ID by the object, the method name, and the method signatre. If the instance method does not exist, a negative value is returned.

This ID is used by "call_instance_method".

The method signature has the following format,



int32_t method_id = env->get_instance_method_id(env, object, "get", "int(long,string)");


void* (*new_object_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id);

Create a new object with a basic type ID. The basic type ID must be the correct base type ID return by get_basic_type_id function.


void* (*new_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id);

Do the same as new_object_raw, and add the created object to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_object_raw.


int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");
void* object = env->new_object(env, basic_type_id);


void* (*new_byte_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new byte[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_byte_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_byte_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_byte_array_raw.


void* byte_array = env->new_byte_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_short_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new short[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_short_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_short_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_short_array_raw.


void* short_array = env->new_short_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_int_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new int[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_int_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_int_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_int_array_raw.


void* int_array = env->new_int_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_long_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new long[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_long_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_long_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_long_array_raw.


void* long_array = env->new_long_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_float_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new float[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_float_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_float_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_float_array_raw.


void* float_array = env->new_float_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_double_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Create a new double[] type array by specifying the length.


void* (*new_double_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_double_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_double_array_raw.


void* double_array = env->new_double_array(env, 100);


void* (*new_object_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t length);

Create a new object type array by specifying the basic type ID and the array length. The basic type ID must be the correct basic type ID got by get_basic_type_id function.


void* (*new_object_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_object_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_object_array_raw.


int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");
void* object_array = env->new_object_array(env, basic_type_id, 100);


void* (*new_muldim_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t element_dimension, int32_t length);

Create a new multi dimension array by specifying the basic type ID, the type dimension of the element, and the array length. The basic type ID must be the correct basic type ID got bu get_basic_type_id function. the type dimension of the element must be less than or equals to 255.


void* (*new_muldim_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t element_dimension, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_muldim_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_muldim_array_raw.


// new Int[][][100]
int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");
void* multi_array = env->new_muldim_array(env, basic_type_id, 2, 100);


void* (*new_mulnum_array_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t length);

Create a new multi-numeric array by specifying the basic type ID and the array length. The basic type ID must be the correct basic type ID got by basic_type_id function.


void* (*new_mulnum_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t length);

Do the same as new_mulnum_array_raw, and add the created array to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_mulnum_array_raw.


int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Complex_2d");
void* value_array = env->new_mulnum_array(env, basic_type_id, 100);


void* (*new_string_nolen_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes);

Create a new string object by specifying C language char* type value. this value must end with "\0".


void* (*new_string_nolen)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes);

Do the same as new_string_nolen_raw, and add the created string object to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_string_nolen_raw.


void* str_obj = env->new_string_nolen(env, "Hello World");


void* (*new_string_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes, int32_t length);

Create a new string object with the bytes and the length.

If the length of bytes is lower than the specified length or the bytes is NULL, The part that longer than the length of bytes will be filled with \0.


void* (*new_string)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* bytes, int32_t length);

Same as new_string_raw, and add the created string object to the mortal stack of the environment. Usually use this function instead of new_string_raw.


void* str_obj = env->new_string(env, "Hello \0World", 11);


void* (*new_pointer_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, void* pointer);

Create a pointer type object by specifying a basic type ID and a C language pointer. The basic type ID must be the correct basic type ID got by get_basic_type_id function.


void* (*new_pointer)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t basic_type_id, void* pointer);

Do the same as new_pointer_raw, and add the created string object to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of new_pointer_raw.


int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "MyTime");
void* pointer = malloc(sizeof (struct tm));
void* pointer_obj = env->new_pointer(env, basic_type_id, pointer);


void* (*concat_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string1, void* string2);

Concat two strings.


void* (*concat)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string1, void* string2);

Do the same as concat_raw, and add the created string object to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of concat_raw.


void* (*new_stack_trace_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* exception, const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* file, int32_t line);

If you specify a byte[] type exception message and a class name, method name, file name and line number, the character string of the class name, method name, file name and line number is added to the end of the byte[] type exception message. The added character string will be returned.

This function does not add objects to the mortal stack, use new_stack_trace to avoid memory leaks for normal use.


void* (*new_stack_trace)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* exception, const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* file, int32_t line);

When a byte[] type exception message and a class name, method name, file name and line number are specified, the string of the class name, method name, file name and line number is added to the end of the string type exception message. Returns a new string type object. Add the newly created object to the mortal stack.


int32_t (*length)(SPVM_ENV*, void* array);

If you specify an array, the length of the array is returned.


int32_t length = env->length(env, array);


int8_t* (*get_elems_byte)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

If you specify a byte[] type array, the pointer at the beginning of the internally stored C language int8_t[] type array is returned.


int8_t* values = env->get_elems_byte(env, array);
values[3] = 5;


int16_t* (*get_elems_short)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

If a short[] type array is specified, the pointer at the beginning of the internally stored C language int16_t[] type array is returned.


int16_t* values = env->get_elems_short(env, array);
values[3] = 5;


int32_t* (*get_elems_int)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

When an int[] type array is specified, the pointer at the beginning of the internally stored C language int32_t[] type array is returned.


int32_t* values = env->get_elems_int(env, array);
values[3] = 5;


int64_t* (*get_elems_long)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

When a long[] type array is specified, the pointer at the beginning of the internally stored C language int64_t[] type array is returned.


int64_t* values = env->get_elems_long(env, array);
values[3] = 5;


float* (*get_elems_float)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

When a float[] type array is specified, the pointer at the beginning of the C language float[] type array internally held is returned.


float* values = env->get_elems_float(env, array);
values[3] = 1.5f;


double* (*get_elems_double)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

If a double[] type array is specified, the pointer at the beginning of the internally stored C double[] type array is returned.


double* values = env->get_elems_double(env, array);
values[3] = 1.5;


void* (*get_elem_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array, int32_t index);

Gets an object of an element given an array of object types and a methodscript. If the element is a weak reference, the weak reference is removed.


void* object = env->get_elem_object(env, array, 3);


void (*set_elem_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array, int32_t index, void* value);

If you specify an array of object type and methodscript and element objects, the element object is assigned to the corresponding methodscript position. If the element's object has a weak reference, the weak reference is removed. The reference count of the originally assigned object is decremented by 1.


env->get_elem_object(env, array, 3, object);


int8_t (*get_field_byte)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If an object and field ID are specified, the byte field value will be returned as a C language int8_t type value. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "byte");
int8_t field_value = env->get_field_byte(env, object, field_id);


int16_t (*get_field_short)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If you specify the object and field ID, the value of the short type field will be returned as the int16_t type value of C language. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "short");
int16_t field_value = env->get_field_short(env, object, field_id);


int32_t (*get_field_int)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If an object and a field ID are specified, the value of the int type field will be returned as a C language int32_t type value. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "int");
int32_t field_value = env->get_field_int(env, object, field_id);


int64_t (*get_field_long)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If you specify the object and field ID, the value of the long type field will be returned as the value of int64_t type of C language. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "long");
int64_t field_value = env->get_field_long(env, object, field_id);


float (*get_field_float)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If you specify the object and field ID, the value of the float type field will be returned as a C language float type value. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "float");
float field_value = env->get_field_float(env, object, field_id);


double (*get_field_double)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If you specify the object and field ID, the value of the double type field will be returned as a double type value in C language. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "double");
double field_value = env->get_field_double(env, object, field_id);


void* (*get_field_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id);

If you specify the object and field ID, the value of the object type field is returned as a void* type value in C language. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function. If the field is a weak reference, it will be removed.

int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "Int");
void* field_value = env->get_field_object(env, object, field_id);


void (*set_field_byte)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, int8_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the byte type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "byte");
int8_t field_value = 5;
env->set_field_byte(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_short)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, int16_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the short type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "short");
int16_t field_value = 5;
env->set_field_short(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_int)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, int32_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the int type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "int");
int32_t field_value = 5;
env->set_field_int(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_long)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, int64_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the long type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "long");
int64_t field_value = 5;
env->set_field_long(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_float)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, float value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the float type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "float");
float field_value = 1.5f;
env->set_field_float(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_double)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, double value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the double type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "double");
double field_value = 1.55;
env->set_field_double(env, object, field_id, field_value);


void (*set_field_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t field_id, void* value);

Object and field Specify the ID and the value of the field and set the value to the object type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function. After setting, the reference count is incremented by 1. The original value has the reference count decremented by 1.


int32_t field_id = env->get_field_id(env, "Foo", "x", "Int");
int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");
void* object = env->new_object(env, basic_type_id);
env->set_field_object(env, object, field_id, object);


int8_t (*get_class_var_byte)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the byte type class variable is returned as a C language int8_t type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "byte");
int8_t pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_byte(env, object, pkgvar_id);


int16_t (*get_class_var_short)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the short type class variable will be returned as a C language int16_t type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "short");
int16_t pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_short(env, object, pkgvar_id);


int32_t (*get_class_var_int)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the int type class variable will be returned as a C language int32_t type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "int");
int32_t pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_int(env, object, pkgvar_id);


int64_t (*get_class_var_long)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the long type class variable will be returned as a C language int64_t type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "long");
int64_t pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_long(env, object, pkgvar_id);


float (*get_class_var_float)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the float type class variable will be returned as a C language float type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "float");
float pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_float(env, object, pkgvar_id);


double (*get_class_var_double)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

If you specify an object and a class variable ID, the value of the double type class variable is returned as a C type double type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "double");
double pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_double(env, object, pkgvar_id);


void* (*get_class_var_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id);

When an object and a class variable ID are specified, the value of the object type class variable is returned as a C language void* type value. The class variable ID must be a valid class variable ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "Int");
void* pkgvar_value = env->get_class_var_byte(env, object, pkgvar_id);


void (*set_class_var_byte)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, int8_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the byte type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "byte");
int8_t pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_byte(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_short)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, int16_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the short type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "short");
int16_t pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_short(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_int)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, int32_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the int type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "int");
int32_t pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_int(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_long)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, int64_t value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the long type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "long");
int64_t pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_long(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_float)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, float value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the float type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "float");
float pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_float(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_double)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, double value);

If you specify the object and field ID and the value of the field, the value is set to the double type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "double");
double pkgvar_value = 5;
env->set_class_var_double(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void (*set_class_var_object)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t pkgvar_id, void* value);

Object and field Specify the ID and the value of the field and set the value to the object type field. The field ID must be a valid field ID obtained with the field_id function. After setting, the reference count is incremented by 1. The original value has the reference count decremented by 1.


int32_t pkgvar_id = env->get_class_var_id(env, "Foo", "$VAR", "Int");
int32_t basic_type_id = env->get_basic_type_id(env, "Int");
void* object = env->new_object(env, basic_type_id);
env->set_class_var_object(env, pkgvar_id, pkgvar_value);


void* (*get_pointer)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* pointer_object);

Specify a pointer type object and return the C language pointer stored inside the object.


strcut tm* tm_ptr = (struct tm*) env->get_pointer(env, tm_obj);


void (*set_pointer)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* pointer_object, void* pointer);

If you specify a pointer type object and a C language pointer, the C language pointer is saved in the internal data of the pointer type object.


int32_t (*call_spvm_method)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t method_id, SPVM_VALUE* args);

Call a method by specifying the method ID and argument. If an exception occurs in the method, The return value is 1. If not, return 0.

The return value of the method is set to args[0].


void* (*get_exception)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Get a exception message which type is byte[].


void (*set_exception)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* exception);

Set a exception message which type is byte[].


int32_t (*get_ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Get the refernce count of the object.


void (*inc_ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Specifying an object increments the reference count of the object.

Use this method only if you have a specific reason to use it. Normally, the reference count is managed automatically.


void (*dec_ref_count)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Specifying an object decrements the object's reference count by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the object is released.

Use this method only if you have a specific reason to use it. Normally, the reference count is managed automatically.


int32_t (*enter_scope)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Create a new scope and return the scope ID.


int32_t (*push_mortal)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Add an object to the mortal stack.

If this method succeed, return 0.

If this method don't alloc memory for new mortal information, return 1.


void (*leave_scope)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t scope_id);

Specify a scope ID to exit that scope and decrement the object's reference count stored in the mortal stack. Objects with a reference count of 0 are released. The scope ID must be the ID obtained by the enter_scope function.


int32_t (*remove_mortal)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t scope_id, void* remove_object);

Given a scope ID and an object, delete the specified object from the mortal stack.


int32_t (*is_type)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t basic_type_id, int32_t type_dimension);

Given an object and a base type ID and a type dimension, returns a nonzero value if the object matches both the base type ID and the type dimension, and 0 otherwise.


int32_t (*has_callback)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t callback_basic_type_id);

Given a base type id for the object and the callback type, returns a non-zero value if the object conforms to the callback type, and zero otherwise.


int32_t (*get_object_basic_type_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Gets the base type ID of the object.


int32_t (*get_object_type_dimension)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Gets the dimension of the type of object.


int32_t (*weaken)(SPVM_ENV* env, void** object_address);

Create weak reference to the object which is specified by object address.

The reference count of the object is decrimented by 1 and weaken flag is added to the object address.

If the reference count is 1, "dec_ref_count" is called to the object.

If object_address is NULL, this method do nothing.

If the object is already weaken, this method do nothing.

This method allocate memory internally to add the back reference from the object to the object address.

This method success return 0.

If failing memory allocation of back reference, return 1.


int32_t (*isweak()SPVM_ENV* env, void** object);

Given the address of an object, returns non-zero if the object is a weak reference, 0 otherwise.


void (*unweaken)(SPVM_ENV* env, void** object_address);

Specifying the address of the object releases the weak reference to the object.


void* (*alloc_memory_block_zero)(SPVM_ENV* env, int64_t byte_size);

If you specify the size in bytes, the memory block is allocated and the pointer of the allocated memory block is returned. If fail to alloc memory, return NULL. If success, all bits in the memory block are initialized with 0 and the memory block count (memory_blocks_count)is incremented by 1.


void (*free_memory_block)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* block);

If block is not NULL, free the memory and memory blocks count(memory_blocks_count) is decremented by 1.


int32_t (*get_memory_blocks_count)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Returns the current number of memory blocks.

The memory block is increased by 1 when an object is created, when the alloc_memory_block_zero function is called, and when a back reference is added by the weaken function.


void* (*get_type_name_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If you specify an object, a new byte[] type object that stores the type name is returned.

This function does not add objects to the mortal stack, so use type_name for normal use to avoid memory leaks.


void* (*get_type_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If you specify an object, a new byte[] type object that stores the type name is returned. Add the newly created object to the mortal stack.


SPVM_ENV* (*new_env)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Create a new environment that is ready to call methods.

1. Create a new environment using the "new_env_raw" native API.

2. Set the current compiler to the new enviroment.

3. Initialize the environment using the "init_env" native API

4. Call INIT blocks using the "call_init_blocks" native API.

The number of memory blocks is shared with the original execution environment.

If this method can't allocate memory for the new environment, return NULL.


void (*free_env)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Free an environment that is created by the "new_env" native API.


void* memory_blocks_count;

Memory blocks count. This is used internally.


const char* (*get_chars)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string_object);

Get characters pointer in the string object.


const char* bytes = env->get_chars(env, string_object);


int32_t (*die)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* message, ...);

Create a sprintf formatted message with file name and line number and set it to the exception.

Last two arguments are file name and line number.

Return value is always 1;


return env->die(env, "Value must be %d", 3, __FILE__, __LINE__);


void* (*new_object_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as new_object function, but you can specify class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
void* minimal = env->new_object_by_name(env, "TestCase::Minimal", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void* (*new_pointer_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, void* pointer, int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as new_pointer function, but you can specify class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.

int32_t e;
void* minimal = env->new_pointer_by_name(env, "TestCase::Pointer", pointer, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_byte_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, int8_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_byte function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_byte_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "byte_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_short_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, int16_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_short function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_short_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "short_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_int_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, int32_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_int function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_int_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "int_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_long_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, int64_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_long function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_long_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "long_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_float_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, float value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_float function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_float_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "float_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_double_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, double value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_double function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_double_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "double_value", 13, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_field_object_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, const char* signature, void* value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_field_object function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is set to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is set to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_field_object_by_name(env, object_simple, "TestCase::Simple", "object_value", "TestCase::Minimal", object_minimal, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int8_t (*get_field_byte_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_byte function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t byte_value = env->get_field_byte_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "byte_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int16_t (*get_field_short_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_short function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t short_value = env->get_field_short_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "short_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int32_t (*get_field_int_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_int function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t int_value = env->get_field_int_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "int_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int64_t (*get_field_long_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_long function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t long_value = env->get_field_long_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "long_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


float (*get_field_float_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_float function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t float_value = env->get_field_float_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "float_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


double (*get_field_double_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_double function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t double_value = env->get_field_double_by_name(env, object, "TestCase::Simple", "double_value", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void* (*get_field_object_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name, const char* signature,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_field_object function, but you can specify class name and field name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
void* object_minimal = env->get_field_object_by_name(env, object_simple, "TestCase::Simple", "object_value", "TestCase::Minimal", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_byte_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, int8_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_byte function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_byte_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$BYTE_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_short_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, int16_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_short function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_short_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$SHORT_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_int_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, int32_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_int function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_int_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$INT_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_long_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, int64_t value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_long function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_long_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$LONG_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_float_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, float value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_float function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_float_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$FLOAT_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_double_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, double value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_double function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_double_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$DOUBLE_VALUE", 15, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void (*set_class_var_object_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, const char* signature, void* value,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as set_class_var_object function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
env->set_class_var_object_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$MINIMAL_VALUE", "TestCase::Minimal", minimal, &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int8_t (*get_class_var_byte_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_byte function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t value = env->get_class_var_byte_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$BYTE_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int16_t (*get_class_var_short_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_short function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int16_t value = env->get_class_var_short_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$SHORT_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int32_t (*get_class_var_int_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_int function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int8_t value = env->get_class_var_byte_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$BYTE_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int64_t (*get_class_var_long_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_long function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
int64_t value = env->get_class_var_long_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$LONG_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


float (*get_class_var_float_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_float function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
float value = env->get_class_var_float_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$FLOAT_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


double (*get_class_var_double_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_double function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
double value = env->get_class_var_double_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$DOUBLE_VALUE", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


void* (*get_class_var_object_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* class_var_name, const char* signature,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as get_class_var_object function, but you can specify the class name directry.

If function is succeeded, exception_flag is get to 0. If a exception occurs, exception_flag is get to 1.


int32_t e;
void* value = env->get_class_var_object_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "$MINIMAL_VALUE", "TestCase::Minimal", &e, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (e) { return e; }


int32_t (*call_class_method_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env,
  const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* signature, SPVM_VALUE* stack,
  const char* file, int32_t line);

This is same as call_spvm_method function, but you can specify the class name and sub name directry.


int32_t output;
  stack[0].ival = 5;
  int32_t exception_flag = env->call_class_method_by_name(env, "TestCase::NativeAPI", "my_value", "int(int)", stack, __FILE__, __LINE__);
  if (exception_flag) {
    return exception_flag;
  output = stack[0].ival;


int32_t (*call_instance_method_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* method_name, const char* signature, SPVM_VALUE* stack,
  const char* file, int32_t line);



const char* (*get_field_string_chars_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object,
  const char* class_name, const char* field_name,
  int32_t* exception_flag, const char* file, int32_t line);



void* any_object_basic_type_id;

Basic type ID of any object type. This is used internally.


void* (*dump_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Get the string which dump the object. The string is the same as the return value of dump operator.


void* (*dump)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Do the same as dump_raw, and add the created string object to the mortal stack of the environment. Use this function in normal use instead of dump_raw.


Alias for "call_spvm_method"


Alias for "call_spvm_method"


int32_t (*get_instance_method_id_static)(SPVM_ENV* env, const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* signature);

Get a instance method ID by the class name, the method name, and the method signature. If the instance method does not exists, a negative value is returned.

This ID is used by "call_instance_method".

The method signature has the following format.



int32_t method_id = env->get_instance_method_id_static(env, "Foo", "get", "int(long,string)");


int32_t (*get_bool_object_value)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* bool_object);

Get the value of a Bool object. If the Bool object is true, return 1, otherwise return 0.


int32_t bool_value = env->get_bool_object_value(env, bool_object);


void* string_basic_type_id;

Basic type ID of the string type. This is used internally.


void (*make_read_only)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string)

Make the string read-only.


void (*make_read_only)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string)

If the string is read-only, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.


int32_t (*is_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If the object is an array, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

If the object is NULL, returns 0.


int32_t (*is_string)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If the object is a string, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

If the object is NULL, returns 0.


int32_t (*is_numeric_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If the object is a numeric array, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

If the object is NULL, returns 0.


int32_t (*is_mulnum_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If the object is a multi numeric array, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

If the object is NULL, returns 0.


int32_t (*get_elem_byte_size)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array);

Get the byte size of the element of the array.


void* (*new_array_proto)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* array, int32_t length);

Create a new array that have the type of the given array and the given length.

The given array must be the object that is an array type.

If the given array is NULL, returns NULL.

If the given length is lower than 0, returns NULL.


void* (*copy)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

Copy the object. The type of the object must be a string type, a numeric array, or a multi numeric array.

If the given object is NULL, returns NULL.


void (*shorten)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string, int32_t new_length);

Shorten the string with the given length.

If the string is null, does nothing.

If the given length is greater than the length of the string, does nothing.

If the given length is lower than 0, the given length become 0.

The charaters of the after the given length are filled with \0.


int32_t (*has_interface)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object, int32_t interface_basic_type_id);

Check the class of the object has the interface type.


void* no_symbol_cache_flag;

(Currently Unused)

Used internally.


void (*set_no_symbol_cache_flag)(SPVM_ENV* env, int32_t flag);

(Currently Unused)

Set the flag that precompile and native codes don't use symbol cache such as basic type names, method names, field names, package names.

If the flag is 1, caching is not done, if the flag is 0, caching is done.

Note that this flag is merely intention for the native module authors. On the other hand, precompile and the core native code follow this flag.


int32_t (*get_no_symbol_cache_flag)(SPVM_ENV* env);

(Currently Unused)

Get the flag that native code doesn't use symbol cache such as basic type names, method names, field names, package names.


void (*print)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string);

Print the characters of the string to stdout.

If the string is NULL, nothing is printed.

void (*print_stderr)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* string);

Print the characters of the string to stderr.

If the string is NULL, nothing is printed.


SPVM_ENV* (*new_env_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Create a new environment. This environment is not yet initialized.


void (*free_env_raw)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Release the execution environment.


int32_t (*init_env)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Initialize the environment.


void (*call_init_blocks)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Call INIT blocks.


void (*cleanup_global_vars)(SPVM_ENV* env);

Cleanup gloval variable, such as class variables and the exception variable.


void* (*new_compiler)(SPVM_ENV* env);

New a compiler.


void (*compiler_free)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Free a compiler.


void (*compiler_set_start_line)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t start_line);

Set the start line of the compiler.


int32_t (*compiler_get_start_line)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Get the start line of the compiler.


void (*compiler_set_start_file)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, const char* start_file);

Set the start file of the compiler.


const char* (*compiler_get_start_file)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Get the start file of the compiler.


void (*compiler_add_module_dir)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, const char* module_dir);

Add a module searching directory of the compiler.


int32_t (*compiler_get_module_dirs_length)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Get the length of the module searching directories of the compiler.


const char* (*compiler_get_module_dir)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t module_dir_id);

Get a searching directories of the compiler with the index.


int32_t (*compiler_compile_spvm)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, const char* class_name);

Compile the SPVM class.


int32_t (*compiler_get_error_messages_length)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Get the length of the compiler error messages.


const char* (*compiler_get_error_message)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t index);

Get a compiler error messages with the index.


int32_t (*compiler_get_class_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, const char* class_name);

Get class ID with the class name.

If the class doesn't found, return a negative value.


int32_t (*compiler_get_classes_length)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler);

Get the length of classes that is compiled by the compiler.


const char* (*compiler_get_class_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t class_id);

Get the class name with the class id.


int32_t (*compiler_is_anon_class)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t class_id);

If the class is an anon class, return 1, otherwise return 0.


int32_t (*compiler_get_methods_length)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t class_id);

Get the length of methods of the class.


int32_t (*compiler_get_method_id)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t class_id, int32_t method_index_of_class);

Get the method id with the class id and the method index of the class.

If the method doesn't found, return a negative value.


int32_t (*compiler_get_method_id_by_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, const char* class_name, const char* method_name);

Get the method id with the class name and the method name.

If the method doesn't found, return a negative value.


const char* (*compiler_get_method_name)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

Get the method name with the method ID.


const char* (*compiler_get_method_signature)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

Get the method signature with the method ID.


int32_t (*compiler_is_anon_method)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

Get the method name with the method ID.


int32_t (*compiler_is_init_block_method)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

If the method is the method of INIT block, return 1, otherwise return 0.


int32_t (*compiler_is_native_method)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

If the method is a native method, return 1, otherwise return 0.


int32_t (*compiler_is_precompile_method)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

If the method is a precompile method, return 1, otherwise return 0.


void* (*compiler_get_native_method_address)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

Get the native method address.


void* (*compiler_get_precompile_method_address)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id);

Get the precompile method address.


void (*compiler_set_native_method_address)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id, void* address);

Set the native method address.


void (*compiler_set_precompile_method_address)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* compiler, int32_t method_id, void* address);

Set the precompile method address.


int32_t (*is_object_array)(SPVM_ENV* env, void* object);

If the object is a object array, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

If the object is NULL, returns 0.




If you want to create SPVM module that have the native module, spvmgenlib is useful.
