Changes for version 0.9605 - 2022-06-10

    • switch statement can have only default statement.
    • switch statement don't need to have case statements.
    • The values of the case statements can't be duplicated.
    • Perform unary numeric widening conversion to the condition of switch statement.
    • "break" statement can be ommited.
    • Improve the messages of the compilation errors.
    • Add the following functions to Fn class static method BYTE_MAX : byte () static method BYTE_MIN : byte () static method SHORT_MAX : short () static method SHORT_MIN : short () static method INT_MAX : int () static method INT_MIN : int () static method LONG_MAX : long () static method LONG_MIN : long () static method UBYTE_MAX : byte () static method USHORT_MAX : short () static method UINT_MAX : int () static method ULONG_MAX : long () static method FLOAT_MAX : float () static method FLOAT_MIN : float() static method DOUBLE_MAX : double () static method DOUBLE_MIN : double ()
    • Add SPVM::Builder::Resource module
    • Add use_resource method to SPVM::Builder::Config
    • Resource system is separated from SPVM moudle system
    • Resource doesn't need native module file.
    • Add --resource option to spvmdist.


SPVM compiler to create exe file
Generating SPVM Distribution


SPVM Language
Blessed object base class
Array based blessed object
Class based blessed object
String based blessed object
Bool object
Build SPVM program
SPVM Builder Public APIs
Compiler and Linker of Native Sources
Configurations of Compile and Link of Native Sources
Configurations of creating excutable files.
Create a Executable File
Object file information
Object file information
Build Utilities
Public APIs of the utility of SPVM Builder
Byte object
Dynamic Byte Array
A Interface Type to Clone a Object
Interface Type for the Callback to Clone a Object
Interface Type for Object Comparation Callback
Interface Type for byte Comparation Callback
Interface Type for double Comparation Callback
Interface Type for float Comparation Callback
Interface Type for int Comparation Callback
Interface Type for long Comparation Callback
Interface Type for short Comparation Callback
Interface Type for String Comparation Callback
double complex type
float complex type
$class_name is a SPVM module
SPVM Performance Benchmark
SPVM Exchange API
SPVM Language Specification
SPVM Standard Modules
SPVM Native APIs
SPVM Allocator Native APIs
SPVM Compiler Native APIs
SPVM Precompile Native APIs
SPVM Runtime Native APIs
SPVM String Buffer Native APIs
How to write native methods
SPVM Performance Tutorial
Double object
Dynamic double array
Interface Type for Object Equality Checking Callback
a callback implementation of EqualityChecker to check if the memory addresses of the two objects are equal.
SPVM Exchange API
Float object
Dynamic float array
SPVM Starndard Functions
Hash Data Structure
Hash entry
Int object
Dynamic int array
Dynamic object array
Long object
Dynamic long array
Short object
Dynamic short array
String buffer
Dynamic string array
A Interface Type to Stringify a Object
Interface Type for Stringing Callback
Time manipulation
Time information


in lib/SPVM/Builder/
