
SPVM::Runtime - Runtime


SPVM::Runtime is the Runtime class in the SPVM language.

The instance has the runtime information such as operation codes, classes, methods, fields, class variables, constant strings.

This class provides only the minimal methods to get the information of classes and methods.

An instance of the Runtime class is build by the get_runtime method in the Compiler class.


use Runtime;

my $runtime = $compiler->get_runtime;

my $basic_type_names = $runtime->get_basic_type_names;

my $method_names = $runtime->get_method_names("Foo");

my $stack = $env->new_stack;


The Runtime class is a pointer class.

Its insntace has a pointer to a runtime object.

Instance Methods


method get_basic_type_name : string[] ();

Gets the all basic type names in the runtime and returns it.


method get_basic_type_parent_name : string ($basic_type_name : string);

Gets the parent basic type name and returns it.


method get_method_names : string[] ($basic_type_name : string, $options : object[] = undef);

Gets method names and returns it.


The options are key-value pairs. The key is the string type.

  • native : Int

    Gets only native methods if this option is true.

  • precompile : Int

    Gets only precompile methods if this option is true.

  • enum : Int

    Get only enum methods if this option is true.


method get_module_file : string ($basic_type_name : string);

Gets the module file name and returns it.


method build_precompile_module_source : string ($basic_type_name : string);

Builds the C source code of the class that contains precompile methods and return it.


method get_basic_type_anon_basic_type_names : string[] ($basic_type_name : string);

Gets the anon basic type names and returns it.


method get_method_is_class_method : int ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string);

Checks if the method is a class method. If it is so, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.


method build_precompile_method_source : string ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string);

Builds the C source code of a precompile method and return it.


method get_native_method_address : Address ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string);

Gets the address of a native method and returns it.

The return type is the Address class.


method set_native_method_address : string ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string, $address : Address);

Sets the address of a native method.

The address is the Address class.


method get_precompile_method_address : Address ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string);

Gets the address of a precompile method and returns it.

The return type is the Address class.


method set_precompile_method_address : string ($basic_type_name : string, $method_name : string, $address : Address);

Sets the address of a precompile method.

The address is the Address class.

See Also


The get_runtime method in the Compiler class builds a rutnime.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License