Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# .spvm file
cat helper/constants.txt | perl helper/generate_Constant.pl Net::SSLeay::Constant spvm > .tmp/Constant.spvm
# .c file
cat helper/constants.txt | perl helper/generate_Constant.pl Net::SSLeay::Constant c > .tmp/Constant.c
# .pm file
cat helper/constants.txt | perl helper/generate_Constant.pl Net::SSLeay::Constant pm > .tmp/Constant.pm
use strict;
my $class_name = shift;
my $type = shift;
while (my $line = <>) {
chomp $line;
my $constant_name = $line;
if ($type eq 'spvm') {
my $output = " native static method $constant_name : int ();\n\n";
print $output;
elsif ($type eq 'c') {
my $class_name_c = $class_name;
$class_name_c =~ s/::/__/g;
my $output = <<"EOS";
int32_t SPVM__${class_name_c}__$constant_name(SPVM_ENV* env, SPVM_VALUE* stack) {
#ifdef $constant_name
stack[0].ival = $constant_name;
return 0;
env->die(env, stack, "$constant_name is not defined on the system", __func__, FILE_NAME, __LINE__);
print $output;
elsif ($type eq 'pm') {
my $output = <<"EOS";
=head2 $constant_name
C<static method $constant_name : int ();>
Returns the value of C<$constant_name>. If this constant is not defined on the system, an exception is thrown with the error id set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::NotSupported|SPVM::Error::NotSupported> class.
print $output;
else {