SPVM::Regex - Regular Expressions
The Regex class of SPVM has methods for regular expressions.
Google RE2 is used as the regular expression library.
use Re;
my $string = "Hello World"
my $match = Re->m($string, "^Hellow");
# ABC de ABC
my $string_ref = ["abc de abc"];
Re->s($string_ref, ["abc", "g"], "ABC");
use Regex;
# Pattern match
my $re = Regex->new("ab*c");
my $string = "zabcz";
my $match = $re->match("zabcz");
# Pattern match - UTF-8
my $re = Regex->new("あ+");
my $string = "いあああい";
my $match = $re->match($string);
# Pattern match - Character class and the nagation
my $re = Regex->new("[A-Z]+[^A-Z]+");
my $string = "ABCzab";
my $match = $re->match($string);
# Pattern match with captures
my $re = Regex->new("^(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)$");
my $string = "abc1 abc2 abc3";
my $match = $re->match($string);
if ($match) {
my $cap1 = $match->cap1;
my $cap2 = $match->cap2;
my $cpa3 = $match->cap3;
# Replace
my $re = Regex->new("abc");
my $string = "ppzabcz";
# "ppzABCz"
my $result = $re->replace($string, "ABC");
# Replace with a callback and capture
my $re = Regex->new("a(bc)");
my $string = "ppzabcz";
# "ppzABbcCz"
my $result = $re->replace($string, method : string ($re : Regex, $match : Regex::Match) {
return "AB" . $match->cap1 . "C";
# Replace global
my $re = Regex->new("abc");
my $string = "ppzabczabcz";
# "ppzABCzABCz"
my $result = $re->replace_g($string, "ABC");
# Replace global with a callback and capture
my $re = Regex->new("a(bc)");
my $string = "ppzabczabcz";
my $result = $re->replace_g($string, method : string ($re : Regex, $match : Regex::Match) {
return "ABC" . $match->cap1 . "PQRS";
# . - single line mode
my $re = Regex->new("(.+)", "s");
my $string = "abc\ndef";
my $match = $re->match($string);
unless ($match) {
return 0;
unless ($match->cap1 eq "abc\ndef") {
return 0;
More Perlish Pattern Match and Replacement
See Re class if you want to use more Perlish pattern match and replacement.
Dependent Resources
Regular Expression Syntax
Class Methods
static method new : Regex ($pattern : string, $flags : string = undef)
Creates a new Regex object and compiles the regex pattern $pattern with the flags $flags, and retruns the created object.
my $re = Regex->new("^ab+c");
my $re = Regex->new("^ab+c", "s");
Instance Methods
method match : Regex::Match ($string : string, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1);
The alias for the following match_forward method.
my $ret = $self->match_forward($string, \$offset, $length);
method match_forward : Regex::Match ($string : string, $offset_ref : int*, $length : int = -1);
Performs pattern matching on the substring from the offset $$offset_ref to the length $length of the string $string.
The $$offset_ref is updated to the next position.
If the pattern matching is successful, returns a Regex::Match object. Otherwise returns undef.
The $string must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The $offset + the $length must be less than or equal to the length of the $string. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the regex is not compiled, an exception is thrown.
method replace : string ($string : string, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef)
The alias for the following replace_common method.
my $ret = $self->replace_common($string, $replace, \$offset, $length, $options);
method replace_g : string ($string : string, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef)
The alias for the following replace_common method.
unless ($options) {
$options = {};
$options = Fn->merge_options({global => 1}, $options);
return $self->replace_common($string, $replace, \$offset, $length, $options);
method replace_common : string ($string : string, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer,
$offset_ref : int*, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef);
Replaces the substring from the offset $$offset_ref to the length $length of the string $string with the replacement string or callback $replace with the options $options.
If the $replace is a Regex::Replacer object, the return value of the callback is used for the replacement.
This option must be a Int object. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the value of the Int object is a true value, the global replacement is performed.
This option must be an array of the Regex::ReplaceInfo object. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If this option is specifed, the first element of the array is set to a Regex::ReplaceInfo object of the replacement result.
The $string must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The $replace must be a string or a Regex::Replacer object. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The $offset must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The $offset + the $length must be less than or equal to the length of the $string. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
Exceptions of the match_forward method can be thrown.
method split : string[] ($string : string, $limit : int = 0);
The same as the split method in the Fn class, but the regular expression is used as the separator.
method buffer_match : Regex::Match ($string_buffer : StringBuffer, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1);
The same as "match", but the first argument is a StringBuffer object, and the following excetpions are thrown.
The $offset + $length must be less than or equalt to the lenght of the $string_buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
method buffer_match_forward : Regex::Match ($string_buffer : StringBuffer, $offset_ref : int*, $length : int = -1);
The same as "match_forward", but the first argument is a StringBuffer object, and the following excetpions are thrown.
The $offset + $length must be less than or equalt to the lenght of the $string_buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
method buffer_replace : void ($string_buffer : StringBuffer, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef);
The same as "replace", but the first argument is a StringBuffer object, and the return type is void.
The replacement is performed on the string buffer.
method buffer_replace_g : string ($string_buffer : StringBuffer, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset : int = 0, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef);
The same as "replace_g", but the first argument is a StringBuffer object, and the return type is void.
The replacement is performed on the string buffer.
method buffer_replace_common : void ($string_buffer : StringBuffer, $replace : object of string|Regex::Replacer, $offset_ref : int*, $length : int = -1, $options : object[] = undef);
The same as "replace_common", but the first argument is a StringBuffer object, and the return type is void.
The replacement is performed on the string buffer.
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License