Changes for version 0.05 - 2022-09-26
- Document Fix To Fix Typo
- Remove native attribute from the definitions of the methods.
- Test Improvement
- Add many tests.
- Bug Fix
- Fix the bug that the execv method in the Sys::Process doesn't work well.
- Incompatible Changes
- The name and definition of the setpgrp method in the Sys::Process.
- Before
- static method setpgrp : int ();
- After
- static method setpgid : int ($pid : int, $pgid : int);
- Before
- The name and definition of the getpgrp method in the Sys::Process.
- Before
- static method getpgrp : int ();
- After
- static method getpgid : int ($pid : int);
- Before
- The name and definition of the setpgrp method in the Sys::Process.
get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN
System Calls such as File IO, User, Process, Socket,
File Tests
IO System Call
Constant values for IO.
the class for the DIR type in C language.
struct dirent in C language
the class for the FILE type in C language.
struct flock in C language
Array of struct pollfd in C language
struct stat in C language
struct utimbuf in C language
Process System Call
Sys::Process::Constant is a SPVM module
Sys::Process::Tms is a SPVM module
Socket System Call
struct addrinfo in C language
Socket Constant Values
struct in6_addr in C language
struct in_addr in C language
struct ip_mreq in C language
struct ip_mreq_source in C language
struct ipv6_mreq in C language
Sys::Socket::Sockaddr is a SPVM module
struct sockaddr_in in C language
struct sockaddr_in6 in C language
struct sockaddr_storage in C language
struct sockaddr_un in C language
User System Call
Entry of Group Database
Entry of Password Database