Changes for version 0.39 - 2022-02-14
- Compatible Intenal Changes
- Removed unused the Sys::Util class.
- New Features
- Added the readlinkp method in the Sys::IO class.
- static method readlinkp : int ($test_dir : string);
- Added the following methods to the Sys::IO::Dirent class. method d_ino : int (); method d_reclen : int (); method d_name : string ();
- Added the readlinkp method in the Sys::IO class.
- Exception Message Improvement
- The following exception messages of the methods in the Sys::IO::Stat output the file name.
- Before
- "[System Error]lstat failed:%s"
- "[System Error]stat failed:%s
- After
- "[System Error]stat failed:%s. The specified file is \"%s\""
- "[System Error]lstat failed:%s. The specified file is \"%s\""
- Before
- The following exception messages of the methods in the Sys::IO output the file name.
- Before
- "[System Error]open failed:%s"
- "[System Error]fopen failed:%s"
- "[System Error]mkdir failed:%s"
- "[System Error]rmdir failed:%s"
- "[System Error]unlink failed:%s"
- "[System Error]rename failed:%s"
- "[System Error]realpath failed:%s"
- "[System Error]_fullpath failed:%s"
- "[System Error]chdir failed:%s"
- "[System Error]chmod failed:%s"
- "[System Error]chown failed:%s"
- "[System Error]truncate failed:%s"
- "[System Error]symlink failed:%s"
- "[System Error]readlink failed:%s"
- "[System Error]opendir failed:%s"
- "[System Error]utime failed:%s"
- After
- "[System Error]open failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be opend"
- "[System Error]fopen failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be opend"
- "[System Error]mkdir failed:%s. The \"%s\" directory can't be created"
- "[System Error]rmdir failed:%s. The \"%s\" directory can't be removed"
- "[System Error]unlink failed:%s. The \"%s\" directory can't be removed"name
- "[System Error]rename failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be renamed to the \"%s\" file"
- "[System Error]realpath failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be resolved"
- "[System Error]_fullpath failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be resolved"
- "[System Error]chdir failed:%s. The current directory can't be changed to the \"%s\" directory"
- "[System Error]chmod failed:%s. The permission of the \"%s\" file can't be changed"
- "[System Error]chown failed:%s. The owner/group of the \"%s\" file can't be changed"
- "[System Error]truncate failed:%s. The \"%s\" file can't be truncated"
- "[System Error]symlink failed:%s. The symbolic link from \"%s\" to \"%s\" can't be created"
- "[System Error]readlink failed:%s. The reading of the symbolic link of the \"%s\" file failed"
- "[System Error]opendir failed:%s. The \"%s\" directory can't be opened", dir
- "[System Error]utime failed:%s. The access and modification times of the \"%s\" file can't be changed"
- Before
- Unified an exception message
- Before
- in this system
- After
- on this system
- Before
- Test Improment
- Added the tests of the utime in the Sys::IO class.
- Internal Compatible Changes
- Use pointer instead of deprecated pointer_t.
- The following exception messages of the methods in the Sys::IO::Stat output the file name.
System Calls for File IO, User, Process, Signal, Socket
File Tests
IO System Call
Constant values for IO.
the class for the DIR type in C language.
struct dirent in C language
the class for the FILE type in C language.
struct flock in C language
The stat Functions and The struct stat in C language
struct utimbuf in C language
ioctl System Call
Constant values for ioctl.
Poll System Call
Constant values for Poll.
Array of struct pollfd in C language
Process System Call
Constant Values for Process
Select System Call
Constant values for Select.
fd_set Type in C Language
Signal System Call
Sys::Signal::Constant is a SPVM module
Sys::Signal::Handler is a SPVM module
Signal Handler that Represents SIG_DFL in C language.
Signal Handler that Represents SIG_IGN in C language
Signal Handler to Monitor Signals
Signal Handler that is unknwon.
Socket System Call
struct addrinfo in C language
Sys::Socket::AddrinfoLinkedList is a SPVM module
Socket Constant Values
The address is not a valid network address.
struct in6_addr in C language
struct in_addr in C language
struct ip_mreq in C language
struct ip_mreq_source in C language
struct ipv6_mreq in C language
struct sockaddr in C language
struct sockaddr_in in C language
struct sockaddr_in6 in C language
Interface for Sys::Socket::Sockaddr
struct sockaddr_storage in C language
struct sockaddr_un in C language
Time System Call
Constant Values for Time
struct timeval in C language
struct timespec in C language
struct timeval in C language
struct timezone in C language
struct tms in C language
User System Call
Entry of Group Database
Entry of Password Database