Simo - Very simple framework for Object Oriented Perl.
Version 0.01
Simo is framework that simplify Object Oriented Perl.
The feature is that
- 1.You can write accessors in very simple way.
- 2.Inheritable new method is prepared.
- 3.You can set default value and hook function for accessors
If You use Simo, you are free from bitter work writing new and accessors repeatedly
Creating class and accessors
You can create class and accessors.
package Book;
use Simo;
# accessors
sub title{ ac }
sub author{ ac }
sub description{ ac }
This sample create Book class and three accessor mothods( title,author and description ), and new method is automatically created.
Using class and accessors
You can use Book class. use Book;
# constructor
my $book = Book->new(
title => 'Happy book',
author => 'Ken',
description => 'this give you happy',
# get value
my $title = $book->title; # 'Happy book'
# set value
$book->author( 'Taro' );
You can pass key-value pairs to new method. Key is need to be same name as accessor.
If you pass nonexistent key, script will die.
you can get value :
you can set value :
$book->title( 'Taro' );
Get old value
You can get old value when you use accessor as setter.
$book->author( 'Ken' );
my $old_value = $book->author( 'Taro' ); # $old_value is 'Ken'
Default value
You can set default value for accessor.
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ ac 'Papa' }
You get 'Papa' if 'title' field is not initialized.
Hook function for validation or filter.
You can set hook function for accessor.
package Book;
use Simo;
# set hook function for accessor
sub date{ ac hook => \&date_filter }
# hook function
sub date_filter{
my ( $self, $val ) = @_;
$val =~ s/-//g; # ( '2008-10-10' -> '20081010' )
return $val
If you set date this way $book->title( '2008-08-11' );
'2008-08-08' is filtered, and change to '20080811'.
Hook function arguments
Hook foucntion receive two args( $self and $val ).
In this example, $self is $book object.
$val is passed value( '2008-08-11' )
Automatically type convert
If you pass array to accessor, array convert to array ref. $book->title( 'a', 'b' ); $book->title; # get [ 'a', 'b' ], not ( 'a', 'b' )
Accessor option
You can set accessor option.
default option
You can set default value for accessor.
sub author{ ac 'Kimoto' }
or explicitely
sub author{ ac default => 'Kimoto' }
hook option
You can set hook function for accessor
sub date{ ac hook => \&filter }
sub filter{
my ( $self, $val ) = @_;
# ...
return $some_val;
or using anonymous function
sub data{ ac
hook => sub{
my( $self, $val ) = @_;
# ...
return $some_val;
hash_force option
If you pass array to accessor, Normally list convert to array ref. $book->title( 'a' , 'b' ); # convert to [ 'a', 'b' ]
Even if you write $book->title( a => 'b' )
( a => 'b' ) converted to [ 'a', 'b' ]
If you use hash_force option, you convert list to hash ref
sub country_id{ ac hash_force => 1 }
$book->title( a => 'b' ); # convert to { a => 'b' }
Multiple accessor option setting sample
# one line
sub title{ ac 'Pure love', hook => \&filter, hash_force => 1 }
sub filter{
# ..
# multiple line, hook function is anonimous
sub title{ ac { k => 1 },
hash_force => 1,
hook => sub {
# ..
# multiple line, default is explicitely, hook function is anonimous
sub title{ ac
default => { k => 1 },
hash_force => 1,
hook => sub {
# ..
scalar context and list context
You can call accessor in scalar context and list context.
Accessor is designed to suit context.
You call accessor in scalar context, you get scalar value( scalar, array ref, hash ref, object, etc )
my $ary = $book->authors; # you get array ref
You calls accessor in list context, you get list.
my @ary = $book->authors; # you get list
This class exports ac function. you can use ac function to implement accessor.
You can define accsessor using ac function.
package Book;
use Simo;
sub title{ ac }
You can use this accessor.
Get is $book->title;
Set is $book->title( 'Bird Adventure' );
New method is created automatically. it receive key-value pairs as args.
my $book = Book->new( title => 'PaPa is good', author => 'MaMa' );
I teach you useful techniques.
New method overriding
by default, new method receive key-value pairs. But you can change this action by overriding new method.
For example, Point class. You want to call new method this way.
my $point = Point->new( 3, 5 ); # xPos and yPos
You can override new method.
package Point;
use Simo;
sub new{
my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_; # two arg( not key-value pairs )
# You can do anything if you need
return $self->SUPER::new( x => $x, y => $y );
sub x{ ac }
sub y{ ac }
Simo implement inheritable new method. Whenever You change argments or add initializetion, You override new method.
Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-simo at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Simo
You can also look for information at:
RT: CPAN's request tracker
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
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Search CPAN
Class::Accessor,Class::Accessor::Fast, Moose, Mouse.
Copyright 2008 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.