Changes for version 0.02

  • new method can receive hash ref.

Changes for version 0.01_05

  • Remove hook accessor option. Add set_hook accessor option and get_hook accessor option.
  • Fix sub _SIMO_ac_opt $Simo::info{ class }{ $class }{ ac }{ opt } = $opt; to $Simo::info{ class }{ $class }{ ac }{ $key }{ opt } = $opt;

Changes for version 0.01_04

  • fix to be right inherit order
  • unshift @{ "${caller_class}::ISA" }, __PACKAGE__; to push @{ "${caller_class}::ISA" }, __PACKAGE__;

Changes for version 0.01_03

  • refactoring
  • qq/sub ${ac_define_class}::${key}/ . qw/{ _SIMO_ac_real( '$key' , \@_ ) }/; to qq/sub ${ac_define_class}::${key} { _SIMO_ac_real( '$key' , \@_ ) }/;

Changes for version 0.01_02

  • fix this failed test. FAIL Simo-0.01 i386-netbsd-thread-multi-64int 4.0

Changes for version 0.01_01

  • first developer release


Very simple framework for Object Oriented Perl.