Simo - Very simple framework for Object Oriented Perl.


Version 0.07_01


Simo is framework that simplify Object Oriented Perl.

The feature is that

1. You can define accessors in very simple way.
2. Overridable new method is prepared.
3. You can define default value of attribute.
4. Simo is very small. so You can install and excute it very fast.

If you use Simo, you are free from bitter work writing new and accessors repeatedly.


Define class and accessors.

package Book;
use Simo;

# define accessors
sub title{ ac }

# define default value
sub author{ ac default => 'Kimoto' }

# define constrain subroutine
sub price{ ac constrain => sub{ /^\d+$/ } } # price must be integer.

# define filter subroutine
sub description{ ac filter => sub{ uc } } # convert to upper case.

# define trigger subroutine
sub issue_datetime{ ac trigger => \&update_issue_date }
sub issue_date{ ac } # if issue_datetime is updated, issue_date is updated.

sub update_issue_date{
    my $self = shift;
    my $date = substr( $self->issue_datetime, 0, 10 );
    $self->issue_date( $date );

# read only accessor
sub get_size{ ac default => 5, read_only => 1 }


Using class and accessors

use strict;
use warnings;
use Book;

# create object
my $book = Book->new( title => 'OO tutorial' );

# get attribute
my $author = $book->author;

# set attribute
$book->author( 'Ken' );

# constrain( If try to set illegal value, this call will die )
$book->price( 'a' ); 

# filter ( convert to 'IT IS USEFUL' )
$book->description( 'It is useful' );

# trigger( issue_date is updated '2009-01-01' )
$book->issue_datetime( '2009-01-01 12:33:45' );
my $issue_date = $book->issue_date;

# read only accessor


Define class and accessors

You can define class and accessors in simple way.

new method is automatically created, and title accessor is defined.

package Book;
use Simo;

sub title{ ac }

Using class and accessors

You can pass key-value pairs to new, and can get and set value.

use Book;

# create object
my $book = Book->new(
    title => 'OO tutorial',

# get value
my $title = $book->title;

# set value
$book->title( 'The simplest OO' );

Automatically array convert

If you pass array to accessor, array convert to array ref.

$book->title( 'a', 'b' );
$book->title; # get [ 'a', 'b' ], not ( 'a', 'b' )

Accessor options

default option

You can define default value of attribute.

sub title{ ac default => 'Perl is very interesting' }

constrain option

you can constrain setting value.

sub price{ ac constrain => sub{ /^\d+$/ } }

For example, If you call $book->price( 'a' ), this call is die, because 'a' is not number.

'a' is set to $_. so if you can use regular expression, omit $_.

you can write not omiting $_.

sub price{ ac constrain => sub{ $_ > 0 && $_ < 3 } }

If you display your message when program is die, you call craok.

use Carp;
sub price{ ac constrain => sub{ $_ > 0 && $_ < 3 or croak "Illegal value" } }

and 'a' is alse set to first argument. So you can receive 'a' as first argument.

sub price{ ac constrain => \&_is_number }

sub _is_number{
    my $val = shift;
    return $val =~ /^\d+$/;

and you can define more than one constrain.

sub price{ ac constrain => [ \&_is_number, \&_is_non_zero ] }

filter option

you can filter setting value.

sub description{ ac filter => sub{ uc } }

setting value is $_ and frist argument like constrain.

and you can define more than one filter.

sub description{ ac filter => [ \&uc, \&quoute ] }

trigger option

You can define subroutine called after value is set.

For example, issue_datetime is set, issue_date is update.

$self is set to $_ and $_[0] different from constrain and filter.

sub issue_datetime{ ac trigger => \&update_issue_date }
sub issue_date{ ac }

sub update_issue_date{
    my $self = shift;
    my $date = substr( $self->issue_datetime, 0, 10 );
    $self->issue_date( $date );

and you can define more than one trigger.

sub issue_datetime{ ac trigger => [ \&update_issue_date, \&update_issue_time ] }

read_only option

Read only accessor is defined

sub get_size{ ac default => 5, read_only => 1 }

Accessor name should be contain 'get_'.If not, warnings is happen.

hash_force option

If you pass array to accessor, Normally list convert to array ref. $book->title( 'a' , 'b' ); # convert to [ 'a', 'b' ]

Even if you write $book->title( a => 'b' )

( a => 'b' ) converted to [ 'a', 'b' ]

If you use hash_force option, you convert list to hash ref

sub country_id{ ac hash_force => 1 }

$book->title( a => 'b' ); # convert to { a => 'b' }

Order of constrain, filter and trigger

1. val is passed to constrain subroutine.
2. val is passed to filter subroutine.
3. val is set
4. trigger subroutine is called
      |---------|   |------|                  |-------| 
      |         |   |      |                  |       | 
val-->|constrain|-->|filter|-->(val is set)-->|trigger| 
      |         |   |      |                  |       | 
      |---------|   |------|                  |-------| 

Get old value

You can get old value when you use accessor as setter.

$book->author( 'Ken' );
my $old_value = $book->author( 'Taro' ); # $old_value is 'Ken'



ac is exported. This is used by define accessor.



orveridable new method.


my( $title, $author ) = $book->get_attrs( 'title', 'author' );


my %hash = $book->get_attrs( 'title', 'author' );


my $hash_ref = $book->get_attrs( 'title', 'author' );


$book->set_attrs( title => 'Simple OO', author => 'kimoto' );

return value is $self. so method chaine is available

$book->set_attrs( title => 'Simple OO', author => 'kimoto' )->some_method;


this excute some methods continuously.

my $result = $book_list->run_methods(
    'select' => [ type => 'Commic' ],
    'sort' => [ 'desc' },

args must be array ref. You can omit args.

You can get last method return value in scalar context or list context.


I teach you useful techniques.

New method overriding

by default, new method receive key-value pairs. But you can change this action by overriding new method.

For example, Point class. You want to call new method this way.

my $point = Point->new( 3, 5 ); # xPos and yPos

You can override new method.

package Point;
use Simo;

sub new{
    my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_; # two arg( not key-value pairs )
    # You can do anything if you need
    return $self->SUPER::new( x => $x, y => $y );

sub x{ ac }
sub y{ ac }

Simo implement inheritable new method. Whenever You change argments or add initializetion, You override new method.

Extend base class

you may want to extend base class. It is OK.

But I should say to you that there are one thing you should know. The order of Inheritance is very important.

I write good sample and bad sample.

# base class
package Book;
sub title{ ac };

# Good sample.
# inherit base class. It is OK!
package Magazine;
use base 'Book'; # use base is first
use Simo;        # use Simo is second;

# Bad sample
package Magazine;
use Simo;          # use Simo is first
use base 'Book';   # use base is second

If you call new method in Good sample, you call Book::new method. This is what you wanto to do.

If you call new method in Bad sample, you call Simo::new method. you will think why Book::new method is not called?

Maybe, You will be wrong sometime. So I recomend you the following writing.

package Magazine; use base 'Book'; # package and base class
use Simo;                          

It is like other language class Definition and I think looking is not bat. and you are not likely to choose wrong order.


set_hook and get_hook option is now not recomended. these option will be deleted in future 2019/01/01

and non named defalut value definition is not recommended. this expression cannot be available in future 2019/01/01

sub title{ ac 'OO tutorial' } # not recommend. cannot be available in future.


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-simo at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Simo

You can also look for information at:


Class::Accessor,Class::Accessor::Fast, Moose, Mouse.


Copyright 2008 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.