Simo::Util - Utility Class for Simo


Version 0.0301


Simo::Util is Utitly class for Simo.

This class provide some utility function for Simo.


Simo::Util is yet experimental stage.

Please wait until this is stable.


use Simo::Util qw( get_values get_hash set_values );

my( $title, $author ) = get_values( $book, 'title', 'author' );

my %hash = get_hash( $book, 'title', 'author' );
my $hash_ref = get_hash( $book, 'title', 'author' );

set_values( $book, title => 'Simple OO', author => 'kimoto' );

use Simo::Util qw( err );

# check error
if( err ){
    if( err->type eq 'err_type' ){
        my $msg = err->msg;
        my $pos = err->pos;
        my $pkg = err->pkg;
        my $attr = err->attr;
        my $val = err->val;
        my $a = err->info->{ a };
        my $b = err->ingo->{ b };
        # do something


By default, no funcion is exported.

All functions can be exported.

use Simo::Util qw( get_values get_hash set_values );



err function convert $@ to Simo::Error object.

If $@ is already Simo::Error object, this function do nothing.

If you accesse $@ using err function, You do not have to distinguish that $@ is string or Simo::Error object.

The following is eneral sample using o function and err function.

new_and_validate method construct objcet and validate its values. and check error using err function.

use Simo::Util( o err );

my $book = eval{
        { title => 'aaaaaaaaa' },
        { title => sub { length $_ < 5 } }

if( err ){
    if( err->attr eq 'title' ){
        my $type = err->type;
        my $msg = err->msg;
        my $pos = err->pos;
        my $pkg = err->pkg;
        my $val = err->val;
        my $a = err->info->{ a };
        my $b = err->ingo->{ b };
        # do something

type, msg, pos, pkg, attr,val is accessors of Simo::Error object.

See also Simo::Error


'validate' is the method for validating.

my $book = Book->new( title => 'Good time', price => 3000);
    title => sub{ length $_ < 30 },
    prcie => sub{ $_ > 0 && $_ < 3000 }

If validator function return false value, 'validate' throw Simo::Error object.

'value_invalid' is set to 'type' field of Simo::Error object.


'new_and_validate' construct object and validate object.

You can use 2 type of argument.

First: key-value-validator

my $book = new_and_validate(
    title => 'a', sub{ length $_ < 30 },
    price => 1000, sub{ $_ > 0 && $_ < 50000 },
    auhtor => 'Kimoto', sub{ 1 }

If you do not validate some field, you pass sub{ 1 } to validator.

Second: { key => value }, { key => validator }

my $book = new_and_validate(
    { title => 'a', price => 'b' },
    { title=> sub{ length $_ < 30 }, price => sub{ $_ > 0 && $_ < 50000 } }

This method return constructed object.


'define_class' define class having some accessors.

define_class( 'Book', qw/title author/ );

You can use Book class after this.

my $book = Book->new( title => 'Good news', author => 'Kimoto' );


'get_values' get the values.

my ( $title, $author ) = get_values( $book, qw/ title author / );


'get_hash' get the hash of specified fields.

my $book = Book->new( title => 'Good cat', author => 'Kimoto', price => 3000 );
my $hash = get_hash( $book, qw/ title author / );

$hash is that

    title => 'Good cat',
    auhtor => 'Kimoto'


'set_values' set values of the object.

set_values( $book, title => 'Good news', author => 'kimoto' );

You can also pass hash reference

set_values( $book, { title => 'Good news', author => 'kimoto' } );


'new_from_objective_hash' construct object from a objective hash.

my $book = new_from_objective_hash( undef, $objective_hash );

You maybe hear the name of objective hash at first.

objective hash is the hash that contain the information of object accroding to the following rules.

1. '__CLASS' is class name.
2. '__CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR' is object constructor name. If this is ommited, 'new' is used as constructor name.

objective hash sample is

my $objective_hash = { 
    __CLASS => 'Book',
    __CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR => 'new',
    title => 'Good thing',
    author => {
        __CLASS => 'Person',
        name => 'Kimoto',
        age => 19,
        country => 'Japan'
    price => 2600

'Person' object is automatically constructed and set to 'author' field.

After that, 'Book' object is constructed .


'new_from_xml' construct object from a XML file.

my $book = new_from_xml( undef, $xml_file );

XML file sample is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<root __CLASS="Book" >
  <title>Good man</title>
  <author __CLASS="Person">

You can use the xml using the form of objective hash. See also 'new_from_objective_hash'.

The xml parser of this method is 'XML::Simple'. See also XML::Simple


'set_values_from_objective_hash' set values from a objective hash.

set_values_from_objective_hash( $book, $objective_hash );

See also 'new_from_objective_hash'.


'set_values_from_xml' set values loading from XML file.

set_values_from_xml( $book, $xml_file );

You can use the xml using the form of objective hash. See also 'new_from_objective_hash'.

The xml parser of this method is 'XML::Simple'. See also XML::Simple


'run_methods' call multiple methods.

my $result = run_methods(
    find => [ 'author' => 'kimoto' ],
    sort => [ 'price', 'desc' ],

This method return the return value of last method ( this example, retrun value of 'get_result' )


'call' is aliase of 'run_methods'


'filter_values' convert multiple values.

filter_values( $book, sub{ uc $_ }, qw/ title author / );

$book->title and $book->author is converted to upper case.

This method also filter the values of array ref.

$book->author( [ 'Kimoto', 'Matuda' ] );
filter_values( $book, sub{ uc $_ }, qw/ author / );

'Kimoto' and 'Matuda' is converted to upper case.

This method also filter the values of hash ref.

$book->info( { country => 'Japan', quality => 'Good' } );
filter_values( $book, sub{ uc $_ }, qw/ info / );

'Japan' and 'Good' is converted to upper case.

These 'filter_values' logic is used by 'encode_values' and 'decode_values'.


'encode_values' encode multiple values.

encode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ title author / );

$book->title and $book->author is encoded.

This method also encode the values of array ref.

$book->author( [ 'Kimoto', 'Matuda' ] );
encode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ author / );

'Kimoto' and 'Matuda' is encoded.

This method also encode the values of hash ref.

$book->info( { country => 'Japan', quality => 'Good' } );
encode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ info / );

'Japan' and 'Good' is encoded.


'decode_values' decode multipul values.

decode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ title author / );

$book->title and $book->author is decoded.

This method also decode the values of array ref.

$book->author( [ 'Kimoto', 'Matuda' ] );
decode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ author / );

'Kimoto' and 'Matuda' is decoded.

This method also decode the values of hash ref.

$book->info( { country => 'Japan', quality => 'Good' } );
decode_values( $book, 'utf8', qw/ info / );

'Japan' and 'Good' is decoded.


'clone' copy the object deeply.

my $book_copy = clone( $book );

'clone' is the same as Storable::clone. See also Storable


'freeze' serialize the object.

my $book_freezed = freeze( $book );

'freeze' is the same as Storable::freeze. See also Storable


'thaw' resotre the freezed object.

my $book = thaw( undef, $book_freezed );

'thaw' is the same as Storable::thaw. See also Storable


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-simo-util at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Simo::Util

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.