Validator::Custom - Custom validator


Version 0.0708


### How to use Validator::Custom

# Validate
my $vc = Validator::Custom->new

# Constraint
    int => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^\d+$/;
        return $is_valid;
    ascii => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/;
        return $is_valid;
    not_blank => sub {
        my $value = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value ne '';
        return $is_valid;
    length => sub {
        my ($value, $args) = @_;
        my ($min, $max) = @$args;
        my $is_valid = $min <= $length && $length <= $max;
        return $is_valid;

# Data
my $data = { age => 19, names => ['abc', 'def'] };

# Validation rule
    age => [
    '@names' => [
        ['not_blank',          "name must exist"],
        ['ascii',              "name must be ascii"],
        [{'length' => [1, 5]}, "name must be 1 to 5"]

# Validation
my $result = $vc->validate($data, $validation_rule);

# Get errors
my @errors = $result->errors;

# Handle errors
foreach my $error (@errors) {
    # ...

# Get invalid keys
my @invalid_keys = $result->invalid_keys;

# Get producted value
my $products = $result->products;

# Check valid or not
if($result->is_valid) {
    # ...

# Corelative check
my $validation_rule => [
    [qw/password1 password2/] => [
        ['duplicate', 'Passwor is not same']

# Specify key
my $validation_rule => [
    {password_check => [qw/password1 password2/]} => [
        ['duplicate', 'Passwor is not same']



get constraints

Set and get constraint functions

$vc          = $vc->constraints($constraints); # hash or hash ref
$constraints = $vc->constraints;

constraints sample

    int    => sub { ... },
    string => sub { ... }

See also 'add_constraint' method


Set and get whether error is stocked or not.

$vc          = $vc->error_stock(1);
$error_stock = $vc->error_stcok;

If you set stock_error 1, occured error on validation is stocked, and you can get all errors by errors mehtods.

If you set stock_error 0, you can get only first error by errors method.

This is very high performance if you know only whether error occur or not.

$is_valid = $vc->validate($data, $validation_rule)->is_valid;

error_stock default is 1.


Set and get validation rule

$vc              = $vc->validation_rule($validation_rule);
$validation_rule = $vc->validation_rule;

Validation rule has the following syntax

### Syntax of validation rule         
my $validation_rule = [               # 1.Validation rule must be array ref
    key1 => [                         # 2.Constraints must be array ref
        'constraint1_1',              # 3.Constraint can be string
        ['constraint1_2', 'error1_2'],#     or arrya ref (error message)
        {'constraint1_3' => 'string'} #     or hash ref (arguments)
    key2 => [
        {'constraint2_1'              # 4.Argument can be string
          => 'string'},               #
        {'constraint2_2'              #     or array ref
          => ['arg1', 'arg2']},       #
        {'constraint1_3'              #     or hash ref
          => {k1 => 'v1', k2 => 'v2}} #
    key3 => [                           
        [{constraint3_1' => 'string'},# 5.Combination argument
         'error3_1' ]                 #     and error message
    { key4 => ['key4_1', 'key4_2'] }  # 6.Multi key validation
        => [
    key5 => [
        '@constraint5_1'              # 7. array ref each value validation

You can see this syntax using 'syntax' method

print $vc->syntax;



Create object

$vc = Validator::Costom->new;


validate data

# Validation
$result = $vc->validate($data, $validation_rule);
$result = $vc->validate($data);

If you omit $validation_rule, $vc->validation_rule is used.

See 'validation_rule' description about validation rule.

This method return Validator::Custom::Result object,

See also Validator::Custom::Result.


Add constraint

$vc->add_constraint($constraint); # hash or hash ref

'add_constraint' sample

    int => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^\-?[\d]+$/;
        return $is_valid;
    ascii => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/;
        return $is_valid;


Set and get syntax of validation rule

$vc     = $vc->syntax($syntax);
$syntax = $vc->syntax;


'validate' method return Validator::Custom::Result object.

See Validator::Custom::Result.

The following is Validator::Custom::Result sample

# Restlt
$result = $vc->validate($data, $validation_rule);

# Error message
@errors = $result->errors;

# Invalid keys
@invalid_keys = $result->invalid_keys;

# Producted values
$products = $result->products;
$product  = $products->{key1};

# Is it valid?
$is_valid = $result->is_valid;

Constraint function

You can resist your constraint function using 'add_constraint' method.

canstrant function can receive two argument.

1. value in validating data
2. argument passed in validation rule

I explain using sample. You can pass argument in validation rule. and you can receive the argument in constraint function

my $data = {key => 'value'}; # 1. value
my $validation_rule => {
    key => [
        {'name' => $args} # 2. arguments

$vc->add_constraint(name => sub {
    my ($value, $args) = @_;
    # ...
    return $is_valid;

constraint function also can return producted value.

$vc->add_constraint(name => sub {
    my ($value, $args) = @_;
    # ...
    return ($is_valid, $product);

Validator::Custom::HTML::Form 'time' constraint function is good sample.

Create custom class extending Validator::Custom

You can create your custom class extending Validator::Custom.

package Validator::Custom::Yours;
use base 'Validator::Custom';

    int => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^\-?[\d]+$/;
        return $is_valid;
    ascii => sub {
        my $value    = shift;
        my $is_valid = $value =~ /^[\x21-\x7E]+$/;
        return $is_valid;

This class is avalilable same way as Validator::Custom

$vc = Validator::Custom::Yours->new;

Validator::Custom::Trim, Validator::Custom::HTMLForm is good sample.


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


I develope this module at

I also support at IRC

Copyright & licence

Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.