Validator::Custom::Ext::Mojolicious - Validator for Mojolicious


Version 0.0101


package YourApp;
use base 'Mojolicious';

use Validator::Custom::Ext::Mojolicious;

__PACKAGE__->attr(validator => sub { Validator::Custom::Ext::Mojolicious->new });

sub startup {
    my $self = shift;
        'create#default' => [
            title => [
                [{length => [0, 255]}, 'Title is too long']
            brash => [
                ['not_blank', 'Select brach'],
                [{'in_array' => [qw/bash cpp c-sharp css delphi diff groovy java javascript perl
                                    php plain python ruby scala sql vb xml invaid/]},
                 'Brash is invalid']
            content => [
                [ 'not_blank',           "Input content"],
                [ {length => [0, 4096]}, "Content is too long"]
        'example#welcome' => [
            # ...
    # Something else

package YourApp::Create;
use base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

sub default { 
    my $self = shift;
    # Validate
    my $vresult = $self->app->validator->validate($self);
    unless ($vresult->is_valid) {
       # Someting 




This class must be Validator::Custom subclass like Validator::Custom::HTMLForm.

You can also set object, not class

my $vc = Validator::Custom::HTMLForm->new(error_stock => 0);


You can set validation rules correspond to controller and action pair. Constoller and action must be join '#'.

    'create#default' => [
        title => [
            [{length => [0, 255]}, 'title is too long']
        brash => [
            ['not_blank', 'brash must exists'],
            [{'in_array' => [qw/bash cpp/]}, 
             'brash select is invalid']
        content => [
            [ 'not_blank',         'Content must be exists'],
            [ {length => [0, 4096]}, 'Conten is too long']
    'action#controller' =>[
            # ...

Validation rule is explained Validator::Custom documentation.


Validator::Custom::Ext::Mojolicious inherits all methods from Object::Simple::Base and implements the following new ones.


Validate received data

my $vresult = $v->validate($c);

This method receive Mojolicious::Controller object. and validate request parameters. and return validation rusult. This result is Validator::Custom::Result object.


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>

Copyright & License

Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.