Validator::Custom::HTMLForm - HTML Form validator based on Validator::Custom
Version 0.0502
This module is yet experimental stage.
use Validator::Custom::HTMLForm;
# Data
my $data = {
name => 'ABCD',
age => 29,
mail1 => '',
mail2 => '',
year => 2005,
month => 11,
day => 27,
# Validation rule
my $validation_rule = [
name => [
{length => [1, 30]}
age => [
mail1 => [
mail2 => [
[qw/mail1 mail2/] => [
{ date => ['year', 'month', 'day'] } => [
# Create validator object
my $vc = Validator::Custom::HTMLForm->new;
# Validate
my $result = $vc->validate($data, $validation_rule);
# Get invalid key
my @invalid_keys = $result->invalid_keys;
# Get converted product
my $products = $result->products;
# Validation rule and error messages
my $validation_rule = [
name => [
['not_blank', 'name must be exist'],
['ascii', 'name must be acsii']
[{length => [1, 30]}, 'name must be length 1 to 30']
age => [
['not_blank', 'age must be exist'],
['int', 'age must be integer value']
# Get error message on one linear
my @errors = Validator::Custom::HTMLForm->new->validate($data,$validator)->errors;
This module is Validator::Custom subclass.
See also Validator::Custom.
and Validator::Custom::Trim constraint function is available.
See also Validator::Custom::Trim.
Constraint functions
- defined
check if the data is defined.
- not_blank
check if the data is not blank.
- not_space
check if the data do not containe space.
- int
check if the data is integer.
# valid data 123 -134
- uint
check if the data is unsigned integer.
# valid data 123
- decimal
my $data = { num => '123.45678' }; my $validation_rule => [ num => [ {'decimal' => [3, 5]} ] ]; Validator::Custom::HTMLForm->new->validate($data,$validation_rule);
each numbers (3,5) mean maximum digits before/after '.'
- ascii
check is the data consists of only ascii code.
- length
check the length of the data.
The following sample check if the length of the data is 4 or not.
my $data = { str => 'aaaa' }; my $validation_rule => [ num => [ {'length' => 4} ] ];
when you set two arguments, it checks if the length of data is in the range between 4 and 10.
my $data = { str => 'aaaa' }; my $validation_rule => [ num => [ {'length' => [4, 10]} ] ];
- http_url
verify it is a http(s)-url
my $data = { url => '' }; my $validation_rule => [ url => [ 'http_url' ] ];
- selected_at_least
verify the quantity of selected parameters is counted over allowed minimum.
<input type="checkbox" name="hobby" value="music" /> Music <input type="checkbox" name="hobby" value="movie" /> Movie <input type="checkbox" name="hobby" value="game" /> Game my $data = {hobby => ['music', 'movie' ]}; my $validation_rule => [ hobby => [ {selected_at_least => 1} ] ];
- regex
check with regular expression.
my $data = {str => 'aaa'}; my $validation_rule => [ str => [ {regex => qr/a{3}/} ] ];
- duplication
check if the two data are same or not.
my $data = {mail1 => '', mail2 => ''}; my $validation_rule => [ [qw/mail1 mail2/] => [ 'duplication' ] ];
check with Email::Valid.
my $data = {mail => ''}; my $validation_rule => [ mail => [ 'email' ] ];
- email_mx
check with Email::Valid, including mx check.
my $data = {mail => ''}; my $validation_rule => [ mail => [ 'email_mx' ] ];
- email_loose
check with Email::Valid::Loose.
my $data = {mail => ''}; my $validation_rule => [ mail => [ 'email_loose' ] ];
- email_loose_mx
my $data = {mail => ''}; my $validation_rule => [ mail => [ 'email_loose' ] ];
- date
check with Date::Calc
my $data = {year => '2009', month => '12', day => '13'}; my $validation_rule => [ {date => [qw/year month day/]} => [ 'date' ] ]; $result->products->{date}; # 2009-12-13 00:00:00
You can specify options
# Convert DateTime object my $validation_rule => [ {date => [qw/year month day/]} => [ {'date' => {'datetime_class' => 'DateTime', time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo'}} ] ]; $result->products->{date}; # DateTime object # Convert Time::Piece object my $validation_rule => [ {date => [qw/year month day/]} => [ {'date' => {'datetime_class' => 'Time::Piece'}} ] ]; $result->products->{date}; # Time::Piece object
- time
check with Date::Calc
my $data = {hour => '12', minute => '40', second => '13'}; my $validation_rule => [ [qw/hour minute second/] => [ 'time' ] ];
- datetime
check with Date::Calc
my $data = { year => '2009', month => '12', day => '13' hour => '12', minute => '40', second => '13' }; my $validation_rule => [ {datetime => [qw/year month day hour minute second/]} => [ 'datetime' ] ]; $result->products->{datetime}; # 2009-12-13 12:40:13
You can specify options
# Convert DateTime object my $validation_rule => [ {datetime => [qw/year month day hour minute second/]} => [ {'datetime' => {'datetime_class' => 'DateTime', time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo'}} ] ]; $result->products->{date}; # DateTime object # Convert Time::Piece object my $validation_rule => [ {datetime => [qw/year month day hour minute second/]} => [ {'datetime' => {'datetime_class' => 'Time::Piece'}} ] ]; $result->products->{date}; # Time::Piece object
- datetime_strptime
check with DateTime::Format::Strptime.
my $data = {datetime => '2006-04-26T19:09:21+0900'}; my $validation_rule => [ datetime => [ {'datetime_strptime' => '%Y-%m-%dT%T%z'} ] ]; $result->products->{datetime}; # DateTime object
- datetime_format
check with DateTime::Format::***. for example, DateTime::Format::HTTP, DateTime::Format::Mail, DateTime::Format::MySQL and etc.
my $data = {datetime => '2004-04-26 19:09:21'}; my $validation_rule = [ datetime => [ {datetime_format => 'MySQL'} ] ];
- greater_than
numeric comparison
my $validation_rule = [ age => [ {greater_than => 25} ] ];
- less_than
numeric comparison
my $validation_rule = [ age => [ {less_than => 25} ] ];
- equal_to
numeric comparison
my $validation_rule = [ age => [ {equal_to => 25} ] ];
- between
numeric comparison
my $validation_rule = [ age => [ {between => [1, 20]} ] ];
- in_array
check if the food ordered is in menu
my $validation_rule = [ food => [ {in_array => [qw/sushi bread apple/]} ] ];
- trim
Trim leading and trailing white space
- trim_lead
Trim leading white space
- trim_trail
Trim trailing white space
- trim_collapse
Trim leading and trailing white space, and collapse all whitespace characters into a single space.
Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-validator-custom-htmlform at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Validator::Custom::HTMLForm
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Validator::Custom, Validator::Custom::Trim
FormValidator::Custom, Data::FormValidator
Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.