Text::RecordDeduper - Separate complete, partial and near duplicate text records


use Text::RecordDeduper;

my $deduper = new Text::RecordDeduper;

# Find and remove entire lines that are duplicated

# Dedupe comma separated records, duplicates defined by several fields
$deduper->add_key(field_number => 1, ignore_case => 1 );
$deduper->add_key(field_number => 2, ignore_whitespace => 1);

# Find 'near' dupes by allowing for given name aliases
my %nick_names = (Bob => 'Robert',Rob => 'Robert');
my $near_deduper = new Text::RecordDeduper();
$near_deduper->add_key(field_number => 2, alias => \%nick_names) or die;

# Now find 'near' dupes in an array of records
my ($uniqs,$dupes) = $near_deduper->dedupe_array(\@some_records);


This module allows you to take a text file of records and split it into a file of unique and a file of duplicate records.

Records are defined as a set of fields. Fields may be separated by spaces, commas, tabs or any other delimiter. Records are separated by a new line.

If no options are specifed, a duplicate will be created only when all the fields in arecord is duplicated.

By specifying options a duplicate record is defined by which fields or partial fields must not occur more than once per record. There are also options to ignore case sensitivity, leading and trailing white space.

Additionally 'near' or 'fuzzy' duplicates can be defined. This is done by creating aliases, such as Bob => Robert.

This module is useful for finding duplicates that have been created by multiple data entry, or merging of similar records


Given a text file names.txt with space separated values and duplicates defined by the second and third columns:

100 Robert   Smith    
101 Bob      Smith    
102 John     Brown    
103 Jack     White   
104 Bob      Smythe    
105 Robert   Smith    

use Text::RecordDeduper;

my %nick_names = (Bob => 'Robert',Rob => 'Robert');
my $near_deduper = new Text::RecordDeduper();
$near_deduper->field_separator(' ');
$near_deduper->add_key(field_number => 2, alias => \%nick_names) or die;
$near_deduper->add_key(field_number => 3) or die;

Text::RecordDeduper will produce a file of unique records, names_uniqs.txt

100 Robert   Smith    
102 John     Brown    
103 Jack     White   
104 Bob      Smythe    

and a file of duplicates, names_dupes.txt

101 Bob      Smith    
105 Robert   Smith   

The original file, names.txt is left intact.



The new method creates an instance of a deduping object. This must be called before any of the following methods are invoked.


Sets the token to use as the field delimiter. Accepts any character as well as Perl escaped characters such as "\t" etc. If this method ins not called the deduper assumes you have fixed width fields .



Lets you add a field to the definition of a duplicate record. If no keys have been added, the entire record will become the key, so that only records duplicated in their entirity are removed.

    field_number => 1, 
    key_length => 5, 
    ignore_case => 1,
    ignore_whitespace => 1,
    alias => \%nick_names

Specifies the number of the field in the record to add to the key (1,2 ...). Note that this option only applies to character separated data. You will get a warning if you try to specify a field_number for fixed width data.


Specifies the position of the field in characters to add to the key. Note that this option only applies to fixed width data. You will get a warning if you try to specify a start_pos for character separated data. You must also specify a key_length.

Note that the first column is numbered 1, not 0.


The length of a key field. This must be specifed if you are using fixed width data (along with a start_pos). It is optional for character separated data.


When defining a duplicate, ignore the case of characters, so Robert and ROBERT are equivalent.


When defining a duplicate, ignore white space that leasd or trails a field's data.


When defining a duplicate, allow for aliases substitution. For example

my %nick_names = (Bob => 'Robert',Rob => 'Robert');
$near_deduper->add_key(field_number => 2, alias => \%nick_names) or die;

Whenever field 2 contains 'Bob', it will be treated as a duplicate of a record where field 2 contains 'Robert'.


This method takes a file name basename.ext as it's only argument. The file is processed to detect duplicates, as defined by the methods above. Unique records are place in a file named basename_uniq.ext and duplicates in a file named basename_dupe.ext. Note that If either of this output files exist, they are over written The orignal file is left intact.



This method takes an array reference as it's only argument. The array is processed to detect duplicates, as defined by the methods above. Two array references are retuned, the first to the set of unique records and the second to the set of duplicates.

Note that the memory constraints of your system may prvent you from processing very large arrays.

my ($unique_records,duplicate_records) = $deduper->dedupe_array(\@some_records);


Allow for multi line records
Add batch mode driven by config file or command line options
Allow option to warn user when over writing output files
Allow user to customise suffix for uniq and dupe output files


sort(3), uniq(3), Text::ParseWords, Text::RecordParser, Text::xSV


RecordDeduper was written by Kim Ryan <kimryan at cpan d o t org>


Copyright (C) 2005 Kim Ryan.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.