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English.rsl - Library of English Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives.


This library includes three sub-libraries, one for each of English Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs. These libraries are full of arrays for English words, and their varied forms.


All adjectives begin with a lowercase a and a formal word (i.e. "aAble", "aAcceptible", etc).

Nouns and verbs have a similar format but with lowercase n's and v's.


  Cerone Kirsle <kirsle at>
  Created: 10:41 AM 3/12/2006
  Updated: 10:42 AM 3/12/2006



  ## RiveScript Library Suite                         ##
  ## English.rsl -- Library of English Verbs,         ##
  ## Nouns, and Adjectives.                           ##
  ## Author: Cerone Kirsle <kirsle at> ##
  ## Created: 10:41 AM 3/12/2006                      ##
  ## Updated: 10:42 AM 3/12/2006                      ##
  ## Usage:                                           ##
  ##   All adjective arrays begin with a lowercase a  ##
  ##   and a formal word. For instance, "aAble" or    ##
  ##   "aAcceptible"                                  ##
  ##                                                  ##
  ##   The nouns and verbs have similiar formats, eg. ##
  ##   "nAbbreviation" or "vAbort"                    ##

  // Include sub-libraries.
  ! include English/EnglishAdj.rsl
  ! include English/EnglishNouns.rsl
  ! include English/EnglishVerbs.rsl


  ## RiveScript Library Suite                           ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## English.rsl -- Library of English Verbs,           ##
  ## Nouns, and Adjectives.                             ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## See "English.rsl" for usage instructions.          ##

  ! array aAble = able
  ! array aAbove = above
  ! array aAcceptable = acceptable|accepted
  ! array aAccidental = by accident|accidental|accidentally
  ! array aAccurate = accurate|accurately
  ! array aAdditional = additional|added|additionally
  ! array aAdministration = administration|admin  // web admin console
  ! array aAdvanced = advanced
  ! array aAllowable = allowable|allowed
  ! array aAlternate = alternate|alternative|alternatively

  ! array aAlways = always
  ! array aAmbient = ambient
  ! array aAngle = angle|angled|angling
  ! array aAnonymous = anonymous|anonymously
  ! array aAnother = another|an other
  ! array aAnywhere = anywhere|anywheres|any|ne|n e where|wheres
  ! array aAppropriate = appropriate|appropriately
  ! array aAsymmetrical = asymmetric|asymmetrical|asymmetrically
  ! array aAsynchronized = asynchronized|asynchronised
  ! array aAutomatic = auto|automated|automatedly|automatic|automatically
  ! array aAvailable = available
  ! array aAware = aware
  ! array aBad = bad|badly
  ! array aBasic = basic
  ! array aBest = best
  ! array aBig = big
  ! array aBigger = bigger
  ! array aBiggest = biggest
  ! array aBlack = black|blacker|blackest|blacks
  ! array aBlue = blue|blues
  ! array aBlurry = blurry|blurred|blurring
  ! array aBright = bright|brighter|brightest|brightly
  ! array aBroken = broke|broken
  ! array aBrown = brown|browns
  ! array aBuiltIn = builtin|built in
  ! array aCapable = capable
  ! array aCellular = cellular|cell
  ! array aCheap = cheap|cheaper|cheapest|cheaply
  ! array aChosen = chosen
  ! array aClear = clear|clearer|clearest|clearly
  ! array aClever = clever|cleverly
  ! array aClose = close|closely|closer|closest
  ! array aCommon = common|commonly
  ! array aCommunal = communal|communally
  ! array aCompatible = compatible
  ! array aComplete = complete|completely
  ! array aConcurrent = concurrent|concurrently
  ! array aConsistent = consistent|consistently
  ! array aConstant = constant|constantly
  ! array aContinuous = continuous|continuously
  ! array aConvenient = convenient|conveniently
  ! array aCorporate = corporate|corporately
  ! array aCorrect = correct|correctly
  ! array aCorrupt = corrupt|corrupted|corruptly
  ! array aCostly = costly
  ! array aCurrent = current|currently
  ! array aCustodial = custodial|custodially
  ! array aCustom = custom|customized|customizable
  ! array aDark = dark|darker|darkest|darkly
  ! array aDeficient = deficient|deficiently
  ! array aDiagonal = diagonal|diagonally
  ! array aDifferent = different|differently

  ! array aDirect = direct|directly
  ! array aDiscount = discounted|discount
  ! array aDistinct = distinct|distinctly
  ! array aDistorted = distorted|distortedly|distorting
  ! array aDynamic = dynamic|dynamically
  ! array aEarly = early
  ! array aEasy = easy|easily
  ! array aEfficient = efficient|efficiently
  ! array aElectronic = electronic|electronically
  ! array aElse = else {nl-brick=optional}
  ! array aExisting = existing
  ! array aExpensive = expensive
  ! array aExternal = external|externally
  ! array aExtra = extra

  ! array aFalse = false|falsely
  ! array aFederal = federal|federally

  ! array aFinancial = financial|financially
  ! array aFree = free|freely
  ! array aFrequent = frequent|frequently
  ! array aFull = full|filled|fully
  ! array aFunctional = functional|functioning
  ! array aGold = gold|golds
  ! array aGood = good|well
  ! array aGray = gray|grayer|grayest|graying|grey|greyer|greyest|greying
  ! array aGreat = great|gr8
  ! array aGreen = green|greens
  ! array aGuaranteed = guaranteed|guarantied
  ! array aHeavy = heavy|heaviness|heavier|heaviest|heavily
  ! array aHigh = high|highly|higher|highest

  ! array aHighlighted = highlighted|highlited|hilighted|hilited|hi|high lited|lighted
  ! array aHistorical = historical|historically|historic
  ! array aHorizontal = horizontal|horizontally
  ! array aIdeal = ideal|idealized|ideally
  ! array aImmediate = immediate|immediately
  ! array aIncapable = incapable
  ! array aIncluded = included
  ! array aIncorrect = incorrect|incorrectly
  ! array aIndividual = individual|individually
  ! array aInitial = initial|initially
  ! array aIntelligent = intelligent|intelligently
  ! array aInternal = internal|internally
  ! array aInternational = international|internationally|intl|inter national
  ! array aInterstate = interstate|inter state
  ! array aIntrastate = intrastate|intra state
  ! array aIrrevocable = irrevocable|irrevocably
  ! array aJoint = joint|jointly
  ! array aLarge = large|largely
  ! array aLately = latest|lately
  ! array aLess = less|least|lesser
  ! array aLight = light|lightly|lighter|lightest|lightness
  ! array aLimited = limited
  ! array aLocal = local|locally
  ! array aLow = low|lowly|lower|lowest
  ! array aMain = main|mainly
  ! array aManaged = managed
  ! array aManual = manual|manually
  ! array aMaximum = maximum|maximums|maxima|maximal

  ! array aMeager = meager|meagerly
  ! array aMinimum = minimum|minimums|minima|minimal

  ! array aMist = misty
  ! array aMultiple = multiple|multi|multiples
  ! array aMutual = mutual|mutually

  ! array aNaked = naked|nakedly
  ! array aNational = national|nationally
  ! array aNear = near|nearly|nearer|nearest
  ! array aNecessary = necessary|necessarily
  ! array aNew = new|newly
  ! array aNormal = normal|normally
  ! array aOccassional = occasional|occasionally
  ! array aOperational = operating|operational
  ! array aOnline = online|on line
  ! array aOnTime = ontime|on time|timely
  ! array aOptimal = optimal|optimum|optimized|optimised
  ! array aOrange = orange|oranges
  ! array aOutgoing = outgoing|out going
  ! array aOvernight = overnight|overnite|over night|nite
  ! array aPartial = partial|partially
  ! array aPeriodic = periodic|periodical|periodically
  ! array aPermissible = permissible|permitted
  ! array aPersonal = personal|personalized|personizable|personally|personalised //added British spelling
  ! array aPoor = poor|poorly
  ! array aPornographic = pornographic|porno|porn
  ! array aPrecious = precious|preciously
  ! array aPresent = present|presently
  ! array aPrevious = previous|previously
  ! array aPrimary = primary|primarily
  ! array aPrincipal = principal|principally
  ! array aPrior = prior
  ! array aProfessional = professional|professionally|pro
  ! array aPromotional = promotional|promo
  ! array aProper = proper|properly
  ! array aProposed = proposed
  ! array aPublic = public|publicly
  ! array aPurple = purple|purples
  ! array aQualified = qualified
  ! array aQuick = quick|quickly
  ! array aRainy = rainy
  ! array aRapid = rapid|rapidly
  ! array aRecent = recent|recently
  ! array aRed = red|reds
  ! array aRegional = regional|regionally
  ! array aRegular = regular|regularly

  ! array aRemote = remote|remotely
  ! array aRepeated = repeat|repeated|repeatedly
  ! array aResidential = residential|residentially
  ! array aResponsible = responsible|responsibly
  ! array aRight = right|rightly
  ! array aSafe = safe|safely
  ! array aSecure = secure|securely|secured
  ! array aSelective = selective|selectively|select|selected
  ! array aSeparate = separate|separately|separated
  ! array aSilver = silver|silvers
  ! array aSimple = simple|simply
  ! array aSimplified = simplified
  ! array aSimultaneous = simultaneous|simultaneously
  ! array aSlow = slow|slowly
  ! array aSmall = small
  ! array aSmallest = smallest
  ! array aSmart = smart|smartly
  ! array aSo = so  {nl-brick=optional}
  ! array aSole = sole|solely
  ! array aSometimes = sometimes|some times
  ! array aSymmetrical = symmetric|symmetrical|symmetrically
  ! array aSynchronized = synchronized|synchronised
  ! array aSystematic = systematic|systematically
  ! array aTechnical = technical|tech|technically
  ! array aTemporary = temporary|temp
  ! array aTotal = total|totally
  ! array aTraditional = traditional|traditionally
  ! array aTypical = typical|typically
  ! array aUnable = unable
  ! array aUnintentional = unintentional|unintentionally
  ! array aUnlisted = unlisted|nonlisted|non listed
  ! array aUnsecure = unsecure|unsecured
  ! array aUseless = useless|use less
  ! array aUsual = usual|usually
  ! array aVertical = vertical|vertically
  ! array aVirtual = virtual|virtually
  ! array aWhite = white|whites
  ! array aWithout = without|with out
  ! array aWrong = wrong|wrongly
  ! array aYellow = yellow|yellows

  ! array aZero = zed|zero|0
  ! array aOne = 1|one|ones
  ! array aTwo = 2|two|ii
  ! array aThree = 3|three|iii
  ! array aFour = four|4|iv
  ! array aFive = five|5|v
  ! array aSix = six|6|vi
  ! array aSeven = seven|7|vii
  ! array aEight = eight|8|viii
  ! array aNine = nine|9|ix
  ! array aTen = ten|10|x


  ## RiveScript Library Suite                           ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## English.rsl -- Library of English Verbs,           ##
  ## Nouns, and Adjectives.                             ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## See "English.rsl" for usage instructions.          ##

  ! array nAbbreviation = abbreviation|abbreviations
  ! array nAbility = ability|abilities
  ! array nAbuse = abuse|abuses
  ! array nAbuser = abuser|abusers
  ! array nAccess = access|accessibility
  ! array nAccessory = accessory|accessories
  ! array nAccomodation = accomodation|accomodations
  ! array nAccount = account|accounts|acct|accts|accnt|accnts
  ! array nAccounting = accounting|accountancy
  ! array nAct = act|acts
  ! array nActivation = activation|activations
  ! array nActivity = activity|activities
  ! array nAdjustment = adjustment|adjustments
  ! array nAdoption = adoption|adoptions
  ! array nAddress = address|addresses

  ! array nAdministrator = administrator|administrators|administrator|admin|admins
  ! array nAdvantage = advantage|advantages
  ! array nAdvertisement = advertisement|advertisements|advertising|advertisings|advertizing|advertizings|advert|adverts

  ! array nAffair = affair|affairs
  ! array nAffect = affect|affects
  ! array nAffidavit = affidavit|affidavits
  ! array nAffiliate = affiliate|affiliates
  ! array nAgent = agent|agents
  ! array nAgreement = agreement|agreements
  ! array nAim = aim|aims
  ! array nAir = air
  ! array nAirplane = airplane|airplanes
  ! array nAlarm = alarm|alarms
  ! array nAlbum = album|albums
  ! array nAlert = alert|alerts
  ! array nAlien = alien|aliens
  ! array nAlias = alias|aliases
  ! array nAlteration = alteration|alterations
  ! array nAlternate = alternate|alternates|alternative|alternatives
  ! array nAltitude = altitude|altitudes|alt|alts
  ! array nAmount = amount|amounts
  ! array nAnalysis = analysis|analyses
  ! array nAngle = angle|angles
  ! array nAnnouncement = announcement|announcements
  ! array nAnswer = answer|answers
  ! array nAnybody = anybody|any|ne body
  ! array nAnyone = anyone|any|ne one|1
  ! array nAnything = anything|any thing
  ! array nApartment = apartment|apartments
  ! array nApplication = application|applications

  ! array nAppointment = appointment|appointments
  ! array nApproval = approval|approvals
  ! array nApproximation = approximation|approximations
  ! array nArrangement = arrangement|arrangements
  ! array nArray = array|arrays
  ! array nArea = area|areas
  ! array nArticle = article|articles
  ! array nArtist = artist|artists
  ! array nAspect = aspect|aspects
  ! array nAssignment = assignment|assignments
  ! array nAssistance = assistance
  ! array nAssistant = assistant|assistants
  ! array nAssociate = associate|associates
  ! array nAssociation = association|associations
  ! array nAttacker = attacker|attackers
  ! array nAunt = aunt|aunts
  ! array nAuthorization = authorization|authorizations

  ! array nAutomobile = automobile|automobiles|autos|auto
  ! array nAvailability = availability|availabilities
  ! array nAverage = average|averages
  ! array nAward = award|awards
  ! array nBackground = background|backgrounds
  ! array nBalance = balance|balances
  ! array nBall = ball|balls

  ! array nBand = band|bands
  ! array nBar = bar|bars
  ! array nBase = base|bases
  ! array nBasket = basket|baskets
  ! array nBasis = basis|bases
  ! array nBeep = beep|beeps
  ! array nBeginner = beginner|beginners
  ! array nBeginning = beginning|beginnings
  ! array nBenchmark = benchmark|benchmarks
  ! array nBenefit = benefit|benefits
  ! array nBiography = biography|biographies|bio|bios
  ! array nBill = bill|bills|billing
  ! array nBirth = birth|births
  ! array nBlock = block|blocks
  ! array nBlocker = blocker|blockers
  ! array nBoard = board|boards
  ! array nBody = body|bodies
  ! array nBolt = bolt|bolts
  ! array nBook = book|books
  ! array nBooklet = booklet|booklets|=nBook let|lets
  ! array nBookmark = bookmark|bookmarks|bookmarker|bookmarkers|book mark|marker|markers|marks
  ! array nBoss = boss|bosses
  ! array nBond = bond|bonds
  ! array nBox = box|boxes
  ! array nBoy = boy|boys
  ! array nBracket = bracket|brackets
  ! array nBroadcast = broadcast|broadcasts
  ! array nBrochure = brochure|brochures
  ! array nBroker = broker|brokers
  ! array nBrother = brother|brothers
  ! array nBud = bud|buds
  ! array nBuddy = buddy|buddies
  ! array nBug = bug|bugs
  ! array nBuild = build|builds
  ! array nBuilder = builder|builders
  ! array nBulletin = bulletin|bulletins
  ! array nBrand = brand|brands
  ! array nBundle = bundle|bundles
  ! array nBus = bus|busses
  ! array nBusiness = business|businesses
  ! array nButton = button|buttons
  ! array nBuyer = buyer|buyers
  ! array nBuying = buying|buyings
  ! array nCalendar = calendar|calendars
  ! array nCall = call|calls
  ! array nCaller = caller|callers
  ! array nCalling = calling|callings
  ! array nCapability = capability|capabilities
  ! array nCapacity = capacity|capacities
  ! array nCapital = capital|capitals
  ! array nCar = car|cars
  ! array nCard = card|cards
  ! array nCart = cart|carts
  ! array nCareer = career|careers
  ! array nCarrier = carrier|carriers
  ! array nCartoon = cartoon|cartoons|toons|toon
  ! array nCase = case|cases
  ! array nCassette = cassette|cassettes
  ! array nCatalog = catalog|catalogs|catalogue|catalogues
  ! array nCategory = category|categories
  ! array nCause = cause|causes
  ! array nCenter = center|centers|centre|centres
  ! array nCertificate = certificate|certificates
  ! array nCertification = certification|certifications
  ! array nChallenger = challenger|challengers
  ! array nChange = change|changes
  ! array nChannel = channel|channels
  ! array nCharacter = character|characters
  ! array nCharge = charge|charges
  ! array nChart = chart|charts
  ! array nCheck = check|checks|cheque|cheques
  ! array nChick = chick|chicks
  ! array nChild = child|children
  ! array nChip = chip|chips
  ! array nChoice = choice|choices
  ! array nCigarette = cigarette|cigarettes
  ! array nCinema = cinema|cinemas
  ! array nCircle = circle|circles
  ! array nClass = class|classes
  ! array nClassic = classic|classics
  ! array nClearance = clearance|clearances
  ! array nClient = client|clients
  ! array nClip = clip|clips
  ! array nClosing = closing|closings
  ! array nClosure = closure|closures
  ! array nClub = club|clubs
  ! array nCluster = cluster|clusters
  ! array nCode = code|codes
  ! array nCollege = college|colleges
  ! array nColor = color|colors|colour|colours
  ! array nCombination = combination|combinations

  ! array nCommand = command|commands
  ! array nComment = comment|comments
  ! array nCommission = commission|commissions
  ! array nCommitment = commitment|commitments
  ! array nCommunication = communication|communications
  ! array nCommunicator = communicator|communicators
  ! array nCommunity = community|communities
  ! array nCompany = company|companies

  ! array nComparison = comparison|comparisons
  ! array nCompatibility = compatibility|compatibilities
  ! array nCompensation = compensation|compensations
  ! array nCompetitor = competitor|competitors
  ! array nComplaint = complaint|complaints
  ! array nComponent = component|components
  ! array nCompression = compression|compressions
  ! array nConcern = concern|concerns
  ! array nCondition = condition|conditions|conditioning
  ! array nConference = conference|conferences|conf|confs
  ! array nConfiguration = configuration|configurations|config|configs|conf|confs
  ! array nConfirmation = confirmation|confirmations|confirm|confirms
  ! array nConflict = conflict|conflicts
  ! array nConnection = connection|connections
  ! array nContact = contact|contacts
  ! array nContent = content|contents
  ! array nContract = contract|contracts
  ! array nContrast = contrast|contrasts
  ! array nContribution = contribution|contributions
  ! array nControl = control|controls
  ! array nConversation = conversation|conversations
  ! array nConversion = conversion|conversions
  ! array nCookie = cookie|cookies|cooky|cookys
  ! array nCopy = copy|copies
  ! array nCopyright = copyright|copyrite|copywrite|copyrights|copyrites|copywrites|
  ^ copy right|rite|write|rights|rites|writes

  ! array nCorrection = correction|corrections
  ! array nCost = cost|costs
  ! array nCousin = cousin|cousins
  ! array nCoverage = coverage|coverages
  ! array nCreation = creation|creations
  ! array nCreator = creator|creators
  ! array nCredit = credit|credits
  ! array nCurriculum = curriculum|curricula|curriculums
  ! array nCurriculumVitae = curriculum|curricula|curriculums vitae

  ! array nCustodian = custodian|custodians
  ! array nCustomer = customer|customers
  ! array nCustomization = customization|customizations
  ! array nDanger = danger|dangers
  ! array nData = data|datas|datum
  ! array nDate = date|dates
  ! array nDaughter = daughter|daughter
  ! array nDay = day|days
  ! array nDealer = dealer|dealers
  ! array nDeath = death|deaths
  ! array nDebit = debit|debits
  ! array nDeduction = deduction|deductions
  ! array nDefault = default|defaults
  ! array nDefinition = definition|definitions

  ! array nDelivery = delivery|deliveries
  ! array nDemonstration = demo|demos|demonstration|demonstrations
  ! array nDepartment = department|departments|dept|depts
  ! array nDeployment = deployment|deployments
  ! array nDeposit = deposit|deposits
  ! array nDepot = depot|depots
  ! array nDepth = depth|depths
  ! array nDerivation = derivation|derivations
  ! array nDesignation = designation|designations
  ! array nDesk = desk|desks
  ! array nDestination = destination|destinations
  ! array nDeveloper = developer|developers
  ! array nDevelopment = development|developments

  ! array nDevice = device|devices
  ! array nDetail = detail|details|detailing
  ! array nDialog = dialog|dialogs|dialogue|dialogues
  ! array nDifference = difference|differences|diff|diffs
  ! array nDifficulty = difficulty|difficulties
  ! array nDigit = digit|digits
  ! array nDimension = dimension|dimensions
  ! array nDirection = direction|directions
  ! array nDirector = director|directors
  ! array nDirectory = directory|directorys|directories

  ! array nDisclosure = disclosure|disclosures|disclosing|disclosings
  ! array nDish = dish|dishes
  ! array nDisk = disc|discs|disk|disks
  ! array nDisplay = display|displays
  ! array nDisposition = disposition|dispositions
  ! array nDistance = distance|distances
  ! array nDistinction = distinction|distinctions
  ! array nDistributor = distributor|distributors
  ! array nDistribution = distribution|distributions
  ! array nDocument = document|documents|documentation|documentations

  ! array nDollar = dollar|dollars
  ! array nDomicile = domicile|domiciles
  ! array nDriver = driver|drivers
  ! array nDuty = duty|duties
  ! array nEdge = edge|edges
  ! array nEdit = edit|edits
  ! array nEducation = education|educations
  ! array nEffect = effect|effects
  ! array nElement = element|elements
  ! array nElevation = elevation|elevations
  ! array nEmblem = emblem|emblems
  ! array nEmergency = emergency|emergencies
  ! array nEmission = emission|emissions
  ! array nEnhancement = enhancement|enhancements
  ! array nEnquiry = enquiry|enquiries
  ! array nEnrollment = enrollment|enrollments|enrolment|enrolments
  ! array nEnterprise = enterprise|enterprises
  ! array nEntry = entry|entries
  ! array nEnvelope = envelope|envelopes
  ! array nEnvironment = environment|environments

  ! array nError = error|errors
  ! array nEstimate = estimate|estimates|estimation|estimations
  ! array nEvent = event|events
  ! array nExample = example|examples
  ! array nException = exception|exceptions
  ! array nExcess = excess|excesses
  ! array nExercise = exercise|exercises
  ! array nExpansion = expansion|expansions
  ! array nExperience = experience|experiences
  ! array nExport = export|exports|exportation|exportations
  ! array nExpression = expression|expressions
  ! array nExtent = extent|extents
  ! array nFavorite = favorite|favorites|favourite|favourites

  ! array nFacility = facility|facilities
  ! array nFact = fact|facts
  ! array nFailure = failure|failures
  ! array nFamily = family|families
  ! array nFather = father|fathers|daddy|daddies

  ! array nFault = fault|faults
  ! array nFeature = feature|features
  ! array nFeedback = feedback|feedbacks|feed back|backs
  ! array nFemale = female|females
  ! array nField = field|fields
  ! array nFile = file|files
  ! array nFilm = film|films
  ! array nFilter = filter|filters
  ! array nFinance = finance|finances
  ! array nFinder = finder|finders
  ! array nFlake = flake|flakes
  ! array nFloor = floor|floors
  ! array nFlow = flow|flows
  ! array nFolder = folder|folders
  ! array nFood = food|foods
  ! array nFoot = foot|feet|ft
  ! array nForecast = forecast|forecasts
  ! array nForm = form|forms
  ! array nFormat = format|formats
  ! array nFrame = frame|frames
  ! array nFranchise = franchise|franchises
  ! array nFriend = friend|friends
  ! array nFunction = function|functions|func|funcs
  ! array nGain = gain|gains
  ! array nGame = game|games|gaming
  ! array nGarden = garden|gardens
  ! array nGas = gas|gases|gasses
  ! array nGateway = gateway|gateways|gate way|ways
  ! array nGeneral = general|generals
  ! array nGeneration = generation|generations
  ! array nGenre = genre|genres
  ! array nGentleman = gentleman|gentlemen

  ! array nGift = gift|gifts
  ! array nGirl = girl|girls
  ! array nGlossary = glossary|glossaries|gloss
  ! array nGoal = goal|goals
  ! array nGrade = grade|grades
  ! array nGradation = gradation|gradations
  ! array nGrandfather = grandpa|grandpas|grandfather|grandfathers|grand father|fathers
  ! array nGrandmother = grandma|grandmas|grandmother|grandmothers|grand mother|mothers
  ! array nGraphic = graphic|graphics
  ! array nGreeting = greeting|greetings
  ! array nGrievance = grievance|grievances
  ! array nGroup = group|groups
  ! array nGuarantee = guarantee|guarantees|guaranty|guaranties
  ! array nGuard = guard|guards
  ! array nGuess = guess|guesses
  ! array nGuest = guest|guests
  ! array nGuide = guide|guides
  ! array nGuy = guy|guys
  ! array nHardship = hardship|hardships
  ! array nHead = head|heads
  ! array nHeight = height|heights
  ! array nHelper = helper|helpers
  ! array nHistory = history|histories
  ! array nHit = hit|hits
  ! array nHoax = hoax|hoaxes
  ! array nHolder = holder|holders
  ! array nHome = home|homes
  ! array nHost = host|hosts
  ! array nHour = hour|hours
  ! array nHouse = house|houses
  ! array nHookup = hook up|ups|hookup|hookups
  ! array nHuman = human|humans
  ! array nHusband = husband|husbands
  ! array nIce = ice|ices
  ! array nIcon = icon|icons
  ! array nIdea = idea|ideas
  ! array nIdentification = identification|identifications

  ! array nIdentity = identity|identities

  ! array nImage = image|images
  ! array nImpact = impact|impacts
  ! array nImplementation = implementation|implementations
  ! array nImport = import|imports|importation|importations
  ! array nImprovement = improvement|improvements
  ! array nIncentive = incentive|incentives
  ! array nInch = inch|inches
  ! array nIndex = index|indexes|indices
  ! array nInfluence = influence|influences
  ! array nInformation = information|informations|info|infos
  ! array nInitiation = initiation|initiations
  ! array nInquiry = inquiry|inquiries|enquiry|enquiries
  ! array nInsignia = insignia|insignias
  ! array nInstruction = instruction|instructions
  ! array nInstructor = instructor|instructors
  ! array nInsurance = insurance|insurances
  ! array nInterest = interest|interests
  ! array nInterference = interference|interferences
  ! array nIntern = intern|interns
  ! array nInternship = internship|internships
  ! array nInterview = interview|interviews
  ! array nIntruder = intruder|intruders
  ! array nIntrusion = intrusion|intrusions
  ! array nInventor = inventor|inventors
  ! array nInvitation = invitation|invitations
  ! array nIssue = issue|issues
  ! array nItem = item|items
  ! array nItemization = itemization|itemizations|itemisation|itemisations
  ! array nJet = jet|jets
  ! array nJob = job|jobs
  ! array nJoke = joke|jokes
  ! array nKey = key|keys
  ! array nKeyboard = keyboard|keyboards|key board|boards
  ! array nKilogram = kilogram|kilograms|kilos|kilo
  ! array nKilometer = kilometer|kilometers|kilo meter|meters

  ! array nKind = kind|kinds
  ! array nLady = lady|ladies
  ! array nLanguage = language|languages
  ! array nLength = length|lengths
  ! array nLetter = letter|letters
  ! array nLevel = level|levels
  ! array nLexicon = lexicon|lexicons
  ! array nLiability = liability|liabilities
  ! array nLicense = license|licenses|licence|licences
  ! array nLife = life|lives
  ! array nLight = light|lights
  ! array nLimit = limit|limits|limitation|limitations
  ! array nLine = line|lines
  ! array nLineup = lineup|lineups|line up|ups
  ! array nLink = link|links|linking|linkings
  ! array nList = list|lists|listing|listings
  ! array nLoad = load|loads
  ! array nLocation = location|locations
  ! array nLocator = locator|locators
  ! array nLogo = logo|logos
  ! array nLookup = lookup|lookups
  ! array nLoss = loss|losses
  ! array nLyric = lyric|lyrics
  ! array nMachine = machine|machines
  ! array nMail = mail|mails|mailing|mailings
  ! array nMailbox = mailbox|mailboxes
  ! array nMale = male|males
  ! array nMaintenance = maintenance|maintenances
  ! array nMan = man|men
  ! array nManagement = management|managements|mgmt|mgmts
  ! array nManager = manager|managers|mgr|mgrs
  ! array nManner = manner|manners
  ! array nManufacturer = manufacturer|manufacturers
  ! array nMargin = margin|margins
  ! array nMarket = market|markets
  ! array nMart = mart|marts
  ! array nMaster = master|masters
  ! array nMatch = match|matches
  ! array nMate = mate|mates

  ! array nMaterial = material|materials
  ! array nMaximum = maximum|maximums
  ! array nMean = mean|means
  ! array nMeaning = meaning|meanings
  ! array nMeasurement = measurement|measurements
  ! array nMedium = media|medium|mediums
  ! array nMeeting = meeting|meetings
  ! array nMember = member|members
  ! array nMembership = membership|memberships
  ! array nMemory = memory|memories
  ! array nMenu = menu|menus
  ! array nMessage = message|messages

  ! array nMetal = metal|metals
  ! array nMeter = meter|meters
  ! array nMethod = method|methods
  ! array nMile = mile|miles
  ! array nMillimeter = mm|millimeter|millimeters
  ! array nMinimum = minimum|minimums
  ! array nMiniVan = minivan|mini van|minivans|mini vans
  ! array nMinute = minute|minutes

  ! array nMission = mission|missions
  ! array nMistake = mistake|mistakes
  ! array nModification = modification|modifications
  ! array nMode = mode|modes
  ! array nModel = model|models
  ! array nModule = module|modules
  ! array nMother = mom|moms|mother|mothers|momma|mommas|mommie|mommies

  ! array nMount = mount|mounts
  ! array nMovement = movement|movements
  ! array nMovie = movie|movies
  ! array nMusic = music|musics
  ! array nMusician = musician|musicians
  ! array nMutual = mutual|mutuals
  ! array nMystery = mystery|mysteries
  ! array nMythology = mythology|mythologies
  ! array nMyth = myth|myths
  ! array nName = name|names
  ! array nNaught = naught|naughts
  ! array nNecessity = necessity|necessities
  ! array nNet = net|nets
  ! array nNoise = noise|noises
  ! array nNote = note|notes
  ! array nNotice = notice|notices
  ! array nNotification = notification|notifications

  ! array nObjective = objective|objectives
  ! array nObligation = obligation|obligations
  ! array nOffer = offer|offers|offering|offerings
  ! array nOffering = offering|offerings
  ! array nOffice = office|offices
  ! array nOpening = opening|openings
  ! array nOperation = operation|operations
  ! array nOperator = operator|operators
  ! array nOpponent = opponent|opponents
  ! array nOpportunity = opportunity|opportunities
  ! array nOption = option|options
  ! array nOrder = order|orders
  ! array nOrganization = organization|organizations|org|orgs
  ! array nOrigin = origin|origins
  ! array nOriginal = original|originals
  ! array nOutage = outage|outages
  ! array nOutfit = outfit|outfits
  ! array nOutlet = outlet|outlets
  ! array nOutpost = outpost|outposts
  ! array nOverage = overage|overages
  ! array nOverrun = overrun|overruns
  ! array nOverview = overview|overviews
  ! array nOwner = owner|owners
  ! array nPack = pack|packs
  ! array nPackage = package|packages
  ! array nPad = pad|pads
  ! array nPage = page|pages
  ! array nPamphlet = pamphlet|pamphlets
  ! array nPanel = panel|panels
  ! array nPaper = paper|papers
  ! array nParasite = parasite|parasites
  ! array nParcel = parcel|parcels
  ! array nParent = parent|parents
  ! array nParser = parser|parsers
  ! array nPart = part|parts
  ! array nPartner = partner|partners
  ! array nPartnership = partnership|partnerships
  ! array nParty = party|parties
  ! array nPast = past|pasts
  ! array nPatent = patent|patents
  ! array nPattern = pattern|patterns
  ! array nPayment = payment|payments
  ! array nPedestal = pedestal|pedestals
  ! array nPerformance = performance|performances
  ! array nPeriod = period|periods
  ! array nPerk = perk|perks
  ! array nPermission = permission|permissions
  ! array nPerson = person|persons|people|peeps

  ! array nPersonalization = personalization|personalizations
  ! array nPhrase = phrase|phrases
  ! array nPhoto = photo|photos|photograph|photographs|photography|photographies|photographing|foto|fotos
  ! array nPicture = picture|pictures|pic|pics|pix
  ! array nPiece = piece|pieces
  ! array nPin = pin|pins
  ! array nPlace = place|places
  ! array nPlan = plan|plans
  ! array nPlasma = plasma|plasmas
  ! array nPlatform = platform|platforms
  ! array nPlayer = player|players
  ! array nPlug = plug|plugs
  ! array nPoint = point|points|pt|pts
  ! array nPolicy = policy|policies|policys
  ! array nPornography = pornography|porno|pornos|porn
  ! array nPortfolio = portfolio|portfolios
  ! array nPosition = position|positions
  ! array nPost = post|posts
  ! array nPosting = =nPost|posting|postings
  ! array nPound = pound|pounds|lb|lbs
  ! array nPower = power|powers
  ! array nPrank = prank|pranks
  ! array nPrecaution = precaution|precautions
  ! array nPrediction = prediction|predictions
  ! array nPreference = pref|prefs|preference|preferences
  ! array nPremise = premise|premises
  ! array nPrepayment = prepayment|prepayments|pre =nPayment
  ! array nPresence = presence|presences
  ! array nPresent = present|presents
  ! array nPresentment = presentment|presentments
  ! array nPresident = president|presidents
  ! array nPrevention = prevention|preventions
  ! array nPreview = preview|previews
  ! array nPrevision = prevision|previsions
  ! array nPrice = price|prices|pricing
  ! array nPrint = print|prints
  ! array nPrivacy = privacy|privacies
  ! array nPrivilege = privilege|privileges
  ! array nProblem = problem|problems

  ! array nProcedure = procedure|procedures
  ! array nProduct = product|products|prod|prods
  ! array nProfile = profile|profiles
  ! array nProfit = profit|profits
  ! array nProgram = program|programs|programme|programmes
  ! array nProgramming = programming|programmings
  ! array nProject = project|projects
  ! array nProjection = projection|projections
  ! array nProperty = property|properties
  ! array nProprietorship = proprietorship|proprietorships|prop|props
  ! array nProtection = protection|protections
  ! array nProtector = protector|protectors
  ! array nProtocol = protocol|protocols
  ! array nProvider = provider|providers
  ! array nProvince = province|provinces
  ! array nProvisioning = provision|provisioning
  ! array nPseudonym = pseudonym|pseudonyms
  ! array nPurpose = purpose|purposes
  ! array nPursuit = pursuit|pursuits
  ! array nQuality = quality|qualities
  ! array nQuantity = quantity|quantities
  ! array nQuery = query|queries
  ! array nQuestion = question|questions
  ! array nQuestionnaire = questionnaire|questionnaires
  ! array nQuote = quote|quotes
  ! array nQuotation = quotation|quotations
  ! array nRadiation = radiation|radiations
  ! array nRange = range|ranges
  ! array nRate = rate|rates
  ! array nRatio = ratio|ratios
  ! array nReach = reach|reaches
  ! array nReader = reader|readers
  ! array nReason = reason|reasons
  ! array nReception = reception|receptions
  ! array nReceipt = receipt|receipts
  ! array nRecipient = recipient|recipients
  ! array nRecommendation = recommendation|recommendations
  ! array nRecord = record|records
  ! array nRecorder = recorder|recorders
  ! array nReduction = reduction|reductions
  ! array nReferral = referral|referrals
  ! array nRegion = region|regions
  ! array nRegistration = registration|registrations
  ! array nRegulation = regulation|regulations

  ! array nRejection = rejection|rejections
  ! array nRelation = relation|relations
  ! array nRelative = relative|relatives
  ! array nRelationship = relationship|relationships
  ! array nRelease = release|releases
  ! array nReply = reply|replies
  ! array nRepresentation = representation|representations
  ! array nRepresentative = representative|representatives

  ! array nRequest = request|requests

  ! array nRequirement = requirement|requirements

  ! array nRequisition = requisition|requisitions
  ! array nReserve = reserve|reserves
  ! array nResidence = residence|residences
  ! array nResident = resident|residents
  ! array nResolution = resolution|resolutions
  ! array nResource = resource|resources
  ! array nResponse = response|responses
  ! array nResponsibility = responsibility|responsibilities
  ! array nRestriction = restriction|restrictions
  ! array nResult = result|results
  ! array nResume = resume|resumes
  ! array nRetirement = retirement|retirements
  ! array nRevenue = revenue|revenues
  ! array nRights = right|rights|rite|rites
  ! array nRipple = ripple|ripples
  ! array nRisk = risk|risks
  ! array nRival = rival|rivals
  ! array nRobot = robot|robots

  ! array nRole = role|roles
  ! array nRoom = room|rooms
  ! array nRotation = rotation|rotations
  ! array nRule = rule|rules
  ! array nSafety = safety|safeties
  ! array nSample = sample|samples
  ! array nSaturation = saturation|saturations
  ! array nSaver = saver|savers
  ! array nSavings = savings|saving
  ! array nScam = scam|scams
  ! array nSchedule = schedule|schedules

  ! array nSchool = school|schools|skool|skools
  ! array nScope = scope|scopes
  ! array nScore = score|scores|scoring
  ! array nScreen = screen|screens
  ! array nSecretary = secretary|secretaries
  ! array nSection = section|sections
  ! array nSecurity = security|securities
  ! array nSelection = selection|selections|selecting|selectings
  ! array nSelector = selector|selectors
  ! array nSelling = selling|sellings
  ! array nSeller = seller|sellers
  ! array nSense = sense|senses
  ! array nSequence = sequence|sequences
  ! array nSeries = series
  ! array nService = service|services
  ! array nSession = session|sessions
  ! array nSet = set|sets
  ! array nSetting = setting|settings
  ! array nSetup = setup|setups|set up|ups
  ! array nShade = shade|shades
  ! array nShape = shape|shapes
  ! array nShare = share|shares
  ! array nSheet = sheet|sheets
  ! array nShip = ship|ships
  ! array nShipment = shipment|shipments
  ! array nShop = shop|shops
  ! array nShow = show|shows
  ! array nShowcase = show case|cases|showcase|showcases
  ! array nShutter = shutter|shutters
  ! array nSibling = sibling|siblings
  ! array nSide = side|sides
  ! array nSignal = signal|signals
  ! array nSignature = signature|signatures
  ! array nSimilarity = similarity|similarities
  ! array nSister = sister|sisters
  ! array nSite = site|sites
  ! array nSize = size|sizes
  ! array nSleet = sleet|steets
  ! array nSlider = slider|sliders
  ! array nSlip = slip|slips
  ! array nSlot = slot|slots
  ! array nSolution = solution|solutions
  ! array nSomeone = someone|somebody|some1|sum1|some|sum one|1|body
  ! array nSomething = something|sumthing|some|sum thing
  ! array nSon = son|sons
  ! array nSong = song|songs
  ! array nSound = sound|sounds
  ! array nSource = source|sources|src|srcs
  ! array nSpace = space|spaces
  ! array nSpan = span|spans
  ! array nSpeaker = speaker|speakers
  ! array nSpecial = special|specials
  ! array nSpecification = spec|specs|specification|specifications
  ! array nSpeed = speed|speeds
  ! array nSport = sport|sports|sporting
  ! array nSpot = spot|spots
  ! array nSpouse = spouse|spouses
  ! array nSpread = spread|spreads
  ! array nStaff = staff|staffs
  ! array nStamp = stamp|stamps
  ! array nStand = stand|stands
  ! array nStandard = standard|standards
  ! array nStar = star|stars
  ! array nState = state|states
  ! array nStatement = statement|statements
  ! array nStation = station|stations
  ! array nStatistic = statistic|statistics|stat|stats
  ! array nStatus = status|statuses
  ! array nStep = step|steps
  ! array nStick = stick|sticks
  ! array nStill = still|stills
  ! array nStock = stock|stocks
  ! array nStop = stop|stops
  ! array nStorage = storage|storages
  ! array nStory = story|stories
  ! array nStrategy = strategy|strategies
  ! array nStrip = strip|strips
  ! array nStripe = stripe|stripes
  ! array nStyle = style|styles
  ! array nSubject = subject|subjects
  ! array nSubscriber = subscriber|subscribers
  ! array nSubscription = subscription|subscriptions
  ! array nSubstitute = substitute|substitutes
  ! array nSuggestion = suggestion|suggestions
  ! array nSun = sun|suns
  ! array nSupply = supply|supplies
  ! array nSurge = surge|surges
  ! array nSurvey = survey|surveys
  ! array nSUV = suv|suvs|Sport utility vehicle|vehicles

  ! array nSymbol = symbol|symbols
  ! array nSyntax = syntax|syntaxes
  ! array nSystem = system|systems|sys
  ! array nTape = tape|tapes
  ! array nTarget = target|targets
  ! array nTariff = tariff|tariffs
  ! array nTax = tax|taxes
  ! array nTeacher = teacher|teachers
  ! array nTeam = team|teams
  ! array nTechnician = technician|technicians
  ! array nTeen = teen|teens
  ! array nTelecommunication = telecommunication|telecommunications|telecom|telecoms
  ! array nTelevision = television|televisions|tele vision|visions

  ! array nTemperature = temperature|temperatures
  ! array nTenant = tenant|tenants
  ! array nTerm = term|terms
  ! array nTerminal = terminal|terminals
  ! array nTermination = termination|terminations
  ! array nTheater = theater|theaters
  ! array nTheory = theory|theories
  ! array nThing = thing|things
  ! array nTime = time|times
  ! array nTimer = timer|timers
  ! array nTimeout = timeout|timeouts|time out|outs
  ! array nTitle = title|titles
  ! array nTone = tone|tones
  ! array nTool = tool|tools
  ! array nTop = top|tops
  ! array nTopic = topic|topics
  ! array nTown = town|towns
  ! array nTrack = track|tracks
  ! array nTrade = trade|trades
  ! array nTrader = trader|traders
  ! array nTrading = trading|tradings
  ! array nTraffic = traffic|traffics
  ! array nTransaction = transaction|transactions
  ! array nTransfer = transfer|transfers
  ! array nTranslation = translation|translations
  ! array nTransmission = transmission|transmissions|transmitting
  ! array nTrial = trial|trials
  ! array nTrick = trick|tricks
  ! array nTrim = trim|trims
  ! array nTrouble = trouble|troubles
  ! array nTube = tube|tubes
  ! array nTutor = tutor|tutors
  ! array nTune = tune|tunes
  ! array nType = type|types
  ! array nUncle = uncle|uncles
  ! array nUnit = unit|units
  ! array nUniversity = university|universities
  ! array nUpdate = update|updates|up date|dates
  ! array nUpgrade = upgrade|upgrades|up grade|grades
  ! array nUsage = usage|usages

  ! array nUser = user|users
  ! array nUtility = utility|utilities
  ! array nVacation = vacation|vacations
  ! array nValuation = valuation|valuations
  ! array nValue = value|values
  ! array nVan = van|vans
  ! array nVariation = variation|variations
  ! array nVehicle = vehicle|vehicles
  ! array nVendor = vendor|vendors
  ! array nVersion = version|versions

  ! array nViewer = viewer|viewers
  ! array nVisitor = visitor|visitors
  ! array nVolume = volume|volumes
  ! array nWall = wall|walls
  ! array nWarning = warning|warnings
  ! array nWarrant = warrant|warrants
  ! array nWave = wave|waves
  ! array nWidth = width|widths
  ! array nWife = wife|wives
  ! array nWindow = window|windows
  ! array nWing = wing|wings
  ! array nWithdrawal = withdrawal|withdrawals|withdraws
  ! array nWizard = wizard|wizards
  ! array nWoman = woman [s]|women [s]|womans|womens
  ! array nWork = work|works
  ! array nWorker = worker|workers
  ! array nYacht = yacht|yachts
  ! array nYear = year|years
  ! array nZone = zone|zones

  ! array nBackUp = backup|backups|back up|ups
  ! array nBirthDate = =nBirth =nDate|birthdate|birthdates|=nDate of birth
  ! array nBirthday = =nBirth =nDay|birthday|birthdays|=nDay of birth
  ! array nCompactDisk = cd [rom]|cds|cdrom|cdroms|compactdisk|compactdisks|compact disk

  ! array nGrandparent = grandparent|grandparents
  ! array nHumanBeing = human being|beings
  ! array nKeypad = keypad|keypads
  ! array nParentalControls = parental|parent|parents

  ! array nPassword = pass word|words|password|passwords

  ! array nPasscode = passcode|passcodes|pass
  ! array nPassphrase = passphrase|passphrases|pass
  ! array nScreenName = screenname|screennames|screen
  ! array nScreenSize = =nScreen =nSize|screensize|screensizes
  ! array nSoundSystem = sound =nSystem|soundsystem|soundsystems
  ! array nToolkit = toolkit|toolkits
  ! array nUserAccount = useraccount|useraccounts
  ! array nUserAgreement = eua|user agreement|useragreement

  ! array nUserName = username|usernames


  ## RiveScript Library Suite                           ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## English.rsl -- Library of English Verbs,           ##
  ## Nouns, and Adjectives.                             ##
  ##--------------------------------------------------  ##
  ## See "English.rsl" for usage instructions.          ##

  ! array vAbort = abort|aborts|aborting|aborted
  ! array vAbuse = abuse|abuses|abused|abusing
  ! array vAccept = accept|accepted|accepting|accepts
  ! array vAccess = access|accesses|accessed|accessing
  ! array vAccommodate = accommodate|accommodates|accommodated|accommodating
  ! array vAcquire = acquire|acquires|acquired|acquiring
  ! array vActivate = activate|activates|activated|activating
  ! array vAdd = added|adding

  ! array vAdjust = adjust|adjusts|adjusted|adjusting
  ! array vAdminister = administer|administers|administered|administering|administrate|administrates|administrated|administrating
  ! array vAffect = affect|affects|affected|affecting
  ! array vAge = age|ages|aging|aged
  ! array vAid = aid|aids|aided|aiding
  ! array vAir = air|airs|aired|airing
  ! array vAlert = alert|alerts|alerted|alerting
  ! array vAlign = align|aligns|aligned|aligning
  ! array vAllow = allow|allowed|allows|allowing
  ! array vAlter = alter|alters|altered|altering
  ! array vAmend = amend|amends|amended|amending
  ! array vAnalyze = analyze|analyzes|analyzed|analyzing|analyse|analyses|analysed|analysing
  ! array vAnnounce = announce|announces|announced|announcing
  ! array vAnnul = annul|annuls|annuled|annuling
  ! array vAnswer = answer|answers|answered|answering
  ! array vAppear = appear|appears|appeared|appearing
  ! array vAppend = append|appends|appended|appending
  ! array vApply = apply|applies|applied|applying
  ! array vArchive = archive|archives|archived|archiving
  ! array vArm = arm|armed|arms|arming
  ! array vArrive = arrive|arrives|arrived|arriving
  ! array vAscertain = ascertain|ascertains|ascertained|ascertaining
  ! array vAsk = ask|asks|asking|asked
  ! array vAssemble = assemble|assembles|assembled|assembling
  ! array vAssign = assign|assigns|assigned|assigning
  ! array vAssist = assist|assists|assisted|assisting
  ! array vAssociate = associate|associates|associated|associating
  ! array vAssault = assault|assaults|assaulting|assaulted
  ! array vAttach = attach|attaches|attached|attaching
  ! array vAttack = attack|attacked|attacking|attacks
  ! array vAttain = attain|attains|attained|attaining
  ! array vAttempt = attempt|attempts|attempted|attempting
  ! array vAttend = attend|attends|attended|attending
  ! array vAugment = augment|augments|augmented|augmenting|augmentation
  ! array vAuthenticate = authenticate|authenticates|authenticated|authenticating
  ! array vAuthorize = authorize|authorizes|authorized|authorizing|authorise|authorises|authorised|authorising
  ! array vAvoid = avoid|avoids|avoiding|avoided
  ! array vBack = back|backed|backs|backing
  ! array vBackUp = =vBack up|backup
  ! array vBar = bar|barrs|barred|barring

  ! array vBecome = become|becomes|became|becoming
  ! array vBeep = beep|beeps|beeped|beeping
  ! array vBegin = begin|begins|began|beginning|begun
  ! array vBlock = block|blocks|blocked|blocking
  ! array vBlur = blur|blurs|blurred|blurring

  ! array vBrand = brand|brands|branded|branding
  ! array vBreak = break|broke|broken|breaks|breaking
  ! array vBring = bring|brings|brought|bringing
  ! array vBroadcast = broadcast|broadcasts|broadcasted|broadcasting
  ! array vBroker = broker|brokers|brokered|brokering
  ! array vBundle = bundle|bundles|bundling|bundled
  ! array vBuild = build|builds|built|building
  ! array vBurn = burn|burns|burned|burning
  ! array vBuy = buying|bought

  ! array vCalculate = calculate|calculates|calculated|calculating
  ! array vCall = calling|calls|called

  ! array vCancel = cancel|cancels|canceled|canceling|cancelling
  ! array vCare = care|caring|cared|cares
  ! array vCarry = carry|carries|carried|carrying
  ! array vCater = cater|caters|catered|catering
  ! array vCause = cause|causes|caused|causing
  ! array vCease = cease|ceases|ceased|ceasing
  ! array vChange = change|changes|changed|changing
  ! array vCharge = charge|charges|charged|charging
  ! array vChat = chatted|chatting

  ! array vCheck = check|checks|checked|checking
  ! array vChoose = choose|chooses|chose|choosing|chosen
  ! array vClean = clean|cleaning|cleaned|cleans
  ! array vClear = clear|clearing|cleared|clears
  ! array vClose = close|closing|closes|closed
  ! array vCombine = combine|combines|combined|combining
  ! array vCome = come|comes|came|coming
  ! array vCommence = commence|commences|commenced|commencing
  ! array vCommit = commit|commits|committed|committing
  ! array vCommunicate = communicate|communicates|communicated|communicating
  ! array vCompare = compare|compares|compared|comparing
  ! array vCompete = compete|competes|competed|competing
  ! array vComplain = complain|complains|complaining|complained
  ! array vComplete = complete|completes|completing|completed
  ! array vCompress = compress|compresses|compressing|compressed
  ! array vConceive = conceive|conceives|conceived|conceiving
  ! array vConcern = concern|concerned|concerning|concerns
  ! array vConference = conference|conferences|conferenced|conferencing|conf
  ! array vConfirm = confirm|confirms|confirmed|confirming
  ! array vConnote = connote|connotes|connoted|connoting
  ! array vConsolidate = consolidate|consolidates|consolidated|consolidating
  ! array vContact = contact|contacts|contacted|contacting
  ! array vContinue = continue|continues|continued|continuing
  ! array vContrast = contrast|contrasts|contrasted|contrasting
  ! array vContribute = contribute|contributes|contributed|contributing
  ! array vControl = control|controls|controlled|controlling
  ! array vConvert = convert|converted|converts|converting
  ! array vConverse = converse|converses|conversed|conversing
  ! array vConvey = convey|conveys|conveyed|conveying
  ! array vConsider = consider|considers|considering|considered
  ! array vConstruct = construct|constructs|constructing|constructed
  ! array vCool = cool|cools|cooled|cooling
  ! array vCopy = copy|copied|copying|copies
  ! array vCopyright = copyright|copyrite|copywrite|copyrights|copyrites|copywrites|copyrighted|copyrited|copywrited
  ! array vCorrect = correct|corrects|corrected|correcting
  ! array vCorrupt = corrupt|corrupts|corrupted|corrupting
  ! array vCost = cost|costs|costed|costing
  ! array vCover = cover|covers|covered|covering
  ! array vCreate = create|creates|created|creating
  ! array vCroak = croak|croaks|croaked|croaking
  ! array vCustomize = customize|customizes|customized|customizing|customise|customising|customises|customised
  ! array vCut = cut|cuts|cutting
  ! array vCycle = cycle|cycles|cycling|cycled
  ! array vDamage = damage|damages|damaged|damaging
  ! array vDeal = deal|deals|dealt|dealing
  ! array vDecease = decease|deceases|deceased|deceasing
  ! array vDecide = decide|decided|decides|deciding
  ! array vDecrease = decrease|decreases|decreased|decreasing
  ! array vDefine = define|defines|defined|defining
  ! array vDeflect = deflect|deflects|deflected|deflecting
  ! array vDelete = delete|deletes|deleted|deleting|del
  ! array vDeliver = deliver|delivered|delivers|delivering
  ! array vDemand = demand|demands|demanding|demanded
  ! array vDemise = demise|demises|demising|demised
  ! array vDenote = denote|denotes|denoted|denoting
  ! array vDeny = deny|denied|denies|denying|denys
  ! array vDeploy = deploy|deploys|deployed|deploying
  ! array vDeposit = deposit|deposits|deposited|depositing
  ! array vDerive = derive|derives|derived|deriving
  ! array vDescribe = describe|describes|describing|described
  ! array vDesign = design|designs|designing|designed
  ! array vDesignate = designate|designates|designating|designated
  ! array vDetail = detail|details|detailed|detailing
  ! array vDetect = detect|detects|detected|detecting
  ! array vDeteriorate = deteriorate|deteriorates|deteriorating|deteriorated
  ! array vDetermine = determine|determines|determined|determining
  ! array vDevelop = develop|develops|developed|developing
  ! array vDevise = devise|devises|devised|devising
  ! array vDiagnose = diagnose|diagnoses|diagnosed|diagnosing
  ! array vDie = die|dies|died|dying
  ! array vDiffer = differ|differs|differed|differing
  ! array vDim = dim|dims|dimmed|dimming
  ! array vDiminish = diminish|diminishes|diminished|diminishing
  ! array vDisable = disable|disables|disabled|disabling
  ! array vDiscover = discover|discovers|discovered|discovering
  ! array vDiscontinue = discontinue|discontinues|discontinued|discontinuing
  ! array vDisplay = display|displays|displaying|displayed
  ! array vDispute = dispute|disputes|disputing|disputed
  ! array vDivert = divert|diverts|diverting|diverted
  ! array vDo = do|does|did|doing|done

  ! array vDonate = donate|donates|donated|donating
  ! array vDownload = download|downloads|downloaded|downloading|down load|loads|loaded|loading
  ! array vDrink = drink|drinks|drank|drinking
  ! array vDrop = drop|drops|dropped|dropping
  ! array vDump = dump|dumps|dumped|dumping
  ! array vDuplicate = duplicate|duplicates|duplicated|duplicating
  ! array vDwell = dwell|dwells|dwelled|dwelling
  ! array vEarn = earn|earns|earned|earning
  ! array vEat = eat|eats|ate|eating
  ! array vEdit = edit|edits|edited|editing
  ! array vEfface = efface|effaced|effacing|effaces
  ! array vEffect = effect|effects|effected|effecting
  ! array vElect = elect|elected|elects|electing
  ! array vElevate = elevate|elevates|elevated|elevating
  ! array vEliminate = eliminate|eliminates|eliminated|eliminating
  ! array vEmbed = embed|embeds|embedded|embedding
  ! array vEmpty = empty|empties|emptied|emptying
  ! array vEnable = enable|enables|enabled|enabling
  ! array vEnd = end|ends|ended|ending
  ! array vEnhance = enhance|enhances|enhanced|enhancing
  ! array vEnroll = enroll|enrolls|enrolled|enrolling
  ! array vEnsure = ensure|ensures|ensured|ensuring
  ! array vEnter = enter|enters|entered|entering
  ! array vEqual = equal|equals|equaled|equaling
  ! array vErase = erase|erases|erased|erasing
  ! array vEstablish = establish|establishes|established|establishing
  ! array vExamine = examine|examines|examined|examining
  ! array vExceed = exceed|exceeds|exceeded|exceeding
  ! array vExchange = exchange|exchanges|exchanged|exchanging
  ! array vExecute = execute|executes|executed|executing
  ! array vExercise = exercise|exercises|exercised|exercising
  ! array vExhibit = exhibit|exhibits|exhibited|exhibiting
  ! array vExist = exist|exists|existed|existing
  ! array vExpect = expect|expects|expected|expecting
  ! array vExpire = expire|expires|expired|expiring
  ! array vExplain = explain|explains|explained|explaining
  ! array vExport = export|exported|exports|exporting
  ! array vExpress = express|expresses|expressed|expressing
  ! array vFade = fade|fades|fading|faded
  ! array vFail = fail|fails|failed|failing
  ! array vFare = fare|fares|fared|faring
  ! array vFax = fax|faxes|faxing|faxed
  ! array vFeature = feature|features|featured|featuring
  ! array vFeel = feel|feels|felt|feeling
  ! array vFigure = figure|figures|figured|figuring
  ! array vFill = fill|fills|filled|filling
  ! array vFilter = filter|filters|filtering|filtered
  ! array vFind = find|finds|finding|found
  ! array vFinish = finish|finishes|finished|finishing
  ! array vFire = fire|fires|firing|fired
  ! array vFit = fits|fit|fitting

  ! array vFix = fixed|fixxed|fixxes|fixes|fixxing|fixing

  ! array vFlash = flash|flashing|flashed|flashes

  ! array vFlip = flip|flips|flipped|flipping
  ! array vFlood = flood|floods|flooding|flooded
  ! array vFocus = focus|focuses|focusing|focused
  ! array vFollow = follow|follows|following|followed
  ! array vForbid = forbid|forbids|forbade|forbad|forbidden|forbidding
  ! array vForget = forget|forgets|forgot|forgotten|forgetting
  ! array vForm = form|forms|formed|forming
  ! array vForward = forward|forwards|forwarded|forwarding
  ! array vFound = found|founds|founded|founding
  ! array vFrame = frame|framing|framed|frames
  ! array vFreeze = freeze|freezes|froze|frozen|freezing
  ! array vFunction = function|functions|functioned|functioning
  ! array vFund = fund|funds|funded|funding
  ! array vFurnish = furnish|furnishes|furnished|furnishing
  ! array vGenerate = generate|generates|generated|generating
  ! array vGet = getting|gotten

  ! array vGhost = ghost|ghosts|ghosted|ghosting
  ! array vGive = give|gives|gave|giving
  ! array vGo = going|goes

  ! array vGoogle = google|googles|googling|googled
  ! array vGrant = grant|grants|granted|granting
  ! array vGroup = group|groups|grouping|grouped
  ! array vGuarantee = guarantee|guarantees|guaranteed|guaranteeing|guaranty|guaranties|guarantied|guarantying
  ! array vGuard = guard|guards|guarded|guarding
  ! array vHail = hail|hailing|hailed|hails
  ! array vHandle = handle|handles|handled|handling
  ! array vHang = hang|hangs|hanged|hung|hanging
  ! array vHappen = happen|happens|happened|happening

  ! array vHave = have|has|having|had

  ! array vHead = head|heads|headed|heading
  ! array vHear = hear|hears|heard|hearing
  ! array vHelp = help|helps|helped|helping
  ! array vHide = hide|hiding|hides|hid|hidden
  ! array vHire = hire|hires|hired|hiring
  ! array vHold = hold|holds|held|holding
  ! array vHook = hook|hooks|hooked|hooking
  ! array vHope = hope|hopes|hoped|hoping
  ! array vHost = host|hosts|hosted|hosting
  ! array vHunt = hunt|hunts|hunting
  ! array vHurt = hurt|hurts|hurting
  ! array vIce = ice|iced|icing|ices
  ! array vIdentify = identify|identifies|identified|identifying

  ! array vImpact = impact|impacts|impacted|impacting
  ! array vImport = import|imported|imports|importing
  ! array vImprint = imprint|imprinted|imprints|imprinting
  ! array vImprove = improve|improves|improved|improving
  ! array vInclude = include|included|including|includes
  ! array vIncrease = increase|increases|increased|increasing
  ! array vIndicate = indicate|indicates|indicated|indicating
  ! array vInfluence = influence|influences|influenced|influencing
  ! array vInfect = infect|infects|infected|infecting
  ! array vInform = inform|informed|informing|informs
  ! array vInitialize = initialize|initializes|initializing|initialized|initialise|initialises|initialised|initialising
  ! array vInitiate = initiate|initiates|initiated|initiating
  ! array vInput = input|inputs|inputting
  ! array vInquire = inquire|inquiring|inquired|inquires
  ! array vInsert = insert|inserts|inserted|inserting
  ! array vInstall = install|installing|installed|installs
  ! array vInstantiate = instantiate|instantiated|instantiating|instantiate
  ! array vIntegrate = integrate|integrates|integrated|integrating
  ! array vInterfere = interfere|interferes|interfered|interfering
  ! array vInterpret = interpret|interprets|interpreted|interpreting
  ! array vInterrupt = interrupt|interrupts|interrupted|interrupting
  ! array vIntrude = intrude|intrudes|intruding|intruded
  ! array vInvent = invent|invents|invented|inventing
  ! array vInvestigate = investigate|investigates|investigated|investigating
  ! array vInvoke = invoke|invoking|invokes|invoked
  ! array vIssue = issue|issues|issued|issuing
  ! array vItemize = itemize|itemizes|itemized|itemizing|itemises|itemise|itemised|itemising
  ! array vJoin = join|joins|joined|joining
  ! array vJump = jump|jumps|jumped|jumping
  ! array vKick = kick|kicks|kicked|kicking
  ! array vKeep = keep|keeping|kept|keeps|keeped
  ! array vKnow = know|knows|knew|knowing|known
  ! array vLag = lag|lags|lagged|lagging
  ! array vLast = last|lasts|lasting|lasted
  ! array vLaunch = launch|launches|launched|launching
  ! array vLead = lead|leads|led|leading
  ! array vLean = lean|leans|leaned|leaning
  ! array vLearn = learn|learns|learned|learning
  ! array vLease = lease|leases|leased|leasing
  ! array vLeave = leave|leaving|left|leaves
  ! array vLessen = lessen|lessens|lessening|lessened
  ! array vLicense = license|licenses|licensed|licensing
  ! array vLight = light|lighted|lit|lighting|lights [up]
  ! array vLimit = limit|limits|limited|limiting
  ! array vLink = link|links|linked|linking
  ! array vList = list|lists|listed|listing
  ! array vListen = listen|listens|listened|listening
  ! array vLive = live|lives|lived|living
  ! array vLoad = load|loaded|loading|loads
  ! array vLocate = locate|locates|located|locating
  ! array vLock = locked|locking

  ! array vLodge = lodge|lodges|lodged|lodging
  ! array vLook = look|looks|looked|looking
  ! array vLookUp = =vLook up|lookup|lookups
  ! array vLose = lose|loses|lost|losed|losing
  ! array vLower = lower|lowers|lowered|lowering
  ! array vMail = mail|mail|mailed|mailing
  ! array vMaintain = maintain|maintains|maintained|maintaining
  ! array vMake = make|makes|made|making
  ! array vManage = manage|manages|managed|managing
  ! array vManufacture = manufacture|manufactures|manufacturing|manufactured
  ! array vMatch = match|matches|matched|matching
  ! array vMean = mean|means|meant|meaning
  ! array vMeet = meet|meets|met|meeting
  ! array vMention = mention|mentions|mentioned|mentioning
  ! array vMerge = merge|merges|merged|merging
  ! array vMessage = message|messages|messaged|messaging
  ! array vMigrate = migrate|migrates|migrated|migrating
  ! array vMisplace = misplace|misplaces|misplaced|misplacing
  ! array vMiss = miss|missed|misses|missing
  ! array vMist = mist|misting|mists|misted
  ! array vModify = modify|modifies|modified|modifying
  ! array vMount = mount|mounting|mounted|mounts
  ! array vMove = move|moves|moved|moving
  ! array vName = name|names|named|naming
  ! array vNeed = need|needs|needed|needing
  ! array vNetwork = network|networks|networked|networking
  ! array vNotice = notice|notices|noticed|noticing
  ! array vNotify = notify|notifys|notifies|notified|notifying
  ! array vObtain = obtain|obtaining|obtained|obtains
  ! array vOccur = occur|occurs|occurring|occurred
  ! array vOffer = offer|offers|offered|offering
  ! array vOpen = open|opens|opened|opening
  ! array vOperate = operate|operated|operates|operating
  ! array vOpt = opt|opted|opting|opts
  ! array vOptimize = optimize|optimizes|optimized|optimizing|optimise|optimises|optimised|optimising
  ! array vOrder = order|ordered|orders|ordering
  ! array vOrganize = organize|organizes|organized|organizing|organise|organises|organised|organising
  ! array vOriginate = originate|originates|originated|originating
  ! array vOwe = owe|owes|owed|owing
  ! array vOwn = own|owns|owned|owning
  ! array vPackage = package|packages|packaged|packaging
  ! array vPage = page|paged|pages|paging
  ! array vPass = pass|passes|passed|passing|past
  ! array vPay = pay|pays|payed|paid|paying
  ! array vPerform = perform|performs|performed|performing
  ! array vPerish = perish|perishes|perished|perishing
  ! array vPermit = permit|permits|permitted|permitting
  ! array vPersonalize = personalize|personalizes|personalized|personalizing
  ! array vPhone = telephone|telephones|telephoned|telephoning|phone|phones|phoned|phoning

  ! array vPick = pick|picks|picked|picking
  ! array vPlace = place|places|placed|placing
  ! array vPlan = plan|planned|planning|plans
  ! array vPlay = play|plays|played|playing
  ! array vPop = pop|pops|popped|popping
  ! array vPossess = possess|possesses|possessing|possessed
  ! array vPost = post|posts|posted|posting
  ! array vPower = power|powers|powering|powered
  ! array vPrecede = precede|precedes|preceding|preceded
  ! array vPrecise = precise|precises|precising|precised {nl-brick=no}
  ! array vPresent = present|presents|presenting|presented|presentation
  ! array vPreserve = preserve|preserves|preserving|preserved
  ! array vPrevent = prevent|prevents|prevented|preventing
  ! array vProbe = probe|probes|probed|probing
  ! array vProcure = procure|procures|procuring|procured
  ! array vProduce = produce|produces|produced|producing
  ! array vProhibit = prohibit|prohibits|prohibited|prohibiting
  ! array vProject = project|projects|projecting|projected
  ! array vPrompt = prompt|prompts|prompted|prompting
  ! array vPropose = propose|proposes|proposed|proposing
  ! array vProtect = protect|protects|protected|protecting
  ! array vProvide = provide|provides|provided|providing
  ! array vProvision = provision|provisions|provisioned|provisioning
  ! array vPull = pull|pulls|pulled|pulling
  ! array vPublish = publish|publishes|published|publishing
  ! array vPurchase = purchase|purchases|purchased|purchasing
  ! array vPush = push|pushes|pushed|pushing
  ! array vPut = put|puts|putting
  ! array vQuarantine = quarantine|quarantines|quarantined|quarantining
  ! array vQuestion = question|questions|questioned|questioning
  ! array vRain = rain|rains|raining|rained
  ! array vRaise = raise|raises|raised|raising
  ! array vReach = reach|reaches|reached|reaching
  ! array vRead = read|reads|reading
  ! array vRealize = realize|realized|realizing|realizes|realise|realised|realising|realises
  ! array vRecall = recall|recalls|recalled|recalling
  ! array vReceive = receive|receives|received|receiving|recv
  ! array vRecognize = recognize|recognizes|recognized|recognizing|recognise|recognises|recognised|recognising
  ! array vRecollect = recollect|recollects|recollected|recollecting
  ! array vRecord = record|records|recorded|recording
  ! array vRecover = recover|recovers|recovered|recovering
  ! array vReduce = reduce|reduces|reducing|reduced
  ! array vRefer = refer|refers|referred|referring
  ! array vRefill = refill|refills|refilled|refilling
  ! array vRegister = register|registers|registered|registering
  ! array vRegulate = regulate|regulates|regulated|regulating
  ! array vReject = reject|rejects|rejected|rejecting
  ! array vRelease = release|releases|released|releasing
  ! array vRelocate = relocate|relocates|relocated|relocating
  ! array vRemain = remain|remains|remained|remaining
  ! array vRemember = remember|remembered|remembering|remembers
  ! array vRemove = remove|removes|removed|removing
  ! array vRender = render|renders|rendering|rendered
  ! array vRenew = renew|renews|renewed|renewing
  ! array vRepair = repair|repaired|repairs|repaires|repairing
  ! array vRepeat = repeat|repeats|repeated|repeating
  ! array vReplace = replace|replaced|replaces|replacing
  ! array vReply = reply|replies|replied|replying
  ! array vReport = report|reports|reported|reporting
  ! array vRepresent = represent|represents|represented|representing
  ! array vRequest = request|requests|reguested|requesting
  ! array vRequire = require|requires|required|requiring
  ! array vResearch = research|researched|researches|researching
  ! array vReserve = reserve|reserved|reserves|reserving
  ! array vReside = reside|resides|resided|residing
  ! array vResolve = resolve|resolved|resolves|resolving
  ! array vRespond = respond|responds|responded|responding
  ! array vRest = rest|rests|resting|rested
  ! array vRestore = restore|restores|restored|restoring
  ! array vRestrict = restrict|restricts|restricted|restricting
  ! array vResubscribe = resubscribe|resubscribes|resubscribed|resubscribing
  ! array vResult = result|results|resulted|resulting
  ! array vRetain = retain|retains|retained|retaining
  ! array vRetrieve = retrieve|retrieves|retrieved|retrieving
  ! array vReturn = return|returns|returned|returning
  ! array vReveal = reveal|reveals|revealing|revealed
  ! array vReview = review|reviews|reviewing|reviewed
  ! array vRevise = revise|revises|revising|revised
  ! array vRide = ride|rides|rode|riding
  ! array vRing = ring|rings|rang|ringing
  ! array vRise = rise|rises|rised|rising
  ! array vRoll = roll|rolls|rolled|rolling
  ! array vRoute = route|routes|routed|routing
  ! array vRuin = ruin|ruins|ruined|ruining
  ! array vRun = running

  ! array vSample = sample|sampled|sampling|samples
  ! array vSatisfy = satisfy|satisfied|satisfies|satisfying
  ! array vSave = saved|saving|saves

  ! array vSay = say|says|said|saying
  ! array vScale = scale|scales|scaled|scaling
  ! array vScam = scam|scams|scammed|scamming
  ! array vScan = scan|scans|scanned|scant|scanning
  ! array vSchedule = schedule|schedules|scheduled|scheduling
  ! array vScreen = screen|screens|screened|screening
  ! array vScript = script|scripts|scripted|scripting
  ! array vSearch = search|searches|searched|searching
  ! array vSecure = secure|secured|securing|secures
  ! array vSee = see|sees|seeing|saw|seen
  ! array vSeem = seem|seems|seeming|seemed
  ! array vSelect = select|selects|selected|selecting
  ! array vSell = sell|sells|sold|selling
  ! array vSend = send|sends|sent|sending
  ! array vServe = serve|serving|served|serves
  ! array vService = service|servicing|serviced|services

  ! array vShadow = shadow|shadows|shadowing|shadowed
  ! array vShake = shake|shakes|shaked|shaking
  ! array vShare = share|shares|shared|sharing
  ! array vShift = shift|shifts|shifted|shifting
  ! array vShip = ship|ships|shipped|shipping
  ! array vShoot = shoot|shoots|shot|shooting
  ! array vShop = shopping|shopped

  ! array vShow = show|shows|showed|shown|showing
  ! array vShowUp = showup|showups
  ! array vShrink = shrink|shrinks|shrinked|shrinking|shrunk|shrunken
  ! array vShut = shutting

  ! array vSign = sign|signs|signed|signing
  ! array vSignUp = signup|signedup|signsup|signingup|=vSign up
  ! array vSignify = signify|signifies|signified|signifying
  ! array vSit = sit|sitting|sat|sits
  ! array vSize = size|sized|sizes|sizing
  ! array vSkip = skip|skipped|skips|skipping
  ! array vSlant = slant|slants|slanted|slanting
  ! array vSleep = sleep|sleeping|slept|sleeps
  ! array vSleet = sleet|sleets|sleeted|sleeting
  ! array vSnap = snap|snaps|snapping|snapped
  ! array vSolve = solve|solved|solves|solving
  ! array vSort = sort|sorts|sorted|sorting
  ! array vSpeak = speak|speaks|spoke|speaking|spoken
  ! array vSpecify = specify|specifies|specified|specifying
  ! array vSpeed = speed|speeds|speeded|speeding
  ! array vSpeedUp = =vSpeed up|speedup
  ! array vSplit = split|splits|splitted|splitting
  ! array vSpoof = spoof|spoofs|spoofed|spoofing
  ! array vSpread = spread|spreads|spreading
  ! array vStack = stack|stacks|stacked|stacking
  ! array vStall = stall|stalls|stalled|stalling
  ! array vStand = stand|stands|stood|standing
  ! array vStart = start|starts|started|starting
  ! array vStay = stay|stays|stayed|staying
  ! array vSteal = steal|steals|stole|stolen|stealing
  ! array vStick = stick|sticks|sticking|stuck
  ! array vStop = stop|stops|stopped|stopping
  ! array vStore = store|stores|stored|storing
  ! array vStream = stream|streams|streamed|streaming
  ! array vStretch = stretch|stretches|stretched|stretching
  ! array vStudy = study|studies|studied|studying
  ! array vStutter = stutter|stutters|stuttered|stuttering
  ! array vSubmit = submit|submits|submitted|submitting
  ! array vSubscribe = subscribe|subscribes|subscribed|subscribing
  ! array vSuggest = suggest|suggests|suggested|suggesting
  ! array vSupply = supply|supplies|supplied|supplying
  ! array vSupport = support|supports|supported|supporting
  ! array vSuppress = suppress|suppresses|suppressed|suppressing
  ! array vSurpass = surpass|surpasses|surpassed|surpassing|surpast
  ! array vSuspend = suspend|suspended|suspending|suspends
  ! array vSwap = swap|swaps|swapped|swapping
  ! array vSwing = swing|swings|swinging|swung
  ! array vSwitch = switch|switches|switched|switching
  ! array vSymbolize = symbolize|symbolizes|symbolized|symbolizing
  ! array vSynchronize = synchronize|synchronizes|synchronized|synchronizing|synchronise|synchronises|synchronised|synchronising|sync
  ! array vTake = take|takes|took|taking|taken
  ! array vTalk = talk|talks|talked|talking
  ! array vTape = tape|tapes|taped|taping
  ! array vTeach = teach|teaches|taught|teaching
  ! array vTell = tell|tells|telling|told
  ! array vTerminate = terminate|terminated|terminating|terminates
  ! array vTest = test|tests|testing|tested
  ! array vText = text|texts|texting|texted
  ! array vThink = think|thinks|thought|thinking
  ! array vTie = tie|tying|tied|ties
  ! array vTilt = tilt|tilts|tilted|tilting
  ! array vTouch = touch|touches|touched|touching
  ! array vTrace = trace|traces|traced|tracing
  ! array vTrack = track|tracks|tracked|tracking
  ! array vTrade = trade|trades|traded|trading
  ! array vTransfer = transfer|transfers|transferred|transferring
  ! array vTransform = transform|transforms|transformed|transforming
  ! array vTranslate = translate|translated|translates|translating
  ! array vTransmit = transmit|transmits|transmitted|transmitting
  ! array vTravel = travel|travels|traveled|traveling
  ! array vTry = try|tried|tries|trying
  ! array vTurn = turn|turned|turns|turning
  ! array vTweak = tweak|tweaks|tweaked|tweaking
  ! array vType = type|types|typed|typing
  ! array vUnarm = unarm|unarms|unarmed|unarming
  ! array vUncover = uncover|unconvers|uncovering|uncovered
  ! array vUnderstand = understand|understands|understood|understanding
  ! array vUnsubscribe = unsubscribe|unsubscribed|unsubscribes|unsubscribing
  ! array vUnzip = unzip|unzips|unzipped|unzipping
  ! array vUpdate = update|updates|updating|updated|up date|dates|dated|dating
  ! array vUpgrade = upgrade|upgrades|upgrading|upgraded|up grade|grades|graded|grading
  ! array vUse = using|use|used|uses
  ! array vUtilize = utilize|utilizes|utilized|utilizing
  ! array vVerify = verify|verifies|verified|verifying
  ! array vView = view|views|viewed|viewing
  ! array vVisit = visit|visits|visited|visiting
  ! array vWait = wait|waits|waited|waiting
  ! array vWaive = waive|waives|waived|waiving
  ! array vWant = want|wants|wanted|wanting
  ! array vWarn = warn|warns|warned|warning
  ! array vWash = wash|washing|washed|washes
  ! array vWatch = watch|watches|watched|watching
  ! array vWear = wear|wears|wearing|wore|worn
  ! array vWipe = wipe|wipes|wiped|wiping
  ! array vWire = wire|wires|wired|wiring
  ! array vWithdraw = withdraw|withdraws|withdrew|withdrawing
  ! array vWithhold = withhold|withholds|withheld|withholding
  ! array vWobble = wobble|wobbles|wobbled|wobbling
  ! array vWork = work|works|worked|working
  ! array vWrite = write|writes|wrote|writing
  ! array vZero = zero|zeros|zeroed|zeroing
  ! array vZip = zip|zips|zipping|zipped
  ! array vZoom = zoom|zooms|zoomed|zooming

  ! array De = de
  ! array Pre = pre
  ! array Re = re

  ! array vDeactivate = deactivate|deactivates|deactivated|deactivating|deactivation|=De =vActivate
  ! array vDeinstall = deinstall|deinstalls|deinstalled|deinstalling|deinstallation|desinstall|desinstalls|desinstalled|desinstalling|desinstallation
  ! array vDisarm = disarm|disarmed|disarming|disarmed|dis
  ! array vHookUp = hookup|hookups
  ! array vOvercharge = Charge|overcharge|overcharged|overcharges|overcharging
  ! array vPrepay = prepay|prepays|prepaid|prepaying|pre
  ! array vPreview = preview|previews|previewed|previewing
  ! array vReactivate = reactivate|reactivates|reactivated|reactivating|reactivation
  ! array vRefresh = refresh|refreshes|refreshed|refreshing|=Re fresh|freshed|freshing|freshes
  ! array vReinstall = reinstall|reinstalls|reinstalled|reinstalling|reinstallation
  ! array vReload = reload|reloaded|reloading|reloads
  ! array vRename = rename|renames|renamed|renaming
  ! array vReorder = reorder|reorders|reordered|reordering
  ! array vReschedule = reschedule|reschedules|rescheduled|rescheduling
  ! array vResize = resize|resizes|resizing|resized
  ! array vRestart = restart|restarts|restarted|restarting
  ! array vReset = reset|resets|resetting
  ! array vSetUp = =vSet up|setup|setups
  ! array vUnban = unban|unbans|unbanned|unbanning
  ! array vUnblock = unblock|unblocks|unblocked|unblocking
  ! array vUndo = undo|undoes|undid|undoing
  ! array vUnlist = unlist|unlists|unlisted|unlisting
  ! array vUnlock = unlock|unlocks|unlocked|unlocking