Class::Enum - typed enum
Simple usage.
Define `Direction`,
package Direction;
use Class::Enum qw(Left Right);
and using.
# using
use Direction qw(Left Right);
# default properties
print Left ->name; # 'Left'
print Right->name; # 'Right
print Left ->ordinal; # 0
print Right->ordinal; # 1
print Left ->is_left; # 1
print Left ->is_right; # ''
print Right->is_left; # ''
print Right->is_right; # 1
# compare by ordinal
print Left() <=> Right; # -1
print Left() < Right; # 1
print Left() <= Right; # 1
print Left() > Right; # ''
print Left() >= Right; # ''
print Left() == Right; # ''
print Left() != Right; # 1
# compare by name
print Left() cmp Right; # -1
print Left() lt Right; # 1
print Left() le Right; # 1
print Left() gt Right; # ''
print Left() ge Right; # ''
print Left() eq Right; # ''
print Left() ne Right; # 1
# list values
print join("\n", # '0: Left
map { sprintf('%d: %s', $_, $_) } Direction->values); # 1: Right'
# list names
print join(', ', Direction->names); # 'Left, Right'
# retrieve value of name
print Left() == Direction->value_of('Left'); # 1
# retrieve value of ordinal
print Left() == Direction->from_ordinal(0); # 1
# type
print ref Left; # 'Direction'
Advanced usage.
Define `Direction`,
package Direction;
use Class::Enum (
Left => { delta => -1 },
Right => { delta => 1 },
sub move {
my ($self, $pos) = @_;
return $pos + $self->delta;
and using.
# using
use Direction qw(Left Right);
my $pos = 5;
print Left->move($pos); # 4
print Right->move($pos); # 6
Override default properties. (Unrecommended)
Define `Direction`,
package Direction;
use Class::Enum (
Left => { name => 'L', ordinal => -1 },
Center => { name => 'C' }
Right => { name => 'R' },
and using.
# using
use Direction qw(Left Center Right);
my $pos = 5;
print $pos + int(Left); # 4
print $pos + int(Center); # 5
print $pos + int(Right); # 6
print 'Left is ' . Left; # 'Left is L'
print 'Center is ' . Center; # 'Center is C'
print 'Right is ' . Right; # 'Right is R'
Class::Enum provides behaviors of typed enum, such as a Typesafe enum in java.
Copyright (C) keita.iseki.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
keita.iseki <keita.iseki+cpan at>