HTTP::AppServer::Plugin - Plugin base for HTTP::AppServer plugins.
package HTTP::AppServer::Plugin::MyPlugin;
use 5.010000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::AppServer::Plugin;
use base qw(HTTP::AppServer::Plugin);
our $VERSION = '0.01';
# called by the server when the plugin is installed
# to determine which routes are handled by the plugin
sub init
my ($class, $server, %options) = @_;
# install properties in server
$server->set('MyPluginVar1', 42);
$server->set('MyPluginVar2', 21);
return (
# handle file (and directory) requests
'^\/(.*)$' => sub {
# ...
# ...
This class is used as the base for all HTTP::AppServer plugins.
The init() method is called when the plugin is installed in an instance of HTTP::AppServer.
It receives as second parameter the server instance itself (that can be used to extend the server, see below) followed by arbitrary condiguration options set by the user.
The method returns a plain hash that contains URL mappings (see HTTP::AppServer for examples of such mappings).
Extending the server
A plugin usually installs some handlers by returning them from the init() method, see above.
Another possibility is to define properties and/or methods in the server itself. These props/methods can then be accessed/used inside user-defined (actually all) handlers. Applications like easy database access etc. spring to mind.
To install a propert or method in the server use the set() method:
$server->set('prop', 'value');
$server->set('meth', sub { ... });
The first parameter is the name of the property/method and the second its value.
After calling set() the property can be accessed this way:
my $value = $server->prop();
for read access or
for method access.
Tom Kirchner, <>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Tom Kirchner
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.