Changes for version 0.076 - 2004-08-22
- Now depends on AxKit::XSP::BasicSession 0.19, since it really fixes the bug that bit me...: CPAN RT 5212.
- Fixed a bug that made taglibs deny access if authlevel == 0
- XIncluding htdocs/guest-login.xsp will log in a user who doesn't allready have a session as guest. This is mandatory for story submission, for example.
- Added a very simple front page, which is an aggregate of other URIs, really.
- Use of the Passthru plugin is needed for some things.
- Some changes in the config example.
Object Oriented Publishing Framework for AxKit
Base class of abstracted Data objects for TABOO
Category Data objects for TABOO
Comment Data object for TABOO
Order Data objects for TABOO-based Webshop
Base class to handle multiple Data objects in TABOO
Data objects to handle multiple Categories in TABOO
Data objects to handle multiple Product sub types in TABOO
Data objects to handle multiple Stories in TABOO
Product Data objects for TABOO-based Webshop
Data object for product prices for TABOO-based Webshop.
Product Sub Types Data objects for TABOO
Story Data object for TABOO
User Data objects for TABOO
Contributor Data objects for TABOO
Customer Data objects for TABOO
News Provider for TABOO
Provider for listing news stories in TABOO
Category management tag library for TABOO
News story management tag library for TABOO
User information management and authorization tag library for TABOO
in lib/AxKit/App/TABOO/XSP/
in lib/AxKit/App/TABOO/XSP/
in lib/AxKit/App/TABOO/XSP/