Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Ken MacLeod
See the file COPYING for distribution terms.
$Id: my-html.html,v 1.1 1998/04/05 17:11:09 ken Exp $
This file can be used with the `my-html.pl' example.
<TITLE>This is the title of my page</TITLE>
<H1>This is the body of my page.</H1>
<P>This page was rendered on <DATE/></P>
<P>Perl code can be used to generate any output you want. Here's
a list of primes between 1 and 100.</P>
<!-- this is a ``CDATA marked section'', the only special
characters in a CDATA marked section are the the closing
characters `]]>'. And no, they can't be escaped :-( -->
@primes = (1);
for ($ii = 2; $ii <= 100; $ii ++) {
for ($jj = 2; $jj < ($ii+1)/2; $jj ++) {
next OUTER if (($ii % $jj) == 0);
push (@primes, $ii);
print join (", ", @primes);