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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
Mail::SpamAssassin::DnsResolver - DNS resolution engine
This is a DNS resolution engine for SpamAssassin, implemented in order to
reduce file descriptor usage by Net::DNS and avoid a response collision bug in
that module.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
# TODO: caching in this layer instead of in callers.
use strict;
use bytes;
use re 'taint';
use Socket;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use constant HAS_SOCKET_INET6 => eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; };
our @ISA = qw();
sub new {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my ($main) = @_;
my $self = {
'main' => $main,
'conf' => $main->{conf},
'id_to_callback' => { },
bless ($self, $class);
=item $res->load_resolver()
Load the C<Net::DNS::Resolver> object. Returns 0 if Net::DNS cannot be used,
1 if it is available.
sub load_resolver {
my ($self) = @_;
if (defined $self->{res}) { return 1; }
$self->{no_resolver} = 1;
# force only ipv4 if no IO::Socket::INET6 or ipv6 doesn't work
# to be safe test both ipv6 and ipv4 addresses in INET6
my $force_ipv4 = (!HAS_SOCKET_INET6) || $self->{main}->{force_ipv4} ||
!eval {
my $sock6 = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
LocalAddr => "::",
Proto => 'udp',
if ($sock6) {
$sock6->close() or die "error closing inet6 socket: $!";
} ||
!eval {
my $sock6 = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
LocalAddr => "",
PeerAddr => "",
PeerPort => 53,
Proto => 'udp',
if ($sock6) {
$sock6->close() or die "error closing inet4 socket: $!";
eval {
require Net::DNS;
# force_v4 is set in new() to avoid error in older versions of Net::DNS that don't have it
# other options are set by function calls so a typo or API change will cause an error here
$self->{res} = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(force_v4 => $force_ipv4);
if (defined $self->{res}) {
$self->{no_resolver} = 0;
$self->{force_ipv4} = $force_ipv4;
$self->{retry} = 1; # retries for non-backgrounded query
$self->{retrans} = 3; # initial timeout for "non-backgrounded" query run in background
$self->{res}->retry(1); # If it fails, it fails
$self->{res}->retrans(0); # If it fails, it fails
$self->{res}->dnsrch(0); # ignore domain search-list
$self->{res}->defnames(0); # don't append stuff to end of query
$self->{res}->tcp_timeout(3); # timeout of 3 seconds only
$self->{res}->udp_timeout(3); # timeout of 3 seconds only
$self->{res}->persistent_tcp(0); # bug 3997
$self->{res}->persistent_udp(0); # bug 3997
} or do {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
dbg("dns: eval failed: $eval_stat");
dbg("dns: no ipv6") if $force_ipv4;
dbg("dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? %s",
$self->{no_resolver} ? "no" : "yes" );
if (!$self->{no_resolver} && defined $Net::DNS::VERSION) {
dbg("dns: Net::DNS version: %s", $Net::DNS::VERSION);
return (!$self->{no_resolver});
=item $resolver = $res->get_resolver()
Return the C<Net::DNS::Resolver> object.
sub get_resolver {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{res};
=item $res->nameservers()
Wrapper for Net::DNS::Resolver->nameservers to get or set list of nameservers
sub nameservers {
my $self = shift;
my $res = $self->{res};
return $res->nameservers(@_) if $res;
=item $res->connect_sock()
Re-connect to the first nameserver listed in C</etc/resolv.conf> or similar
platform-dependent source, as provided by C<Net::DNS>.
sub connect_sock {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->{no_resolver};
if ($self->{sock}) {
$self->{sock}->close() or die "error closing socket: $!";
my $sock;
my $errno;
# IO::Socket::INET6 may choose wrong LocalAddr if family is unspecified,
# causing EINVAL failure when automatically assigned local IP address
# and remote address do not belong to the same address family:
my $ip64 = IP_ADDRESS;
my $ip4 = IPV4_ADDRESS;
my $ns = $self->{res}->{nameservers}[0];
my $ipv6opt = !($self->{force_ipv4});
# ensure families of src and dest addresses match (bug 4412 comment 29)
my $srcaddr;
if ($ipv6opt && $ns=~/^${ip64}$/o && $ns!~/^${ip4}$/o) {
$srcaddr = "::";
} else {
$srcaddr = "";
dbg("dns: name server: %s, LocalAddr: %s", $ns,$srcaddr);
# find next available unprivileged port (1024 - 65535)
# starting at a random value to spread out use of ports
my $port_offset = int(rand(64511)); # 65535 - 1024
for (my $i = 0; $i<64511; $i++) {
my $lport = 1024 + (($port_offset + $i) % 64511);
my %args = (
PeerAddr => $ns,
PeerPort => $self->{res}->{port},
Proto => 'udp',
LocalPort => $lport,
LocalAddr => $srcaddr,
if ($ipv6opt) {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(%args);
} else {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%args);
$errno = $!;
if (defined $sock) { # ok, got it
} elsif ($! == EADDRINUSE || $! == EACCES) { # in use, let's try another source port
dbg("dns: UDP port %s already in use, trying another port", $lport);
} else {
warn "error creating a DNS resolver socket: $errno";
goto no_sock;
if (!defined $sock) {
warn "cannot create a DNS resolver socket: $errno";
goto no_sock;
eval {
$bufsiz = $sock->sockopt(Socket::SO_RCVBUF)
or die "cannot get a resolver socket rx buffer size: $!";
if ($bufsiz >= 32*1024) {
dbg("dns: resolver socket rx buffer size is %d bytes", $bufsiz);
} else {
$sock->sockopt(Socket::SO_RCVBUF, 32*1024)
or die "cannot set a resolver socket rx buffer size: $!";
$newbufsiz = $sock->sockopt(Socket::SO_RCVBUF)
or die "cannot get a resolver socket rx buffer size: $!";
dbg("dns: resolver socket rx buffer size changed from %d to %d bytes",
$bufsiz, $newbufsiz);
} or do {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
info("dns: socket buffer size error: $eval_stat");
$self->{sock} = $sock;
$self->{sock_as_vec} = $self->fhs_to_vec($self->{sock});
$self->{no_resolver} = 1;
sub connect_sock_if_reqd {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->connect_sock() if !$self->{sock};
=item $res->get_sock()
Return the C<IO::Socket::INET> object used to communicate with
the nameserver.
sub get_sock {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{sock};
=item $packet = new_dns_packet ($host, $type, $class)
A wrapper for C<Net::DNS::Packet::new()> which traps a die thrown by it.
To use this, change calls to C<Net::DNS::Resolver::bgsend> from:
$res->bgsend($hostname, $type);
$res->bgsend(Mail::SpamAssassin::DnsResolver::new_dns_packet($hostname, $type, $class));
sub new_dns_packet {
my ($self, $host, $type, $class) = @_;
return if $self->{no_resolver};
# construct a PTR query if it looks like an IPv4 address
if ((!defined($type) || $type eq 'PTR') && $host =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
$host = "$4.$3.$2.$1.in-addr.arpa.";
$type = 'PTR';
my $packet;
eval {
$packet = Net::DNS::Packet->new($host, $type, $class);
# a bit noisy, so commented by default...
#dbg("dns: new DNS packet time=%s host=%s type=%s id=%s",
# time, $host, $type, $packet->id);
} or do {
my $eval_stat = $@ ne '' ? $@ : "errno=$!"; chomp $eval_stat;
# this can happen if Net::DNS isn't available -- but in this
# case this function should never be called!
warn "dns: cannot create Net::DNS::Packet, but new_dns_packet() was called: $eval_stat";
return $packet;
# Internal function used only in this file
## compute an unique ID for a packet to match the query to the reply
## It must use only data that is returned unchanged by the nameserver.
## Argument is a Net::DNS::Packet that has a non-empty question section,
## return is an (opaque) string that can be used as a hash key
sub _packet_id {
my ($self, $packet) = @_;
my $header = $packet->header;
my $id = $header->id;
my @questions = $packet->question;
my $ques = $questions[0];
if (defined $ques) {
# Bug 6232: Net::DNS::Packet::new is not consistent in keeping data in
# sections of a packet either as original bytes or presentation-encoded:
# creating a query packet as above in new_dns_packet() keeps label in
# non-encoded form, yet on parsing an answer packet, its query section
# is converted to presentation form by Net::DNS::Question::parse calling
# Net::DNS::Packet::dn_expand and Net::DNS::wire2presentation in turn.
# Let's undo the effect of the wire2presentation routine here to make
# sure the query section of an answer packet matches the query section
# in our packet formed by new_dns_packet():
my $qname = $ques->qname;
$qname =~ s/\\([0-9]{3}|.)/length($1)==1 ? $1 : chr($1)/gse;
return join '/', $id, $qname, $ques->qtype, $ques->qclass;
} else {
# odd. this should not happen, but clearly some DNS servers
# can return something that Net::DNS interprets as having no
# question section. Better support it; just return the
# (safe) ID part, along with a text token indicating that
# the packet had no question part.
return $id . "NO_QUESTION_IN_PACKET";
=item $id = $res->bgsend($host, $type, $class, $cb)
Quite similar to C<Net::DNS::Resolver::bgsend>, except that when a response
packet eventually arrives, and C<poll_responses> is called, the callback
sub reference C<$cb> will be called.
Note that C<$type> and C<$class> may be C<undef>, in which case they
will default to C<A> and C<IN>, respectively.
The callback sub will be called with three arguments -- the packet that was
delivered, and an id string that fingerprints the query packet and the expected
reply. The third argument is a timestamp (Unix time, floating point), captured
at the time the packet was collected. It is expected that a closure callback
be used, like so:
my $id = $self->{resolver}->bgsend($host, $type, undef, sub {
my ($reply, $reply_id, $timestamp) = @_;
$self->got_a_reply ($reply, $reply_id);
The callback can ignore the reply as an invalid packet sent to the listening
port if the reply id does not match the return value from bgsend.
sub bgsend {
my ($self, $host, $type, $class, $cb) = @_;
return if $self->{no_resolver};
$self->{send_timed_out} = 0;
my $pkt = $self->new_dns_packet($host, $type, $class);
if (!defined($self->{sock}->send($pkt->data, 0))) {
warn "dns: sendto() failed: $!";
my $id = $self->_packet_id($pkt);
dbg("dns: providing a callback for id: $id");
$self->{id_to_callback}->{$id} = $cb;
return $id;
=item $nfound = $res->poll_responses()
See if there are any C<bgsend> response packets ready, and return
the number of such packets delivered to their callbacks.
sub poll_responses {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
return if $self->{no_resolver};
return if !$self->{sock};
my $cnt = 0;
my $rin = $self->{sock_as_vec};
my $rout;
for (;;) {
my ($nfound, $timeleft);
{ my $timer; # collects timestamp when variable goes out of scope
if (!defined($timeout) || $timeout > 0)
{ $timer = $self->{main}->time_method("poll_dns_idle") }
($nfound, $timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
if (!defined $nfound || $nfound < 0) {
warn "dns: select failed: $!";
my $now = time;
$timeout = 0; # next time around collect whatever is available, then exit
last if $nfound == 0;
my $packet = $self->{res}->bgread($self->{sock});
my $err = $self->{res}->errorstring;
if (defined $packet &&
defined $packet->header &&
defined $packet->question &&
defined $packet->answer)
my $id = $self->_packet_id($packet);
my $cb = delete $self->{id_to_callback}->{$id};
if (!$cb) {
dbg("dns: no callback for id: %s, ignored; packet: %s",
$id, $packet ? $packet->string : "undef" );
} else {
$cb->($packet, $id, $now);
else {
dbg("dns: no packet! err=%s packet=%s",
$err, $packet ? $packet->string : "undef" );
return $cnt;
=item $res->bgabort()
Call this to release pending requests from memory, when aborting backgrounded
requests, or when the scan is complete.
C<Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus::check> calls this before returning.
sub bgabort {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{id_to_callback} = {};
=item $packet = $res->send($name, $type, $class)
Emulates C<Net::DNS::Resolver::send()>.
sub send {
my ($self, $name, $type, $class) = @_;
return if $self->{no_resolver};
my $retrans = $self->{retrans};
my $retries = $self->{retry};
my $timeout = $retrans;
my $answerpkt;
my $answerpkt_avail = 0;
for (my $i = 0;
(($i < $retries) && !defined($answerpkt));
++$i, $retrans *= 2, $timeout = $retrans) {
$timeout = 1 if ($timeout < 1);
# note nifty use of a closure here. I love closures ;)
$self->bgsend($name, $type, $class, sub {
my ($reply, $reply_id, $timestamp) = @_;
$answerpkt = $reply; $answerpkt_avail = 1;
my $now = time;
my $deadline = $now + $timeout;
while (!$answerpkt_avail) {
if ($now >= $deadline) { $self->{send_timed_out} = 1; last }
$now = time;
return $answerpkt;
=item $res->errorstring()
Little more than a stub for callers expecting this from C<Net::DNS::Resolver>.
If called immediately after a call to $res->send this will return
C<query timed out> if the $res->send DNS query timed out. Otherwise
C<unknown error or no error> will be returned.
No other errors are reported.
sub errorstring {
my ($self) = @_;
return 'query timed out' if $self->{send_timed_out};
return 'unknown error or no error';
=item $res->finish_socket()
Reset socket when done with it.
sub finish_socket {
my ($self) = @_;
if ($self->{sock}) {
$self->{sock}->close() or die "error closing socket: $!";
delete $self->{sock};
=item $res->finish()
Clean up for destruction.
sub finish {
my ($self) = @_;
%{$self} = ();
# non-public methods.
# should move to Util.pm (TODO)
sub fhs_to_vec {
my ($self, @fhlist) = @_;
my $rin = '';
foreach my $sock (@fhlist) {
my $fno = fileno($sock);
if (!defined $fno) {
warn "dns: oops! fileno now undef for $sock";
} else {
vec ($rin, $fno, 1) = 1;
return $rin;
# call Mail::SA::init() instead
sub reinit_post_fork {
my ($self) = @_;
# and a new socket, so we don't have 5 spamds sharing the same
# socket