IUP::Submenu - [GUI element] menu item that, when selected, opens another menu
Creates a menu item that, when selected, opens another menu.
CREATION - new() method
$submenu = IUP::Submenu->new( TITLE=>"Name", child=>$menu_element );
child: (named parameter) optional child menu reference. Can be undef
or ommited.
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or undef
if an error occurs.
NOTE: You can pass to new()
other ATTRIBUTE=>'value'
pairs relevant to this element - see IUP::Manual::02_Elements.
For more info about concept of attributes (setting/getting values etc.) see IUP::Manual::03_Attributes. Attributes specific to this element:
IMAGE [Windows and GTK Only] (non inheritable)
Image name of the submenu image. In Windows, an item in a menu bar cannot have a check mark. Ignored if submenu in a menu bar. A recommended size would be 16x16 to fit the image in the menu item. In Windows, if larger than the check mark area it will be cropped.
TITLE (non inheritable)
Submenu Text. The "&" character can be used to define a mnemonic, the next character will be used as key. Use "&&" to show the "&" character instead on defining a mnemonic.
WID (non inheritable)
In Windows, returns the HMENU of the parent menu and it is actually created only when its child menu is mapped.
The following common attributes are also accepted:
For more info about concept of callbacks (setting callback handlers etc.) see IUP::Manual::04_Callbacks. Callbacks specific to this element:
Action generated when the submenu is highlighted.
The following common callbacks are also accepted:
In Motif and GTK, the text font will be affected by the dialog font when the menu is mapped.
The element IUP::Submenu is used in the following sample scripts:
0-basic/ - IUP::Dialog example
0-basic/ - IUP::Item Example
0-basic/ - IUP::LayoutDialog example
0-basic/ - IUP::Menu example
0-basic/ - IUP::Separator example
0-basic/ - IUP::Submenu example
1-apps/ - IUP app example
1-apps/ - example used for screenshot - IUP.pod
1-apps/ - xxxTODO xxx some better callback
IUP::Item, IUP::Separator, IUP::Menu
The original doc: iupsubmenu.html