IUP::Menu - [GUI element] menu which can group 3 types of elements: item, submenu, separator
Creates a menu element, which groups 3 types of interface elements: item, submenu and separator. Any other interface element defined inside a menu will be an error.
GTK | Motif | Windows Classic |
Windows w/ Style |
CREATION - new() method
$menu = IUP::Menu->new(Ihandle *child, ...);
#standard way
my $menu = IUP::Menu->new( child=>[$elem1, $elem2], ANYATTRIBUTE=>'XXX' );
#or with just a single child
my $menu = IUP::Menu->new( child=>$elem, ANYATTRIBUTE=>'XXX' );
#or with just 1 parameter (arrayref)
my $menu = IUP::Menu->new( [$elem1, $elem2] );
#or with just 1 parameter (reference to child elements)
my $menu = IUP::Menu->new( $elem );
child: (named parameter) List of the references to elements (or just a single element) that will be grouped by the menu.
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or undef
if an error occurs.
NOTE: You can pass to new()
other ATTRIBUTE=>'value'
pairs relevant to this element - see IUP::Manual::02_Elements.
For more info about concept of attributes (setting/getting values etc.) see IUP::Manual::03_Attributes. Attributes specific to this element:
The background color of the menu, affects all items in the menu.
RADIO (non inheritable)
Enables the automatic toggle of one child item. When a child item is selected the other item is automatically deselected. The menu acts like a IUP::Radio for its children. Submenus and their children are not affected.
WID (non inheritable)
In Windows, returns the HMENU of the menu.
For more info about concept of callbacks (setting callback handlers etc.) see IUP::Manual::04_Callbacks. Callbacks specific to this element:
Called just before the menu is opened.
Called just after the menu is closed.
The following common callbacks are also accepted:
A menu can be a menu bar of a dialog, defined by the dialog's MENU attribute, or a popup menu.
A popup menu is displayed for the user using the Popup function (usually on the mouse position) and disappears when an item is selected.
Destroy should be called only for popup menus. Menu bars associated with dialogs are automatically destroyed when the dialog is destroyed. But if you change the menu of a dialog for another menu, the previous one should be destroyed using Destroy. If you replace a menu bar of a dialog, the previous menu is unmapped.
Any item inside a menu bar can retrieve attributes from the dialog using GetAttribute. It is not necessary to call GetDialog.
The menu can be created with no elements and be dynamic filled using Append or Insert.
The element IUP::Menu is used in the following sample scripts:
0-basic/ - IUP::Dialog example
0-basic/ - IUP::Item Example
0-basic/ - IUP::LayoutDialog example
0-basic/ - IUP::Menu example
0-basic/ - IUP::Separator example
0-basic/ - IUP::Submenu example
0-basic/ - IUP::Dialog + TRAY / TRAYTIP / TRAYIMAGE example
1-apps/ - IUP app example
1-apps/ - example used for screenshot - IUP.pod
1-apps/ - example based on the original sample.c
1-apps/ - example used for screenshot - IUP.pod
IUP::Dialog, IUP::Item, IUP::Separator, IUP::Submenu, Popup, Destroy
The original doc: iupmenu.html