IUP::Canvas - [GUI element] 2D canvas with many drawing and text functions
Creates an interface element that is a canvas - a working area for your application.
GTK | Motif |
![]() |
![]() |
Windows Classic | Windows XP Style |
![]() |
![]() |
CREATION - new() method
my $canvas = IUP::Canvas->new( BORDER=>"YES", BGCOLOR=>"220 0 0" );
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or undef
if an error occurs.
NOTE: You can pass to new()
other ATTRIBUTE=>'value'
pairs relevant to this element - see IUP::Manual::02_Elements.
For more info about concept of attributes (setting/getting values etc.) see IUP::Manual::03_Attributes. Attributes specific to this element:
[Motif Only]
Controls the canvas backing store flag. The default value is "YES".
Background color. The background is painted only if the ACTION callback is not defined. If the callback is defined the application must draw all the canvas contents. In GTK or Motif if you set the ACTION callback after map then you should also set BGCOLOR to any value just after setting the callback or the first redraw will be lost. Default: "255 255 255".
(creation only)
Shows a border around the canvas. Default: "YES".
(creation only, non inheritable)
enables the focus traversal of the control. In Windows the canvas will respect CANFOCUS in opposite to the other controls. Default: YES.
[Windows and GTK Only] (only during ACTION)
Specifies a rectangle that has its region invalidated for painting, it could be used for clipping. Format: "%d %d %d %d"="x1 y1 x2 y2".
(non inheritable)
Defines a cursor for the canvas.
(non inheritable)
The default value is "YES". The natural size is the size of 1 character.
[Windows and GTK Only] (non inheritable)
Enable or disable the drag&drop of files. Default: NO, but if DROPFILES_CB is defined when the element is mapped then it will be automatically enabled.
(non inheritable)
The size of the drawing area in pixels. This size is also used in the RESIZE_CB callback.
Notice that the drawing area size is not the same as RASTERSIZE. The SCROLLBAR and BORDER attributes affect the size of the drawing area.
[Windows Only] (non inheritable)
Contains the HDC created with the BeginPaint inside the WM_PAINT message. Valid only during the ACTION callback.
[Windows Only] (non inheritable, read-only)
Returns the Windows Window handle. Available in the Windows driver or in the GTK driver in Windows.
(creation only)
Associates a horizontal and/or vertical scrollbar to the canvas. Default: "NO". The secondary attributes are all non inheritable.
- DX
Size of the thumb in the horizontal scrollbar. Also the horizontal page size. Default: "0.1".
- DY
Size of the thumb in the vertical scrollbar. Also the vertical page size. Default: "0.1".
Position of the thumb in the horizontal scrollbar. Default: "0.0".
Position of the thumb in the vertical scrollbar. Default: "0.0".
Minimum value of the horizontal scrollbar. Default: "0.0".
Maximum value of the horizontal scrollbar. Default: "1.0".
Minimum value of the vertical scrollbar. Default: "0.0".
Maximum value of the vertical scrollbar. Default: "1.0".
The amount the thumb moves when an horizontal step is performed. Default: 1/10th of DX.
The amount the thumb moves when a vertical step is performed. Default: 1/10th of DY.
When enabled, if DX >= XMAX-XMIN then the horizontal scrollbar is hidden. Default: "YES".
When enabled, if DY >= YMAX-YMIN then the vertical scrollbar is hidden. Default: "YES".
[Windows 7 Only]
enable the multi-touch events processing. (Since iup-3.3)
[UNIX Only](non inheritable, read-only)
Returns the X-Windows Display. Available in the Motif driver or in the GTK driver in UNIX.
[UNIX Only](non inheritable, read-only)
Returns the X-Windows Window (Drawable). Available in the Motif driver or in the GTK driver in UNIX.
The following common attributes are also accepted:
For more info about concept of callbacks (setting callback handlers etc.) see IUP::Manual::04_Callbacks. Callbacks specific to this element:
Action generated when the canvas needs to be redrawn.
Callback handler prototype:
sub action_handler { my ($self, $posx, $posy) = @_; #... }
$self: identifier of the element that activated the event.
$posx: thumb position in the horizontal scrollbar. The POSX attribute value.
$posy: thumb position in the vertical scrollbar. The POSY attribute value.
Action generated when any mouse button is pressed or released.
[Windows and GTK Only]
Action generated when one or more files are dropped in the element.
Called when the canvas gets or looses the focus. It is called after the common callbacks GETFOCUS_CB and KILL_FOCUS_CB.
sub focus_cb_handler { my ($self, $focus) = @_; #... }
$self: identifier of the element that activated the event.
$focus: is non zero if the canvas is getting the focus, is zero if it is loosing the focus.
Action generated when the mouse is moved.
Action generated when a key is pressed or released. It is called after the common callback K_ANY.
When the canvas has the focus, pressing the arrow keys may change the focus to another control in some systems. If your callback process the arrow keys, we recommend you to return IUP_IGNORE so it will not lose its focus.
Action generated when the canvas size is changed.
Called when the scrollbar is manipulated. (GTK 2.8) Also the POSX and POSY values will not be correctly updated for older GTK versions.
[Windows 7 Only]
Action generated when a touch event occurred. Multiple touch events will trigger several calls. Must set TOUCH=Yes to receive this event. (Since iup-3.3)
Callback handler prototype:
sub touch_cb_handler { my ($self, $id, $x, $y, $state) = @_; #... }
$self: identifies the element that activated the event.
$id: identifies the touch point.
$x, $y: position in pixels, relative to the top-left corner of the canvas.
$state: the touch point state. Can be: DOWN, MOVE or UP. If the point is a "primary" point then "-PRIMARY" is appended to the string.
Returns: IUP_CLOSE will be processed.
[Windows 7 Only]
Action generated when multiple touch events occurred. Must set TOUCH=Yes to receive this event. (Since iup-3.3)
Callback handler prototype:
sub multitouch_cb_handler { my ($self, $count, $pid, $px, $py, $pstate) = @_; #... } #ZZZ-test-this
$self: identifier of the element that activated the event.
$count: Number of touch points in the array (should correspond to the sizes of $pid, $px, $py, $pstate).
$pid: Reference to array of touch point ids.
$px: Reference to array of touch point x coordinates in pixels, relative to the top-left corner of the canvas.
$py: Reference to array of touch point y coordinates in pixels, relative to the top-left corner of the canvas.
$pstate: Reference to array of touch point states. Can be 'D' (DOWN), 'U' (UP) or 'M' (MOVE).
Returns: IUP_CLOSE will be processed.
Action generated when the mouse wheel is rotated.
[Windows Only]
Action generated when an audio device receives an event.
The following common callbacks are also accepted:
Some keys might remove the focus from the canvas. To avoid this, return IGNORE in the K_ANY callback.
The mouse cursor position can be programmatically controlled using the global attribute CURSORPOS.
Canvas Related Constants
use IUP::Constants ':cd';
See more info about import tag cd: in IUP::Constants.
Methods - Basic Canvas Control
Cleans the active canvas using the current background color. This action is interpreted very differently by each driver. Many drivers simply draw a rectangle with the current background color. It is NOT necessary to call cdClear when the canvas has just been created, as at this moment it is already clean. Most file-based drivers do not implement this function.
Has a different meaning for each driver. It is useful to send information to buffered devices and to move to a new page or layer. In all cases, the current canvas attributes are preserved.
$state = $canvas->cdSaveState(); #XXX-TODO
Saves the state of attributes of the active canvas. It does not save cdPlay callbacks, polygon creation states (begin/vertex/vertex/...), the palette, complex clipping regions and driver internal attributes.
$canvas->cdRestoreState($state); #XXX-TODO
Restores the attribute state of the active canvas. It can be used between canvases of different contexts. It can be used several times for the same state.
IUP:Canvas->cdReleaseState($state); #XXX-TODO
Releases the memory allocated by the cdSaveState function. If this function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it.
$canvas->cdSetAttribute($name, $data);
$canvas->cdSetAttribute( $name1=>$data1, $name2=>$data2, $name3=>$data3 );
Modifies a custom attribute directly in the driver of the active canvas. If the driver does not have this attribute, the call is ignored.
$data = $canvas->cdGetAttribute($name);
@data = $canvas->cdGetAttribute(@names);
Returns a custom attribute from the driver of the active canvas. If the driver does not have this attribute, it returns undef
$old_color = $canvas->cdForeground($color); #XXX-TODO lightuserdata
Configures a new current foreground color and returns the previous one. This color is used in all primitives (lines, areas, marks and text). Default value: CD_BLACK. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
Notice that CD_QUERY conflicts with color RGBA=(255,255,255,0) (full transparent white). Use cdSetForeground to avoid the conflict. See also Color Coding.
$old_color = $canvas->cdBackground($color);
Configures the new current background color and returns the previous one. However, it does not automatically change the background of a canvas. For such, it is necessary to call the cdClear function. The background color only makes sense for cdClear and for primitives affected by the background opacity attribute. Default value: CD_WHITE. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
Notice that CD_QUERY conflicts with color RGBA=(255,255,255,0) (full transparent white). Use cdSetBackground to avoid the conflict. See also Color Coding.
$old_mode = $canvas->cdWriteMode($mode);
Defines the writing type for all drawing primitives. Values: CD_REPLACE
. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_REPLACE
. Value CD_QUERY
simply returns the current value.
Note: operation XOR is very useful, because, using white as the foreground color and drawing the same image twice, you can go back to the original color, before the drawing. This is commonly used for mouse selection feedback.
Methods - Color Coding
The library's color system is RGB. In order to simplify some functions, a compact representation was created for the 3 values. To make a conversion from this representation to the 3 separate values and vice-versa, use functions cdDecodeColor and cdEncodeColor.
When the canvas used does not support more than 8 bpp of color resolution, you can use function Palette to give the driver an idea of which colors to prioritize. Palette's behavior is driver dependent.
There are some predefined colors - see IUP::Constants:
CD_RED = (255, 0, 0)
CD_DARK_RED = (128, 0, 0)
CD_GREEN = (0 ,255, 0)
CD_DARK_GREEN = ( 0,128, 0)
CD_BLUE = ( 0, 0,255)
CD_DARK_BLUE = ( 0, 0,128)
CD_YELLOW = (255,255, 0)
CD_DARK_YELLOW = (128,128, 0)
CD_MAGENTA = (255, 0,255)
CD_DARK_MAGENTA = (128, 0,128)
CD_CYAN = ( 0,255,255)
CD_DARK_CYAN = ( 0,128,128)
CD_WHITE = (255,255,255)
CD_BLACK = ( 0, 0 , 0)
CD_DARK_GRAY = (128,128,128)
CD_GRAY = (192,192,192)
$old_color = $canvas->cdEncodeColor($r, $g, $b);
$old_color = IUP::Canvas->cdEncodeColor($r, $g, $b);
Returns a codified triple (r,g,b) in a long integer such as 0x00RRGGBB, where RR are the red components, GG are the green ones and BB are the blue ones. The code is used in the CD library to define colors. It can be used without an active canvas.
($r, $g, $b) = $canvas->cdDecodeColor($color);
($r, $g, $b) = IUP::Canvas->cdDecodeColor($color);
Returns the red, green and blue components of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas.
$color = $canvas->cdEncodeAlpha($color, $alpha);
$color = IUP::Canvas->cdEncodeAlpha($color, $alpha);
Returns the given color coded with the alpha information. ATENTION: At the moment only the Cairo, GDI+, XRender and IMAGERGB drivers support alpha components in color coding. The internal representation of the component is inverted, because the default value must be 0 and opaque for backward compatibility, so you should use the cdDecodeAlpha function or the cdAlpha macro to retrieve the alpha component. 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque.
$alpha = $canvas->cdDecodeAlpha($color);
$alpha = IUP->Canvas->cdDecodeAlpha($color);
Returns the alpha component of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas. 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque.
$alpha = $canvas->cdAlpha($color); #XXX-TODO check this
$alpha = IUP::Canvas->cdAlpha($color);
Macro that returns the alpha component of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas.
$red = $canvas->cdRed($color);
$red = IUP::Canvas->cdRed($color);
Macro that returns the red component of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas.
$green = $canvas->cdGreen($color);
$green = IUP::Canvas->cdGreen($color);
Macro that returns the green component of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas.
$blue = $canvas->cdBlue($color);
$blue = IUP::Canvas->cdBlue($color);
Macro that returns the blue component of a color in the CD library. Can be used without an active canvas.
$bpp = $canvas->cdGetColorPlanes();
Returns a given number, for instance p, which defines the number of colors supported by the current device as 2p, representing the number of bits by pixel.
$canvas->cdPalette($palette, $mode); #XXX-TODO
In systems limited to 256 palette colors, this function aims at adding n
colors to the system's palette. In such systems, the colors demanded forward or backward which are not in the palette are approximated to the closest available color. The type can be CD_FORCE or CD_POLITE. CD_FORCE ignores the system colors and interface elements, since the menus and dialogues may be in illegible colors, but there will be more colors available. CD_POLITE
is the recommended type. It must always be used before drawing. It cannot be queried.
$palete = $canvas=>cdCreatePalette($size);
$palete = IUP::Canvas=>cdCreatePalette($size);
Creates a palette.
Destroys the created palette and liberates allocated memory. If this function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it.
Palette Data Access
Data access in Lua is done directly using the array access operators. The colors can have their values checked or changed directly as if they were Lua tables:
$palette->[$index] = IUP::Canvas->cdEncodeColor($r, $g, $b);
$color = $palette->[$index];
($r, $g, $b) = IUP::Canvas->cdDecodeColor($color);
Notice that the type of value returned or received by palette[index] is a lightuserdata, the same type used with functions cdEncodeColor, cdDecodeColor, cdPixel, cdForeground and cdBackground.
Methods - Coordinate System
($width, $height, $mm_width, $mm_height) = $canvas->cdGetSize();
Returns the canvas size in pixels and in millimeters. You can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
$old_invert = $canvas->cdYAxisMode($invert);
Controls the orientation of the Y axis. Internally in some drivers the native axis orientation is top-bottom, so the CD primitives must invert the Y axis since the CD orientation is bottom-top. Using CD_QUERY will return the current Y axis mode, if needs to be invert or not. Using 1 or 0 you can control if the Y axis should be inverted or not independent from the native orientation, with that you can in fact invert the orientation of the CD primitives.
$yr = $canvas->cdUpdateYAxis($yc);
$yr = $canvas->cdInvertYAxis($yc);
#XXX-TODO cdfCanvasInvertYAxis
#XXX-TODO cdfCanvasUpdateYAxis
Converts the coordinate system of the CD library into the internal system of the active canvas' driver, and the other way round, if they are invert, or else do nothing. This is just "y = height-1 - y". It returns the changed value. The "Invert" will always invert the given value, the "Update" function will invert only if the canvas has the Y axis inverted.
($dx, $dy) = $canvas->cdMM2Pixel($mm_dx, $mm_dy);
($dx, $dy) = $canvas->cdfMM2Pixel($mm_dx, $mm_dy);
Converts sizes in millimeters into pixels (canvas coordinates). You can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
($mm_dx, $mm_dy) = $canvas->cdPixel2MM($dx, $dy);
($mm_dx, $mm_dy) = $canvas->cdfPixel2MM($dx, $dy);
Converts sizes in pixels (canvas coordinates) into millimeters. You can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others. Use this function to obtain the horizontal and vertical resolution of the canvas by passing 1 as parameter in dx and dy. The resolution value is obtained using the formula res=1.0/mm.
$canvas->cdOrigin($x, $y);
$canvas->cdfOrigin($x, $y);
Allows translating the origin - for instance, to the center of the canvas. The function profits from the architecture of the library to simulate a translation of the origin, which in fact is never actually passed to the canvas in the respective driver. It is not related with WD nor Transformation Matrix. Default values: (0, 0)
($x, $y) = $canvas->cdGetOrigin();
($x, $y) = $canvas->cdfGetOrigin();
Returns the origin.
Defines a transformation matrix with 6 elements. If the matrix is undef
, the transformation is reset to the identity. Default value: undef
The matrix contains scale, rotation and translation elements as follows:
|x'| |sx*cos(angle) -sin(angle) dx| |x| | $matrix->[0] $matrix->[2] $matrix->[4] |
|y'| = | sin(angle) sy*cos(angle) dy| * |y| with indices | $matrix->[1] $matrix->[3] $matrix->[5] |
But notice that the indices are different of the cdVectorTextTransform.
Functions that retrieve images from the canvas are not affected by the transformation matrix, such as GetImage, GetImageRGB and ScrollArea.
Transformation matrix is independent of the World Coordinate and Origin functions. And those are affected if a transformation is set, just like other regular primitives.
$matrix = $canvas->cdGetTransformation();
Returns the transformation matrix. If the identity is set, returns undef
Left multiply the current transformation by the given transformation.
$canvas->cdTransformTranslate($dx, $dy);
Applies a translation to the current transformation.
$canvas->cdTransformScale($sx, $sy);
Applies a scale to the current transformation.
Applies a rotation to the current transformation. Angle is in degrees, oriented counter-clockwise from the horizontal axis.
($tx, $ty) = $canvas->cdTransformPoint($x, $y); #returns integers
($tx, $ty) = $canvas->cdfTransformPoint($x, $y); #returns real numbers
Applies a transformation to a given point.
Methods - World Coordinates
Allows the use of a World Coordinate System. In this system you can attribute coordinates to any unit you want. After you define a window (rectangular region) in your world, each given coordinate is then mapped to canvas coordinates to draw the primitives. You can define a viewport in your canvas to change the coordinate mapping from world to canvas. The image below shows the relation between Window and Viewport.
Window x Viewport
If you want to map coordinates from one system to another, use the wdWorld2Canvas e wdCanvas2World functions.
The quality of the picture depends on the conversion from World to Canvas, so if the canvas has a small size the picture quality will be poor. To increase picture quality create a canvas with a larger size, if possible.
All World Coordinate drawing in all drivers are simulated using other CD primitives and do NOT depend or use the cdTransform transformation matrix.
XXX-TODO: add note on method naming convenction:
$canvas->cdMethodName vs. $canvas->wdMethodName
$canvas->wdWindow($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
Configures a window in the world coordinate system to be used to convert world coordinates (with values in real numbers) into canvas coordinates (with values in integers). The default window is the size in millimeters of the whole canvas.
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->wdGetWindow();
Queries the current window in the world coordinate system being used to convert world coordinates into canvas coordinates (and the other way round). It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values.
$canvas->wdViewport($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
Configures a viewport in the canvas coordinate system to be used to convert world coordinates (with values in real numbers) into canvas coordinates (with values in integers). The default viewport is the whole canvas (0,w-1,0,h-1). If the canvas size is changed, the viewport will not be automatically updated.
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->wdGetViewport();
Queries the current viewport in the world coordinate system being used to convert world coordinates into canvas coordinates (and the other way round). It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
($xv, $yv) = $canvas->wdWorld2Canvas($xw, $yw);
Converts world coordinates into canvas coordinates. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
($xw, $yw) = $canvas->wdCanvas2World($xv, $yv);
Converts canvas coordinates into world coordinates. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
$canvas->wdSetTransform($sx, $sy, $tx, $ty);
Configures the world coordinate system transformation to be used to convert world coordinates (with values in real numbers) into canvas coordinates (with values in integers). The transformation is automatically set by wdCanvasWindow and wdCanvasViewport. This has NO relation with cdTransform.
($sx, $sy, $tx, $ty) = $canvas->wdGetTransform();
Queries the current transformation being used to convert world coordinates into canvas coordinates (and the other way round). It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values.
$canvas->wdTranslate($dtx, $dty);
Translates the transformation by a delta, by adding the given values to the current tx and ty values.
$canvas->wdScale($dsx, $dsy);
Scales the transformation by a delta, by multiplying the given values by the current sx and sy values.
$canvas->wdCanvasHardcopy($ctx, $data, $draw_func); #XXX-TODO
Creates a new canvas, prepares Window and Viewport according to the provided canvas, maintaining the aspect ratio and making the drawing occupy the largest possible area of the new canvas, calls the drawing function (which must use routines in WC) and, finally, removes the new canvas.
It is usually used for "hard copies" of drawings (print equivalent copy). The most common used contexts are Printer, PS and PDF.
Methods - Primitives / Marks
A mark is a punctual representation. It can have different sizes and types. All types are affected only by mark attributes and by the foreground color.
All marks in all drivers are simulated using other CD primitives, except cdPixel.
$canvas->cdPixel($x, $y, $color);
$canvas->wdPixel($x, $y, $color);
Configures the pixel (x,y) with the color defined by color. It is the smallest element of the canvas. It depends only on global attributes of the canvas. It can be very slow on some drivers. Sometimes it is implemented as a rectangle with size 1x1.
$canvas->cdMark($x, $y);
$canvas->wdMark($x, $y);
Draws a mark in (x,y) using the current foreground color. It is not possible to use this function between a call to functions cdBegin and cdEnd if the type of mark is set to CD_DIAMOND. If the active driver does not include this primitive, it will be simulated using other primitives from the library, such as cdLine.
If you will call this function several times in a sequence, then it is recommended that the application changes the filling and line attributes to those used by this function:
This will greatly increase this function's performance. Also in this case, if the mark is very small, we suggest using the cdPixel function so that the application itself draws the mark. In many cases, this also increases this function's performance.
Configures the current mark type for: CD_PLUS, CD_STAR, CD_CIRCLE, CD_X, CD_BOX, CD_DIAMOND, CD_HOLLOW_CIRCLE, CD_HOLLOW_BOX or CD_HOLLOW_DIAMOND. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_STAR. Value CD_QUERYsimply returns the current value.
Mark Types:
$old_size = $canvas->cdMarkSize($number);
$old_size = $canvas->wMarkSize($number);
Configures the mark size in pixels. Returns the previous value. Default value: 10. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. Valid width interval: >= 1.
In WC, it configures the current line width in millimeters.
Methods - Primitives / Lines
Line are segments that connects 2 or more points. The cdLine function includes the 2 given points and draws the line using the foreground color. Line thickness is controlled by the cdLineWidth function. By using function cdLineStyle you can draw dashed lines with some variations. Lines with a style other than continuous are affected by the back opacity attribute and by the background color.
$canvas->cdLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$canvas->cdfLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$canvas->dwLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
using the current foreground color and line width and style. Both points are included in the line.
Open polygons can be created using:
Closed polygons use the same number of vertices but the last point is automatically connected to the first point. Closed polygons can be created using:
Bezier lines can be created using:
At least 4 vertices must be defined. The two vertices of the middle are the control vertices. A sequence of bezier lines can be defined using more 3 vertices, two control points and an end point, the last point of the previous bezier will be used as the start point.
See the documentation of XXX-polygon section-XXX cdBegin cdVertex cdEnd
$canvas->cdRect($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
$canvas->cdfRect($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax); #XXX-TODO autodetect int vs. double
$canvas->wdRect($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
Draws a rectangle with no filling. All points in the limits of interval xmin <= x <= xmax, y_min <= y <= ymax will be painted. It is affected by line attributes and the foreground color. If the active driver does not include this primitive, it will be simulated using the cdLine primitive.
$canvas->cdArc($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->cdfArc($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->wdArc($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
Draws the arc of an ellipse aligned with the axis, using the current foreground color and line width and style.
The coordinate (xc,yc) defines the center of the ellipse. Dimensions w and h define the elliptic axes X and Y, respectively.
Angles angle1 and angle2 are in degrees and oriented counter-clockwise. They define the arc start and end, but they are not the angle relative to the center, except when w==h and the ellipse is reduced to a circle. The arc starts at the point (xc+(w/2)*cos(angle1), yc+(h/2)*sin(angle1))
and ends at (xc+(w/2)*cos(angle2), yc+(h/2)*sin(angle2))
. A complete ellipse can be drawn using 0 and 360 as the angles. If angle2 is less than angle1 it will be increased by 360 until it is greater than angle1.
The angles are specified so if the size of the ellipse (w x h) is changed, its shape is preserved. So the angles relative to the center are dependent from the ellipse size. The actual angle can be obtained using rangle = atan2((h/2
)*sin(angle), (w/2)*cos(angle)).
To specify the angle in radians, you can use the definition CD_RAD2DEG to multiply the value in radians before passing the angle to CD.
Arc Parameters:
$old_style = $canvas->cdLineStyle($style);
Configures the current line style for: CD_CONTINUOUS, CD_DASHED, CD_DOTTED, CD_DASH_DOT, CD_DASH_DOT_DOT, or CD_CUSTOM
. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_CONTINUOUS. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. When CD_CUSTOM is used the cdLineStyleDahes function must be called before to initialize the custom dashes. The spaces are drawn with the background color, except when back opacity is transparent then the background is left unchanged. See BackOpacity.
Line Styles:
Defines the custom line style dashes. The first value is the length of the first dash, the second value is the length of the first space, and so on. For example: @dashes = (10 2 5 2)
means dash size 10, space size 2, dash size 5, space size 2, and repeats the pattern. Sizes are in pixels.
$old_width = $canvas->cdLineWidth($width);
$old_width = $canvas->wdLineWidth($width_mm);
Configures the width of the current line (in pixels). Returns the previous value. Default value: 1. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. Valid width interval: >= 1.
In WC, it configures the current line width in millimeters.
$old_style = $canvas->cdLineJoin($style);
Configures the current line style for: CD_MITER, CD_BEVEL or CD_ROUND. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_MITER. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
Line Joins:
$old_style = $canvas->cdLineCap($style);
Configures the current line style for: CD_CAPFLAT, CD_CAPSQUARE or CD_CAPROUND. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_CAPFLAT. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
Line Caps:
Methods - Primitives / Polygons
The functions cdBegin, cdVertex and cdEnd are use for many situations. cdBegin is called once, cdVertex can be called many times, and cdEnd is called once to actually do something. If you call cdBegin again before cdEnd the process is restarted, except for cdBegin(CD_REGION) that can contains one or more polygons inside.
Starts defining a polygon to be drawn (or filled) according to the mode: CD_CLOSED_LINES, CD_OPEN_LINES, CD_FILL, CD_CLIP, CD_REGION or CD_BEZIER. Do not create embedded polygons, that is, do not call function cdBegin twice without a call to cdEnd in between.
CD_OPEN_LINES: connects all the points at cdEnd. Depends on line width and line style attributes.
<CD_CLOSED_LINES:> connects all the points at cdEnd and connects the last point to the first. Depends on line width and line style attributes.
CD_FILL: connects the last point to the first and fills the resulting polygon according to the current interior style. When the interior style CD_HOLLOW is defined the it behaves as if the mode were CD_CLOSED_LINES.
CD_CLIP: instead of creating a polygon to be drawn, creates a polygon to define a polygonal clipping region.
CD_BEZIER: defines the points of a bezier curve. There must be at least 4 points: start, control, control and end. To specify a sequence of curves use 3 more points for each curve: control, control, end, control, control, end, ... The end point is used as start point for the next curve.
CD_REGION: starts the creation of a complex region for clipping. All calls to cdBox, cdSector, cdChord, Filled Polygons and cdText will be composed in a region for clipping. See Regions documentation.
CD_PATH: creates a path composed of several primitives that can be line draw, filled or used as clipping. Must call cdCanvasPathSet to configure the action between sequences of cdCanvasVertex.
Open, Closed and Filled Polygons:
Bezier Lines:
$canvas->cdVertex($x, $y);
$canvas->wdVertex($x, $y);
Adds a vertex to the polygon definition.
Ends the polygon's definition and draws it.
Configures the action between sequences of cdCanvasVertex. action can be:
CD_PATH_NEW - creates a new empty path. Useful if more than one path is configured. cdCanvasBegin(CD_PATH) already creates a new path.
CD_PATH_MOVETO - moves the current position to the given coordinates. Must be followed by 1 call to cdCanvasVertex, cdfCanvasVertex, or wdCanvasVertex.
CD_PATH_LINETO - adds a line to the path from the current position to the given coordinates. The current position is updated to the given coordinates. If there is no current position, nothing is connected and only the current position is updated. Must be followed by 1 call to cdCanvasVertex, cdfCanvasVertex, or wdCanvasVertex.
CD_PATH_ARC - adds an arc to the path. If there is a current position adds also a line from the current position to the start of the arc. The end of the arc becomes the current position. Must be followed by 3 calls to cdCanvasVertex, cdfCanvasVertex, or wdCanvasVertex. One for the center of the arc (xc,yc), one for the bounding rectangle size (w,h), and one for the start and end angles (angle1,angle2). Angles are in degrees and oriented counter-clockwise, but angle2 can be smaller than angle1 to describe a clockwise arc. When using integer coordinates angles must be multiplied by 1000.
CD_PATH_CURVETO - adds a bezier curve to the path. If there is no current position, the first point will be used twice. The end point becomes the current position. Must be followed by 3 calls to cdCanvasVertex, cdfCanvasVertex, or wdCanvasVertex. Must be first control point (x1,y1) + second control point (x2,y2) + end point (x3,y3).
CD_PATH_CLOSE - adds a line to the path that connects the last point with the first point of the path, closing it.
CD_PATH_FILL - fills the path with the current fill attributes, then the path is discarded.
CD_PATH_STROKE - strokes the path with the current line attributes, then the path is discarded.
CD_PATH_FILLSTROKE - fills the path with the current fill attributes, strokes the path with the current line attributes, then the path is discarded.
CD_PATH_CLIP - use the path as a clipping area to be intersected with the current clipping area, then the path is discarded.
So the normal path creation to draw a line will do:
$canvas->cdVertex($x1, $y1);
$canvas->cdVertex($x2, $y2);
$canvas->cdVertex($x3, $y3); # control point for start point
$canvas->cdVertex($x4, $y4); # control point for end point
$canvas->cdVertex($x5, $y5); # end point
$canvas->cdVertex($x6, $y6); # center
$canvas->cdVertex($x7, $y7); # width, height
$canvas->cdVertex($x8, $y8); # start angle, end angle (degrees / 1000)
Methods - Primitives / Filled Areas
It is an area filled with the foreground color, but it depends on the current interior style. The SOLID style depends only on the foreground color. The HATCH and STIPPLE style depend on the foreground color, background color and on the back opacity attribute. The hatch lines drawn with this style do not depend on the other line attributes. The PATTERN style depends only on global canvas attributes.
The filled area includes the line at the edge of the area. So if you draw a filled rectangle, sector or polygon on top of a non filled one using the same coordinates, no style and 1 pixel width, the non filled primitive should be obscured by the filled primitive. But depending on the driver implementation some pixels at the edges may be not included. IMPORTANT: In the Postscript and PDF drivers the line at the edge is not included at all.
If either the background or the foreground color are modified, the hatched and monochromatic fillings must be modified again in order to be updated.
Note that when a Filling Attribute is modified, the active filling style is now that of the modified attribute (hatch, stipple or pattern). Notice that this is not true for the clipping area. When the clipping area is modified, the clipping is only affected if it is active.
Filled polygons can be created using:
See the documentation of cdBegin cdVertex, cdEnd.
$canvas->cdBox($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
$canvas->cdfBox($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
$canvas->wdBox($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
Fills a rectangle according to the current interior style. All points in the interval xmin <= x <= xmax
, ymin <= y <= ymax
will be painted. When the interior style CD_HOLLOW is defined, the function behaves like its equivalent cdRect.
$canvas->cdSector($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->cdfSector($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->wdSector($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
Fills the arc of an ellipse aligned with the axis, according to the current interior style, in the shape of a pie.
The coordinate (xc,yc) defines the center of the ellipse. Dimensions w and h define the elliptic axes X and Y, respectively.
Angles angle1 and angle2 are in degrees and oriented counter-clockwise. They define the arc start and end, but they are not the angle relative to the center, except when w==h and the ellipse is reduced to a circle. The arc starts at the point (xc+(w/2)*cos(angle1), yc+(h/2)*sin(angle1))
and ends at (xc+(w/2)*cos(angle2), yc+(h/2)*sin(angle2))
. A complete ellipse can be drawn using 0 and 360 as the angles. If angle2 is less than angle1 it will be increased by 360 until it is greater than angle1.
The angles are specified so if the size of the ellipse (w x h) is changed, its shape is preserved. So the angles relative to the center are dependent from the ellipse size. The actual angle can be obtained using rangle = atan2((h/2)*sin(angle), (w/2)*cos(angle))
To specify the angle in radians, you can use the definition CD_RAD2DEG to multiply the value in radians before passing the angle to CD.
When the interior style CD_HOLLOW is defined, the function behaves like its equivalent cdArc, plus two lines connecting to the center.
Sector Parameters:
$canvas->cdChord($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->cdfChord($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
$canvas->wdChord($xc, $yc, $w, $h, $angle1, $angle2);
Fills the arc of an ellipse aligned with the axis, according to the current interior style, the start and end points of the arc are connected. The parameters are the same as the cdSector|/"cdSector".
When the interior style CD_HOLLOW is defined, the function behaves like its equivalent cdArc, plus a line connecting the arc start and end points.
Chord Parameters:
$old_opacity = $canvas->cdBackOpacity($opacity);
Configures the background opacity to filling primitives based on the foreground and background colors. Note that only when InteriorStyle is CD_HATCH or CD_STIPPLE that backopacity is used. Values: CD_TRANSPARENT or CD_OPAQUE. If it is opaque the primitive will erase whatever is in the background with the background color. If it is transparent, only the foreground color is painted. It returns the previous value. Default value: CD_TRANSPARENT. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. In some drivers is always opaque.
Back Opacity Attribute:
$old_mode = $canvas->cdFillMode($mode);
Selects a predefined polygon fill rule (CD_EVENODD or CD_WINDING). Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_EVENODD. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
Fill Modes:
$old_style = $canvas->cdInteriorStyle($style);
Configures the current style for the area filling primitives: CD_SOLID, CD_HOLLOW, CD_HATCH, CD_STIPPLE or CD_PATTERN. Note that only CD_HATCH and CD_STIPPLE are affected by the backopacity. It returns the previous value. Default value: CD_SOLID. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value.
If a stipple or a pattern were not defined, when they are selected the state of the attribute is not changed.
When the style CD_HOLLOW is defined, functions cdBox and cdSector behave as their equivalent cdRect and cdArc+Lines, and the polygons with style CD_FILL behave like CD_CLOSED_LINES.
$old_style = $canvas->cdHatch($style);
Selects a predefined hatch style (CD_HORIZONTAL, CD_VERTICAL, CD_FDIAGONAL, CD_BDIAGONAL, CD_CROSS or CD_DIAGCROSS) and sets the interior style to CD_HATCH. The lines are drawn with the foreground color, and the background is drawn with the background color if back opacity is opaque. Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_HORIZONTAL. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. The foreground and background colors must be set before setting the style. In some drivers is always opaque.
Hatch Styles
$stipple = [ [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1],
[1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0],
[1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0],
[1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1] ]; #XXX-FIXME
Defines a matrix (($stipple->[$line]->[$column]
) of zeros (0) and ones (1). The zeros are mapped to the background color or are transparent, according to the background opacity attribute. The ones are mapped to the foreground color. The function sets the interior style to CD_STIPPLE. The origin ($stipple->[0]->[0]
) is the left bottom corner of the image. It does not need to be stored by the application, as it is internally replicated by the library. In some drivers is always opaque. The foreground and background colors must be set before setting the style.
$canvas->wdStipple($stipple, $w_mm, $h_mm);
Allows specifying the stipple in world coordinates. Another stipple will be created with the size in pixels corresponding to the specified size in millimeters. The new size in pixels will be an integer factor of the original size that is closets to the size in millimeters. The use of this function may produce very large or very small stipples.
$stipple = canvas->cdGetStipple();
Returns the current stipple as a reference to array of arrayrefs. Returns undef
if no stipple was defined.
$color1 = $canvas->cdEncodeColor(0, 0, 220);
$color2 = $canvas->cdEncodeColor(220, 0, 220);
$pattern = [ [$color1, $color2, $color1],
[$color2, $color1, $color2],
[$color1, $color2, $color1] ];
Defines a new color matrix ($pattern->[$line]->[$column]
) and sets the interior style to CD_PATTERN. The origin ($pattern->[0]->[0]
) is the left bottom corner of the image. It does not need to be stored by the application, as it is internally replicated by the library.
$canvas->wdPattern($pattern, $w_mm, $h_mm);
Allows specifying the pattern in world coordinates. Another pattern will be created with the size in pixels corresponding to the specified size in millimeters. The new size in pixels will be an integer factor of the original size that is closets to the size in millimeters. The use of this function may produce very large or very small patterns.
$pattern = $canvas->cdGetPattern();
Returns the current pattern as a reference to array of arrayrefs. Returns undef
if no pattern was defined.
XXXcdCreatePattern(width, height: number) -> (pattern: cdPattern)
XXXCreates a pattern in Lua.
XXXcdKillPattern(pattern: cdPattern)
XXXDestroys the created pattern and liberates allocated memory. If this function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it.
XXXcdCreateStipple(width, height: number) -> (stipple: cdStipple)
XXXCreates a stipple in Lua.
XXXcdKillStipple(stipple: cdStipple)
XXXDestroys the created stipple and liberates allocated memory. If this function is not called in Lua, the garbage collector will call it.
Methods - Primitives / Text
A raster text using a font with styles. The position the text is drawn depends on the text alignment attribute.
The library has at least 4 standard typefaces: "System" (which depends on the driver and platform), "Courier" (mono spaced with serif), "Times" (proportional with serif) and "Helvetica" (proportional without serif). Each typeface can have some styles: Plain, Bold, Italic and a combination of Bold and Italic. As an alternative to the standard typefaces, you can use other typefaces or native driver typefaces with the function cdNativeFont, but they may work in a reduced set of drivers.
You may retrieve the dimensions of the selected font with function cdGetFontDim. Also you may retrieve the bounding box of a specific text before drawing by using the cdGetTextSize and cdGetTextBox functions.
The text is drawn using a reference point; you can change the alignment relative to this point using the cdTextAligment function.
$canvas->cdText($x, $y, $text);
$canvas->cdfText($x, $y, $text);
$canvas->wdText($x, $y, $text);
Draws a text in the position (x,y)
according to the current font and text alignment. It expects an ANSI string. Can have line breaks.
$canvas->cdFont($typeface, $style, $size);
$canvas->wdFont($typeface, $style, $size);
Selects a text font. The font type can be one of the standard type faces or other driver dependent type face. Since font face names are not a standard between drivers, a few names are specially handled to improve application portability. If you want to use names that work for all systems we recommend using: "Courier", "Times" and "Helvetica".
The style can be a combination of: CD_PLAIN, CD_BOLD, CD_ITALIC, CD_UNDERLINE or CD_STRIKEOUT. Only the Windows and PDF drivers support underline and strikeout. The size is provided in points (1/72 inch) or in pixels (using negative values).
Default values: "System", CD_PLAIN, 12.
You can specify partial parameters using undef
, -1 and 0 for typeface, style and size. When these parameters are specified the current font parameter is used. For example: CanvasFont(undef, -1, 10)
will only change the font size.
To convert between pixels and points use the function cdPixel2MM to convert from pixels to millimeters and use the formula "(value in points) = CD_MM2PT * (value in millimeters)".
In WC, the size is specified in millimeters, but is internally converted to points.
Fonts can heavily benefit from the ANTIALIAS attribute where available in the driver.
Type Faces | Font Styles |
![]() |
![]() |
($typeface, $style, $size) = $canvas->cdGetFont();
($typeface, $style, $size) = $canvas->wdGetFont();
Returns the values of the current font. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers; you can provide only the desired values.
In WC, the size is returned in millimeters.
$old_font = $canvas->cdNativeFont($font);
Selects a font based on a string description. The description can depend on the driver and the platform, but a common definition is available for all drivers. It does not need to be stored by the application, as it is internally replicated by the library. The string is case sensitive. It returns the previous string.
The string is parsed and the font typeface, style and size are set according to the parsed values, as if cdFont was called. The native font string is cleared when a font is set using cdFont.
The common format definition is similar to the Pango library Font Description, used by GTK+2. It is defined as having 3 parts: <font family>, <font styles> <font size>. For ex: "Times, Bold 18", or "Arial,Helvetica, Italic Underline -24". The supported styles include: Bold, Italic, Underline and Strikeout. Underline, Strikeout, and negative pixel values are not supported by the standard Pango Font Description. The Pango format include many other definitions not supported by the CD format, they are just ignored.
The IUP "FONT" attribute internal formats are also accepted in all drivers and platforms.
Using undef
as a parameter, it only returns the previous string and does not change the font. The value returned is the last attributed value, which may not correspond exactly to the font selected by the driver.
Using "CD_QUERY" (string) as a parameter, it returns the current selected font in the common format definition.
$old_alignment = $canvas->cdTextAlignment($alignment);
Defines the vertical and horizontal alignment of a text as:
Returns the previous value. Default value: CD_BASE_LEFT
. Value CD_QUERY
simply returns the current value.
Text Alignment:
$old_angle = $canvas->cdTextOrientation($angle);
Defines the text orientation, which is an angle provided in degrees relative to the horizontal line according to which the text is drawn. Returns the previous value. Value CD_QUERY simply returns the current value. The default value is 0.
($max_width, $height, $ascent, $descent) = $canvas->cdGetFontDim();
($max_width, $height, $ascent, $descent) = $canvas->wdGetFontDim();
Returns the maximum width of a character, the line's height, the ascent and descent of the characters of the currently selected font. The line's height is the sum of the ascent and descent of a given additional space (if this is the case). All values are given in pixels and are positive. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
Font Dimension Attributes:
($width, $heigth) = $canvas->cdGetTextSize($text);
($width, $heigth) = $canvas->wdGetTextSize($text);
Returns the text size independent from orientation. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
$rect = $canvas->cdGetTextBounds($x, $y, $text);
$rect = $canvas->wdGetTextBounds($x, $y, $text);
Returns the oriented bounding rectangle occupied by a text at a given position. The rectangle has the same dimentions returned by cdGetTextSize. The rectangle corners are returned in counter-clock wise order starting with the bottom left corner, arranged [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3].
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->cdGetTextBox($x, $y, $text);
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->wdGetTextBox($x, $y, $text);
Returns the horizontal bounding rectangle occupied by a text at a given position. If orientation is not 0 then its area is always larger than the area of the rectangle returned by cdGetTextBounds. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
Methods - Primitives / Vector Text
It is a text that uses a font created only with line segments. It is very useful to be scaled and very fast. You must set the text size before drawing any text. The default direction is horizontal from left to right.
Vector Text Parameters:
All vector text drawing in all drivers are simulated with other CD primitives using polygons only.
$canvas->cdVectorText($x, $y, $text);
$canvas->wdVectorText($x, $y, $text);
Draws a vector text in position (x,y)
, respecting the alignment defined by cdTextAlignment. It ignores the configuration cdBackOpacity, being always transparent. It accepts strings with multiple lines using '\n'. It is ESSENTIAL to call cdVectorTextSize or cdVectorCharSize before using this function.
The wdCanvasVectorText is the only function that actually depends on World Coordinates. The other Vector Text functions although use the "wd" prefix they do not depend on World Coordinates. They are kept with these names for backward compatibility. The correct prefix would be "cdf".
$canvas->cdVectorTextDirection($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$canvas->wdVectorTextDirection($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
Defines the text direction by means of two points, (x1,y1)
and (x2,y2)
. The default direction is horizontal from left to right. It is independent from the transformation matrix.
$old_matrix = $canvas->cdVectorTextTransform($matrix);
Defines a transformation matrix with 6 elements. If the matrix is undef
, no transformation is set. The default is no transformation. The origin is the left bottom corner of matrix. It returns the previous matrix, and the returned vector is only valid until the following call to the function.
The matrix contains scale, rotation and translation elements. It is applied after computing the position and orientation normal to the vector text. We can describe the elements as follows:
|x'| | scl_x*cos(ang) -sin(ang) trans_x | |x| | $matrix->[3] $matrix->[4] $matrix->[5] |
|y'| = | sin(ang) scl_y*cos(ang) trans_y | * |y| with indices | $matrix->[0] $matrix->[1] $matrix->[2] |
It has the same effect of the cdTransform, but notice that the indices are different.
$canvas->cdVectorTextSize($width, $height, $text);
$canvas->wdVectorTextSize($width, $height, $text);
Modifies the font size of the vector text so that it fits the string in the box defined by width
and height
$old_size = $canvas->cdVectorCharSize($size);
$old_size = $canvas->wdVectorCharSize($size);
Modifies the font size by specifying the height of the characters. Returns the previous value. CD_QUERY
returns the current value.
$canvas->cdVectorFontSize($size_x, $size_y);
Directly modifies the font size. Set size_x == size_y
to maintain the original aspect ratio of the font.
($size_x, $size_y) = $canvas->cdGetVectorFontSize();
Returns the font size. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
$fontname = $canvas->cdVectorFont($filename);
Replaces the current vector font with a font stored in a file with a given name. Returns the name of the font loaded or undef
, if it fails. If filename is undef
, it activates the default font "Simplex II" (There is no file associated to this font, it is an embedded font). The library will attempt to load a font from the current directory, if it fails then it will try the directory defined by the environment variable "CDDIR
", if it fails, it will attempt to load it using the filename as a string containing the font as if the file was loaded into that string, if it fails again the font is reset to the default font and returns undef
. The file format is compatible with the GKS file format (text mode).
($width, $height) = $canvas->cdGetVectorTextSize($text);
($width, $height) = $canvas->wdGetVectorTextSize($text);
Returns the text size independent from orientation. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
$rect = $canvas->cdGetVectorTextBounds($text, $x, $y);
$rect = $canvas->wdGetVectorTextBounds($text, $x, $y);
Returns the oriented bounding rectangle occupied by a text at a given position. The rectangle has the same dimentions returned by cdGetVectorTextSize. The rectangle corners are returned in counter-clock wise order starting with the bottom left corner, arranged (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3).
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->cdGetVectorTextBox($x, $y, $text);
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax) = $canvas->wdGetVectorTextBox($x, $y, $text);
Returns the horizontal bounding rectangle occupied by a text at a given position. If orientation is not 0 then its area is always larger than the area of the rectangle returned by cdGetVectorTextBounds. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
Character Codes
The old GKS format contains ASCII codes so a convertion from ANSI to ASCII is done when possible, unmapped characters are left unchanged, but some rearrage was necessary to acomodate the convertion.
The default vector font was changed from the original Simplex II to contain all ANSI accented characters. So some ASCII characters were replaced.
Bellow is the character code table of the default font.
Default Font
The original Simplex II font is available in the file "cd/etc/vectorfont00.txt". Bellow is the character code table of the original font (the table displays the characters after the convertion from ANSI to ASCII):
Original Simplex II
Methods - Primitives / Client Images
Methods - Primitives / Server Images
Methods - Canvas Clipping
The clipping area is an area that limits the available drawing area inside the canvas. Any primitive is drawn only inside the clipping area. It affects all primitives.
You can set the clipping area by using the function cdClipArea, and retrieve it using cdGetClipArea. The clipping area is a rectangle by default, but it can has other shapes. In some drivers a polygon area can be defined, and in display based drivers a complex region can be defined. The complex region can be a combination of boxes, polygons, sectors, chords and texts.
$old_mode = $canvas->cdClip($mode);
Activates or deactivates clipping. Returns the previous status. Values: CD_CLIPAREA, CD_CLIPPOLYGON, CD_CLIPREGION or CD_CLIPOFF. The value CD_QUERY simply returns the current status. Default value: CD_CLIPOFF.
The value CD_CLIPAREA activates a rectangular area as the clipping region.
The value CD_CLIPPOLYGON activates a polygon as a clipping region, but works only in some drivers (please refer to the notes of each driver). The clipping polygon must be defined before activating the polygon clipping; if it is not defined, the current clipping state remains unchanged. See the documentation of cdBegin, cdVertex, cdEnd to create a polygon.
The value CD_CLIPREGION activates a complex clipping region. See the documentation of Regions.
The defined clipping area, polygon and complex regions are stored internally, so you may define them independently and switch between area, polygon and complex region without having to define them again. Also if the active clipping region is re-defined it immediately becomes the current clipping region.
$canvas->cdClipArea($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
$canvas->cdfClipArea($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax); #XXX-TODO not in Lua
$canvas->wdClipArea($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax);
Defines the current rectangle for clipping. Only the points in the interval xmin <= x <= xmax
and ymin <= y <= ymax
will be printed. Default region: (0, w-1, 0, h-1).
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax, $status) = canvas->cdGetClipArea();
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax, $status) = canvas->cdfGetClipArea(); #XXX-TODO not in Lua
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax, $status) = canvas->wdGetClipArea();
Returns the rectangle and the clipping status. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
A polygon for clipping can be created using:
See the documentation of cdBegin, cdVertex, cdEnd.
Methods - Complex Clipping Regions
A complex region can composed of boxes, sectors, chords, polygons and texts. It is implemented only in the Windows GDI, GDI+ and X-Windows base drivers.
Complex clipping regions can be created using:
# filled primtives ...
See more info about cdBegin and cdEnd.
Between a $canvas->cdBegin(CD_REGION)
and a $canvas->cdEnd()
, all calls to cdBox, cdSector, cdChord, cdBegin(CD_FILL) / cdVertex(x,y) / ... / cdEnd() and cdText will be composed in a region for clipping. This is the only exception when you can call a cdBegin after another cdBegin.
When you call $canvas->cdBegin(CD_REGION)
a new empty region will be created. So for the first operation you should use CD_UNION
combine modes. When you finished to compose the region call cdEnd.
To make the region active you must call cdClip(CD_CLIPREGION). For other clipping regions see Clipping.
Complex clipping regions are not saved by cdSaveState.
$old_mode = $canvas->cdRegionCombineMode($mode);
Changes the way regions are combined when created. Returns the previous status. Values: CD_UNION, CD_INTERSECT, CD_DIFFERENCE or CD_NOTINTERSECT
. The value CD_QUERY
simply returns the current status. Default value: CD_UNION
Combine Modes
$status = $canvas->cdIsPointInRegion($x, $y);
$status = $canvas->wdIsPointInRegion($x, $y);
Returns a non zero value if the point is contained inside the current region.
$canvas->cdOffsetRegion($dx, $dy);
$canvas->wdOffsetRegion($dx, $dy);
Moves the current region by the given offset. In X-Windows, if the region moves to outside the canvas border, the part moved outside will be lost, the region will need to be reconstructed.
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax, $status) = $canvas->cdGetRegionBox();
($xmin, $xmax, $ymin, $ymax, $status) = $canvas->wdGetRegionBox();
Returns the rectangle of the bounding box of the current region. It is not necessary to provide all return pointers, you can provide only the desired values and undef
for the others.
Methods - Others
XXX-TODO other.html + init.html
The element IUP::Canvas is used in the following sample scripts:
0-basic/ - IUP::Canvas example
0-basic/ - IUP::Canvas example
0-basic/ - IUP::Canvas example
0-basic/ - IUP::Cbox example
0-basic/ - IUP::ColorBar example
0-basic/ - IUP::LayoutDialog example
0-basic/ - IUP::Sbox example
0-basic/ - IUP::Canvas (with scrollbar) example
1-apps/ - IUP app example
1-apps/ - example used for screenshot - IUP.pod
1-apps/ - example based on the original sample.c
IUP::Canvas::EMF, IUP::Canvas::SVG, IUP::CanvasGL
The original doc: iupcanvas.html