Win32::GUI::Tutorial - An introduction to programming Win32::GUI
Sample Code
Sample code for the tutorials is installed with Win32::GUI, that should be found in the .../Win32/GUI/demos/ directory under your library installtion root (by default for ActiveState perl this is at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/GUI/demos).
There is a viewer/launcher application installed as well. Type win32-gui-demos
at a command prompt. The sample code for the tutorials should be found under the 'Misc' heading.
Table of Contents
- 1. Part 1 - Our First Win32::GUI Program
- 2. Part 2 - Adding Functionality
- 3. Part 3 - Dialog Boxes and Main Windows
- 4. Part 4 - Further Features of Win32::GUI
- 5. Part 5 - More than one Window
- 6. Part 6 - TBD
- 7. Part 7 - TBD
- 8. Part 8 - TBD
- 9. Part 9 - Some peripheral issues