Activator::Pager - Object to assist in implementing pagination interfaces
use Activator::Pager;
my $pager = new Activator::Pager( $offset, $length, $count, $total );
Constructor to set internal variables.
Arguments: $offset - offset of the first item in this set ( 0 indexed ) $page_size - number of items per page $set_size - actual number of items in this set $total - total items available
Returns: $self
n == highest possible offset
p == highest possbile page
$self = bless( {
next_offset => 5, -- offset of next page ( 0..n ) or undef if you are
on last page
set_size => 5, -- constructor argument
prev_offset => 0, -- offset of previous page ( 0..n ) or undef if you
are on first page
cur_page => 1, -- the current page number of $offset
last_page => 21, -- the last page page for the total passed in ( 1..p )
last_offset => 100,-- the last possible offset based on number pages ( 0..n )
total => 103, -- constructor argument
next_page => 2, -- the next possible page ( 1..p ) or undef if on
last page ( offset == last_offset )
page_size => 5 -- constructor argument
to => 5, -- the last member number of current page ( 1..n+1 )
from => 1, -- the first member number of current page ( offset+1 )
prev_page => 1, -- the previous page ( 1..p ) or undef if on first
page ( offset == 0 )
offset => 0 -- constructor argument
}, Activator::Pager );
NOTE: we need to document the assuption of offset not being $to
Implement getter functions if anyone wants it. We just access the vars directly at this time.
Karim Nassar
Copyright (c) 2007 Karim Nassar <>
You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.