Data::Passphrase::Graph - directed graphs for passphrase strength checking


Object-oriented interface:

use Data::Passphrase::Qwerty;

my $graph = Data::Passphrase::Qwerty->new();
print $graph->has('qwerty');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('ytrewq');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('qazxdr');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('qwerfvgtrdxz');    # prints 1

use Data::Passphrase::Roman;

$graph = Data::Passphrase::Roman->new();
print $graph->has('abcdef');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('fedcba');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('xyzabc');          # prints 1
print $graph->has('cbazyx');          # prints 1

Procedural interface:

use Data::Passphrase qw(build_graph graph_check);

my $graph = build_graph 'qwerty';
print graph_check $graph, 'qwerty';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'ytrewq';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'qazxdr';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'qwerfvgtrdxz';    # prints 1

$graph = build_graph 'roman';
print graph_check $graph, 'abcdef';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'fedcba';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'xyzabc';          # prints 1
print graph_check $graph, 'cbazyx';          # prints 1


This module provides a simple interface for using directed graphs with Data::Passphrase to find trivial patterns in passphrases.

Graph Format

Graphs are represented by hashes. Each node on the graph is a key whose value is a hash of adjacent nodes. So a bidirectional graph of the alphabet would contain the element

b => {a => 1, c => 1}

because each letter (b in this case) should be linked to both the previous letter (a) and the next letter (c). See "SYNOPSIS" and "EXAMPLES" for more examples.


This module provides a constructor new, which takes a reference to a hash of initial attribute settings, and accessor methods of the form get_attribute() and set_attribute(). See "Attributes".

Normally, the OO interface is accessed via subclasses. For example, you'd call Data::Passphrase::Graph::Roman->new() to construct a graph of the alphabet. The inherited methods and attributes are documented here.


In addition to the constructor and accessor methods, the following special methods are available.


$value = $self->has($word)

Returns TRUE if $word is contained by the graph, FALSE if it isn't.


The following attributes may be accessed via methods of the form get_attribute() and set_attribute().


If TRUE, enable debugging to the Apache error log.


The graph itself (see "Graph Format").


Unlike the object-oriented interface, the procedural interface can create any type of graph, specified as the argument to build_graph(). Then, graph_check() is used to determine if a word is contained by the graph.

$graph = build_graph $type

Build a graph of type $type. This subroutine will essentially construct a new object of the type

"Data::Passphrase::Graph::" . ucfirst $type

and return the graph itself for use with graph_check().


$value = graph_check $graph, $word

Returns TRUE if $word is contained by $graph, FALSE if it isn't.


The graph

a -> b -> c
^         |

would be represented as

%graph = (
    a => { b => 1 },
    b => { c => 1 },
    c => { a => 1 },

Here's how to use it:

$graph = Data::Passphrase::Graph->new({graph => \%graph});
print $graph->has('abc');    # prints 1
print $graph->has('cba');    # prints 0
print $graph->has('cab');    # prints 1


Andrew J. Korty <>



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 155:

Unknown directive: =head