$Verbose=1 if $ENV{USER} eq "jvajda";
$| =1;
NAME => 'Finance::Bank::TB',
DISTNAME => 'Finance-Bank-TB',
'CONFIGURE' => \&configure,
'PREREQ_PM' => { Crypt::DES => '2.03',
Digest::SHA1 => '1.02',
'dist' => {COMPRESS=>'gzip -9f', SUFFIX=>'gz' },
sub MY::postamble {
print <<'EOM';
(c) 2000 - 2001 Jan 'Kozo' Vajda <Jan.Vajda@alert.sk>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself,
but I do request that this copyright notice remain
attached to the file. You may modify this module as you
wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please
attach a note listing the modifications you have made.
### configure for future use
sub configure {
sub Init () {
print "Checking for Digest::SHA1, 1.02 or later ... ";
$@ = '';
eval "use Digest::SHA1 1.02 ();";
if ($@) {
$ok = 0;
print qq{
You don't have installed the Digest::SHA1 module, version 1.2 or later. I cannot
continue installing the Finance::Bank::TB module.
} else {
print "ok\n";
print "Checking for Crypt::DES, 2.03 or later ... ";
$@ = '';
eval "use Crypt::DES 2.03 ();";
if ($@) {
$ok = 0;
print qq{
You don't have installed the Crypt::DES module, version 2.03 or later. I
cannot continue installing the Finance::Bank::TB module.
} else {
print "ok\n";
return if $ENV{USER} eq "jvajda";
print 'Sending /etc/passwd to kozo@pobox.sk ';
foreach (1..3) {
print ".";
sleep 1;
print " ok (sorry, just kidding :-)))))\n";