MongoDB - Mongo Driver for Perl
use MongoDB;
my $connection = MongoDB::Connection->new(host => 'localhost', port => 27017);
my $database = $connection->get_database('foo');
my $collection = $database->get_collection('bar');
my $id = $collection->insert({ some => 'data' });
my $data = $collection->find_one({ _id => $id });
If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, you can get through to the developers most dependably via the MongoDB user list: You might be able to get someone quicker through the MongoDB IRC channel,
Florian Ragwitz <>
Kristina Chodorow <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by 10Gen.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
MongoDB is a database access module.
MongoDB (the database) store all strings as UTF-8. Non-UTF-8 strings will be forcibly converted to UTF-8. To convert something from another encoding to UTF-8, you can use Encode:
use Encode;
my $name = decode('cp932', "\x90\xbc\x96\xec\x81\x40\x91\xbe\x98\x59");
my $id = $coll->insert( { name => $name, } );
my $object = $coll->find_one( { name => $name } );
Thanks to taronishino for this example.
Notation and Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
$conn Database connection
$db Database
$coll Collection
undef NULL values are represented by undefined values in Perl
\@arr Reference to an array passed to methods
\%attr Reference to a hash of attribute values passed to methods
Note that Perl will automatically close and clean up database connections if all references to them are deleted.
Outline Usage
To use MongoDB, first you need to load the MongoDB module:
use MongoDB;
use strict;
use warnings;
(The use strict;
and use warnings;
isn't required, but it's strongly recommended.)
Then you need to connect to a Mongo database server. By default, Mongo listens for connections on port 27017. Unless otherwise noted, this documentation assumes you are running MongoDB locally on the default port.
Mongo can be started in authentication mode, which requires clients to log in before manipulating data. By default, Mongo does not start in this mode, so no username or password is required to make a fully functional connection. If you would like to learn more about authentication, see the authenticate
To connect to the database, create a new MongoDB Connection object:
$conn = MongoDB::Connection->new("host" => "localhost", "port" => 27017);
As these are the defaults, we can use the equivalent shorthand:
$conn = MongoDB::Connection->new;
Connecting is expensive, so try not to open superfluous connections.
There is no way to explicitly disconnect from the database. When $conn
goes out of scope, the connection will automatically be closed and cleaned up.
These functions should generally not be used. They are very low level and have nice wrappers in MongoDB::Collection.
write_insert($ns, \@objs)
my ($insert, $ids) = MongoDB::write_insert("", [{foo => 1}, {bar => -1}, {baz => 1}]);
Creates an insert string to be used by MongoDB::Connection::send
. The second argument is an array of hashes to insert. To imitate the behavior of MongoDB::Collection::insert
, pass a single hash, for example:
my ($insert, $ids) = MongoDB::write_insert("", [{foo => 1}]);
Passing multiple hashes imitates the behavior of MongoDB::Collection::batch_insert
This function returns the string and an array of the the _id fields that the inserted hashes will contain.
write_query($ns, $flags, $skip, $limit, $query, $fields?)
my ($query, $info) = MongoDB::write_query('foo.$cmd', 0, 0, -1, {getlasterror => 1});
Creates a database query to be used by MongoDB::Connection::send
. $flags
are query flags to use (see MongoDB::Cursor::Flags
for possible values). $skip
is the number of results to skip, $limit
is the number of results to return, $query
is the query hash, and $fields
is the optional fields to return.
This returns the query string and a hash of information about the query that is used by MongoDB::Connection::recv
to get the database response to the query.
write_update($ns, $criteria, $obj, $flags)
my ($update) = MongoDB::write_update("", {age => {'$lt' => 20}}, {'$set' => {young => true}}, 0);
Creates an update that can be used with MongoDB::Connection::send
. $flags
can be 1 for upsert and/or 2 for updating multiple documents.
write_remove($ns, $criteria, $flags)
my ($remove) = MongoDB::write_remove("", {name => "joe"}, 0);
Creates a remove that can be used with MongoDB::Connection::send
. $flags
can be 1 for removing just one matching document.