MongoDB::OID - A Mongo Object ID
If no _id
field is provided when a document is inserted into the database, an _id
field will be added with a new MongoDB::OID
as its value.
my $id = $collection->insert({'name' => 'Alice', age => 20});
will be a MongoDB::OID
that can be used to retreive or update the saved document:
$collection->update({_id => $id}, {'age' => {'$inc' => 1}});
# now Alice is 21
To create a copy of an existing OID, you must set the value attribute in the constructor. For example:
my $id1 = MongoDB::OID->new;
my $id2 = MongoDB::OID->new(value => $id1->value);
Now $id1
and $id2
will have the same value.
Warning: at the moment, OID generation is not thread safe.
The OID value. A random value will be generated if none exists already. It is a 24-character hexidecimal string (12 bytes).
Its string representation is the 24-character string.
my $date = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $id->get_time);
Each OID contains a 4 bytes timestamp from when it was created. This method extracts the timestamp.
Kristina Chodorow <>