0.29 01 March 2010
Added safe options for remove, update, and ensure_index
Added save method
Fixed bug in UTF8 checking
Fixed serialization of "tie %hash, 'Tie:IxHash'"
0.28 28 Jan 2010
Fixed undef values (Andrew Bryan)
Added GridFS multi-chunk test using File::Temp (Josh Rabinowitz)
Allow tie(%h, 'Tie::IxHash') to be used as well as Tie::IxHash->new
Fixed GridFS indexes and added chunkSize and uploadDate to metadata
Fixed batch_insert doc (Eric Wilhelm)
Fixed big endian build
0.27 22 Dec 2009
Indexes: Improved ensure_index syntax, added drop_dups option
Inserts: Added safe insert, checks object is < 4 MB before inserting
Fixed socket closing bug
Big-endian support
$ can be replaced by any character using MongoDB::BSON::char
MongoDB::OIDs: Fixed undefined behavior in serialization (Peter Edwards), added OID::get_time
5.8.7-compatible memory allocation (Peter Edwards)
Added MongoDB::MaxKey and MongoDB::MinKey support
0.26 09 Nov 2009
Don't force i386 arch (Needed to compile on OS X with x86_64) (Graham Barr)
Include inc/ dir for CPAN
Memory leak fixes
Added tutorial
0.24 15 Oct 2009
Fix for uninitialized array values (David Morrison)
boolean support
Connection memory leak fix
added MongoDB::Cursor::count
0.23 25 Sept 2009
Changes in this version by Ask Bjørn Hansen, Florian Ragwitz,
Orlando Vazquez, Kristina Chodorow, and Eric Wilhelm:
Make inserting double's (floats/NV's), undefined/null, Tie::IxHash values
Query sorting, snapshot, explain, and hint
Added non-unique ensure_index
Added GridFS
Added regex support
find_one takes optional fields parameter
DateTime used for dates
No C++ driver dependency
0.01 06 May 2009
Initial release.