Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties -- link properties between objects


use Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties;
my $conn = Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties->new
                       ([ $check,  'active' ],
                        [ $widget, 'visible' ]);

$conn->disconnect;   # explicit disconnect


Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties links together specified properties on two or more Glib::Objects (including Gtk2 widgets) so a change made to any one of them is propagated to the others.

This is an easy way to tie a user control widget to a setting elsewhere. For example a CheckButton active could be linked to the visible of another widget, letting the user click to hide or show.

+--------------------+             +-------------+
| CheckButton/active |  <------->  | Foo/visible |
+--------------------+             +-------------+

The advantage of ConnectProperties is that it's bi-directional, so if other code changes "Foo/visible" then that change is sent back to "CheckButton/active" too, ensuring the button display shows what it's controlling, no matter how the target changes. See examples/ in the Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties sources for a complete program.

Property Types

The following property types are supported

number         integer or float
enum           Glib::Enum subtypes
flags          Glib::Flags subtypes
object         Glib::Object
string array   Glib::Strv
some boxed     Glib::Boxed

Boxed types which work include Gtk2::Gdk::Color and Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle, but others may not. See "Equality" below.

Read-only properties on objects can be used. They're propagated out to the other linked properties but changes in those others are not stored back. Usually this is only useful when the read-only is the only one changing. You could easily enough make an explicit signal handler to propagate the value, but a ConnectProperties is convenient and is careful not to make circular references. See the read_only option below to force read-only.

Write-only properties can be used. Nothing is read out of them, they're just set from changes in the other linked properties. Sometimes write-only properties are pseudo "add" methods etc, so a write-only would be unusal. See the write_only option below to force write-only.

It works to link properties on the same object. This can ensure they update together. It also works to have different ConnectProperties linkages with an object/property in common. A change coming from one group propagates through to the other. This arises quite naturally if there's two controls for the same target.

A property name can include an explicit class like GtkLabel::justify in the usual style of set_property(), find_property(), etc.

[ $widget, 'GtkLabel::justify' ]

If a subclass accidentally shadows a superclass property name then this gives access to the superclass property. But it's otherwise unnecessary and not recommended. For a Perl subclass like My::Foo::Bar the fully-qualified name is My__Foo__Bar::propname, as usual for Perl module to Glib class name conversion.



$conn = Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties->new ([$obj1,$pname1], [$obj,$pname2], ...)

Connect two or more given object+property combinations. The connection lasts for as long as the objects do.

The return value is a Perl object of type Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties. It can be kept to later break the connection with disconnect() below, otherwise it can be ignored.

$conn = Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties->dynamic ([$obj1,$pname1], [$obj,$pname2], ...)

Connect two or more given object+property combinations. The return is a Perl object of type Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties. The connection lasts only as long as you keep that returned object.

The arguments to both constructors are arrayrefs with an object, a property name, and perhaps further options as described below. For example

  ([$object1, 'some-propname'],
   [$object2, 'another-propname']);

An initial value is propagated from the first object+property (the first readable one) to set all the others if they're not already the same. So put the object with the desired initial value first.

A ConnectProperties only keeps weak references to the objects, so the linkage doesn't prevent some or all of them being garbage collected.

A dynamic() linkage can be used if it's only wanted for a certain time, or if desired linkages might change and you want to drop an old one and make a new. For example something like the following inside a widget or object would allow a target to be changed, including changed to undef for nothing linked.

sub set_target {
  my ($self, $target_object) = @_;
  $self->{'conn'} =
      && Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties->dynamic
                     ([$self,   'my-prop'],
                      [$target, 'target-prop']);



Disconnect the given ConnectProperties linkage.

$conn can made by either new() and dynamic() above. A dynamic one is disconnected automatically when garbage collected.


Various key/value options can be given in each [$object,$propname] element. For example,

    ([$checkbutton, 'active'],
     [$label, 'sensitive', bool_not => 1]);

General Options

read_only => $bool

Treat the property as read-only, ignoring any writable flag in its ParamSpec. This is probably of limited use, but might for instance stop other properties writing back to a master control.

write_only => $bool

Treat the property as write-only, ignoring any readable flag in its ParamSpec.

This can be used for display things such as a Gtk2::Label which you want to set, but don't want to read back. If the value is mangled for display (see "Value Transformations" below) then there might not be an easy reverse transformation to read back anyway.

    ([$job, 'status'],
     [$label, 'text', write_only => 1]);

Of course an explicit signal handler can do a one-way set like this, but ConnectProperties is a couple less lines of code.

read_signal => $signame

Connect to $signame to see changes to the property. The default is the notify signal as notify::$propname which means a property change is immediately seen and propagated. A different signal can be used to do it at other times instead.

For example on a Gtk2::Entry the text property notifies for every character typed by the user. Using the activate signal instead you can take the value only when the user presses Return.

    ([$entry, 'text', read_signal => 'activate'],
     [$label, 'text']);

The signal can have any parameters (which are all ignored currently). Usually the only sensible signals are those like activate which are some sort of user action.

read_signal_return => $signame

The return value for the read_signal handler above. The default return is undef.

Generally the signals which are useful for triggering a read have no return value (ie. void), so no particular return is needed. But for example if a widget event handler was a good time to look at a property then a return of Gtk2::EVENT_PROPAGATE would generally be wanted to let other handlers see the event too.

    ([$widget, 'window',
      read_signal => 'map-event',
      read_signal_return => Gtk2::EVENT_PROPAGATE ],
     [$drawing_thing, 'target-window']);

Value Transformations

Storing a value goes through the following steps,

  1. Value transformations specified in the element, if any.

  2. value_validate() of the target ParamSpec (in Glib-Perl 1.220 where that method is available).

  3. Equality check, if the target is readable, to avoid a set_property() if it's already what's desired (see "Equality" below).

  4. set_property()

value_validate() does things like clamp numbers outside the ParamSpec min/max, perhaps manipulate string contents, etc. This at least gives something which can be stored.

Perl's usual value coercing such as stringizing, numizing, truncating integers, etc, applies to the value_validate() call and the set_property() call, in the usual way. This means string properties can be linked to number properties or similar with no special tranformations.

In the following options the "in" transformations are for storing and the "out" for reading. func is the most general. hash is handy for a fixed set of possible values.

bool_not => 1

Negate with the Perl ! operator. For example a check button which when checked makes a label insensitive,

    ([$checkbutton, 'active'],
     [$label, 'sensitive', bool_not => 1]);
func_in => $coderef
func_out => $coderef

Call $value = &$coderef($value) to transform values going in or coming out. (See examples/ in the Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties sources for a complete program doing this.)

hash_in => $hashref
hash_out => $hashref

Apply $value = $hashref->{$value} to transform values going in or coming out.

If a $value doesn't exist in the hash then the result will be undef in the usual way. Various tied hash modules can change that in creative ways, for example Hash::WithDefaults to look in fallback hashes.

The hashes are not copied, so future changes to their contents will be used, though there's nothing to forcibly update property values if current settings might be affected.

See examples/ in the Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties sources for a complete program using hash transforms.

For a read-write property the "in" should generally be the inverse of "out". Nothing is done to enforce that, but strange things are likely to happen if the two are inconsistent.

A read-only property only needs an "out" transformation and a write-only property only needs an "in" transformation, including when the read_only or write_only options above force it ("General Options").


Various additional object or widget settings can be accessed by ConnectProperties. They're either different flavour properties, or are non-property attributes which have some sort of signal notifying when they change. They're grouped as follows and described in detail below.

child#                  Gtk2::Container child properties
combobox-active#        Gtk2::ComboBox active item
model-rows#             Gtk2::TreeModel rows
response-sensitive#     Gtk2::Dialog and Gtk2::InfoBar
screen-size#            Gtk2::Gdk::Screen width,height
tree-selection#         Gtk2::TreeSelection active
  iconview-selection#   Gtk2::IconView active
widget#                 Gtk2::Widget various
widget-allocation#      Gtk2::Widget width,height,x,y

The Gtk2 things don't create a dependency on Gtk2 unless you use them. The implementation is modular so the extras are not loaded unless used. The # separator character doesn't clash with plain property names as it's not allowed in a ParamSpec name.

Container Child Properties

Gtk2::Container subclasses can define "child properties" which exist on a widget when it's in that type of container. For example Gtk2::Table has child properties for the attach positions. These are separate from normal object properties.

Child properties can be accessed from ConnectProperties in Perl-Gtk2 1.240 and up (where find_child_property() is available). The property names are "child#top-attach" etc on the child widget.

  ([$adj,         'value'],
   [$childwidget, 'child#bottom-attach']);

$childwidget should be in a container which has the given child property. If unparented later then nothing is read or written. Unparenting happens during destruction and quietly doing nothing is usually what you want.

It's unspecified yet what happens if $childwidget is reparented. In the current code Gtk emits a child-notify for each property so the initial value from the container propagates out. It may be better to apply the first readable ConnectProperties element onto the child, like a ConnectProperties creation. But noticing a reparent requires a parent-set or notify::parent signal, so perhaps a watch_reparent option should say when reparent handling might be needed, so as not to listen for something which won't happen.

ComboBox Active Row

The active row of a Gtk2::ComboBox can be accessed and controlled from ConnectProperties with the following. The Gtk2::Ex::ComboBoxBits helper module is required.

combobox-active#exists     boolean, read-only
combobox-active#path       Gtk2::TreePath
combobox-active#iter       Gtk2::TreeIter
combobox-active#text       string

path and iter are good for active sub-rows. The plain ComboBox active is enough for just toplevel row.

text is for use on a "simplified text" ComboBox as created by Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text().

Response Sensitive

Response sensitivity on a Gtk2::Dialog, Gtk2::InfoBar or similar can be controlled from ConnectProperties with

response-sensitive#ok       boolean
response-sensitive#123      boolean

The name part after the "#" is a Gtk2::ResponseType nick or name, or an integer application-defined response code (usually a positive integer).

  ([$job,    'have-help-available'],
   [$dialog, 'response-sensitive#help', write_only => 1]);

response-sensitive is always writable, applied with set_response_sensitive(). Often writing is all that's needed and the write_only option can force that if desired (see "General Options").

response-sensitive is readable if the widget has a get_response_for_widget() method, which means Gtk 2.8 up for Dialog, but not available for InfoBar (as of Gtk 2.22). There must be at least one button etc using the response, since sensitivity is not recorded in the dialog, it only sets the sensitive property of action area widgets. ConnectProperties currently assumes the first widget it finds using the response will not be removed. Perhaps this will be relaxed in the future, but perhaps only as an option since buttons are normally unchanging and extra listening would be needed to notice a change.

Button sensitivity can instead be controlled directly by finding the widget (or perhaps multiple widgets) for the given response and setting their sensitive property. This response-sensitive# lets someone else do the widget lookups.

Screen Size

Gtk2::Gdk::Screen width and height in pixels or millimetres can be accessed with

screen-size#width       integer pixels, read-only
screen-size#height      integer pixels, read-only
screen-size#width-mm    integer millimetres, read-only
screen-size#height-mm   integer millimetres, read-only

These are $screen->get_width() etc. width and height changes are from the size-changed signal, and in Gtk 2.14 width-mm and height-mm changes are from the monitors-changed signal (before 2.14 the millimetres don't change).

The size in pixels can change with the video mode, and a size in millimetres change can occur from a RANDR or Xinerama rearrangement of output monitors. In all cases the sizes are read-only, since Gtk2::Gdk::Screen doesn't have anything to perform video mode or monitor changes.

For example to display the width in a label,

my $toplevel = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel');
my $screen = $toplevel->get_screen;

# to display the size in some label widget
  ([$screen, 'screen-size#width'],
   [$label,  'label']);

For reference, under X the fullscreen() mode in Gtk2::Gdk::Window probably depends on the window manager noticing screen size changes. Hopefully it's not necessary for an application to link screen-size# to the window size to keep full screen on screen size changes.

TextBuffer Contents

The size of the text in a Gtk2::TextBuffer object can be accessed with

textbuffer#empty           boolean, read-only
textbuffer#not-empty       boolean, read-only
textbuffer#char-count      integer, read-only

For example "not-empty" might be connected up to make a clear button sensitive only when there is in fact something to clear

my $treeselection = $treeview->get_selection;
  ([$textbuf, 'textbuffer#not-empty'],
   [$button,  'sensitive', write_only => 1]);

These attributes use $textbuf->get_char_count(). Gtk2::TextBuffer doesn't offer this count from a property as such, only a method.

The full content is available as text property, but Gtk circa 2.24.8 doesn't seem to emit a notify for it, so if linking that use read_signal => "changed".

Tree Model Rows

The existence of rows in a Gtk2::TreeModel can be accessed with

model-rows#empty            boolean, read-only
model-rows#not-empty        boolean, read-only

These are read-only but might for instance be used to make a control widget sensitive only when a model has rows to act on.

  ([$model,  'model-rows#not-empty'],
   [$button, 'sensitive']);

Emptiness is simply per get_iter_first(). The row-deleted or row-inserted signals are used to listen for becoming empty or not empty.

TreeView and IconView Selected Rows

Row selection in a Gtk2::TreeSelection object (as used by Gtk2::TreeView) or in a Gtk2::IconView can be accessed with

tree-selection#empty           boolean, read-only
tree-selection#not-empty       boolean, read-only
tree-selection#count           integer, read-only
tree-selection#selected-path   Gtk2::TreePath or undef

iconview-selection#empty           boolean, read-only
iconview-selection#not-empty       boolean, read-only
iconview-selection#count           integer, read-only
iconview-selection#selected-path   Gtk2::TreePath or undef

For example "not-empty" might be connected up to make a delete button sensitive only when the user selects a row,

my $treeselection = $treeview->get_selection;
  ([$treeselection, 'tree-selection#not-empty'],
   [$button,        'sensitive', write_only => 1]);

selected-path is the first selected row and is intended for use with "single" selection mode where there's at most one row selected and a select_path() switches from any existing selected row to just the new one. It might be used to synchronise the selected item in two TreeViews.

Rows in a TreeSelection and items in an IconView are similar but not quite the same and so are kept as separate tree-selection# and icon-selection#.

For reference a "selected-iter" of type Gtk2::TreeIter might mostly work, though would prefer an equal() or compare() in the type rather than going via the model (Perl-Gtk2's to_arrayref() access only suits Perl code models).

Widget Various

The following various widget attributes can be accessed from ConnectProperties.

widget#direction      Gtk2::TextDirection enum, ltr or rtl
widget#screen         Gtk2::Gdk::Screen
widget#has-screen     boolean, read-only
widget#state          Gtk2::StateType enum
widget#toplevel       Gtk2::Window or undef, read-only

These things aren't properties (though perhaps they could have been) but instead have get/set methods and report changes with specific signals.

  • widget#direction is the "ltr" or "rtl" text direction, per get_direction() and set_direction() methods.

    If "none" is set then get_direction() gives back "ltr" or "rtl" following the global default. Storing "none" with ConnectProperties probably won't work very well, except to a forced write_only target so that it's not read back.

  • widget#screen uses the get_screen() method and so gives the default screen until the widget is added to a toplevel Gtk2::Window or similar to determine the screen.

    widget#screen is read-only for most widgets, but is writable for anything with a set_screen() such as Gtk2::Menu. There's a plain screen property on Gtk2::Window so it doesn't need this special widget#screen, but other widgets benefit. Gtk2::Gdk::Screen is new in Gtk 2.2 and widget#screen and widget#has-screen are not available in Gtk 2.0.x.

  • widget#state is the state() / set_state() condition, such as "normal" or "prelight".

    Note that storing "insensitive" doesn't work very well, since a subsequent setting back to "normal" doesn't turn the sensitive flag back on. Perhaps this will change in the future, so as to actually enforce the desired new state.

  • widget#toplevel is an ancestor with toplevel flag set, or undef if none. This is get_toplevel and its recommended $parent->toplevel flag check (as notified by hierarchy-changed).

      ([$toolitem, 'widget#toplevel'],
       [$dialog,   'transient-for']);

    The toplevel is normally a Gtk2::Window or subclass but in principle could be another class.

Widget Allocation

$widget->allocation fields on a Gtk2::Widget (see Gtk2::Widget) can be read with

widget-allocation#width       integer, read-only
widget-allocation#height      integer, read-only
widget-allocation#x           integer, read-only
widget-allocation#y           integer, read-only
widget-allocation#rectangle   Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle, read-only

width and height are the widget's current size as set by its container parent (or the window manager for a top level). The values are read-only, but for example might be connected up to display somewhere,

  ([$toplevel, 'widget-allocation#width'],
   [$label,    'label']);

A possible use might be to connect the allocated size of one widget to the width-request or height-request of another so as to make it follow that size, though how closely depends on what the target's container parent might allow. (See Gtk2::SizeGroup for inducing a common width or height request among a set of widgets.)

  ([$image,  'widget-allocation#height'],
   [$vscale, 'height-request']);

x and y are the position of the widget area within its windowed ancestor. rectangle is the whole $widget->allocation() object. These may be of limited use but are included for completeness.


ConnectProperties uses a notify signal handler on each object to update the others. Updating those others causes them to emit their own further notify signals (even if the value is unchanged), so some care must be taken not to have an infinite loop. The present strategy is twofold

  • An "in progress" flag in the ConnectProperties object, so during an update it recognises that any further notify emissions as its own doing and can be ignored.

  • On each target the value from a get is compared before doing a set. If already right then the set call is not made at all.

The in-progress flag acts against immediate further notifys. This could also be done by temporarily disconnecting or blocking the handlers, but that seems more work than ignoring.

Compare-before-set copes with freeze_notify() because in that case the notify calls don't come while the "in progress" flag is on, only later, perhaps a long time later.

If the func_in / func_out transformations are inconsistent, so that a value going in is always different from what comes out, then usually the "in progress" case prevents an infinite loop, as long as the program eventually reaches a state with no freeze_notify in force.

It might be wondered if something simpler is possible. For the general case no, not really. The specific set_foo() methods on most widgets and objects often notice an unchanged setting and do nothing, but when using the generic set_property() the protection above is needed.


An existing value and prospective new value are compared using values_cmp() in Glib-Perl 1.220 or a fallback otherwise. For example in Glib::Param::Double anything within "epsilon" (1e-90 by default) is close enough. values_cmp() lets ParamSpec subclasses control what they consider equal.

The core Glib::Param::Boxed only compares by pointer value, which is fairly useless since boxed objects are frequently copied so you probably don't have an identical pointer. ConnectProperties tries to improve this by:

  • equal() or compare() method from the value type when available. This covers Gtk2::Gdk::Color, Gtk2::Gdk::Region and Gtk2::TreePath.

  • Glib::Strv compared by string contents.

  • Gtk2::Border compared by field values.

  • Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor compared by type, though bitmap cursors are still only by pointer.

  • Glib::Scalar compared with eq. This may be of limited help and it's probably better to subclass Glib::Param::Scalar and make a type-specific values_cmp, if/when that's possible.

Glib::Param::Object pspecs could perhaps benefit from using an equal() or compare() method on the object the same as for boxed objects. But usually when setting a Glib::Object it's a particular object which is desired, not just contents. If that's not so then as with Glib::Scalar it could be handled by a ParamSpec subclass with a values_cmp() to express when different objects are equal enough. If/when possible that would work for both C code and Perl code comparisons.

Object Implementation

If you're writing an object or widget (per Glib::Object::Subclass) don't forget to explicitly notify when changing a property outside a SET_PROPERTY(). For example,

sub set_foo {
  my ($self, $newval) = @_;
  if ($self->{'foo'} != $newval) {
    $self->{'foo'} = $newval;

This sort of notify is necessary in any object or widget implementation. Failing to do so will in particular mean ConnectProperties doesn't work, and probably other things. A SET_PROPERTY() can call out to a setter function like the above to re-use code. In that case Glib collapses the notify to just one notify signal at the end of SET_PROPERTY().


Glib::Object, Glib::ParamSpec

Glib::Boxed, Gtk2




Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Kevin Ryde

Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties. If not, see