Glib::Ex::EnumBits -- misc enum helpers


use Glib::Ex::EnumBits;



$str = Glib::Ex::EnumBits::to_display ($enum_class, $nick)

Return a string to display $nick from $enum_class. This is meant to be suitable for a menu, label, etc.

$enum_class is a class name such as "Glib::UserDirectory". A class method and hash are consulted, otherwise to_display_default below is used. That default is often enough.

If $enum_class has a $enum_class->EnumBits_to_display ($nick) method then it's called and a non-undef used. For example,

Glib::Type->register_enum ('My::Things',
                           'foo', 'bar-ski', 'quux');
sub My::Things::EnumBits_to_display {
  my ($class, $nick) = @_;
  return "some thing $nick";

Or if the class has a %EnumBits_to_display variable that it's checked and a non-undef there used,

Glib::Type->register_enum ('My::Things',
                           'foo', 'bar-ski', 'quux');
%My::Things::EnumBits_to_display = ('foo'     => 'Food',
                                    'bar-ski' => 'Barrage');

Setting that may provoke a "used only once" warning (per perldiag) in a program, though normally not in a module. Use no warnings 'once', or a package and our,

  package My::Things;
  Glib::Type->register_enum (__PACKAGE__, 'foo', 'bar');
  our %EnumBits_to_display = ('foo' => 'Oof');

The package style like this can be handy if setting up a to_description below too.

$str = Glib::Ex::EnumBits::to_display_default ($enum_class, $nick)

Return a string form for value $nick from $enum_class. The nick is split into words and numbers, and ucfirst applied to each word. So for example

"some-val1" -> "Some Val 1"

The $enum_class parameter is not currently used, but it's the same as to_display above and might be used in the future for better default mangling.


$str = Glib::Ex::EnumBits::to_description ($enum_class, $nick)

Return a string description of value $nick from $enum_class, or undef if nothing known. This is meant to be a long form perhaps for a tooltip etc.

If $enum_class has a $enum_class->EnumBits_to_description ($nick) method then it's called,

Glib::Type->register_enum ('My::Things',
                           'foo', 'bar-ski', 'quux');
sub My::Things::EnumBits_to_description {
  my ($class, $nick) = @_;
  return "Long text about $nick";

Or if the class has a %EnumBits_to_description hash table that it's used,

Glib::Type->register_enum ('My::Things',
                           'foo', 'bar-ski', 'quux');
%My::Things::EnumBits_to_description =
  ('foo'     => 'Some foo for thought',
   'bar-ski' => 'Horizontal line segment');


Nothing is exported by default, but the functions can be requested in usual Exporter style,

use Glib::Ex::EnumBits 'to_display_default';
print to_display_default ($class, $nick);

There's no :all tag since this module is meant as a grab-bag of functions and to import as-yet unknown things would be asking for name clashes.


Glib, Glib::Type, Gtk2::Ex::ComboBox::Enum



Copyright 2010 Kevin Ryde

Glib-Ex-ObjectBits is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Glib-Ex-ObjectBits is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Glib-Ex-ObjectBits. If not, see