Graph::Maker::BinomialTree - create binomial tree graph
use Graph::Maker::BinomialTree;
$graph = Graph::Maker->new ('binomial_tree', N => 32);
creates a
graph of the binomial tree with N vertices. Vertices are numbered from 0 at the root through to N-1.
/ | \ N => 8
1 2 4
| / \
3 5 6
The parent of vertex n is n with its lowest 1-bit cleared to 0. Conversely, the children of a vertex are each change each of its low 0s to a 1, provided the result is < N. For example n=1000 has children 1001, 1010, 1100. At the root, the children are single bit powers 2^j up to the high bit of the vertex limit N-1.
By construction, the tree is labelled in pre-order since a vertex ...1000 has below it all ...1xxx.
Option order => k
is another way to specify the number of vertices. A tree of order k has N=2^k many vertices. Such a tree has depth levels 0 to k inclusive. The number of vertices at depth d is the binomial coefficient binom(k,d), hence the name of the tree.
The N=8 example above is order=3 and the number of vertices at each depth is 1,3,3,1 which are binomials (3,0) through (3,3).
A top-down definition is order k tree as two copies of k-1, one at the root and the other a child of that root.
/...\ \ order k as two order k-1
In the N=8 order=3 example above, 0-3 is an order=2 and 4-7 is another order=2, with 4 starting as a child of the root 0.
A bottom-up definition is order k tree as order k-1 with a new leaf vertex added as a new first child of each existing vertex. The vertices of k-1 with extra low 0-bit become the even vertices of k. An extra low 1-bit is the new leaves.
Binomial tree order=5 appears as the frontispiece (and the paperback cover) in Knuth "The Art of Computer Programming", volume 1, "Fundamental Algorithms", second and subsequent editions. Vertex labels are binary dots.
$graph = Graph::Maker->new('binomial_tree', key => value, ...)
The key/value parameters are
N => integer order => integer graph_maker => subr(key=>value) constructor, default Graph->new
Other parameters are passed to the constructor, either
is the number of vertices, 0 to N-1. Or insteadorder
gives N=2^order many vertices.Like
, if the graph is directed (the default) then edges are added both up and down between each parent and child. Optionundirected => 1
creates an undirected graph and for it there is a single edge from parent to child.
Wiener Index
The Wiener index of a binomial tree of order k is calculated in
K. Viswanathan Iyer and K. R. Udaya Kumar Reddy, "Wiener index of Binomial Trees and Fibonacci Trees", Intl J Math Engg with Comp, 2009,
(k-1)*4^k + 2^k
Wiener(k) = --------------- = 0, 1, 10, 68, 392, ... (A192021)
The Wiener index is total distance between pairs of vertices, so the mean distance is, with binomial to choose 2 of the 2^k vertices,
Wiener(k) k
MeanDist(k) = ---------------- = k-1 + ------- for k>=1
binomial(2^k, 2) 2^k - 1
The tree for k>=1 has diameter 2*k-1 between ends of the deepest and second-deepest subtrees of the root. The mean distance as a fraction of the diameter is then
MeanDist(k) 1 1 1
----------- = --- - ------- + -------------------
diameter(k) 2 4*k - 4 (2 - 1/k) * (2^k-1)
-> 1/2 as k->infinity
Balanced Binary
An ordered tree can be coded as pre-order balanced binary by writing at each vertex
1, balanced binaries of children, 0
The bottom-up definition above is a new leaf as new first child of each vertex. That means the initial 1 becomes 110, so starting 10 for single vertex get repeated substitutions
10, 1100, 11011000, ... (A210995)
The top-down definition above is a copy of the tree as new last child, so one copy at *2 and one at *2^2^k, giving
k-1: 1, tree k-1, 0
k: 1, tree k-1, 1, tree k-1, 0, 0
b(k) = (2^(2^k)+2) * b(k-1), starting b(0)=2
= 2*prod(i=1,k, 2^(2^i)+2)
= 2, 12, 216, 55728, 3652301664, ... (A092124)
The tree is already labelled in pre-order so balanced binary follows from the parent rule. The balanced binary coding is 1 at a vertex and later 0 when pre-order skips up past it. A vertex with L many low 1-bits skips up past L many (including itself).
vertex n: 1, 0 x L where L=CountLowOnes(n)
The last L goes up only to the depth of the next vertex. The balance can be completed by extending to total length 2N for N vertices. The tree continued infinitely is
1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, ... (A079559)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Independence and Domination
From the bottom-up definition above, a tree of even N has a perfect matching, being each odd n which is a leaf and its even attachment. An odd N has a near-perfect matching (one vertex left over).
Like all trees with a perfect matching, the independence number is then half the vertices, and when N odd can include the unpaired and work outwards from there by matched pairs so indnum = ceil(N/2).
The domination number is found by starting each leaf not in the dominating set and its attachment vertex in the set. This is all vertices so domnum = floor(N/2) except N=1 domination number 1.
House of Graphs entries for the trees here include
1310 N=1 (order=0), single vertex
19655 N=2 (order=1), path-2
32234 N=3, path-3
594 N=4 (order=2), path-4
30 N=5, fork
496 N=6, E graph
714 N=7
700 N=8 (order=3)
28507 N=16 (order=4)
21088 N=32 (order=5)
33543 N=64 (order=6)
33545 N=128 (order=7)
Entries in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences related to the binomial tree include (etc)
by N vertices
A129760 parent vertex number, clear lowest 1-bit
A000523 height, floor(log2(N))
A090996 number of vertices at height, num high 1-bits
by order
A192021 Wiener index
A092124 pre-order balanced binary coding, decimal
A210995 binary
A079559 binary sequence of 0s and 1s
Graph::Maker, Graph::Maker::BalancedTree, Graph::Maker::BinaryBeanstalk
Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Kevin Ryde
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