Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree -- rationals by tree


use Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree->new (tree_type => 'SB');
my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


In progress.

This path enumerates reduced rational fractions X/Y with no common factor between X and Y by one of four different types of binary trees.

The trees effectively represent a coprime pair X,Y by the steps of the binary greatest common divisor algorithm which would prove X,Y coprime. The different encoding of those steps gives a different order for the X/Y values in the tree types. See examples/ in the PlanePath sources to print all four trees.

Stern-Brocot Tree

The default tree_type=>"SB" is the tree of Moritz Stern and Achille Brocot. The rows are fractions of increasing value.

N=1                             1/1
                          ------   ------
N=2 to N=3             1/2               2/1
                      /    \            /   \
N=4 to N=7         1/3      2/3      3/2      3/1
                   | |      | |      | |      | |
N=8 to N=15     1/4  2/4  3/5 3/4  4/3 5/3  5/2 4/1

Writing the parents in between the children as an "in-order" traversal to given depth gives values in increasing order too,

    1/2      |      2/1
1/3  |  2/3  |  3/2  |  3/1
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |

1/2 1/2 2/3 1/1 3/2 2/1 3/1

New values are formed by a "mediant" (x1+x2)/(y1+y2) of left and right parents based on this flattening. The 4/3 above is formed from left parent 1/1 and right parent 3/2 for mediant (1+3)/(1+2)=4/3.

Plotting the N values by X,Y is as follows. The unused X,Y positions are where X and Y have a common factor. For example X=6,Y=2 has common factor 2 so is excluded.

10  |  512        35                  44       767
 9  |  256   33        39   40        46  383       768
 8  |  128        18        21       191       384
 7  |   64   17   19   20   22   95       192   49   51
 6  |   32                  47        96
 5  |   16    9   10   23        48   25   26   55
 4  |    8        11        24        27        56
 3  |    4    5        12   13        28   29        60
 2  |    2         6        14        30        62
Y=1 |    1    3    7   15   31   63  127  255  511 1023
       X=1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

The X=1 vertical is the 1/Y fractions at the start of each tree row Nstart=2^level. The Y=1 horizontal is the Y/1 integers at the end each row Nend=2^(level+1)-1.

Calkin-Wilf Tree

tree_type=>"CW" selects the tree of Neil Calkin and Herbert Wilf.

The values within each row of the tree are the same as the Stern-Brocot, but in a different order.

N=1                             1/1
                          ------   ------
N=2 to N=3             1/2               2/1
                      /    \            /    \
N=4 to N=7         1/3      3/2      2/3      3/1
                   | |      | |      | |      | |
N=8 to N=15     1/4  4/3  3/5 5/2  2/5 5/3  3/4 4/1

Going across by rows the denominator of one value becomes the numerator of the next. So at 4/3 the denominator 3 becomes the numerator of 3/5 to its right. Each row is symmetric too, reading from right to left is the reciprocals of left to right.

A node descends as

    /     \         applied N bits high to low
X/(X+Y)  (X+Y)/Y

This can can be viewed in reverse to see how it relates to the binary greatest common divisor algorithm. The smaller of P,Q is subtracted from the bigger,

   P/(Q-P)         (P-Q)/P
  /          or        \
P/Q                    P/Q

Plotting the N values by X,Y has the same X=1 vertical and Y=1 horizontal as the SB above, but the values in the middle differ.

10  |  512        56                  38      1022
 9  |  256   48        60   34        46  510       513
 8  |  128        20        26       254       257
 7  |   64   24   28   18   22  126       129   49   57
 6  |   32                  62        65
 5  |   16   12   10   30        33   25   21   61
 4  |    8        14        17        29        35
 3  |    4    6         9   13        19   27        39
 2  |    2         5        11        23        47
Y=1 |    1    3    7   15   31   63  127  255  511 1023
       X=1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

N values for the SB and CW trees are converted by reversing bits. If N = binary "1abcde" in the SB tree then the same X/Y is at N = binary "1edcba" in the CW. For example at X=3,Y=4 the SB tree has N=11=0b1011 and the CW has N=14=0b1110, a reversal of the bits below the high 1.

N to X/Y in the CW tree can be calculated keeping track of just an X,Y pair and descending to X/(X+Y) or (X+Y)/Y using the bits of N from high to low. The relationship between the SB and CW N's means the same can be used to calculate the SB tree, by taking the bits of N from low to high instead.

Andreev and Yu-Ting Tree

tree_type=>"AYT" selects the tree described (independently is it?) by D. N. Andreev and Shen Yu-Ting.

Their constructions are a one-to-one mapping between integer N and rational X/Y as a way of enumerating the rationals, not a tree as such, but the result is the same sort of 2^level rows as the above trees. The X/Y values within each row are the same as SB and CW, but in a different order.

N=1                             1/1
                          ------   ------
N=2 to N=3             2/1               1/2
                      /    \            /    \
N=4 to N=7         3/1      1/3      3/2      2/3
                   | |      | |      | |      | |
N=8 to N=15     4/1  1/4  4/3 3/4  5/2 2/5  5/3 3/5

Each fraction descends as follows. The left is an increment and the right its reciprocal (the reciprocal of the increment).

      /     \
X/Y + 1     1/(X/Y + 1)

which means

    /     \          applied N bits high to low
(X+Y)/Y  Y/(X+Y)

The (X+Y)/Y is the same as in the CW (on the right instead of left), but Y/(X+Y) is not the same as X/(X+Y) of the CW.

The Y/(X+Y) right leg forms the Fibonacci numbers F(k)/F(k+1) at the end of each row, at Nend=2^(level+1)-1. And as noted by Andreev successive right legs at N=4k+1 and N=4k+3 points add up to 1,

X/Y at N=4k+1   +   X/Y at N=4k+3   =  1
Eg. 2/5 at N=13 and 3/5 at N=15 add up to 1

Plotting the N values by X,Y gives

10  |  513        41                  43       515
 9  |  257   49        37   39        51  259       514
 8  |  129        29        31       131       258
 7  |   65   25   21   23   27   67       130   50   42
 6  |   33                  35        66
 5  |   17   13   15   19        34   26   30   38
 4  |    9        11        18        22        36
 3  |    5    7        10   14        20   28        40
 2  |    3         6        12        24        48
Y=1 |    1    2    4    8   16   32   64  128  256  512
       X=1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

The Y=1 horizontal is the X/1 integers at Nstart=2^level. The X=1 vertical is the 1/Y fractions. Those fractions always immediately follow the corresponding integer, at N=Nstart+1.

Bird Tree

tree_type=>"Bird" selects the Bird tree by Ralf Hinze.

It's expressed recursively (illustrating Haskell features) and ends up as

N=1                             1/1
                          ------   ------
N=2 to N=3             1/2               2/1
                      /    \            /    \
N=4 to N=7         2/3      1/3      3/1      3/2
                   | |      | |      | |      | |
N=8 to N=15     3/5  3/4  1/4 2/5  5/2 4/1  4/3 5/3

The descendants of each node are plus one and reciprocal, or reciprocal and plus one (the other way around),

         /       \
1/(tree + 1)     (1/tree) + 1

which ends up meaning

    /     \        applied N bits low to high
(X+Y)/X  Y/(X+Y)

Plotting the N values by X,Y gives,

10  |  682        41                  38       597      
 9  |  341   43        45   34        36  298       938 
 8  |  170        23        16       149       469      
 7  |   85   20   22   17   19   74       234   59   57 
 6  |   42                  37       117                
 5  |   21   11    8   18        58   28   31   61      
 4  |   10         9        29        30        50      
 3  |    5    4        14   15        25   24        54 
 2  |    2         7        12        27        52      
Y=1 |    1    3    6   13   26   53  106  213  426  853 
       X=1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

Notice that unlike the other trees the X=1 vertical of fractions 1/Y are not the Nstart=2^level or Nend=2^(level+1)-1 row endpoints. Those 1/Y fractions are instead on a zigzag through the middle of the tree giving binary N=1010...etc of alternate 1 and 0 bits. The integers X/1 in the Y=1 vertical are similar, but N=11010...etc starting the alternation from a 1 in the second highest bit, since those integers are in the right hand half of the tree.


See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for the behaviour common to all path classes.

$path = Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree->new ()
$path = Math::PlanePath::RationalsTree->new (tree_type => $str)

Create and return a new path object.

($n_lo, $n_hi) = $path->rect_to_n_range ($x1,$y1, $x2,$y2)

Return a range of N values which occur in a rectangle with corners at $x1,$y1 and $x2,$y2. The range is inclusive.

For reference, $n_hi can be quite large because there's only one new X/1 integer and the same 1/Y fractions within each row, which means more or less $n_hi = 2**max(x,y).


Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::PythagoreanTree



Copyright 2011 Kevin Ryde

This file is part of Math-PlanePath.

Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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