Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve -- Sierpinski curve


use Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve->new (arms => 2);
my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


This is an integer version of the self-similar curve by Waclaw Sierpinski traversing the plane by right triangles. The default is a single arm of the curve in an eighth of the plane.

10  |                                  31-32
    |                                 /     \
 9  |                               30       33
    |                                |        |
 8  |                               29       34
    |                                 \     /
 7  |                         25-26    28 35    37-38
    |                        /     \  /     \  /     \
 6  |                      24       27       36       39
    |                       |                          |
 5  |                      23       20       43       40
    |                        \     /  \     /  \     /
 4  |                 7--8    22-21    19 44    42-41    55-...
    |               /     \           /     \           /
 3  |              6        9       18       45       54
    |              |        |        |        |        |
 2  |              5       10       17       46       53
    |               \     /           \     /           \
 1  |        1--2     4 11    13-14    16 47    49-50    52
    |      /     \  /     \  /     \  /     \  /     \  /
Y=0 |  .  0        3       12       15       48       51
      X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

The tiling it represents is

              / | \
             /  |  \
            /  7| 8 \
           / \  |  / \
          /   \ | /   \
         /  6  \|/  9  \
       /|\  5  /|\ 10  /|\
      / | \   / | \   / | \
     /  |  \ /  |  \ /  |  \
    /  1| 2 X 4 |11 X 13|14 \
   / \  |  / \  |  / \  |  / \ ...
  /   \ | /   \ | /   \ | /   \
 /  0  \|/  3  \|/  12 \|/  15 \

The points are on a square grid with integer X,Y. 4 points are used in each 3x3 block. In general a point is used if

X%3==1 or Y%3==1 but not both

which means
((X%3)+(Y%3)) % 2 == 1

The X axis N=0,3,12,15,48,etc are all the integers which use only digits 0 and 3 in base 4. For example N=51 is 303 base 4. Or equivalently the values all have doubled bits in binary, for example N=48 is 110000 binary. (Compare the CornerReplicate which also has these values along the X axis.)

Level Ranges

Counting the N=0 to N=3 as level=1, N=0 to N=15 as level 2, etc, the end of each level, back at the X axis, is

Nlevel = 4^level - 1
Xlevel = 3*2^level - 2
Ylevel = 0

For example level=2 is Nend = 2^(2*2)-1 = 15 at X=3*2^2-2 = 10.

The top of each level is half way along,

Ntop = (4^level)/2 - 1
Xtop = 3*2^(level-1) - 1
Ytop = 3*2^(level-1) - 2

For example level=3 is Ntop = 2^(2*3-1)-1 = 31 at X=3*2^(3-1)-1 = 11 and Y=3*2^(3-1)-2 = 10.

The factor of 3 arises from the three steps which make up the N=0,1,2,3 section. The Xlevel width grows as

Xlevel(1) = 3
Xlevel(level+1) = 2*Xwidth(level) + 3

which dividing out the factor of 3 is 2*w+1, given 2^k-1 (in binary a left shift and bring in a new 1 bit, giving 2^k-1).

Notice too the Nlevel points as a fraction of the triangular area Xlevel*(Xlevel-1)/2 gives the 4 out of 9 points filled,

FillFrac = Nlevel / (Xlevel*(Xlevel-1)/2)
        -> 4/9


The optional arms parameter can draw multiple curves, each advancing successively. For example arms => 2,

   33       39       57       63         11
  /  \     /  \     /  \     /
31    35-37    41 55    59-61    62-..   10
  \           /     \           /
   29       43       53       60          9
    |        |        |        |
   27       45       51       58          8
  /           \     /           \
25    21-19    47-49    50-52    56       7
  \  /     \           /     \  /
   23       17       48       54          6
             |        |
    9       15       46       40          5
  /  \     /           \     /  \
 7    11-13    14-16    44-42    38       4
  \           /     \           /
    5       12       18       36          3
    |        |        |        |
    3       10       20       34          2
  /           \     /           \
 1     2--4     8 22    26-28    32       1
     /     \  /     \  /     \  /
    0        6       24       30      <- Y=0

X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11

The N=0 point is at X=1,Y=0 (in all arms forms) so that the second arm is within the first quadrant.

Anywhere between 1 and 8 arms can be done this way. arms=>8 is as follows.

       ...                       ...           6
        |                          |
       58       34       33       57           5
         \     /  \     /  \     /
...-59    50-42    26 25    41-49    56-...    4
      \           /     \           /
       51       18       17       48           3
        |        |        |        |
       43       10        9       40           2
      /           \     /           \
    35    19-11     2  1     8-16    32        1
      \  /     \           /     \  /
       27        3     .  0       24       <- Y=0

       28        4        7       31          -1
      /  \     /           \     /  \
    36    20-12     5  6    15-23    39       -2
      \           /     \           /
       44       13       14       47          -3
        |        |        |        |
       52       21       22       55          -4
      /           \     /           \
...-60    53-45    29 30    46-54    63-...   -5
         /     \  /     \  /     \
       61       37       38       62          -6
        |                          |
       ...                       ...          -7

 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6

The middle "." is the origin X=0,Y=0. It would be more symmetrical to make the origin the middle of the eight arms, at X=-0.5,Y=-0.5 in the above, but that would give fractional X,Y values. Apply an offset as X+0.5,Y+0.5 if desired.


The optional diagonal_spacing and straight_spacing can increase the space between points diagonally or vertically/horizontally. The default for each is 1.

$path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve->new
           (straight_spacing => 2,
           (diagonal_spacing => 1)

The effect is only to spread the points. In the level formulas above the "3" factor becomes 2*d+s, effectively being the N=0 to N=3 section being d+s+d.

d = diagonal_spacing
s = straight_spacing

Xlevel = (2d+s)*(2^level - 1)  + 1

Xtop = (2d+s)*2^(level-1) - d - s + 1
Ytop = (2d+s)*2^(level-1) - d - s

Closed Curve

Sierpinski's original conception was a closed curve filling a unit square by ever greater self-similar detail,

/\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\ /\_/\
\   / \   / \   / \   /
 | |   | |   | |   | |
/ _ \_/ _ \ / _ \_/ _ \
\/ \   / \/ \/ \   / \/
   |  |         | |
/\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\
\   / \   / \   / \   /
 | |   | |   | |   | |
/ _ \ / _ \_/ _ \ / _ \
\/ \/ \/ \   / \/ \/ \/
          | |
/\_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/\
\   / \   / \   / \   /
 | |   | |   | |   | |
/ _ \_/ _ \ / _ \_/ _ \
\/ \   / \/ \/ \   / \/
   |  |         | |
/\_/ _ \_/\ /\_/ _ \_/\
\   / \   / \   / \   /
 | |   | |   | |   | |
/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

The code here might be pressed into use for this by drawing a mirror image of the curve (N=0 through Nlevel above). Or using the arms=>2 form (N=0 to N=4^level, inclusive) and joining up the ends.

The curve is usually conceived as scaling down by quarters. This can be had with straight_spacing => 2, and then an offset to X+1,Y+1 to centre in a 4*2^level square


See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for behaviour common to all path classes.

$path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve->new ()
$path = Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurve->new (arms => 8)

Create and return a new path object.

($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n)

Return the X,Y coordinates of point number $n on the path. Points begin at 0 and if $n < 0 then the return is an empty list.

Fractional positions give an X,Y position along a straight line between the integer positions.

$n = $path->n_start()

Return 0, the first N in the path.


The Sierpinski curve is in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences as,    etc

A039963   turn 1=right,0=left, doubling the KochCurve turns
A081706   N-1 of left turn positions
A127254   abs(dY), so 0=horizontal 1=diagonal or vertical,
            except extra initial 1

A039963 is numbered starting n=0 for the first turn, which is at the point N=1 in the path here.


Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiCurveStair, Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiArrowhead, Math::PlanePath::KochCurve



Copyright 2011, 2012 Kevin Ryde

Math-PlanePath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Math-PlanePath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Math-PlanePath. If not, see <>.