Pod::MinimumVersion - Perl version for POD directives used


use Pod::MinimumVersion;
my $pmv = Pod::MinimumVersion->new (filename => '/some/');
print $pmv->minimum_version,"\n";
print $pmv->reports;


Caution: This is work in progress, don't use it yet.

Pod::MinimumVersion parses the POD in a Perl script, module, or document, and reports what version of Perl is required to process the directives in it, with pod2man etc.


The following POD features are identified.

  • L<display text|target<gt> display part, new in 5.005.

  • C<< foo >> double-angles, new in 5.6.0.

  • =head3 and =head4 commands, new in 5.8.0.

  • L<> new in 5.8.0. (Prior versions take the "/" as a "section" part, giving some very poor output.)

  • E<apos>, E<sol>, E<verbar> chars, new in 5.8.0. (Documented in 5.6.0, but pod2man doesn't recognise them until 5.8.)

  • =encoding command, new in 5.10.0. (Documented in 5.8.0, but pod2man doesn't recognise it until 5.10.)


$pmv = Pod::MinimumVersion->new (key => value, ...)

Create and return a new Pod::MinimumVersion object which will analyze a document. The document is supplied as one of

filehandle => $fh,
string     => 'something',
filename   => '/my/dir/foo.pod',

For filehandle and string, a filename can be supplied too to give a name in the reports, with the handle or string being what's actually read.

The above_version option lets you set a Perl version you use, to get reports only about features above that level.

above_version => '5.006',
$version = $pmv->minimum_version ()
$report = $pmv->minimum_report ()

Return the minimum Perl required for the document in $pmv.

minimum_version returns a version object (see version). minimum_report returns a Pod::MinimumVersion::Report object described below.

@reports = $pmv->reports ()

Return a list of Pod::MinimumVersion::Report objects concerning the document in $pmv.

These multiple reports let you identify multiple places that a particular Perl is required. With the above_version option the reports are only about a Perl higher than that.

The report from minimum_version and minimum_report is simply the highest Perl among these multiple reports.

Pod::MinimumVersion::Report Object

A Pod::MinimumVersion::Report object holds a location within a document and a reason that a particular Perl is needed at that point. The hash fields are

filename   string
linenum    integer, with 1 for the first line
version    version object
why        string
$str = $report->as_string

Return a formatted string for the report. Currently this is in GNU file:line style, simply

<filename>:<linenum>: <version> due to <why>


version, Perl::MinimumVersion, Perl::Critic::Policy::Compatibility::PodMinimumVersion



Copyright 2009 Kevin Ryde

Perl-Critic-Pulp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

Perl-Critic-Pulp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Perl-Critic-Pulp. If not, see <>.