Math::PlanePath::MathImageUlamWarburton -- points in quater-imaginary base 2i


use Math::PlanePath::MathImageUlamWarburton;
my $path = Math::PlanePath::MathImageUlamWarburton->new;
my ($x, $y) = $path->n_to_xy (123);


In progress.

This is the pattern of a cellular automaton studied by Ulam and Warburton with cells numbered by growth level and anti-clockwise within the level.

                           94                                  9
                        95 87 93                               8
                           63                                  7
                        64 42 62                               6
                     65    30    61                            5
                  66 43 31 23 29 41 60                         4
               69    67    14    59    57                      3
            70 44 68    15  7 13    58 40 56                   2
   96    71    32    16     3    12    28    55    92          1
97 88 72 45 33 24 17  8  4  1  2  6 11 22 27 39 54 86 91   <- Y=0
   98    73    34    18     5    10    26    53    90         -1
            74 46 76    19  9 21    50 38 52       ...        -2
               75    77    20    85    51                     -3
                  78 47 35 25 37 49 84                        -4
                     79    36    83                           -5
                        80 48 82                              -6
                           81                                 -7
                        99 89 101                             -8
                          100                                 -9

-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 X=0 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

The rule is that a given cell grows up, down, left and/or right, but only if the new cell has no neighbours (up, down, left or right). So,

            a                  initial level 0 cell
         b  a  b               level 1 

      c  b  a  b  c            level 2  

         d  c  d      
      d     b     d   
   d  c  b  a  b  c  d         level 3  
      d     b     d   
         d  c  d  

         d  c  d     
      d     b     d   
e  d  c  b  a  b  c  d  e      level 4
      d     b     d   
         d  c  d  

The initial cell "a" is N=1, then the "b" cells are numbered N=2 to N=5 anti-clockwise from the right, and likewise the "c" cells N=6 to N=9. The "b" cells can only grow outwards for 4 "c"s, since the other up/down etc would have a neighbour in the existing "b"s.

The "d" cells are then N=10 to N=21, numbered following the previous level "c" cell order and anti-clockwise around each. Notice that there's only 4 "e" cells since the "d"s can only grow along the X,Y axes as all other up/down etc have neighbours (the existing "b"s and "d"s).

In general each level always grows by 1 along the X and Y axes and the plane in between is filled in a sort of diamond shaped tree pattern which ends up with 11 cells in each 4x4 square block.

Level Ranges

Counting level 0 as the N=1 at the origin, and level 1 as the next N=2,3,4,5 generation, the number of new cells added in a growth level is

levelcells(0) = 1
levelcells(level) = 4 * 3^((count 1 bits in level) - 1)

So level 1 has 4*3^0=4 cells, as does level 2 N=6,7,8,9. Then level 3 has 4*3^1=12 cells N=10 through N=21 because 3=0b11 has two 1 bits in binary. The N start for a level is the cumulative total of those before it,

Nstart(level) = 1 + (levelcells(0) + ... + levelcells(level-1))

For example level 3 starts at N=1+(1+4+4)=10.

level    Nstart     levelcells   
  0          1          1
  1          2          4
  2          6          4
  3         10         12
  4         22          4
  5         26         12
  6         38         12
  7         50         36
  8         86          4
  9         90        ...

For a power-of-2 level the Nstart sum is

Nstart(2^a) = 2 + 4*(4^a-1)/3

For example level=4=2^2 starts at N=2+4*(4^2-1)/3=22, or level=4=2^3 starts N=2+4*(4^3-1)/3=86.

Further bits in the level value contribute powers-of-4 with a tripling for each bit above. So if the level has bits a,b,c,d,etc in descending order,

level = 2^a + 2^b + 2^c + 2^d ...
Nstart = 2 + 4*(4^a-1)/3
           +       4^(b+1)
           +   3 * 4^(c+1)
           + 3^2 * 4^(d+1) + ...

For example level=6 = 2^2+2^1 is Nstart = 1 + (1+4*(4^2-1)/3) + 4^(1+1) = 38. Or level=7 = 2^2+2^1+2^0 is Nstart = 1 + (1+4*(4^2-1)/3) + 4^(1+1) + 3*4^(0+1) = 50.


This automaton is in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences as

A147582 - new cells in level n
A147562 - cumulative total cells to level n    etc

The A147582 new cells sequence starts from n=1, so has the innermost N=1 single cell as level n=1, then N=2 to N=5 as level n=2, etc. This makes the formula a binary ones count of n-1 rather than n the way levelcells() above has it.

The 3^(count 1 bits in level) part of the levelcells() is separately in A048883, and in A147610 with n-1.


See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::PlanePath for the behaviour common to all path classes.

$path = Math::PlanePath::MathImageUlamWarburton->new ()

Create and return a new path object.

($x,$y) = $path->n_to_xy ($n)

Return the X,Y coordinates of point number $n on the path. Points begin at 1 and if $n < 0 then the return is an empty list.


Math::PlanePath, Math::PlanePath::SierpinskiTriangle