Math::NumSeq::SqrtContfracPeriod -- period of square root continued fractions
use Math::NumSeq::SqrtContfracPeriod;
my $seq = Math::NumSeq::SqrtContfracPeriod->new;
my ($i, $value) = $seq->next;
This the period of the repeating part of the continued fraction expansion of sqrt(i).
0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 4, 2, etc
For example sqrt(3) is 1 then two terms 1,2 repeating, for period 2. Perfect squares terminate at the first term of the continued fraction, with no repeating part, and the period for them is taken to be 0.
See "FUNCTIONS" in Math::NumSeq for the behaviour common to all path classes.
$seq = Math::NumSeq::SqrtContfracPeriod->new (sqrt => $s)
Create and return a new sequence object giving the Contfrac expansion terms of
. $value = $seq->ith ($i)
Return the period of sqrt($i).