SDLx::Surface - Graphic surface matrix extension
use SDL;
use SDL::Video;
use SDLx::Surface;
# Create the main surface (display)
my $display = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE);
my $surf_matrix = SDLx::Surface->new( surface => $display);
$surf_matrix->[10][10] = 0xFFFF; #for 16bpp write white at x = 10 and y=10
$surf_matrix->surface( $new_surface );
my $orig_surface = $surf_matrix->surface();
An SDLx::Surface
allows matrix read and write to a surface, safely.
Takes a SDL::Surface in hash format.
If a surface is passed to 'surface =>' that is loaded. Otherwise you can define at least a width and a height.
SDLx::Surface->new( surface => $surface) # The $surface is loaded
SDLx::Surface->new( width=> 400, height=>200)
# A SDL::Surface->new( SDL_ANYFORMAT, 400, 200, 32) is loaded
SDLx::Surface->new( width=> 400, height=>200, flags=> SDL_SWSURFACE, depth=>24 )
# A SDL::Surface->new( SDL_SWSURFACE, 400, 200, 24) is loaded
SDLx::Surface->new( width=> 400, height=>200, flags=> SDL_SWSURFACE, depth=>32, greenmask=>0xFF000000 )
# A SDL::Surface->new( SDL_ANYFORMAT, 400, 200, 32, 0, 0xFF000000,0, 0, 0 ) is loaded
SDLx::Surface->new( w => 1, h => 1, color => 0xFF0000FF )
# A SDL::Surface->new( SDL_ANYFORMAT, 1, 1, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) is loaded
all pixels are colored with color (red)
If SDLx::App::new or SDL::Video::get_video_mode called before then:
my $appx = SDLx::Surface::display();
gets the display if it is already made. Passed options are ignored. Otherwise you can quickly make the display with :
SDLx::Surface::display( width => 20, height => 20) #depth => 32 and SDL_ANYFORMAT used
or you can also pass flags and depth.
SDLx::Surface::display( width => 20, height => 20, flags=> SDL_HWSURFACE, depth=>24)
You can also use the keys w
and h
in place of width
and height
, as with new
Get or create the main display surface and attach to a SDLx::Surface
Does a attributes only, no pixel, copy of another SDLx::Surface.
If a SDL::Surface is passed it is attached to the matrix. Returns the SDL::Surface that is currently attached to this SDLx::Surface
w, h, format, pitch, flags
Returns the inner SDL::Surface's respective attribute. See SDL::Surface
Sets the passed SDL::Rect
as the new clip_rect for the surface. Returns the SDL::Surface's clip_rect. See SDL::Video::get_clip_rect and SDL::Video::set_clip_rect. =head1 EXTENSIONS
my $surface = SDLx::Surface->load( 'hero.png' );
my $surface = SDLx::Surface->load( 'hero.dat', 'bmp' );
Loads the given image file into a new SDLx::Surface surface. A new surface is always created, even if you call it from an already crafted object. Croaks on errors such as no support built for that image extension or a file reading error (the error message is SDL::get_error and should give more details).
Note that load() will automatically figure out the extension based on the filename you provide. If you wish to force an extension for whatever reason (like having a filename with a different extension or none at all), you can optionally pass the file type as a second parameter. Case is not relevant.
If you don't have SDL_image in your build, only bitmap images will be supported.
Returns the new Surface.
$sdlx_surface->blit( $dest, $src_rect, $dest_rect );
Blits SDLx::Surface
onto $dest surface. $src_rect or $dest_rect are optional. If $src_rect is ommited, it will be the size of the entire surface. If $dest_rect is ommited, it will be blitted at (0, 0)
. $src_rect or $dest_rect can be array refs or SDL::Rect
. $dest can be SDLx::Surface
or SDL::Surface
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->blit_by( $src, $src_rect, $dest_rect );
Does the same as blit
but the SDLx::Surface
is the one being blitted to. This is useful when the surface you have isn't an SDLx::Surface
, but the surface it is being blitted to is.
Applies SDL::Video::flip to the Surface, with error checking.
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->update(); # whole surface is updated
$sdlx_surface->update([0,0,1,1]); # only that area (0,0,1,1) is updated
$sdlx_surface->update( [ SDL::Rect->new(0,0,1,2) ... ]); # defined rects are updated
Applies SDL::Video::update_rect for no rect or 1 array ref. Applies SDL::Video::update_rects for array of SDL::Rects.
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->draw_rect( [$x,$y,$w,$h], 0xFFFF00FF );
$sdlx_surface->draw_rect( SDL::Rect->new($x,$y,$w,$h), 0xFFFF00FF );
Draws a rect on the surface with the given color. If the rect is ommited, the colored rect will be drawn to the entire surface.
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->draw_line( [$x1, $y1], [$x2, $y2], $color, $antialias); # $color is a number
$sdlx_surface->draw_line( [$x1, $y1], [$x2, $y2], \@color, $antialias); #
Draws a line on the surface. Antialias is turned on if $antialias is true.
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->draw_circle( [$x1, $y1], $radius, \@color );
Draws an unfilled circle at ($x1,$y1)
of size $radius and $color.
Returns $self
$sdlx_surface->draw_filled_circle( [$x1, $y1], $radius, \@color );
Draws an filled circle at ($x1,$y1)
of size $radius and $color.
Returns $self
Draw text using gfx (not pretty but fast) at give vector, color.
$surf->draw_gfx_text( [0,0], 0xffffffff, "fooo");
$surf->draw_gfx_text( [10,10], [20,20,20,20], "fooo");
You can also set the gfx font but passing a hash reference as shown below.
my $f = '';
open( my $FH, '<', 'test/data/5x7.fnt');
binmode ($FH);
read($FH, $f, 4096);
close ($FH);
my $font = {data=>$f, cw => 5, ch => 7};
$surf->draw_gfx_text( [0,0], 0xffffffff, "fooo", $font );
Returns $self